Most whites believe they're superior to Blacks b/c they believe in an imaginary human hierarchy. If you don't know this about whites, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you
/FUNKTIONARY states, “The zombie is one who walks the twilight zone, thinking thoughts not his own, and doesn’t even know it even if he’s shown.” James Baldwin said, “People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster.” It takes a profound sense of denial or a Zombie mind to not see the vast unequal power between white and Black people and the master-servant relations between the two. 90% of the world's population of 7 billion people are non-white. Nevertheless, as Dr. Bobby Wright states, 'everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, the whites are in control. Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability.' [MORE] Dr. Amos Wilson observes, although Europeans are only 10% of the worlds population and inhabit only small parts of the globe that are relatively RESOURCE-LESS compared to non-European countries, nevertheless, the European is saddled with GREAT WEALTH, economic and political power and controls the globe.’
In general, Black people function as “a powerless class” having no power independent of elite whites. In nearly all the metro areas where the majority of Black people reside in the US, elite whites control and own all major resources (such as banks, local mainstream media, major real estate, ports, utilities, large corporations and businesses, all major industry, major non-profits, unions, hospitals, etc) and own most major real estate and anything else of substantial material value. Neely Fuller explains that most elite whites are racist or perpetuate racism. He further explains, ‘in a socio-material system dominated by wealthy, powerful racists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by elite white. In such places elite whites function as the major decision makers in regards to what happens or does not happen to non-white people, particularly Blacks and Latinos.’ Elite whites are their employers, landlords, creditors, land owners, supervisors, bosses and major decision-makers. Fuller states, ‘Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by elite whites. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many Black people prefer not to acknowledge.’ [MORE] Thus, in their direct or indirect relations with elite whites, most black people function as their employees, workers, consumers, leasees, helpers, servants, tenants, patients, clients and customers, etc. Dr. Amos Wilson describes elite whites as basically “soul controllers” of Black people who project, create and control them through reward and punishment like mice in Skinner’s lab. He rhetorically asks;
‘Who has control of your food? Who has control of your electricity? Who has control of your water? Of your jobs? Who tells you what to wear when you go to work? Who tells you when to come to work...when to leave...when to go to to to to do to do that...and how are these things taught, and how they are conditioned?"-- It is by reward and punishment. " You do this you get paid; you don't do this you don't get paid; you get a raise, you get docked. What do we have here?’
Contrary to liberal whitenology, racists use the granfalloon of race to dominate and control Black people - hate and mean words have little to do with it; master-servant relations are the gravamen of the system of racism white supremacy - not mere bigotry, overt hatred or affiliation with bad groups, such as the KKK or Nazis.
Elite whites have deceived Black people with language and confused the words bigotry as racism and used the terms interchangeably to further their own political goals. Elite liberals in particular (scholars, publishers, professionals, pundits and media probots, puppeticians and the Black rolebots who parrot them) go on chattering about racism as mean words or hateful attitudes by bad actors or slurs, stereotypes, disrespect, affiliation with clown groups (Nazis, KKK etc.) or as isolated acts of discrimination. Said vested interests cleverly push the belief that racism is mere words not collective conduct by white people and that racial disparity occurs automatically as simply a consequence of an invisible system with anonymous, unconsciously acting actors. Elite white liberals often use the charge of “racism,” (though they never actually define it) offensively (playing the race card) for their own political goals. As explained by Wilson, particularly during election times, Black people and their welfare are not the end of the electoral process but merely the means for winning office or achieving some political goal that empowers Democrats not Black people or their communities.
All white people are not racist, but the permanent existence of the system of racism white supremacy itself is substantial evidence that most white people are (or the most powerful white people are). Most white people believe they are superior to black people. The reason that most white people believe they are superior to Black people is because they have white skin. That is, they believe in an imaginary human hierarchy in which whites are supreme and Blacks are the most inferior. Accordingly, most white people (racists) seek to have or approve of, master-servant relations with Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you. The cooperative, master-servant relationship between whites and Black people is a main source of Black people’s problems.
