New Map Shows Police are Primarily Killing Black People in Cities Controlled by Elite White Liberals and Doing so in Substantial Numbers. In Chicago Blacks are 30X more likely to be Killed than Whites
/From [HERE] Nearly 13,400 people have been killed by law enforcement in the United States since 2013 — around 7% of the nation's homicides, according to new data released by the advocacy group Campaign Zero.
Not only does the data show a surge in killings by law enforcement since 2013, but Campaign Zero's new "Mapping Police Violence" shows specific neighborhoods in Chicago and St. Louis, with large Black populations, have a massively high proportion of killings.
Mapping Police Violence stated that it will be releasing neighborhood-level data for more U.S. cities over the next year.
The big picture: The detailed neighborhood-level analysis reviewed by Axios suggests aggressive policing in areas with significantly higher percentages of Black, Latino and Native American residents is leading to more killings by police.
For example, the Campaign Zero data show Black Americans were 2.9 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement in the U.S. than the general population from 2013 to July 23, 2024. 2023 was the deadliest year for people killed by law enforcement, with 1,352 police killings, according to the database.
CHICAGO: Black residents in Chicago are 30.6 times more likely to be killed than White residents with massively higher portions of police shootings on certain streets and neighborhoods, the analysis found
Despite Black people comprising only 29% of the population, 76% of people killed by law enforcement were Black (excluding incidents where race is unknown).
ST LOUIS: Black Americans also were 10.5 times more likely to be killed than White Americans in St. Louis, with higher portions of police shootings on certain streets and neighborhoods.
Despite Black people comprising only 43% of the population, 81% of people killed by law enforcement were Black (excluding incidents where race is unknown).
NATIVE AMERICANS/LATINOS: The new mapping also shows how Native Americans and Hispanic residents were more likely to be shot by police in rural areas.
The map gives clues to the high number of Native Americans and Latinos killed by law enforcement in New Mexico's Four Corners region that borders the Navajo Nation.
How it works: The database examines any incident where a law enforcement officer, whether off-duty or on-duty, uses lethal force, resulting in someone's death, regardless of whether the death is ruled "justified" or "unjustified."
AUTHORITY KILLS: The database found that law enforcement killed an average of 1,147 people per year from 2013 to July 2023, with Black Americans accounting for 28% of those deaths nationally.
Black people in the U.S. are 2.9 times more likely than the general population to be killed by law enforcement.
The average age of a person killed by law enforcement in the U.S. is 37 years old — 33 for Black people and 44 for White people.[MORE]
TO SEE THE ACTUAL MAP CLICK ON IT. THE BLUE DOTS REPRESENT BLACK PEOPLE. ACCORDING TO MAPPING POLICE VIOLENCE, From 2013-2023, US law enforcement killed 1147 people per year. Despite Black people comprising only 13% of the population in the US, 28.2% of people killed by law enforcement (excluding incidents where race is unknown). This means that Black people are 2.9x more likely to be killed by law enforcement in the US. The average age of a person killed by law enforcement in the US is 37 years old (33 for Black people and 44 for white people).
The map appears to show that police are primarily killing Black people in cities controlled by elite white liberals and police are doing so in substantial numbers. Look at the highlighted areas on the map showing where police kill Blacks; Sacramento, San Francisco, LA, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Denver, Austin, Houston, Kansas City, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Madison, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Atlanta, Jacksonville, NYC, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, New Orleans, Miami and others.
In the above stated cities, liberal Democrats control nearly all levels and branches of government and control all local government agencies, such as police departments. Consequently, if liberal democrats really wanted to do something meaningful about police brutality - that is, controlling their own cops’ behavior in their relations with its Black and Latino residents, then the elite white liberal leadership could and would have done so at some point over the past 40-50 years. Contrary to ‘get out the vote’ rhetoric, the quality of Black citizenship stays low in these places and it does so despite high turnout by the black votary. In liberal jurisdictions, elite liberals and their “academented” Black rolebots dogmatically claim that voting will solve all their problems. Yet Black people’s so-called “rights” are tuned on and off like light switches in said jurisdictions where police surveil, stop, detain and search law abiding Black people’s clothing, their cars and generally interfere with their freedom of movement as they attempt to go about their daily lives. In such liberal places cops have mauled, injured and put thousands of Black people into greater confinement and also murdered hundreds of other Black and Brown people with impunity. The Black votary should be aware of this because it is happening right in front of their faces and has been for decades. In St. Louis for example, now and when police murdered Michael Brown, liberal democrats dominated the area’s politics with a liberal; Governor (Jay Nixon), U.S. Senator (Claire McCaskill), State Attorney General (Chris Koster), St. Louis Mayor (Francis Slay) and liberal Prosecutor Robert McCulloch. The Democratic Party has dominated St. Louis city politics for decades. The city has not had a Republican mayor since 1949 and the last time a Republican was elected to another citywide office was in the 1970s. At the federal level, in Missouri's 1st congressional district, a Republican has not represented a significant portion of St. Louis in the U.S. House since 1953. [MORE] Yet as the findings indicate above, police kill Blacks with impunity in St. Louis. What’s holding the dem apparatus back?
