Uninformed Consent: Mike Tyson Seen in a Wheelchair in Airport. Previously He Said He was Coerced into Getting COVID Injections to Make a Living, "Beaten Into Submission" to Take Experimental Shot


UNINFORMED CONSENT. In video above Tyson said he was in a wheelchair because he has sciatica, which causes extreme nerve pain. It also appears to be one of the many, many undisclosed adverse effects from the genocidal COVID injections imposed onto the public.

Experimenting on people with “medical treatment” is barbaric. Voluntary consent requires a participant to be “fully informed” of all potential dangers, risks and benefits. If you believe in such things as “rights,” Ignored by simpleton, hypocritical and violent liberals is the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to refuse experimental medicines. Also, the first principle of the Nuremberg Code states:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Statist citizens go on defending their slavery as freedom and pretend that they are consenting to things that are voluntarily provided by the government. Folks are in a deep sleep, government services are compulsory; you can either obey or go to jail or die. There is nothing voluntary or mutual about it. The belief in authority is the most dangerous superstition ever known to man and is a curse upon mankind.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

vaccination – mandatory infection—typically administered by agents of Corporate State in their public schools of indoctrination camps. How can unvaccinated children endanger other children who are immunized?

biocide – the attempted annihilation of all life, which is the intent of Doggy and CrimethInc. (See: Doggy & CrimethInc.)

citizens – those who instinctively seek permission or ask themselves whether or not they are allowed to do anything before they act. Citizens (serfs, subjects or slaves), possess a “ruled” mind-virus mentality. 2) the hapless residents of the great democracy whose Constitution deliberately throttled democratic rule. (See: Citizenship, Plutocracy & Slavery) citizen’s arrest – assisted suicide. Citizen’s arrest is a joke and will get you injured or even killed which isn’t a

Autopsy Study of Patients who Died after Vax Reveals mRNA Shots Don’t Stay at the Injection Site but Spread thru the Body Inducing Spike Protein and Inflammation Causing Grave Organ Damage and Death

Michael Palmer, MD and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD [PDF here]]

From [HERE] This article summarizes evidence from experimental studies and from autopsies of patients deceased after vaccination. The collective findings demonstrate that

  1. mRNA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site by instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs,

  2. mRNA-based COVID vaccines induce long-lasting expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in many organs,

  3. vaccine-induced expression of the spike protein induces autoimmune-like inflammation,

  4. vaccine-induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage, especially in vessels, sometimes with deadly outcome.

We note that the damage mechanism is which emerges from the autopsy studies is not limited to COVID-19 vaccines only but is completely general—it must be expected to occur similarly with mRNA vaccines against any and all infectious pathogens. This technology has failed and must be abandoned.

While clinical case reports (e.g. [1,2]) and statistical analyses of accumulated adverse event reports (e.g. [3,4]) provide valuable evidence of damage induced by mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, it is important to establish a causal relationship in individual cases. Pathology remains the gold standard for proof of disease causation. This short paper will discuss some key findings on autopsy materials from patients who died within days to several months after vaccination. For context, some experimental studies are briefly discussed as well.

1. Most of the evidence presented here is from the work of pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt, MD

  • Dr. Burkhardt was approached by the families of patients deceased after “vaccination”

  • Autopsy materials were examined by standard histopathology and immunohistochemistry

  • Based on the findings, most deaths were attributed to “vaccination” with a high to very high degree of likelihood

Prof. Burkhardt is a very experienced pathologist from Reutlingen, Germany. With the help of his colleague Prof. Walter Lang, he has studied numerous cases of death which occurred within days to several months after vaccination. In each of these cases, the cause of death had been certified as “natural” or “unknown.” Burkhardt became involved only because the bereaved families doubted these verdicts and sought a second opinion. It is remarkable, therefore, that Burkhardt found not just a few but the majority of these deaths to be due to vaccination.

While all four major manufacturers of gene-based vaccines were represented in the sample of patients studied by Burkhardt and Lang, most patients had received an mRNA vaccine from either Pfizer or Moderna. Some of the deceased patients had received both mRNA- and viral vector-based vaccines on separate occasions.

2. Pfizer’s own animal experiments show that the vaccine quickly distributes throughout the body

In order to cause potentially lethal damage, the mRNA vaccines must first distribute from the injection site to other organs. That such distribution occurs is apparent from animal experiments reported by Pfizer to Japanese authorities with its application for vaccine approval in that country [5]. Rats were injected intramuscularly with a radioactively labelled model mRNA vaccine, and the movement of the radiolabel first into the bloodstream and subsequently into various organs was followed for up to 48 hours.

The first thing to note is that the labelled vaccine shows up in the blood plasma after a very short time—within only a quarter of an hour. The plasma level peaks two hours after the injection. As it drops off, the model vaccine accumulates in several other organs. The fastest and highest rise is observed in the liver and the spleen. Very high uptake is also observed with the ovaries and the adrenal glands. Other organs (including the testes) take up significantly lower levels of the model vaccine. We note, however, that at least the blood vessels will be exposed and affected in every organ and in every tissue.

The rapid and widespread distribution of the model vaccine implies that we must expect expression of the spike protein throughout the body. For a more in-depth discussion of this biodistribution study, see Palmer2021b.

3. Expression of viral proteins can be detected with immunohistochemistry

While the distribution of the model vaccine leads us to expect widespread expression of the spike protein, we are here after solid proof. Such proof can be obtained using immunohistochemistry, which method is illustrated in this slide for the vaccine-encoded spike protein.

If a vaccine particle—composed of the spike-encoding mRNA, coated with lipids—enters a body cell, this will cause the spike protein to be synthesized within the cell and then taken to the cell surface. There, it can be recognized by a spike-specific antibody. After washing the tissue specimen to remove unbound antibody molecules, the bound ones can be detected with a secondary antibody that is coupled with some enzyme, often horseradish peroxidase. After another washing step, the specimen is incubated with a water-soluble precursor dye that is converted by the enzyme to an insoluble brown pigment. Each enzyme molecule can rapidly convert a large number of dye molecules, which greatly amplifies the signal.

At the top right of the image, you can see two cells which were exposed to the Pfizer vaccine and then subjected to the protocol outlined above. The intense brown stain indicates that the cells were indeed producing the spike protein.

