Ma’at – the intuitive sense of natural law or divine consciousness which is the foundation and expression of phfreedom, love and the creative dance of energy in balance in space-time - FUNKTIONARY
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Ma’at – the intuitive sense of natural law (order within chaos and chaos within order) or divine consciousness which is the foundation and expression of phfreedom, love and the creative dance of energy in balance in space-time. A proverb from a Khemitic Temple states, “Men need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then to found the images on realities that lead the true seeker to the source. Ma’at, who links universal to terrestrial, the divine with the human is incomprehensible to the cerebral intelligence.” “The symbol mu’at meant “foundation of the throne” and was also a variant of the Goddess’s name meaning Truth, Justice, Judgment.” ~Myth, Legend and Custom in the Old Testament, by Theodor Gaster. Biblical scribes copied (plagiarized) the Khemetic address to a king as connected with his Goddess, when they said: “Justice and judgment are the foundation of thy throne” (Psalm 89:14). When the season shimmers into being, life becomes what you make it—in the seeing. (See: Ankh, Deep-See Diving, Reality-Based Truth, Seeing, Vision, Gemetria, Noble Law, Self-Assembly, Bacteriaphage Lambda, DNA, Virus, Biosemiosis, Universe, Osiris, Symbiocracy, Source, Infinity, Immortality, Isis, Justice, Truth & Law, Judgment, Cosmic Consciousness, Resurrection, Photon, Truth-Based Truth, Cyclic AMP, First Messenger, Scriptures & Human Genome)