Bob Johnson: Hillary Clinton's Sold Out Sambo-Negro
- Snigger -- a sold-out smiling Sambo-Negro. 2) a South-Bender offender. Snigggers smile for nothing except an empty mind. They typically have an intellectual base yet are devoid of intelligence, thus promoting the on-going smiling face. They also often giggle and have a frivolous conception of society and scant knowledge of the vestiges of the trans-Atlantic slave trade that brought their sorry ass to shore. Sniggers are traitors and pawns of the oppressors. Watch the company you keep! Don't cross-over unless you are ready to bend over! (See: Straw Boss, Sambo & Criss-Crossover). Resonated & Orchestrated by Dr. Blynd, Ph.F. [MORE]
Who needs racists and bigots when you have people like Robert Johnson? Robert Johnson, the individual who built a multi-million dollar media empire based upon the exploitation of African American youth. It was this Robert Johnson who allowed the airwaves of BET to be infiltrated with images of half naked, booty shakin' black women who were constantly labeled as bitches and hoes by their male gangster rapping counterparts. This is the same Robert Johnson, who after amassing his wealth off the exploitation of his people, sold his media empire to white corporate elitists who continue his legacy of exploitation to this day. In fact, one of the first things King World did after taking ownership of BET was to discontinue the news show which was one of the few, if not the only, intellectually stimulating programs which provided a venue for black people to remain aware of the events in their communities. Say what you will about Oprah and Bill Cosby, but their wealth is not tainted by denigrated images of their people. They each made a conscientious decision to portray themselves and African Americans with whom they associated as productive, responsible, intellectual and loving human beings, addressing the same issues in life as do all Americans.
It is most unfortunate that Mr. Johnson allowed himself to be the conduit for a well designed racially divisive message. Be not deceived. The Clinton campaign intended to transform the opinions of those white Americans who may have been lured by the charms of Senator Obama. The message being, if he is winning only because he is black, they must certainly come together and make certain she wins because she is white. This combined with the portrayals of Osama Bin Laden, after already injecting a possible connection between Senator Obama and terrorists, sealed the deal and keeps her in the game. The question that remains is at what cost?
Senator Clinton has made an insignificant dent in the lead of Senator Obama and she has a snow ball's chance in hell of winning the nomination. In this one instance, she would do good to follow the lead of the Republicans. They were gentleman and left the race early on so that the front runner could prepare for the battle in November. It is now time for Senator Clinton to show herself to be a lady and do the same. [MORE]