In short, wherever the brown pigment is deposited, the original antigen—in this example, the spike protein—must have been present. Immunohistochemistry is widely used not only in clinical pathology but also in research; it could readily have been used to detect widespread expression of spike protein in animal trials during preclinical development. However, it appears that the FDA and other regulators never received or demanded such experimental data [6].

4. Expression of spike protein in shoulder muscle after vaccine injection

This slide (by Dr. Burkhardt) shows deltoid muscle fibres in cross section. Several (but not all) of the fibres show strong brown pigmentation, again indicating spike protein expression.

While the expression of spike protein near the injection site is of course expected and highly suggestive, we would like to make certain that such expression is indeed caused by the vaccine and not by a concomitant infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is particularly important with respect to other tissues and organs which are located far away from the injection site.

5. Coronavirus particles contain two prominent proteins: spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N)

To distinguish between infection and injection, we can again use immunohistochemistry, but this time apply it to another SARS-CoV-2 protein—namely, the nucleocapsid, which is found inside the virus particle, where it enwraps and protects the RNA genome. The rationale of this experiment is simple: cells infected with the virus will express all viral proteins, including the spike and the nucleocapsid. In contrast, the mRNA-based COVID vaccines (as well as the adenovirus vector-based ones produced by AstraZeneca and Janssen) will induce expression only of spike.

6. Infected persons express the nucleocapsid protein (and also the spike protein)

This slide simply illustrates that the method works: lung tissue or cells from a nasal swab of a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 stain positive for nucleocapsid expression, whereas cultured cells exposed to the vaccine do not (but they stain strongly positive for the spike protein; see inset at the top right of Slide 3).

7. Injected persons express only the spike protein, which implicates the vaccine

Here, we see immunohistochemistry applied to heart muscle tissue from an injected person. Staining for the presence of spike protein causes strong brown pigment deposition. In contrast, only very weak, non-specific staining is observed with the antibody that recognizes the nucleocapsid protein. The absence of nucleocapsid indicates that the expression of the spike protein must be attributed ot the vaccine rather than an infection with SARS-CoV-2.

We will see shortly that the strong expression of spike protein in heart muscle after vaccination correlates with significant inflammation and tissue destruction.

8. Expression of spike protein within the walls of small blood vessels

We see spike protein expression in arterioles (small arteries; left) as well as in venules (small veins) and capillaries (right). Expression is most prominent in the innermost cell layer, the endothelium. This makes the endothelial cells “sitting ducks” for an attack by the immune system.

9. Endothelial stripping and destruction of a small blood vessel after vaccination

We now turn to the evidence of immune attack on the endothelial cells which produce the spike protein. On the left, a normal venule, delimited by an intact endothelium and containing some red blood cells and few white blood cells (stained blue) inside.

The image on at the centre shows a venule that is being attacked and destroyed by the immune system. The outline is already dissolving, and the spindle-shaped (and swollen) endothelial cells have peeled off from the vessel wall. Furthermore, we see lymphocytes—the small cells with dark, round nuclei and with very little cytoplasm around them; a single lymphocyte (at much higher magnification) is shown on the right.

Lymphocytes are the backbone of the specific immune system—whenever antigens are recognized and antibodies are produced, this is done by lymphocytes. Also among the lymphocytes we find cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells, which serve to kill virus-infected cells—or ones that look to them as if infected, because they have been forced to produce a viral protein by a so-called vaccine.

A crucial function of the endothelium is to prevent blood clotting. Thus, if the endothelium is damaged, as it is in this picture, and the tissues beyond it make contact with the blood, this will automatically set off blood clotting.

10. A crack in the wall of the aorta, lined by clusters of lymphocytes, leading to aortic rupture

On the left, a section through the wall of an aorta. This picture is taken at an even lower magnification than the one before; the lymphocytes now appear as just a cloud of tiny blue specks. To the left of this blue cloud, we see a vertical crack running through the tissue. Such a crack is also visible macroscopically in the excised specimen of an aorta shown on the right.

The aorta is the largest blood vessel of the body. It receives the highly pressurized blood ejected by the left ventricle of the heart, and it is thus exposed to intense mechanical stress. If the wall of the aorta is weakened by inflammation, as it is here, then it may crack and rupture. Aortic rupture is normally quite rare, but Prof. Burkhardt found multiple cases in his limited number of autopsies. Some of the affected aortas were also shown to have expressed the spike protein.

11. Healthy heart muscle tissue, and lymphocytic myocarditis

In Slide 7, we saw that heart muscle cells strongly expressed the spike protein after vaccine injection. Here, we see the consequences. The picture on the shows a sample of healthy heart muscle tissue, with regularly oriented and aligned heart muscle fibres. On the right, we see a heart muscle sample from one of the autopsies. The muscle fibres are disjointed and disintegrating, and they are surrounded by invading lymphocytes. Burkhardt found myocarditis in multiple of his deceased patients.

12. Lymphocytic infiltration and proliferative inflammation in lung tissue

On the left, we see healthy lung tissue, with air-filled spaces (the alveoli), delimited by delicate alveolar septa with embedded, blood-filled capillaries. We also see some larger blood vessels.

On the right hand side, we see lung tissue overrun by lymphocytes. The air-filled spaces have largely disappeared and been filled with scar (connective) tissue. This vaccine-injected patient would obviously have had very great trouble breathing.

Lymphocytic infiltration, inflammation and destruction were also observed in many other organs, including the brain, the liver, the spleen, and multiple glands. However, instead of illustrating them all, we will conclude the pathological evidence with another immunohistochemistry result, which strikingly shows the long duration of spike protein expression.

13. Vaccine-induced expression of spike protein in a bronchial biopsy nine months after vaccination

The slide shows a sample of bronchial mucous membrane, from a patient who is alive but has suffered respiratory symptoms ever since being vaccinated. We see several cells in the uppermost cell layer that strongly express spike protein—and this even nine months after his most recent vaccine injection! While this is indeed the most extreme case of long-lasting expression, there is evidence both from Burkhardt’s autopsies and from published studies on blood samples [7] or lymph node biopsies [8] to indicate that expression does last several months.

14. The Pfizer vaccine mRNA gets copied (“reverse-transcribed”) into DNA and inserted into the cellular genome

The official mRNA vaccine narrative maintains that the modified mRNA contained in the vaccine will not be replicated in vivo; expression of the spike protein should therefore cease once the injected RNA molecules have been degraded.

