NAACP complaint causes locals to seek SBI probe in Pasquotank
Local authorities have asked the State Bureau of Investigation to look into allegations made by the NAACP that two law enforcement officers "body-slammed" a teen at a football game. Pasquotank County Sheriff Randy Cartwright said he asked the SBI to review the case "to make sure everyone is treated fairly." In addition, the Elizabeth City Police Department and the sheriff's office are conducting internal reviews. At issue is whether police Sgt. John Young and sheriff's Deputy Joe Tade, who were working security at a Northeastern High School football game Aug. 27, used unnecessary force when one of them apprehended and handcuffed a 14-year-old. Raymond Rivers, president of the local NAACP, said this week that an officer "body-slammed" the teen, who allegedly stole a football belonging to another officer's child. [