Racist Business Index Journal — BrownWatch

Racist Business: Geico

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Information: The Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO) is an auto insurance company. It is the second largest auto insurer in the United States. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway that as of 2007 provided coverage for more than 13 million motor vehicles owned by more than 12 million policy holders. [MORE]  It is controlled by racist suspects

Offending Merchant:  For the past decade Geico has presented images of Black people that are degrading and dehumanizing and provided its share of commercials supportive to the System of White Supremacy (Racism). These kinds of mindless 30 second commercials are "mental drive-bys" intended to inferiorize non-white people. Check the following:


Egypt as a white civilization. The white race is responsible for civilization, culture, progress and all other good things. This is racist fantasy. Whites are responsible for destroying Egypt and claiming African knowledge as their own. To ensure our powerless status it became necessary to dehumanize Africans and devalue their historical worth. During slavery days this ensured Black people's value as slaves and now it maintains our worldwide downgraded status. [MORE

Ultimate hypocrisy. Egypt, a Nile Valley civilization was already old before Europe was born. Modern man, Homo Sapien Sapien evolved entirely in Africa about 200,000 years ago. The earliest "European Caucasian" evolved from the African between 30-25,000 years ago in an Ice-Age environment near the southern limit of the great line of European glaciers along the 51st parallel of the southwestern Russia. A so-called 'non-African creation of Egypt is like saying the child gave birth to himself, then he created his own mother.'[MORE]  And this is the nature of white supremacy/racism = idiotic, no substance to it [so don't cling to it]. George James explains the purpose of this racist propaganda is mental bondage, which is invisible violence making Black individuals self contained. [MORE]


The voyages of Columbus mark a starting point of world capitalism and the beginning of European colonial domination of the world - in reality the voyages represent mass murder, slavery and conquest, an exaltation of the continuing oppression of billions of people today. Columbus is a symbol of the "implementation of a Caucasian-centered colonizer's model of civilization  - a heinousness, and an absolute and unmitigated monstrous barbarism that, frankly, belies a vampirism in Caucasian civilizations' relationships with African descent people.' [MORE] and [MORE] Columbus as an icon is something only oppressors (or fools) could celebrate." [MORE]

The Black man as the Clown or functional, mindless child


The Black man as the Clown or functional, mindless child


Black people and pigs, (a low animal) as disaffected "minority groups."  [minority means loser. whats a minority when the world is 90% non-white?]

Racist Business: Hot Mama

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Information: Hot Mama is a national retail chain store that sells women's clothing. Hot Mama has 43 stores nationwide, including three in Colorado. It is owned by a racist suspect. [MORE]

Offending Merchant:  Hot Mama, upheld, supported or perpetrated the system of racism when it allegedly encouraged employees to follow non-white customers around the store and make them feel uncomfortable as part of an anti-theft guideline, according to the ACLU The complaint is [HERE]. 

Potential thieves are defined as people who do not “look like typical Hot Mama shoppers.” The store’s written policy specifically acknowledges that some customers will recognize that they are being followed “because of [their] race” and instructs employees not to “worry about making them uncomfortable.” According to the policy, “That is your goal in this situation. The more uncomfortable they become, the quicker they leave… forever.”  “Hot Mama’s policy gives the company’s blessing to racial targeting,” the ACLU said. [MORE

Racist Business: Brown Brothers Harriman

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Information. Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (BBH) is the oldest and largest private bank in the United States. In 1931, the merger of Brown Brothers & Co. (founded in 1818) and Harriman Brothers & Co. formed the current BBH.

Brown Brothers Harriman is also notable for the number of influential American politicians, government appointees, and Cabinet members who have worked at the company, such as W. Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, George H. W. Bush, Robert A. Lovett, Richard W. Fisher, Robert Roosa, and Alan Greenspan. It is owned and controlled by racist suspects

Offending Merchant: Brown Brothers Harriman & Co allegedly upheld, supported or perpetrated the system of racism by particpating and profiting from the slave trade.

According to USA Today, records and letters at the New York Historical Society show James and William Brown built their merchant bank — today's Brown Bros. Harriman — by lending to Southern planters, brokering slave-grown cotton and acting as a clearinghouse for the South's complex financial system. The firm earned commissions arranging cotton shipments from Southern ports to mills in New England and Britain. It also loaned millions directly to planters, merchants and cotton brokers throughout the South.

Company records show Brown Bros. loaned to plantation owners who told the firm that they needed the cash to buy slaves. When those planters or their banks failed, Brown Bros. took possession of the assets. It used its local agents to run repossessed plantations and manage the slaves working there.

The fullest picture of the Browns as slaveholders comes from 1840s and 1850s Louisiana court records affirming Brown's claim to three Concordia Parish cotton plantations totaling 4,614 acres, and the plantations' 346 slaves, each named in court records.

