Eviction Filings are Up, Most Eviction Defendants are Black (vast majority of landlords are white). [Sleeping Toms Believe Bigotry is Racism and Misperceive Racism as a Natural Outcome or Coincidence]
/Where’s ALL the hate AT? FOR DECADES NEELY FULLER HAS BEEN correctly SAYING THAT RACISM IS PRIMARILY BASED ON DECEPTION. IF SO, Perhaps the greatest accomplishment by elite racists has been to trick Black people into believing THE OPPOSITE - that racism is PRIMARILY ABOUT bigotry or mean words, slurs, disrespect and OVERT DISPLAYS OF hatred. With such a misperception GUILIBLE Black people TRY TO SOLVE THE WRONG PROBLEMS AND miss the omnipresent system of racism white supremacy– a white over Black OPERATING system of vast unequal power and domination GOING RIGHT IN THEIR FACES. IN the photo above which shows a Black woman being evicted as WHITE law enforcement officers put her stuff outside on the curb, There is a high probability that the landlord and attorney who filed for the eviction and the judge who ORDERED THE EVICTION were also all white. It is also VERY LIKELY that on her COURT day a large number of other Black DEFENDANTS were ALSO evicted and their landlordS and attorneys were also white. FURTHERMORE, IT IS MOST LIKELY THAT ANY PROSPECTIVE LANDLORDS , REAL ESTATE AGENTS OR BANK OFFICIALS SHE UNSUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH TO FIND A NEW HOME PRIOR TO HER EVICTION WERE ALSO ALL WHITE. Yet under the prevailing Clogic THE EVICTIONS GOING ON THROUGHOUT THE US AREN’T AN EXAMPLE OF RACISM. THAT IS, SO LONG AS noBODY IS mean or disrespectful or makes a racial slur during the process, NO RACISM OCCURRED. The fact that similar situations happen everyday in nearly every place (FOR DECADES) where Black people reside is considered a coincidence or a natural occurrence to gullible blacks who have been deceived about what racism is and how it works. Indeed, the prevailing “clogic” is intended to make white dominance and control over everything seem natural.' Under such A DELUSION, ‘Blackness’ HAS BEEN one the leading causes of coincidences in US history. Such a misunderstanding of reality has had a profound negative consequences for Black people while it has SimultaneousLY empowered white people. For instance it has caused power-napping Blacks to try to solve the wrong problems and align themselves politically with the wrong persons, etc or to engage in an array of other conduct and speech that only strengthens cooperative, consensual master-servant relations between racists and blacks, the gravamen of the racism white supremacy dynamic. [MORE]
From [HERE] According to the findings of a recent study by Eviction Lab
Landlords filed nearly 1,115,000 eviction cases in 2023. That’s over 100,000 more cases than were filed in 2022 and over 500,000 more than in 2021.
Eviction caseloads increased between 2022 and 2023 in three-quarters of the cities we track.
In most cities, eviction filings in 2023 were above levels that were normal prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
60% of eviction case defendants in 2023 were women.
Despite making up less than one-third of renters, nearly half of eviction case defendants in 2023 were Black.
In many places, a large share of eviction filings were repeated cases brought against the same tenants at the same addresses.
Landlords filed 10.5% more eviction cases in 2023 than in 2022. In total, 1,114,340 eviction cases were filed across the jurisdictions where we collect data.1 Overall, that represents 2.9% fewer cases than we would have seen in these places prior to the pandemic, but still a large increase from what we observed early in the pandemic, when less than 600,000 cases were filed in 2020 and 2021 (see Figure 1).
In line with previous trends, we find that women and Black renters faced a disproportionate share of eviction filings in 2023. In most of the ETS locations, we are able to estimate the likely race/ethnicity and gender of tenants facing eviction (for an explanation of how we do this, see our methods page)2. Fully 60% of those filed against for eviction last year were women. In Figure 3 we plot the share of defendants listed on eviction filings in 2023 who were Black, Latinx, or White. We compare those numbers to Census Bureau figures on the share of renters in each racial/ethnic group in the same set of places.
The eviction crisis weighs most heavily on Black renters. Despite making up only 31% of renters, nearly half of eviction filings are against Black individuals in these areas. By contrast, all other racial/ethnic groups see an underrepresentation when it comes to eviction filings. [MORE]