The limited experimental studies available [9,10] suggest that the injected modified mRNA should be degraded within days to a few weeks of the injection. This is obviously difficult to square with the observed long-lasting expression; in some form or other, the genetic information appears to be perpetuated in vivo.

A recent experimental study from Sweden [11] has shown that human-derived cells can copy the Pfizer mRNA vaccine into DNA and then insert it into their own chromosomal DNA. The image shows the key evidence from this study. The cells were exposed to the vaccine for the lengths of time indicated. Cellular DNA was then isolated, and inserted DNA copies of the vaccine mRNA detected by PCR amplification of a fragment 444 base pairs (bp) in length.

All samples labelled with “BNT” had been treated with the vaccine, and they all show a PCR product of the expected length, as is evident from comparison to a DNA fragment length standard (“L”). Samples labelled with “Ctrl n” were controls: Ctrl 1– 4 contained DNA from cells not incubated with vaccine, Ctrl 5 contained RNA (not DNA) from vaccine-treated cells; Ctrl 6 contained the same but was additionally treated with RNAse, which step was also performed in the purification of DNA samples. As expected, none of the control samples contain the PCR product.

Considering Aldén’s observation of DNA insertion in every single experimental sample, it seems highly likely that this will also occur in vivo. Beyond providing a plausible mechanism for perpetuating the expression of spike protein, DNA insertion also poses risks of genetic damage, leading to cancers and leukemias.

15. Summary

The evidence presented here clearly demonstrates a chain of causation from vaccine injection to

  • rapid distribution of the vaccine through the bloodstream,

  • widespread spike protein expression, prominently in blood vessels, and

  • autoimmune-like inflammation and organ damage.

Vaccine-induced vascular damage will promote blood clotting, and clotting-related diseases such as heart attack, stroke, lung embolism are very common in the adverse events databases [4,12].

In addition to autoimmune-like inflammation, other disease mechanisms, including prion-mediated CNS degeneration [13], aberrant vascular protein deposition (amyloidosis) [14,15], and lipid nanoparticle toxicity [16], are plausible but require further study and corroboration. Overall, these vaccines can no longer be considered experimental—the “experiment” has resulted in the disaster that many medical doctors and scientists predicted from the outset [17]. The vaccination must be stopped, and all approvals and authorizations of their use must be revoked.


  1. Bozkurt, B. et al. (2021) Myocarditis With COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Circulation144:471-484

  2. Ehrlich, P. et al. (2021) Biopsy-proven lymphocytic myocarditis following first mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in a 40-year-old male: case report. Clinical research in cardiology official journal of the German Cardiac Society 110:1855-1859

  3. Rose, J. and McCullough, P.A. (2021) A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products. Current problems in cardiology p. 101011

  4. Shilhavy, B. (2022) 43,898 Dead, 4,190,493 Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions.

  5. Anonymous, (2020) SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) 2.6.4 Summary statement of the pharmacokinetic study [English translation].

  6. Latyopva, A. (2022) Did Pfizer Perform Adequate Safety Testing for its Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine in Preclinical Studies? Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud.

  7. Bansal, S. et al. (2021) Cutting Edge: Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies: A Novel Mechanism for Immune Activation by mRNA Vaccines. J. Immunol. 207:2405-2410

  8. Röltgen, K. et al. (2022) Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination. Cell (preprint)

  9. Andries, O. et al. (2015) N1-methylpseudouridine-incorporated mRNA outperforms pseudouridine-incorporated mRNA by providing enhanced protein expression and reduced immunogenicity in mammalian cell lines and mice. J. Control. Release 217:337-344

  10. Pardi, N. et al. (2018) Nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines induce potent T follicular helper and germinal center B cell responses. J. Exp. Med. 215:1571-1588

  11. Aldén, M. et al. (2022) Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 44:1115-1126

  12. Anonymous, (2021) OpenVAERS.

  13. Perez, J.C. et al. (2022) Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 “vaccine” Jab. ResearchGate (preprint)

  14. Charnley, M. et al. (2022) Neurotoxic amyloidogenic peptides in the proteome of SARS-COV2: potential implications for neurological symptoms in COVID-19. Nat. Commun.13:3387

  15. Nyström, S. and Hammarström, P. (2022) Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144:8945-8950

  16. Palmer, M. and Bhakdi, S. (2021) The Pfizer mRNA vaccine: Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity.

  17. Bhakdi, S. et al. (2021) Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns.

Dr Kruger - “I’m Watching People Being Killed:” Top-level Pathologist says COVID Injections are a Trigger for Fast-Growing Tumors and Autoimmune Diseases. mRNA Shot Causing "Turbo Cancers"

From [HERE] Doctors for Covid Ethics posted an interview with her where she shared her concerns about unusual features that have been showing up in samples from the past year.

  • Age – The average ages of the samples she received dropped, with a rise in the number of samples from people in their 30’s-50’s.

  • Size – It used to be unusual for Dr. Kruger to find a tumor 3 cm in size. In this new environment, she’s regularly seeing tumors of 4 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm, and the occasional 12 cm. In a shocking anecdote, 2 weeks ago she found a 16 cm tumor that took up an entire breast.

  • Multiple Tumors – Dr. Kruger has begun to see more cases of multiple tumors growing in the same patient, sometimes even in both breasts. She had 3 cases within 3 weeks of patients who had tumors growing in multiple organs. One had tumors in his/her breast, pancreas and lungs within months of getting vaccinated.

  • Recurrence – There has been an uptick in patients who have been in remission from their cancer for many years, suddenly getting an aggressive recurrence of their cancer shortly after vaccination.

Speaking Out

Dr. Kruger initially thought that these turbo cancers, as she calls them, were due to delayed doctor appointments from Covid lockdowns, but that period is long over, and the tumors are still growing aggressively, and in younger patients. She reported some of these cases to the FDA, and while some higher-ups initially agreed to meet with her, they canceled the meeting with no explanation the next day and sent a phone agent to take her report instead.

Six months ago Dr. Kruger appeared at a panel in Germany to present her theory that vaccination is causing aggressive tumors, and she asked for help from the doctors at that summit in collecting data. Unfortunately, few of them have been willing to collect that data and share it with her.


