legally blind – those unable or unwilling to see the deleterious effects of raising and deifying truth and law above humanity and Reality. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

legally blind – those unable or unwilling to see the deleterious effects of raising and deifying truth and law above humanity and Reality. Law, being an ossification and deification of truth—and reality, are incompatible. Ignorance of Reality ushers in obsessive truth and law and the iron rule of political power. Reality is a school of awareness for the gifted and blynd. We are pupils learning to activate and dilate our Third Eye (single eye of inner vision) so that we may intuit what our optical organs cannot perceive or relay. The legally blind are those who cannot see the damage done when law is placed above humanity and the iron rule eclipses the golden rule. Instead of having bands of “outlaws” (those who often react irresponsibly as individuals outside of the law), we would be much better off with bands of “overlaws,” (those who act responsibly as individuals above the law and edit their own subjective truth based in the attributes of reality).