Brown Bros. & Co. merged with two other firms in 1931 to create Brown Bros. Harriman.

Donald Murphy, a partner, says the investment bank has no pre-Civil War records and sees no need to go through its records. "As an institution, I and my partners could look you in the eye and say we abhor that slavery ever existed in this or any other country. And yet I don't feel qualified to comment on practices and actions of a different society of 175 years ago," he says. [MORE]

Racist Business: Walt Disney

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Information: The Walt Disney Company, commonly known as Disney, is an American diversified multinational mass media corporation headquartered at the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California. It is the world's second largest broadcasting and cable company in terms of revenue, after Comcast. It is controlled by racist suspects

Offending Merchant:  For decades Disney has presented images of Black people that are degrading and dehumanizing and provided its share of entertainment supportive to the System of White Supremacy (Racism). PolicyMic has provided a review of some of it's most racist programming. Above is a clip from Dumbo (1941) which features the character "Jim Crow", a black crow who coons for us. This "classic" also contains, "Song of the Roustabouts,"  in which faceless black circus workers work while singing, "We slave until we’re almost dead / We’re happy-hearted roustabout" and "Keep on working / Stop that shirking / Pull that rope, you hairy ape." [MORE] and [MORE]

Racist Business: Macy's

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Information. Macy's is owned and operated by racist supects. 

Offending Merchant:  Macy's upheld, supported or perpetrated the system of racism through a pattern of racially targeting Black and Latino customers shopping in its stores. For over a decade, non-white customers have come forward and alleged that they were profiled in the store and unlawfully detained. For instance, Maria Paez, of Venezuela, claimed she was racially profiled, falsely arrested, imprisoned for 3 hours and forcefully separated from her child after employees at Macy’s in Herald Square accused her of shoplifting. Her attorney, Herb Subin, said “when you go to Macy’s, you check your rights at the door,” In other instances employees have used force and racial slurs on profiled customers. [MORE]

In August 2014, after a high-profile investigation that lasted 18 months, Macy’s agreed to pay $650,000 to settle a racial profiling case and hire an independent monitor to address complaints from minority shoppers.

The New York state attorney general’s office opened the investigation in February 2013, after receiving reports from customers who said they faced heightened surveillance from clerks and security officers at the Macy’s flagship department store at Herald Square in Manhattan. Some of the shoppers were wrongfully detained. The issue attracted public attention when it was discovered that one of the shoppers alleging unfair treatment was Robert Brown, an American actor known for his work on the HBO series Treme.

State attorney general Eric Schneiderman said in a press statement that an inquiry found that Macy’s had “detained African-Americans, Hispanics and other minorities for allegedly shoplifting at significantly higher rates relative to whites.” [MORE]

In January 2005, in a settlement between Macy's and New York State rMacy's agreed to pay $600,000 in damages and change its security practices for the alleged racial profiling.

  • New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer in an investigation found that more than 75 percent of the customers detained at Macy's 29 department stores in New York state are black and Latino, significantly higher than the percentage of blacks and Latinos who shop there.
  • Spitzer's office also found that Macy's staff were unlawfully handcuffing customers. Spitzer said his office investigated five stores, chosen at random after numerous complaints: one in Manhattan, two in Westchester County, one on Long Island and the one in Colonie. At one upstate store, blacks and Latinos were at least five times more likely to be handcuffed than whites by security guards, according to the attorney general's investigation
  • "Spitzer said "what we found was those who were shopping at Macy's, those who were black or Latino, were dealt with differently." [MORE]

Racist Business: Barneys New York

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Information. Barneys New York is owned by Perry Capital, a racist supect. 

Offending Merchant:  Barneys upheld, supported or perpetrated the system of racism through a pattern of racially targeting Black and Latino customers shopping in its stores. Barneys has been repeatedly accused of racially profiling its customers throughout the years. In 1996, Johnnie Roberts, a journalist for Newsweek, published an account of an incident taking place in the spring of 1990 in which he was mistakenly accused of shoplifting because of being an African American.

In 2013 in multiple episodes involving Black customers employees targeted them for theft because they were non-white. Then, working in concert with the NYPD, Black & Latino persons were unlawfully stopped, questioned, searched and detained by NYPD cops. In many of the reported cases the customers had done nothing wrong. [MORE] and [MORE]

For instance, Trayon Christian, a 19-year-old mechanical engineering student, filed a civil rights lawsuit against Barneys. He said he was interrogated by police and released, in April 2013, after purchasing a $349 Ferragamo belt with what the store alleged was a fake credit card. In another incident, according to Kayla Phillips, a 21-year-old woman from Brooklyn, police swarmed her at a subway station, demanding to see her credit card. She had purchased a $2,500 Celine purse at Barneys. Again, no charges were filed. [MORE] and [MORE]

Racist Business: Aetna Inc.

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Information. Aetna, Inc., is one of the nation’s largest health insurers and it is owned and operated by racist supects. 