Part of Dr. Kruger’s time is spent on autopsies, and she drew attention to numerous concerning anomalies.

  1. A 60-year-old had multiple malignant diseases. He got 2 doses of the Covid vaccine during chemotherapy and then developed Guillain Barre Syndrome. She found inflammation in the spinal cord, brain, and blood vessels.

  2. An 80-yr-old woman became paralyzed one month after vaccination. Dr. Kruger found a hemorrhage in the spinal cord near the neck, which is something she’s never seen before. Under the microscope, she saw inflammation in the vessel that caused the rupture and caused bleeding. She also found inflammation in the heart muscles, which is myocarditis.

  3. Dr. Kruger was called to settle a dispute between a family of a deceased person, and the doctors who signed the autopsy. The family and their physician believed the death was a result of the Covid vaccine, yet the ones who performed the autopsy didn’t come up with any findings to support that and did not link the death to the vaccine. When Dr. Kruger performed her own autopsy, she found evidence of myocarditis and vasculitis- inflammation of blood vessels in the lungs. The original autopsy either missed those signals or didn’t look for them, and the family was correct. Dr. Kruger shared her opinion, supported by another senior-level pathologist from Germany, that the death was indeed due to the Covid vaccine.

Dr. Kruger outlined 3 major issues with the way autopsies are currently being run in practice:

  1. Patient information is sloppy. Dr. Kruger personally had several cases where clinicians had written that the patient was unvaccinated for the autopsy, when in fact in their medical files it was documented that they were vaccinated for Covid.

  2. The typical autopsy doesn’t run exams deep enough to diagnose the root cause of certain medical issues. They don’t do rigorous histopathological testing of the tissues where vaccine damage would likely show up, but which is necessary to detect markers of vaccine-induced injury, such as immunological infiltrates or spike proteins in myocardial tissues. Dr. Kruger ran more thorough exams and found myocarditis and inflammations that were missed by the original autopsy.

  3. There’s a lack of experience in evaluating these findings, and a lack of desire to properly contextualize cases. In addition, most autopsy clinicians don’t report cases to the FDA.

While Dr. Kruger’s testimony is by nature anecdotal, as a top-level pathologist of many years, her concerns should be taken very seriously and investigated further. Of course, that would require an honest regulation system which seems to be sorely lacking these days.

“I’m Watching People Being Killed”

Dr. Kruger stated that she sees vaccination as a trigger for fast-growing tumors and autoimmune diseases. She’s seeing a lot of inflammation alongside tumors, and of course, it’s not only breast cancer. Many other pathologists have reported to Dr. Kruger that they’re seeing an elevation in cancers, cancers in multiple organs, and rare cancers.

She ended off by saying “I studied medicine because I wanted to help people. But now it feels like I’m watching people being killed and there’s nothing I can do”.

The first step to solving any issue is acknowledging there’s a problem. We have a huge problem, and in order to begin to resolve it, it must be acknowledged. It’s time to start pressuring doctors to speak out. Any doctor who’s aware enough to understand that something is off must begin to address the issue. An additional motivation may be the pressure of knowing that it’s all about to blow up, and they don’t want to be standing on the wrong side of the line when it does.

Study Shows ‘Stunning’ Link Between Pfizer COVID Injection and Myocarditis in Teens

From [CHD] A prospective study in Thailand conducted during the country’s national COVID-19 vaccination campaign for adolescents showed what one physician described as a “stunning” association between myocarditis and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

The preprint, accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, involved 314 participants ages 13-18 who were healthy and without abnormal symptoms after receiving their first vaccine dose.

Participants with a history of cardiomyopathy, tuberculous pericarditis or constrictive pericarditis and severe allergic reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine were excluded from the study.

Although the study included 314 adolescents, 13 were excluded from the findings as they were “lost to follow-up.”

Of the 301 remaining participants, 202 (67.1%) were male.

Researchers found that 18% of the 301 teens analyzed had an abnormal electrocardiogram, or EKG after receiving their second dose of Pfizer, 3.5% of males developed myopericarditis or subclinical myocarditis, two were hospitalized and one was admitted to the ICU for heart problems.

Cardiovascular adverse events observed during the study included tachycardia (7.64%), shortness of breath (6.64%), palpitation (4.32%), chest pain (4.32%) and hypertension (3.99%).

Fifty-four adolescents had abnormal electrocardiograms after vaccination, three patients had minimal pericardial effusion with findings compatible with subacute myopericarditis and six patients experienced mitral valve prolapse.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle that can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, myocarditis can result from infections, but “more commonly the myocarditis is a result of the body’s immune reaction to the initial heart damage.”

Pericarditis is inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart that can cause sharp chest pain and other symptoms.

According to the study, the most common symptom was chest pain, followed by chest discomfort, fever and headache.

Three patients between the ages of 13 and 18 reported chest pain and biomarkers were evaluated. All three reported the symptoms within 24-48 hours of receiving the second dose of Pfizer.

Four patients had no symptoms but had elevated biomarkers.

All patients were male and had abnormal electrocardiograms, particularly sinus tachycardia. The clinical course was mild in all cases.

The majority of the participants (257/301 or 85.38%) had no underlying diseases prior to being vaccinated.

As part of the study, participants received a diary card to record cardiac symptoms. Those who developed side effects from the vaccine could call the principal investigator and be transferred to a medical team at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases for assessment.

If the participant developed abnormal EKG, echocardiographic findings or increased cardiac enzymes, the principal investigator scheduled patients for follow-up per the study’s protocol and for day 14 lab assessments.

Individuals were monitored with laboratory tests including cardiac biomarkers, ECG and echocardiography at three clinical visits — baseline, day 3, day 7 and day 14 after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The diagnostic criteria for myocarditis were classified as either probable cases or confirmed cases and were based on clinical symptoms and medical tests.
The researchers concluded the clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was “usually mild,” with all cases fully recovering within 14 days and recommended adolescents receiving mRNA vaccines be monitored for side effects.

Dr. Tracy Høeg, an epidemiologist, in a tweet said the study is “unique & impressive because of the extensive workup both pre and post vaccination” as the study could “detect pre-existing cardiac abnormalities.” [MORE]

The 5 Largest Life Insurance Companies in US Show an Increase in Death Payouts in 2021

From [HERE] In January 2021, the world was greeted to surprising information when the CEO of OneAmerica, an Indiana-based life insurance company, shared data about how the pandemic and its response by public health officials, has impacted the life and disability insurance industry.

