Black Probot Prosecutor Hooks Up LAPD Cop with No Jail Felony Plea After Kicking Restrained Black Man's Head Like a Football During Unlawful Stop
/Black Probot Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey Serving Her Masters Well. From [HERE] and [HERE] You’re riding your bike down the block and the cops creep up along side you. They begin to ask questions because you fit the description of a suspect who committed a robbery. All of a sudden you get violently ripped off your bike and thrown to the ground.
While you’re on the ground police officers beat you nearly to death, you did nothing but vaguely fit the description of someone, no evidence at all? Last October in LA, 22-year-old Clinton Alfred Jr. went through this senseless and painful ordeal. Clinton was delivered what is being called a horrific beating from numerous officers in the LAPD.
Officer Richard Garcia 34, had his officers hold Clinton down while he kicked him in the head numerous times, shocked him with a stun gun and beat Clinton until he was unconscious. The video is so violent that the LAPD will not even release it to the public. Garcia’s kicks were compared to a football player kicking a field goal.
The videotaped assault was so alarming, one Los Angeles police official called it “horrific.”
All About the Appearance of Justice. The LAPD and the civilian Police Commission [gave the appearance they] came down hard on Officer Richard Garcia, saying he violated department policies when he kicked and punched Clinton Alford Jr. during an October 2014 arrest in South Los Angeles. The district attorney [gave the appearance that she] came down even harder, taking the rare step of filing a felony assault charge against an on-duty officer.
Garcia faced up to three years in jail if convicted. Then the case quietly came to an end.
Under a plea agreement reached with prosecutors this spring, Garcia pleaded no contest to the felony charge as part of a deal with prosecutors that will see him avoid jail time if he completes community service and donates $500 to a charity by late May 2017. Under the agreement, Garcia would then be allowed to enter a new plea to a misdemeanor charge that would replace the felony and would be placed on two years of probation, a spokeswoman for the district attorney’s office said.
Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey, whose office never publicly announced the [secret] plea, defended her office’s decision to settle the case without any jail time, saying she felt the agreement was appropriate.
She declined to detail the reasons for the plea, but said prosecutors generally look at a range of information including the seriousness of the victim’s injuries, whether the defendant has a prior record and the credibility of the witnesses. Video, she cautioned, “doesn’t tell the whole story sometimes.” Right, especially when the victim is Black.
Spinning more deception, Lacey, said that she believed filing the felony charge against Garcia signaled to both police officers and residents that “people will be held accountable.”
“I do think it sends a strong message to any law enforcement officer who is thinking about violating the law,” she said. “If you talk to any officer about a felony on their record gotten in the course of their job, I don’t think anyone would see this as light at all.” [Right. Right. And if you believe this crusty nonsense you probably also believe in unicorns or you want to be deceived. In most urban locals a civilian would be charged with aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon ("shod foot") - major felonies. A person with a greater duty of care to the public such as a police officer should be subjected to harsher penalties and should certainly not be eligible for a diversionary dismissal. Remember that Black probots are programmed to speak the opposite of truth - just like their racist governmental masters.]
But others disagreed. Mac Shorty, the chair of the Watts Neighborhood Council, said the outcome was too lenient and another example of Lacey not holding police officers accountable during a time of increased scrutiny of how officers use force, particularly against African Americans.
“That’s not justice,” he said. “If I do something wrong, I face prison time. It’s not fair to the community that anybody coming into the community mistreats someone and gets a slap on the wrist.”
Garcia, who has been with the LAPD for about a decade, is awaiting what is known as a Board of Rights hearing, where a three-person panel decides disciplinary cases for officers who usually face termination or lengthy suspensions. Don't hold your breath in a racist system.
Alford said he was riding his bicycle along Avalon Boulevard when a car pulled up and a man yelled at him to stop. Someone grabbed the back of his bike, he said, so he jumped off and ran.
Authorities later said police were investigating a robbery and that Alford matched the description of their suspect.
After a short chase, two police officers caught up to Alford. The video showed him getting on the ground and putting his hands behind his back, according to several police officials who saw the footage.
Seconds later, the sources said, a patrol car pulled up and a uniformed officer bailed out of the car, rushing toward Alford.
Garcia kicked, elbowed, punched and slapped Alford, according to a report from Los Angeles police Chief Charlie Beck made public last fall. The officer’s actions, the chief said in the report, were not reasonable “given Alford’s limited and unapparent resistance.”
“I was just praying to God that they wouldn’t kill me,” Alford told reporters. “I felt that I was going to die.”
Six months after the arrest, Lacey’s office announced that Garcia had been charged with felony assault under the color of authority. At the time, he was the third LAPD officer facing such a charge in connection with an on-duty incident caught on camera.
Jonathan Lai was charged in 2014 after prosecutors said he repeatedly struck a man — who was on his knees and had his hands on his head — with a police baton outside a restaurant near Staples Center. A jury acquitted him of two felony charges last year.
Mary O’Callaghan was convicted last year in connection with a deadly 2012 incident involving a woman arrested in South L.A. Patrol car footage showed the veteran officer kicking Alesia Thomas in the stomach and groin while the woman was in handcuffs and leg restraints. Thomas, a 35-year-old mother, lost consciousness in a police car and died later at a hospital.
But Lacey has faced criticism over her handling of other cases involving law enforcement officers, including her decision not to charge a California Highway Patrol officer who punched a woman along the 10 Freeway — another encounter caught on video.
Activists have also questioned why prosecutors have not yet said whether they will charge the LAPD officers who fatally shot Ezell Ford, a mentally ill black man, as he walked near his South L.A. home. Thursday marks the two-year anniversary of Ford’s death.
“She has hurt the community more than she’s helped us by not holding these people accountable,” Shorty, the Watts resident, said.
A judge approved the plea agreement with Garcia at a court hearing on May 26. News of the deal emerged this week, first reported by Jasmyne Cannick, a political consultant and commentator who also blogs about the LAPD.
Under the agreement, a D.A.’s spokeswoman said, Garcia must complete 300 hours of community service, stay away from Alford and follow all laws before his next hearing in May. If he violates those terms, the felony will stand and he will be placed on three years’ probation. If he doesn’t show up to court for the hearing, he could be sentenced to jail.
“I am confident you will be here,” Judge William N. Sterling told Garcia when the deal was finalized. “But if you do fail to appear … the court can then sentence you to the maximum.”
“Do you understand and agree?” the judge asked.
“Yes,” Garcia replied.