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If they [white folks] are OK with executing you in broad daylight in front of numerous cameras and witnesses, why would they care about your march? Protesters Will Walk in Circle [NYC to D.C.] against Police Brutality

From [HERE]  A march from New York City to Washington, D.C., to protest police brutality started Monday morning in Staten Island -- the borough where Eric Garner was murdered last summer by NYPD. [MORE] If you are still attempting moral suasory on racists then you have missed the point. [MORE] Its time for some other shit. But enjoy the fellowship and workout. 

"Stop expecting racist white people to solve our problems". Singing songs, holding hands, making great speeches, talking on TV and taking long, long walks and many other behaviors, have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the challenges and conditions of the open warfare continuously being waged against the Black & Brown collective. [MORE]

Now, lets clear the air on a few things about the white media Eric Garner coverage:

It was Never About One Cop. It was a Gang of White Cops. "Have you ever see one lone white man lynch one lone Black man? Have you ever seen it done without a gun?" [MORE] Eric Garner was killed by a gang of white cops who smothered and pounced on him as a white cop placed him in a choke hold. But only one white cop was charged by white prosecutors. If a Black man put a white man in chokehold in front of white witnesses and a group of like 7 other Blacks pounced on him then.... [they would all be on death row]. 

Grand Jury was All White in the Blackest City in the Country. No cops were indicted by an all white grand jury.[MORE] Yes an all-white grand jury in NYC, a city with the largest number of Blacks in the country. NYC is also the mecca for democrats and liberals. What are they doing for you? The white jurors were presented with 28 eyewitnesses and had every camera angle - jurors saw the Youtube video, NYPD video, store video and City street camera video. If you believe that racist suspects are concerned with whether 'Black lives matter' then you want to be deceived.