We’re seeing right now the highest death rates we’ve ever seen in the history of this business,” said Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion life insurance and retirement company headquartered in Indianapolis. 

The data is consistent across every player in the business.”

Davison said death rates among working age people – those 18 to 64-years-old – are up 40 percent in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 over pre-pandemic levels.

The fact-checkers immediately came out in force in attempts to debunk growing conversation that a newly developed mRNA vaccine technology, rushed to market with no longterm testing may have led to such an increase. AP’s fact-checking assessment placed blame on ‘the delta variant of the coronavirus and deferred medical care during the pandemic. 

Despite Davison’s claim that the data is ‘consistent across every player in the business,’ no other insurance companies made it known that their 2021 data reflected this warning signal. 

Then in June, Margaret Menge at the Crossroads Report posted the article titled, Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 – Total claims/benefits up $6 billion

Annual statements filed with state insurance departments obtained in response to public records requests showed that Lincoln National insurance company saw large rises in Group Death Benefits. 

Here are the precise numbers for Group Death Benefits taken from Lincoln National’s annual statements for the three years as shown at the Crossroads report:

  • 2019: $500,888,808

  • 2020: $547,940,260

  • 2021: $1,445,350,949

By taking similar legal action, attorneys for the Informed Consent Action Network have now obtained the annual statements from the five largest insurance companies in the U.S.

Annual statements from 2017-2021 were obtained from Met Life, New York Life Group, Northwestern Mutual Group, Mass Mutual, and Prudential America Group. 

Below is the chart showing Ordinary Death Benefit numbers for each year. The red highlight signifies the years of the COVID pandemic response. [MORE]

In 2 New Polls Twice as Many Americans Say They Have Lost a Household Member Due To a COVID "Vaccine" as They have Lost One to COVID Illness

From [HERE] Polls of the U.S. public continue to show that up to twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid.

The pooled results of five surveys of the American public, now totalling over 2,500 people, show that while 4.4% of respondents reported that a member of their household had died from COVID-19, 8.9% said a member had died as a result of Covid vaccination.

The results also showed that 8.6% said they had been injured by their vaccination, 4.9% that they had sought medical help and 3.2% that they had been hospitalised, while 3.6% said that as a result of vaccination they were no longer able to work a full day or at all. These are percentages of all respondents. If we look only at the 74.0% vaccinated with at least one dose then the figures, as a proportion of vaccinated persons, are 11.7% injured, 6.7% needing medical help, 4.4% hospitalised and 4.8% unable to work. While these figures are self-reported and there is no control group, since the unvaccinated were not asked about adverse events, they are still alarmingly high.

The results also showed that, among those who reported a Covid death in their household, more than twice as many reported that it occurred after the person was vaccinated than before (2.8% vs 1.2%). The proportion who said they had contracted Covid before their vaccination (13.1%) was very similar to the proportion who said they contracted it afterwards (11.7%). These figures are not indicative of a vaccine highly effective against either infection or death.

The people polled were randomly selected, representative samples of the U.S. public, of whom 74.0% were vaccinated, so the samples were not inherently biased towards or against the reporting of vaccine problems, though as in all opinion polls (especially online ones) there may be an issue of self-selection bias.

I reported on the first three of these polls last month. Two more have now been added, each from a different polling company, and the results of all five are strikingly similar (see summary table below), indicating that the findings are a true representation, if not of the American public, at least of the section of the American public inclined to complete polls like this. [MORE]

Criminazi Fauci Stepping Down as Unelected Puppetician and Hype Man for Fake Pandemic. Probably Will Die Before His Nuremberg Trial for Conspiracy to Create Human Dependency on Genocidal COVID Shots

From [DAVIDICKE] Dr. Anthony Fauci is stepping down from three government positions that he currently holds, he announced on Aug. 22.

He’s resigning as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden.

The moves will take effect in December, Fauci said.

He indicated that he’ll leave the government, but not retire.

“While I am moving on from my current positions, I am not retiring,” Fauci said. “After more than 50 years of government service, I plan to pursue the next phase of my career while I still have so much energy and passion for my field. I want to use what I have learned as NIAID Director to continue to advance science and public health and to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientific leaders as they help prepare the world to face future infectious disease threats.”

Fauci, 81, had repeatedly hinted that he would step down from his positions but hadn’t committed before to a specific time for resigning.

Republicans have vowed to investigate Fauci and other architects of U.S. pandemic policy if they gain control of either or both congressional chambers in the upcoming midterm elections.

“Dr. Fauci is conveniently resigning from his position in December before House Republicans have an opportunity to hold him accountable for destroying our country over these past three years,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) said in a statement.

Longtime Government Official

Fauci has directed NIAID since 1984. He has advised Biden since the president took office in 2021, and he was one of President Donald Trump’s chief advisers on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fauci has drawn ire for recommending lockdowns as a bid to slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19, acknowledging that he deliberately misled the American public on mask-wearing, and defending NIAID funding for the laboratory in Wuhan, China, that’s located near the location where the first COVID-19 cases occurred.

Genocide: UK Government Data Shows 1,000 More People than Usual are Dying Each Week from Illnesses and Conditions Other Than COVID. Since May, Nearly 10,000 More Deaths than the 5yr Average

From [DAVID ICKE] and [HERE] and [HERE] The effects of lockdown could be causing more deaths than Covid as nearly 10,000 more deaths than the five-year average are recorded, ONS data has found.

Released on Tuesday, the Office for National Statistics’ figures for excess deaths in the UK has revealed that about 1,000 more people than usual are dying each week from illnesses and conditions other than Covid.

This makes the rate for excess deaths 14.4 per cent higher than the five-year average, meaning 1,350 more people have died than usual in the week ending 5 August.

Covid-related deaths made up for 469 of them, but the remaining 881 have ‘not been explained’. Since the start of June, nearly 10,000 more deaths unrelated to Covid have been recorded than the five-year average, making up around 1,089 per week.

This figure is over three times the number of people who died from Covid, 2,811, over the same period.

ONS analysis takes into consideration the ageing population changes, yet still found a ‘substantial ongoing excess’.