BARK & CLAP POLITRICKS: Like fans at an intense sporting event, a lathered up and passionate black votary acts like they have everything to lose at election time - but when the election is over they get nothing - and it is the same after every game, every year for decades. The Black electorant expects nothing in return for its vote as it goes on dutifully and robotically fulfilling its servant role. MOTIVATED SOLELY BY IRRATIONAL AND MANUFACTURED FEAR. [MORE] DR. AMOS WILSON EXPLAINED, Elite whites remain in control by keeping Black people in a state of mental maladaptiveness - maintaining this mental state is a political, social necessity, Black people must be literally kept out of their minds - and they are. [MORE]
Amos Wilson: Is Black America Dying of Natural Causes or Strangulation by White Supremacy/Racism?
Here, white liberals and their black followers may hallucinate that cities like Memphis, Baltimore, Atlanta and DC are not actually run by white liberals and may claim they are in fact run by Blacks themselves. However, whether a city is controlled by elite white liberals” has nothing to do with the number of elected black officials or appointed black authorities in a given jurisdiction. In reality, Black people function as “a powerless class” having no power independent of elite whites. Rather, in all liberal jurisdictions where blacks reside, elite whites control and own all major resources (such as banks, local mainstream media, major real estate, ports, utilities, large corporations and businesses, major industry, major non-profits, unions, hospitals, etc) and anything else of substantial material value. Neely Fuller explains, ‘in a socio-material system dominated by wealthy, powerful racists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by elite racists. In such places elite white liberals function as the major decision makers in regards to what happens or does not happen to non-white people, particularly blacks and latinos. Elite racists are their employers, landlords, creditors, land owners, bosses and major decision-makers. Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by elite racists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many Black people prefer not to acknowledge. [MORE] Thus, in their direct or indirect relations with elite white liberals, most black people function as their employees, workers, consumers, helpers, servants, tenants, patients, clients and customers. Contrary to liberal whitenology, racists seek to dominate non-white people - hate has little to do with it, as master-servant relations are the gravamen of the system of racism white supremacy - not mere bigotry.
The above map is part of mounting evidence that voting for liberals and supporting their causes has been a complete disaster for Blacks. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained Black people are currently in a “losing streak that is centuries long.” Electoral politics, participating in retail politics and voting in general has had no meaningful or tangible impact on the white over Black system of vast unequal power. In reality, as explained by Dr. Wilson, very few, if any, of the major political, economic and social goals achieved by Black America, including the Voting Rights Act, were accomplished through Black voting prowess. The ballot box has been a relatively impotent weapon in the achievement of major victories by the Black community.
Elite white liberals are especially clowning Blacks. Fuller emphasizes that racism is primarily carried out by deception and that elite racists are “masters of deceit” and are “masterful liars.” More specifically, Dr. Wilson explains, the principal ideological goal of elite racists is to manufacture Black people’s consent to their own domination. He states, elite racists seek “to legitimate and justify their superordinate position and power; generate the evidence which substantiates their claims to power and legitimacy; have their rule and domination appear inevitable and "natural," i.e., not the result of deliberate, perhaps malicious intentions on their part; gain the "freely given" consent of Afrikan Americans to subordination to White Power; and to continuously reproduce the conditions of Afrikan American community dependency and relative powerlessness.” Here, elites have deceived Black sheeple and caused them to misperceive elite white liberals as their political allies because they generally appear to be non-hateful and friendly to them. With such a profound and delusional misunderstanding about racism white supremacy, sleeping toms seek to have consensual relations with friendly looking, polite, well behaved and racist liberal; representatives landlords, police, judges, prosecutors, school administrators, employers, bank officials, neighbors, real estate and others who dominate them in all areas of people activity and keep them in a continuous state of checkmate decade after decade, unbeknownst to them.