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"PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR FACE!" Uncontrollable Public Masters Lose Control in Aurora, a Liberal City. On Video a Gang of White Cops Terrorize and Attack a Black Man who Tried to Give Them His License

From [HERE] A Black man is suing eight, white Aurora police officers who he claims violated his civil rights in a traffic stop that turned violent.

Aurora is another white liberal, “progressive” city where they murder and harm Black people.

The new 22-page lawsuit includes screenshots of body camera video from May 2021. They show Preston Nunn III during a traffic stop, which escalated into a violent arrest that hurt him.

Aurora officers stopped Nunn after they say he drove into the officers’ lane when they were conducting a separate traffic stop.

According to the lawsuit, instead of allowing Nunn to show his license and registration, Aurora officers pointed a gun at his head, tackled him, slammed his head into the ground, applied a chokehold, handcuffed him, used a Taser on him twice, tried to hogtie him and ultimately arrested him.

The lawsuit alleges officers used excessive force, in violation of Nunn’s constitutional rights.

“The only plausible explanation for this senseless escalation is that Mr. Nunn, a Black man, was treated differently by the Aurora officers due to his race,” the lawsuit claims.

Eight officers are named in the lawsuit.

Video of arrest means some things ‘can’t be denied’

FOX31 legal analyst Chris Decker said the video is important to the case.

“We can argue about what we see, we can argue about what it means that we’re seeing, but certain things simply can’t be denied when you have a videotape,” Decker said.

The lawsuit mentions a 2021 report from the Colorado attorney general. The report found the Aurora Police Department had a pattern and practice of racially biased policing against Black people and of using excessive force.

“If this is an agency that has a pattern of practice where they have not engaged in correct corrective processes to properly train and make sure that their officers are not engaged in excessive force, that both changes the nature of the claim and the amount of the potential damages,” Decker said. “It would allow Mr. Nunn to reach the agencies above and beyond the individual officers.”

An Aurora Police spokesperson said they are not able to comment on pending litigation but the officers involved are still working for the department.