The Telegraph has reported that the Department of Health may have ordered an investigation into the concerning numbers as there is potential for them to be linked to the delays in medical treatment as a result of the ongoing strain on the NHS.

Lockdowns pushed back treatment for conditions including cancer, diabetes and heart disease, with the British Heart Foundation telling the publication it was ‘deeply concerned’ by the findings.

The Stroke Association said it had been anticipating the rise in deaths for some time.

Noting a ‘disturbing’ number of mental health conditions, undetected cancers and cardiac problems, chief executive of private GP service Doctorcall Dr Charles Levinson said: ‘Hundreds and hundreds of people dying every week, what’s going on?

‘Delays in seeking and receiving healthcare are no doubt the driving force, in my view. Daily Covid statistics demanded the nation’s attention, yet these terrifying figures barely get a look in. A full and urgent government investigation is required immediately,’ he told the Telegraph.

Only last week England-wide statistics showed that emergency care standards in hospitals hit an all-time low, with over 20,000 patients facing a 12+ hour wait for medical treatment.

Shamburgers/Plandemics: CDC Not Advising to Stop Eating at Wendys after 37 People Get Sick from E-Coli. If Their Food Kills as Many People as COVID Shots (30,000) Will CDC Shut it Down or Mandate it?


From [HERE] Wendy’s restaurants have been associated with an E. coli outbreak reported in four states, with 37 people infected and 10 hospitalized, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday. 

No deaths have been reported.

A specific food has not been confirmed as the source of the outbreak, according to the CDC, but 22 of 26 sick people reported eating sandwiches at Wendy’s restaurants in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania before getting sick.

As a precaution, Wendy’s is removing the romaine lettuce being used in sandwiches from restaurants in that region, since most sick people reported eating sandwiches with romaine lettuce, according to the agency.

The CDC said it is not advising that people avoid eating at Wendy’s restaurants or that people stop eating romaine lettuce. 

The agency is investigating to confirm whether romaine lettuce is the source of the outbreak, and whether the lettuce used at the Wendy’s stores was served or sold at other businesses. [MORE]

Meanwhile VAERS data released Friday, August 5, 2022 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,371,474 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,981 deaths and 249,116 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,371,474 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 13,534 adverse events over the previous week.

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 29,981 reports of deaths — an increase of 191 over the previous week — and 249,116 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,430 compared with the previous week.

Of the 29,981 reported deaths, 19,348 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,981 cases to Moderna, 2,603 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 851,372 adverse events, including 13,894 deaths and 87,050 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 13,894 U.S. deaths reported as of July 29, 7% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 54% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 603 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered as of July 27, including 357 million doses of Pfizer, 227 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

The most recent report of a death in the 12- to 17-year-old age group was that of a 17-year-old male from Pennsylvania (VAERS I.D. ​2396146) who died from lymphocytic myocarditisapproximately five months after receiving his first dose of Pfizer. The patient had no relevant medical history, according to the report.

The report states the “patient was just hanging with buddies at a soccer game, patient just collapsed, just died right there, EMT rushed patient to hospital and tried 42 minutes of CPR — nothing happened. Once autopsy was done, the patient definitely had myocarditis, and think it was lymphocytic myocarditis.”

The patient did not receive any other vaccine within four weeks of his first dose of Pfizer. The batch and lot number have been requested and “will be submitted if and when received.” However, this information will not be available to the public. 

According to the CDC, “VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public.”

  • 63 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death — with 97% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

  • 658 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis with 645 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

  • 165 reports of blood clotting disorders with all cases attributed to Pfizer.

  • 20 cases of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) with all cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps. [MORE]

Trying to Kill Us: Canadian Province Ends Monthly Reporting after Its Data Shows "the Vaccinated" are at Higher Risk of Dying From COVID and Being Hospitalized and No Survival Benefit for the Boosted

[CHD] reports that Manitoba, population 1.4 million, was the first Canadian province whose public health agency reported data showing those who are fully vaccinated (not boosted) for COVID-19 are at higher risk of dying from COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated individuals.

The age-standardized data are from May 2022, but last appeared in Manitoba’s August 3 report:

For the month of May, Figure 6 (above) Manitoba Public Health reported that unvaccinated individuals were 40% less at risk of COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated individuals, and their risk was the same as boosted individuals.

Though three months old, the May data are, as of this writing, the last reported by the Canadian province.

Unvaccinated people also were 30% less likely to require hospitalization than vaccinated people, and 10% more likely to be hospitalized than boosted people.

Unvaccinated people were more likely to require ICU admission — 20% more than fully vaccinated people and 80% more likely than boosted individuals.

Manitoba did not report on these outcomes for the month of June or any time period since.

Manitoba’s latest report, dated August 11, announced:

“Monthly updates about severe outcomes after vaccination have been discontinued starting Week 31 [July 31-Aug. 6]. Manitoba Health will continue to monitor COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and report periodically when data allow.”

At the time of this writing, Manitoba Public Heath had not responded to a request to explain why it stopped reporting this data.

Despite their latest data showing an increased risk of death and hospitalizations in vaccinated individuals and no survival benefit in the boosted, the authors paradoxically summarize:

“COVID-19 vaccines continue to provide important protection against serious illness following infection due to all variants of concern (VOC) of COVID-19.”

Public health agencies stop reporting inconvenient data

Though independent journalist Alex Berenson brought attention to this official data, there have been no news reports in the mainstream media about this disquieting trend in Manitoba.

Nor have the media reported on why Manitoba suddenly stopped releasing this data. This appears to be part of a larger trend of public agencies ending reporting on severe COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status.

For example, the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), like Manitoba, for a time produced weekly reports that included age-stratified data on severe COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status.

But at the end of July, the BC Centre for Disease Control website stated, “As of July 28, the Outcomes by Vax and Vax Donut Charts have been retired.”

CTV News Vancouver, a Canadian news station, asked the BC Ministry of Health for an explanation. An emailed response from a ministry spokesperson read, in part:

“As most of the population has now been vaccinated with at least two doses of vaccine and many more have been infected with COVID-19, the data became hard to interpret.”

Ontario, next door to Manitoba, also used to report weekly on severe COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status.