Offending Merchant: Bayer allegedly upheld, supported or perpetrated the system of racism by participating in the slave trade. Aetna, Inc., acknowledged selling policies in the 1850s that reimbursed slave owners for financial losses when their slaves died. [MORE] and [MORE]

"Aetna has long acknowledged that for several years shortly after its founding in 1853 that the company may have insured the lives of slaves," said Aetna spokesman Fred Laberge. "We express our deep regret over any participation at all in this deplorable practice."

Aetna’s public apology was prompted by an inquiry from activist Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, who contacted the Hartford-based company to seek an apology and reparations.

In 2002, Farmer-Paellmann brought suit against Aetna and two other companies in federal court asking for reparations for the descendants of slaves. The lawsuit said Aetna, CSX and Fleet were "unjustly enriched" by "a system that enslaved, tortured, starved and exploited human beings. " It argued that African-Americans are still suffering the effects of 2½ centuries of enslavement followed by more than a century of institutionalized racism. The complaint blamed slavery for present-day disparities between blacks and whites in income, education, literacy, health, life expectancy and crime.

In 2006, Farmer-Paellmann announced a nationwide boycott of Aetna over the issue of reparations for its policies covering slaves. 

Aetna, which noted that the slave policies were legal before slavery was abolished, said it plans to make no reparations. "We have concluded that no further actions are required at this time," Laberge said. Aetna said its records show the company wrote no more than a dozen such policies to slave owners. The company said it previously acknowledged having written slave policies in a report prepared in 1956. [MORE]

Racist Business: Lehman Brothers

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Information. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (former NYSE ticker symbol LEH) was a global financial services firm. Before declaring bankruptcy in 2008, Lehman was the fourth-largest investment bank in the US (behind Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch), doing business in investment banking, equity and fixed-income sales and trading (especially U.S. Treasury securities), research, investment management, private equity, and private banking. It was owned and operated by racist supects. 

Offending Merchant:  Lehman Brothers upheld, supported or perpetrated the system of racism  by participating in the slave trade. According to the Sun Times, the financial services firm acknowledged recently that its founding partners owned not one, but several enslaved Africans during the Civil War era and that, “in all likelihood,” it “profited significantly” from slavery. Within a few years this business grew to become the most significant part of their operation. [MORE]

The U.S. Census of 1860 lists Mayer Lehman as the owner of seven slaves — three males and four females — ranging in age from 5 to 50. "Some of these were household slaves. Others may have been used in the firm," notes a family history, The Lehmans: From Rimpar to the New World.  In the collection of Lehman family and business memorabilia at Columbia University is a photograph of a receipt for the purchase in 1854 of a 14-year-old slave girl named Martha. The buyer is listed as H. Lehman & Brother, the name of the firm before Emanuel's arrival. The Columbia collection also contains a private, unpublished history of the Lehman Bros. investment bank that details the brothers' purchase of a male slave for $900 and their ownership of other slaves as early as 1850.[MORE]

Racist Business: Bayer

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Information. Bayer AG is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company owned and operated by racist supects. 

Offending Merchant: Bayer allegedly upheld, supported or perpetrated the system of racism when it knowingly infected non-white people with H.I.V. In February of 1984, a division of the pharmaceutical company Bayer (Cutter Biological) knowingly sold H.I.V. infected medications to Asia and Latin America to prevent financial losses. After a discovered H.I.V. outbreak in America amongst small, hemophiliac children that was traced back to Bayer medications, the company began to sell a new, safe medication in the West, however they sent the old batches, many of which they knew were infected, to Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The worth of this medication totaled more than $4 million.

"After 1978, there were four major companies in the United States engaged in the manufacture, production and sale of Factor VIII and IX: Armour Pharmaceutical Company, Bayer Corporation and its Cutter Biological division, Baxter Healthcare and its Hyland Pharmaceutical division and Alpha Therapeutic Corporation, which have been or are defendants in certain lawsuits.

"The plaintiffs allege that the companies manufactured and sold blood factor products as beneficial "medicines" that were, in fact, contaminated with HIV and/or HCV and resulted in the mass infection and/or deaths of thousands of haemophiliacs worldwide." [MORE]

A New York Times article published on March 18th, 1987, it states, “Bayer A.G., the giant West German chemical company, said today that it had been sued over its sale of hemophilia drugs that may have been infected with the AIDS virus.”

It continues that Bayer representatives stated that fewer than twenty patients filed liability claims against the company, however according to a later article from New York Times, published in 2003, there’s no way of really knowing how many people were infected. Most patient records are unavailable, and since the AIDS test wasn’t developed until later in the epidemic, it’s difficult to pinpoint when foreign hemophiliacs were infected. However, in Hong Kong and Taiwan, more than 100 hemophiliacs were recorded to have contracted the disease after taking medication from the old batches.