RACE. First of all “race” is a granfalloon (“an empty representation, of which one cannot even positively aver that it is even a concept.”) FUNKTIONARY states, ‘Race is "a totally artificial theologically-driven, biologically-based, and scientifically-invalid "European" ideology of human genetic evolution and classification coinciding with the emergence of colonialism and the rise of the transatlantic slave trade." Dr. Blynd explains, "Race is not real but the psycho-socio-economic effects of racism surely is. [MORE] Hamid Dabashi further explains, “There are no white people. There are no black people. There are no red, yellow, brown, blue, purple, crimson or any other colour people. These are all socially constructed delusions. Delusions though with real, frightful, murderous, and genocidal consequences.” FUNKTIONARY states, “Race as a biological construct has been created to be wrongly confused with ethnic identity in order to establish the sense of "otherness" and de-humanization of melanated peoples around the globe.” FUNKTIONARY further states,
Races are not biologically real, nor can humans be divided into scientifically valid, biologically distinct groupings or races based on subjective, arbitrary and superficial observable criteria (genetic traits). If scientists were true to the scientific reality, we would have to map millions of genetic traits that would translate into millions of "races. [MORE]
Dr. Dorothy Roberts explains,
“race is a political system that governs people by sorting them into social groupings based on invented biological demarcations. Race is not only interpreted according to invented rules, but, more important, race itself is an invented political grouping. Race is not a biological category that is politically charged. It is a political category that has been disguised as a biological one”
Dr. Francis Cress Welsing and Fuller explained that ‘having no biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of such organization is to maintain white domination and world control of non-whites, who have been frictionalized into made up classifications of people by racists. Thus, the only purpose of race is to practice racism.
Black individuals must understand racism white supremacy in order to recognize the reality around in order to solve their problems. According to Mao Tse-Tung, "It is well known that when you do anything, unless you understand its actual circumstances, its nature and its relations to other things, you will not know the laws governing it, or know how to do it, or be able to do it well" quoted by Dr. Welsing. Neely Fuller explained "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you."
Racism white supremacy is defined as:
Racism White Supremacy - psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." -Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD quoted in FUNKTIONARY.
Dr. Welsing explained,
People who classify themselves as White, who wish to be taken seriously, and who are righteous and responsible, will only talk about ending White Supremacy (Racism) and replacing it with Justice. [MORE]
FUNKTIONARY further defines Racism as “White Degeneracy wrongly cast as Supremacy. Racism—a psycho-socio-economic reality based on a pseudo-scientific biological myth—is a power group dynamic, i.e., a defined a defined group cooperatively via legacy institutions exerting structured and enforced institutionalized and systemic injustice, oppression and power over another group. Racism is not individualistic, but institutional, cultural, economic, political, linguistic, self-perpetuating and systematic. Racism is economic discrimination by one group over and against another for the purposes of subjugation and/or maintaining the imbalance of power through cooperative control, misinformation, indoctrination, genocide and oppression.
Nelly Fuller observed that there is only one functioning form of racism in the known world- White supremacy. This means there is no place in the world where non-whites dominate whites or are in control of white people or that there is no system of Black Supremacy. While Black individuals can be hateful or prejudiced towards white people, such conduct involves individual behavior, not systematic power. Anon explains, ‘There are NO black individuals or black organizations that have the power to strip whites of their collective right to live where they want, work where they want, get an education wherever they want, or control what white people do collectively in ANY area of human activity. There are NO black institutions that are more powerful than white institutions. Therefore, blacks do not have the COLLECTIVE POWER to diminish the quality of life for the white collective.’ As such, there is no Black racism; white supremacy is racism and racism is white supremacy.
Anon, states “Racism is the COLLECTIVE behaviors of a group. A white individual within a system of racism/white supremacy has the implicit or explicit support of that system IF they choose to practice racism.” Collective power is the institutions and systems that benefit one group at the expense of another group, and allow one group to dominate another group in all areas of human activity.
For example, when a white policeman shoots an unarmed black man (50 times), his fellow white officers, the police chief, internal affairs, the union, the media, the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury will support, defend, and finance that white police officer’s “right” to shoot (murder) an unarmed black person. That is white collective power.
White Supremacy/racism is primarily carried out through violence and/or deception. Neely Fuller states, 'The use of lies in a skillful, scientific, and masterful manner, is the basic method that Racists (White Supremacists) use to confuse and subjugate non-white people.”