However, the “COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario” website now states that hospitalization by vaccination status data and cases by vaccination status data will no longer be published as of June 30, and that case rates by vaccination status and age group data will no longer be published as of July 13.

Ontario continues to report deaths by vaccination status, but as raw data in a CSV file that can be downloaded and that requires the person who downloads it to generate the graph.

Scotland stops reporting data due to ‘increasing risk of misinterpretation from growing complexities’

Scotland releases weekly reports and used to report severe COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status.

In the weekly report released on March 2, Public Health Scotland (PHS) announced that severe outcomes by vaccination status “will no longer be reported on a weekly basis from 16 February 2022.”

Officials said:

“Due to the increasing risk of misinterpretation from growing complexities as the COVID-19 pandemic enters its second year (as described below), PHS has taken the decision to no longer report COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status on a weekly basis.”

If we examine Scotland’s last published comparative data, we see the unvaccinated enjoyed significant protection from infection compared to the vaccinated: [MORE]

Whistleblowers say Military Members are Forced to Take Emergency Use COVID Shots, Not the Approved Shot which is Unavailable in US - Violates Rights to Refuse Emergency Vaccines and Medical Treatment

From [CHD] A U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) service member alleges the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is administering COVID-19 vaccines from vials of Pfizer’s Comirnaty-labeled vaccines that are not produced at U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved manufacturing facility.

Lt. Chad R. Coppin, in a July 30 declaration submitted with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) under penalty of perjury, detailed his personal investigation into the availability and origin of Comirnaty-labeled COVID-19 vaccine vials at U.S. military facilities.

Coppin also relayed his concerns in an interview with The Defender, as did Holly Freincle, the wife of a U.S. military service member stationed at Fort Detrick, Maryland, who corroborated Coppin’s claims that Comirnaty-labeled vaccine vials are appearing at military service facilities.

Freincle told The Defender Comirnaty-labeled vaccines are being administered at Fort Detrick and that her husband’s retirement is currently in jeopardy if he does not accept vaccination with this “FDA-approved” vaccine.

Until now, the DOD has claimed the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, administered under an FDA-issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), is “interchangeable” with the fully licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine — which until recently, was said to be unavailable at military facilities.

The controversy surrounding Pfizer’s EUA vaccine versus the FDA-approved Comirnaty vaccine has figured prominently in several lawsuits involving the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates for military service members.

That’s partly because FDA regulations prohibit the mandatory administration of EUA products, despite the DOD’s claim that Pfizer’s EUA vaccine can be mandated because it’s “interchangeable” with Comirnaty.

In November 2021, a federal judge determined, as part of a broader order involving a military vaccine mandate lawsuit, that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Pfizer Comirnaty vaccines are not “interchangeable.”

Comirnaty-labeled vials at military facilities not produced at FDA-licensed facility

In his July 30 declaration, Coppin, who has served with the USCG since March 2002, reported that after a long period of unavailability, the “Comirnaty” vaccine began to appear at U.S. military facilities in June.

This included the Juneau, Alaska, USCG medical clinic where Coppin is stationed and where “a shipment of 60 Comirnaty vials packaged in six boxes of ten vials” was delivered on June 10.

According to Coppin, “prior to this date, only emergency use authorization shots have been available” at the Juneau facility and other military installations.

Coppin said the sudden availability of Comirnaty-labeled vaccine vials raised suspicions.

“I found [the delivery of Comirnaty-labeled vials] interesting as they arrived unannounced to any service members and to date, FDA approved Comirnaty labeled vials had never been seen in the USA,” he wrote in his declaration.

This, along with a sense of duty, led Coppin to investigate the matter further and eventually come out as a whistleblower.

Coppin stated:

“As a commissioned officer in the United States Coast Guard, it is my responsibility to uphold the Coast Guard’s core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.

“It is for this reason that I present … information that brings into question the ability of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to continue to push the lawful order of making service members partake in the injection of the ‘Comirnaty labeled’ COVID-19 shots that recently appeared at select military installations across the country.”

Medical staff at the Juneau facility told Coppin the Comirnaty-labeled vials were shipped there from the U.S. Army installation at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

In a subsequent phone call to the Maryland facility, Coppin alleged a U.S. Army civilian contractor told him the Comirnaty “grey cap” vials were “sent to Ft. Detrick from the Kalamazoo, MI Pfizer plant.”

Upon inquiring for information about where the Comirnaty-labeled vials were manufactured, he was told that he “would have to call Pfizer at Kalamazoo, MI for any additional information.”

In a July 7 phone call with a Pfizer customer service representative, Coppin said he was informed the Comirnaty-labeled vaccines with lot number FW 1331 that were shipped to the Juneau facility were “manufactured in France” on Jan. 28, 2022, and had an expiration date of Dec. 31, 2022.

However, he was provided “no other specific information regarding what Pfizer location, city or address in France” the vaccine was produced in.

The phone call between Coppin and Pfizer’s customer service representative was recorded and made publicly available as part of a podcast hosted by Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, a doctor who granted medical exemptions to the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate and who subsequently was ordered not to discuss COVID-19 or see patients.

According to Coppin, “The significance of the France manufacturing location is that it is not an authorized manufacturing location as per the FDA’s Comirnaty BLA Supplement Approval letterdated December 16, 2021,” which granted approval for the vaccine to be “manufactured at the Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium NV, Puurs, Belgium … facility.”

This is significant, Coppin said, because “we are being told that our military medical clinics at select locations across the country have the FDA approved Comirnaty” and that “Pfizer has stated on this recorded phone call that Lot number FW 1331 was manufactured in France which makes this not an FDA approved version for distribution in the United States of America according to the approved manufacturing locations declared in its BLA license.”

“Commanding Officers are using this shipment of Comirnaty from Ft. Detrick to try and convince and coerce the remaining unvaccinated service members into compliance with their order to receive a fully FDA approved Covid-19 vaccine,” Coppin alleged.

Refusal to receive ‘Comirnaty’ vaccine jeopardizing husband’s military retirement 

Freincle corroborated Coppin’s claims that Comirnaty-labeled vaccine vials are appearing at military service facilities and that unvaccinated service members are being pressured to get vaccinated with it.

She said her husband’s retirement, after 19 years of service, is now in jeopardy unless he receives the “Comirnaty” vaccine.

Freincle told The Defender:

“My husband … just had his administrative separation board after 19 years.

