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"Big Brother: the condition created by all of us who asked law to do things (and be responsible) for us. . .Laws are not just made to be broken; they are in acute, logical conflict with humanity."

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Big Brother - the condition created by all of us who asked law to do things (and be responsible) for us. More laws translate into more people "breaking" the law, eventuating in our demands for more law to fix lawbreakers and more automatons (police) hired to "catch" them. Laws are not just made to be broken; they are in acute, logical conflict with humanity. Rather than using and abusing law to carry your load, try using law to preserve your individuality and phfreedom--the power to carry your own load. When you seek to use law--law seeks to abuse you. When we try to fix problems with law, only more problems are created. 2) Phallocentric-sadistic totalitarian ideology. Big Brother is totally devoid of love, without concern for the health, wealth, and mental well-being of the living human. Big Brother is a logical abstraction, not a person, but a personification of the elder brother archetype whose absolute control of every aspect of personal and public life castrates the possibility of sustained or pleasurable sexual experience. Big Brother has no wife whom a man can desire. The domination of the brother over the father figure destroys the younger man's fantasy of both political prowess and sexual virility. "Orwell's book 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' was not so much an onerous warning for the future as it was a satire on what was already happening in 1948, when the book was published. "Magna Frater Te Spectat." (See: The Greater System, Corporations, Richcraft, Economatrix, The Matrix, Granfalloon, Government, Corporate State, Hidden Tax, Slavery, Second Tax, Real Tax & Surveillance State)