To a curious “fact finder” seeking to apply the definition of racism to reality in order to solve problems and create justice, the elements of racism are; 1) a team effort of white collective power or a conspiracy among white individuals and/or groups of white people 2) to control, harm and/or dominate non-white people 3) by engaging in impersonal conduct (that may include speech) that is a) genocidal or otherwise detrimental to their social, economic and mental or physical well being or b) that perpetuates the white supremacy dynamic. Conspiracy here means an informal or formal agreement or strategy among individual whites to engage in harmful conduct or speech on behalf of the “white race” or to benefit the “white race.” That is, an express agreement need not exist, physical communication amongst participants is not necessary and the participants need not know each other. However, each participant (racist) has a shared intent and mutual goal of maintaining or refining the system of racism white supremacy – it is a union of wills among racists. Speech by itself cannot be racism white supremacy. Unlike a criminal conspiracy, the emphasis in regard to racism white supremacy is conduct not speech. A conspiracy may be inferred from a development and a collocation of circumstances. Like a criminal conspiracy, a conspirator is guilty of every offense committed by every other conspiracy in furtherance of racism white supremacy.
However, the system of Racism white supremacy is not imposed involuntarily on non-white people. FUNKTIONARY explains that among other things, the imbalanced power between Blacks and whites is maintained through cooperative control. No one can play master without servants - it is a two way relationship and most Black people, subconsciously or consciously, consensually fulfill servant roles. As stated, ‘most white people (racists) believe they are superior to black people. The reason that most white people believe they are superior to Black people is because whites believe in an imaginary human hierarchy in which whites are supreme.’ Black people who share in this delusion of an imaginary human hierarchy necessarily also believe they are inferior to whites and function as servants (or niggers). Dr. Wilson explains, “the oppressive configuration the White man has assumed in relationship to the Black man is in good part the result of the fact that we have permitted ourselves to remain in a complementary subordinate configuration conducive to his oppressive designs.” The fantastic myth of White Supremacy and “race” is a con-game in the minds of Black people. Unquestioned Belief in many many lies by elite racists makes such Black people crazy.
Dr. Wilson explains,
"It is not so much that the European says we are inferior and that the European maligns our character, et cetera. It is the belief on our part that what he says is true that drives us to be crazy. It is a crazy reaction to what the European says, an insane and unthinking kind of approach to dealing with what he says about us, that maintains the craziness." [MORE] and [MORE]
According to Dr. Blynd, "Racism White Supremacy is a virus in the mind, a malignant meme that has both the host of the virus and the whole society sick. White Supremacy (Degeneracy) is socially engineering Black Consciousness and/or also responsible for the falsification of Black consciousness." [MORE] All Black people are “standardized with the same indoctrination - conditioned under the same mis-education and dis-information. Since we all watch the same TV and download the same standardized education, it never occurs that we are getting conned, uploaded, downgraded, brain-chipped and ultimately faded from memory of being an individual self.” see FUNKTIONARY. Said indoctrination process is a “mind-shampoo” or “conditioning” in which beliefs, personalities, desires, stories and many lies are introjected into Black people "minds" from birth.
Such a "socially engineered consciousness" "requires that Blacks involuntarily and obsessively deceive themselves. Wilson explains, ‘This collective self-deception, which is the benchmark of oppressed Black consciousness, is the main product of White-Black social power relations, motivated by anxiety and ignorance, founded on the denial and distortion of reality. Such a consciousness and its produced behaviors require that Blacks operate against their own best interests in the interests of their White oppressors; that they be self-denying, self-defeating, and oftentimes self-destroying, while convincing themselves that the opposite is true.' He further states, "black consciousness and behavior under the various regimes of White domination are characterized by habitual thought patterns and behavioral tendencies which render them pliable to White authoritarian/authoritative social control with minimal resistance; which induce Blacks to accept their subordinate status as natural, perhaps actually to mispercieve their oppression as freedom."
He explains, ‘White supremacy works most efficiently when subordinated Afrikans feel that they have freely chosen to think and behave the way they do when in actuality they have been subliminally compelled to do so by the psychopolitical machinations of their White oppressors. Thus, the subordinated Afrikan feels freest when he is most controlled. And his pursuit of apparent freedom is often the pursuit of unapparent enslavement.' FUNKTIONARY describes this as “propagenda,” a means of predictive programming for accepting someone’s agenda as their very own.
