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Judge & Prosecutor @ the Same Time: White Judge Resigns After Caught Texting Prosecutor During Trial

A "Fair" Trial in a racist system? Rarely discussed, courtrooms are epicenters of racism.The deck is especially stacked against non-white defendants as the criminal justice system is simply rigged to ensure the greater confinement of non-whites.

Judge Coker has apparently admitted to being a part of the maniipulation of the process - as she conspired with prosecutors to convict at least one defendant during a trial. No virtue here. This is the ultimate hypocrisy for a judge presiding over a criminal trial allegedly designed to be "fair" for all. Her unjust conduct should call into question her rulings in all her previous criminal cases. Also, all prosecutors involved should be terminated for betraying the public trust - 'as prosecutors have a sworn duty to govern impartially and a duty not to win a case, but to do justice [MORE @281]- white supremacy is carried out through deception and/or force. [MORE]

Innocent Until Proven Guilty just a Slogan. From [HEREElizabeth Coker, a judge for the 258th District Court in Livingston Texas, has signed an “Agreement To Resign From Judicial Office In Lieu Of Disciplinary Action” after being investigated by the Texas Department of Judicial Review. Livingston is about 33% non-white. Texas Department of Judicial Review. Judge Coker has agreed to step down from the bench December 6 and to never serve as a judge again. Coker will officially take a leave of absence until then.

Judge Coker, who is a third generation Texas jurist, was caught texting suggested questions to Kaycee Jones, the prosecutor in a trial she was presiding over, trying to help Jones secure a conviction. It didn’t work. The defendant was acquitted in that trial.

According to the Montgomery County Police Reporter, the State Department of Judicial Review found evidence that Judge Coker was hands on in trying to manipulate the course of justice in her court in other instances as well.

From the agreement Judge Coker signed:

“Judge Coker allegedly engaged in other improper ex parte communications and meetings with Jones, other members or the Polk County District Attorney’s Office, the San Jacinto County District Attorney, and certain defense attorneys regarding various cases pending in her court; Judge Coker allegedly exhibited a bias in favor of certain attorneys and a prejudice against others in both her judicial rulings and her court appointments: and .Judge Coker allegedly met with jurors in an inappropriate manner, outside the presence of counsel, while the jurors were deliberating in one or more criminal trials.”

A White Proseuctor Involved is Now a Judge. Kaycee Jones, the prosecutor who Judge Coker was texting her helpful hints during trial is a judge now. In fact, she asked Judge Coker to administer her oath of office last January (in photo).

Judge Jones has acknowledged and apologized for her part in the texting episode and promised not to be corrupt again.

This texting incident was only one of several alleged incidents in which Coker undermined the justice system.

[J]udge Coker used Assistant District Attorney Jones to privately communicate information about the Reeves case to the assistant district attorney prosecuting the case; to suggest questions for the prosecutor to ask during the trial; to ensure that a witness was able to refresh his memory and rehabilitate his testimony by reviewing his videotaped interview with law enforcement before he took the stand for the second time the following day; and to discuss legal issues pertinent to the case. in an unsuccessful effort to assist the State obtain a guilty verdict in the case…

[t]he Commission investigated claims that Judge Coker allegedly engaged in other improper ex parte communications and meetings with Jones, other members of the Polk County District Attorney’s Office, the San Jacinto County District Attorney, and certain defense attorneys regarding various Cases pending in her court; Judge Coker allegedly exhibited a bias in favor of certain attorneys and a prejudice against others in both her judicial rulings and her court appointments: and Judge Coker allegedly met with jurors in an inappropriate manner, outside the presence of counsel, while the jurors were deliberating in one or more criminal trials [MORE]