Obstacle Illusion: Unbeknownst to FAGA Believers Unable to Disbelieve Master Trump They Remain Trapped in Their Same Shitty Lives as their Revolution was a Fear Based Projection, Accomplishing Nothing

IN PHOTO THE BURGER KING BOY CLAD IN FURS IS Aaron Mostofsky, son of Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Shlomo Mostofsky, a prominent member of the Orthodox Jewish community who was elected to the bench last year on the Democratic ballot line. Mostofsky, …

IN PHOTO THE BURGER KING BOY CLAD IN FURS IS Aaron Mostofsky, son of Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Shlomo Mostofsky, a prominent member of the Orthodox Jewish community who was elected to the bench last year on the Democratic ballot line. Mostofsky, 34, told the New York Post in an interview last week that he was motivated to storm the halls of Congress with others because of his belief that Trump was swindled out of a presidential electoral victory by ballot fraud. [MORE] ALL BELIEFS ARE A MOTHERFUCKER.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

fear – an obstacle illusion. 2) amputated processing thinking in the presence of the unknown, the incomprehensible, or the unsolvable; in volitional forms—the attempt to escape a perceived threat to structural integrity; the flight half of flight/fright survival behavior. 3) the recognition and acknowledgment of powers and forces superior to those of your own. 4) a withholding of love from ourselves, and often from another. 5) obsession without embracing. 6) the denial that you are one with each other and with your universe (Interbeing). 7) that which governs (rules) the majority in socialist Corporate State, in the U.S.S.A, and in the former USSR. 8) the memory of pain. 9) a state of disquiet, of powerlessness and apprehension. 10) the tax which conscience pays to guilt. 11) the urge to protect and project. 12) reaction to ignorance. 13) inverted faith. 14) negative future expectations of one’s positive expectation (outcome) going unmet. Fear is the lack of overstanding and desire of control coupled with feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty and ill preparedness. While fear is the mother of hatred, control is the mother of fear. Fear also coalesces in minds as a perpetual cloud of gloom. The only potentially constructive aspect of fear is the fear of fear itself— which can be transformative. It has the potential to force us to abandon all illusions of security and begin revising our truths to renew the fruits of our experience. Nothing beneficial or real can grow out of fear— you have to grow-up and outgrow fear itself. (See: Control, Anxiety, Scarcity, Other, Fright, Responsibility, Processing Thinking, Self-Image, Group Entity, Overstanding, Subconscious, Weiteko Disease, Dreams, Nightmare, Hatred, Fear Clouds, Solar Plexus, Subconscious Mind, Attitude, Unknown, Unknowable, Suicide, Faith, Trust, Existence, Letting Go, Bubble, Substitute Life, One Love & Thought)

disbelief- a natural effect or a subconscious effect, of having a functioning critical mental faculty. The critical mental faculty : the ability to discern truth from among falsehood and lies, reality from truth, substance over symbol, realities over granfalloca danger in the apparent midst of "peace," inherent spirituality over Corporate religion, inherent rights over adherent rights, etc 2) a mental state where reasoning has not been transcended. 3) when our perceptions of what actually exists misrepresents (do not agree or align with) what actually exists. Disbelief is the faculty that causes a rabbit for instance to refuse to cross a meadow to get a drink. Although the meadow looks peaceful and safe, it can't believe it actually is safe; it may be under surveillance by a hawk or a hunter. Disbelief is when something we believe should exist does not agree with our perceptions of what actually exists. Disbelief can be shocking but awe-full (full of awe) and, is the key to the door of disillusionment which is the threshold of enlightenment—the porch of paradise. (See: 'Taranoid," Granfalloons, Belief Systems, Reification, Atheism, Agnosticism, Theology, Knowingness, Convictions, Core Beliefs, Predictive Programming, Psychological Reversal, Belief & Faith)

belief-based truth - a description or perception of reality, (the content of which comprises what we call "truth"), that one desires or hopes to be true, despite external scientific, natural, or reproducible proof-based truth to the contrary. People all-too-often compromise their integrity and/or intelligence by devising truth which disallows any proof by design, as part and parcel of its ruse to allure its believers)—and even the truth that carries proof cannot be proven against the undeniable uncertainty of Reality. You fall prey to (or fall for) the illusions of proof if you ignore the pure subjectivity of reality. Illusions of scientific proof follow illusions of limits, and illusions of religious proof follow illusions of truth. Science makes truth out of proof, while belief-based religions make proof out of truth. (See: Infinity, Proof, Revelatory Truth, Absolute Truth & Belief System)