The end product of the falsification of Afrikan consciousness is a deluded mind filled with lies, non-realities and self-hatred which maintains Black people in a state of deception about the actual context in which they live - the system of racism white supremacy. Thus, the use of force is not necessary to maintain the unequal balance of power between Blacks & whites. As such, master servant relations are cooperatively controlled through voluntary and consensual relations between racists (masters) and blacks (servants). According to Wilson, "the most powerful obstacle against the liberation of Afrikan peoples from White domination and exploitation is not the ability of Whites to use superior military or police firepower or their threat to use it against Afrikan insurgency, but is their ability to engage in unrelenting psychopolitical violence against the collective Afrikan psyche." [MORE] 'Their devastatingly ingenious use of it against the minds of Afrikan peoples which represent the greatest threat to Afrikan survival.' [MORE]
Neely Fuller observes that in spite of any and all statements the world's "non-white" peoples may make about themselves having economic and/or political independence and the like, in the final analysis, they are all victims of the white supremacy process.” According to Neely Fuller in a White Supremacy System the most accurate way to describe what "class" people are in is to describe their power relationship to each other. He explains that Black people are in the “powerless class.” In their relationship with whites Blacks cannot be be "upper" or "middle" - but only under whites in this white over Black operating system of vast unequal power. [MORE]
The undeceiver George Gurdjieff told a story about a magician and his sheep that is analogous to Black people and their perception of reality;
“There was a magician who used to live in faraway deep forests, and he had many sheep because that was his only food. In those deep forests he was keeping all those sheep just to kill them every day, one by one. Naturally, the sheep were very afraid of the man, and they used to run into the forest being afraid that any day can be their day. Their friends are gone, there is no reliability… tomorrow they may be gone. Out of fear they used to go far away, deep into the forest. And to find them was a tedious job every day.
Finally, the magician did a trick. He hypnotized all the sheep, and told every sheep, “You are an exception; everybody may be killed but you can never be killed. You are no ordinary sheep; you have a divine privilege.” To some he said, “You are not sheep at all; you are lions, you are tigers, you are wolves. Only sheep are killed. You need not hide yourself in the forest; that is very embarrassing, because a lion hiding himself in the forest in the fear that he will be killed… only sheep are killed.” And in this way, he managed to hypnotize all the sheep in different ways.
He even said to a few sheep, “You are men, human beings, and human beings don’t kill each other. You are just like me. Never be afraid and never escape out of fear.” Since that day, no sheep escaped and hid in the forest, although they all saw every day that one sheep was being killed, slaughtered. But naturally everybody thought, That must be a sheep; I am a tiger, a lion, a human being. I am special and exceptional, I have a divine privilege…. So many different stories he put in their minds.
George Gurdjieff says that unless you realize the first thing — that you are in prison, that you are the prison — then there is no hope for freedom. If you already believe that you are free, you are a hypnotized sheep which believes himself to be a lion — exceptional, there is no need to be afraid — which even believes he is a human being. He goes on seeing other sheep being killed, and still remains in a hypnotized state, never being aware of his actuality. [MORE]
It may be painful to realize but thus far, all persons such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the BPP, Nelson Mandela and many other courageous others, who have attempted to establish justice and/or to eliminate racism white supremacy have utterly failed.’ [MORE] Electoral politics has also been a complete failure for Blacks. Electing Black representatives for decades at all levels of government has had zero effect on Black people’s powerless status.
According to the Urban League (a “black” organization funded and controlled by elite white liberals) “2022 State of Black America,” Black people haven’t progressed since 1965. The Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality of life in the United States. Black people occupy the bottom of nearly every statistical category. [MORE]
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing observed ‘Black people are in a continuous state of checkmate” and are ‘currently in a losing streak that is centuries long. But this has happened because of their failure to understand the game.’ [MORE] According to Welsing, 'once non-white people understand the fundamental reality that they are in a global power system of mass oppression (racism/white supremacy), the ultimate organizing of all the appropriate behaviors necessary to neutralize the great injustice of the white supremacy power system will only be a matter of time. The length of time required to neutralize global white supremacy will be inversely proportional to 1) the level of understanding of the phenomenon; plus 2) the evolution of self- and group-respect, the will, determination and discipline to practice the appropriate counter-racist behaviors–on the part of the non-white victims of white supremacy.'
With such an awareness Black individuals must promptly unlearn and deprogram themselves from the white supremacy dynamic. When a critical mass of Black individuals understand and become aware of what racism white supremacy is the voluntary, cooperative nature of racism white supremacy will cease to exist and force new relations, alignments and change as an automatic consequence. The goals being individual endependence, generating power to stop racists from practicing racism against Black people, the destruction of the master servant relationship and the system of white supremacy