dogma – spiritual mace; a reality-repellant—a fixed-form ossification of a belief system or concretized thought-system. 2) a catechism of closed (self-referential) theological rhetorical ethic that cannot change you—or you it. 3) the building of a door with a limitation built by and for a prospective adherent which he/she cannot go beyond. 4) reconstituted institutionalized belief. 5) inhibited, ingrown and arrested spirituality. 6) dead tenets of dead religion on which most are (were) razed (authentic self rent asunder) to believe unquestionably. The objective of dogma is to bind the mind to error. Religious dogma is worship by rote. Dogma, though not a four-letter word, is a four-legged creature, itself being the second leg of a vicious cycle of truth, dogma, hatred and violence. Dogma is an integral and activating aspect of the mind- prism-prison constructed out of 3-D translucent ecclesiastical bullscript. This perverse prism down through the ages has reflected the lies, diffracted the reality, displaced the structure of truth with the content of truth and thereby created the color spectrum of consciousness that you now occupy and peregrinate under. Truth (conscience; physical effects; outer seasons) is another name for a destructive competitive local personal static mythic God, whereas reality (consciousness; immaterial causes, inner reasons) is another name for a non-competitive dynamic cooperating unfolding pattern or non-local, universal creative Principle (Divine Law) that modifies matter (and our interpretations and impressions of it) based on the morphing nature of Life—the underlying or foremost principle being unceasing or incessant change. If you mind truth (deify it), dogma is your yield. If you mine truth (edit it), nuggets of reality (insights) are your gain. Dogma is the bug (fatal flaw) and true believers are the replicating viruses that propagate and distort the internal model of the nature of reality directly experienced within nondual consciousness. People perceive reality’s forms as direct threats on (and to) their truths because they are merely living (in truth at the mythic or rational level of consciousness) and not Alive (living God in reality) at the higher states, levels or realms of Christ Consciousness. Nondual Consciousness unfolds itself as the highest realization that a divine being can experience appearing-as-process in the space-time continuum. Dogma is an enemy occupation camp holed up in the most fertile regions of your subconscious mind. “Doctrines can only be created in darkness; in the light, there can be no beliefs.” ~ OSHO. Dogma becomes believed secondhand or underhandedly—reality becomes known candidly first hand (when you cease handing over paradoxes and subjective truth for another’s contradictions of objective or absolute truth)—and this you must overstand (so your credulity doesn’t get too far out-of-hand). Dogma is always hypostasized. Reverse the spell-curse of dogma, invert the prism, unlock the prison, and come correct for a change. (See: God, Beliefs, Proselytizing, Dancing Dogmas, Religious Virus, Priestcraft, Words, Belief Systems & Absolute Truth)

Belief- the psychological calm of imagined certitude safely beyond de-stabilizing doubt and troublesome reality-entanglement. 2) a construction of approximate truths, absolute truths, mass truths and primary myths, based on genetic predisposition, and environmental and socio-psychological conditioning. 3) the institutionalization of the unknowable, i.e., a conviction that is not necessarily based upon any empirical, direct-mind or experiential knowledge. 4) a non-physical surviving thought-form. 5) any conclusion based on a fundamental assumption; the evidence of things not seen, no longer actively sought. 6) an intellectual
rationalization surrounded by (based on) "'proofs," reasons and arguments. 7) that which springs out of cultural ideology. 8) the greatest fiction. 9) a trick of the mind to repress doubt. 10) a mental doubt-suppression tactic. A suppressed doubt is neither faith nor even trust. 11) repressed doubt. 12) an explicit or implicit assent to dogmatic propositions (with or without overgrown religious foliage) on someone else's authority. 13) reverential blindness that thwarts fresh perception and intuitive apperception. 14) a prejudice without any experience to support it. 15) a peculiar blend of fatiloquent assertion on one hand and adamant
denial on the other. 16) a manic flirtation with the terminally unprovable. 17) certainty based in the unknown. 18) having another "see" it for you while seeing him see it (for you)—in effect being for another. 19) a conclusion without the verification of direct experience—make-believe made real. 20) the inability or unwillingness to master the requisite logic or reason to counterbalance (or overcome) the willingness to be misled. 21) the abnegation of internal authenticity for outside authority. 22) ego-consoling faith. 23) acceptance of a statement, tenet or creed with available verification and substantive evidence to its contrary. The word belief in English comes from the Anglo-Saxon root 'leif, which means, "to wish." Belief is the inability to formulate the necessary suspicion that there is something seriously missing. Sin means missing the mark—and belief is the mark that's missed in the very act of merely believing. Belief is the blind spot of what's not. It's beautiful—you can't see what's not really there. When people believe something, their beliefs take form and appear real to them. Belief, even in the most arrant nonsense, often finds the greatest audience with the highest credulity. When you utter the creed, "I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth..." you are really saying, "I fervently wish that there exists God the Father Almighty." With belief, you have to believe only in lies; you don't have to believe in truth. Remember, you cover a lie; you discover truth. A belief is an unwarranted, unchallenged or cherished assumption that is elevated to the status of a conclusion or absolute truth without examination and verification through observation, direct or authentic experience, critical thought and contemplation. [MORE]