“They recommended separation, but said they would hold it for 60 days if he wanted to get the labeled Comirnaty vaccine before that point.”

According to Freincle, military officials also provided her husband “a list of duty stations that would have the ‘Comirnaty’ labeled vials.”

“To our knowledge, they are actually administering [Comirnaty-labeled vials] under the impression of receiving the FDA-licensed product,” Freincle said, adding that previously, “the EUA Pfizer-BioNTech doses were being used.”

According to Freincle, “All EUA doses are still being administered along with the new ‘Comirnaty-labeled’ doses,” despite previous DOD claims — alleged in lawsuits against the agency — that the “interchangeable” Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine would continue to be administered until doses of the Comirnaty vaccine become available.

Freincle confirmed the military’s claims of “interchangeability” between the Pfizer-BioNTech and Pfizer Comirnaty vaccines, telling The Defender:

“Service members who were given the EUA Pfizer BioNTech [vaccine] were told that they were receiving a dose with the same formulation as the FDA-approved shot and that they were being used interchangeably.

“The records we have seen all say Pfizer-BioNTech.”

Does the military have something to hide?

Neither the USCG nor Pfizer have refuted Coppin’s claims, he said.

“To date, Coast Guard medical clinics nor Pfizer [have] produced any documentation attesting to the manufacturing location of the Comirnaty labeled vials currently being offered to service members,” he wrote in his declaration.

In a subsequent communication with The Defender, Coppin added, “This France information punches a hole in that fabricated argument being pitched to us by our commanding officers and medical staff.”

Coppin alleged the DOD, federal government and Pfizer appear to be concealing evidence that would, “beyond any doubt,” confirm his allegations.

He told The Defender:

“In order to be absolutely sure, we need an insider at Pfizer to produce a printout showing the manufacturing location truly is France of this Comirnaty Lot FW1331, to back up my recorded phone call.

“I spoke to HHS [the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] and one of the lead doctors responsible for the rollout of EUA and BLA COVID shots to America got ordered to not talk to me. I can’t get my ‘where was Lot 1331 manufactured’ question answered in writing, by either HHS, Pfizer, DOD, FDA or USCG.”

Freincle expressed concerns over where the actions of the military and federal government may lead.

“So many, like my husband, have been lied to and coerced since last year. My husband’s retirement is now hanging in the balance after 19 years of dedicated service.

“I myself have multiple autoimmune diseases and rely on my monthly biologic medication. We also know there is a possibility of shedding with the vaccine, and I worry about that as an immunocompromised individual.”

Coppin concluded his declaration by stating his “hope that this information will generate an investigation to confirm the manufacturing locations of Comirnaty Lot FW1331 and other Lot numbers being shipped to US military installations.”

US Air Force Lieutenant Blows the Whistle but The Dependent Media is Not Listening: Medical Officer Claims Military Authorities are Covering Up COVID Injection Injuries

From [HERE] The U.S. military is allegedly covering up data on injuries from the COVID-19 vaccines, according to a whistleblower. Lt. Mark Bashaw, a preventive medicine officer with the U.S. Air Force, has stepped forward to reveal how vaccine injuries are being hidden from the public, and how the military’s database that tracks vaccine injuries has been altering data.

Liars at NYT who Destroyed Informed Consent with Myth-Information; ‘COVID Shots are Safe and Prevent COVID, Illness and Death, Stop Spread and Work Against Variants,’ Now Smear Dr Mercola Over DisInfo


  • In July 2021, The New York Times (NYT) published the hit piece, “The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online,” in which they made several blatantly false claims about me

  • In the NYT’s July 2021 hit piece, the author, Sheera Frenkel, cited an article I’d published in which I declared the COVID shots a medical fraud, as they don’t prevent infection, provide immunity or stop transmission. According to Frenkel, that was misinformation

  • In early 2021, Bill Gates, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mainstream media, Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Biden all said that if you got the shots, you would not get COVID and you would not transmit it to others. Fast-forward to today, and the reality of the situation is self-evident. The shots do not prevent infection or spread. Biden and Fauci, both double jabbed and boosted, have themselves admitted contracting COVID twice

  • Now, the NYT is upping the ante with an entire documentary dedicated to yours truly, titled “Superspreader”

  • The NYT documentary premieres Friday, August 19, 2022, at 10 p.m. Eastern and 10 p.m. Pacific time, on FX and Hulu

According to FUNKTIONARY:

newspaper – propagandizing through misinformation, disinformation and myth-information. “The function of a modern newspaper (not necessarily its intended function but certainly its effective function) seems to be to tie up the senses and the mind in a consideration of abstractions, conventions, and other mind-born structures which have no reality other than which we grant them. [MORE]

From [MERCOLA PDF] In July 2021, The New York Times (NYT) published the hit piece,1 "The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online," in which they made several blatantly false claims about me. Now, the NYT is upping the ante with an entire documentary dedicated to yours truly, titled "Superspreader."

Ever since my book "The Truth About COVID-19" came out, the global cabal seems to have lost their collective minds. The New York Times has printed demonstrably false information about me on multiple occasions, CNN reporters have invaded my office and pursued me on my bicycle with unmarked vehicles, the president of the United States has utilized his federal agencies to target me — and my personal and business bank accounts were closed.

Twitter has banned anyone from sharing any link to my website, YouTube banned my account with over 15 years of content, while Facebook and Google have done everything possible to make me disappear. It certainly would be much easier to cave under the pressure, but if we don't stand up for our rights and freedom now — when will it be too late? I will continue 'superspreading' truth and health until my last days.

NYT Hit Parade Continues With 'Superspreader'

In an August 5, 2022, TV review, Alex Reif writes:2

"News can spread like a virus. In our fast-paced world, it doesn't take long for either to spread around, which is why it's so important to get your information from a good source. 

In the latest installment of the FX series The New York Times Presents, viewers will get a perfect example of this with 'Superspreader,' which takes a look at one doctor with a massive following, who is credited as being the top spreader of misinformation regarding the COVID-19 and vaccine in the wellness industry ...

One of the pre-credit notes at the end of the documentary states that FDA Commissioner Robert Califf considers misinformation to be the leading cause of death in the country and because of this ...

[A]nother highlight of the film is an interview with Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Encountering Digital Hate who ranked Mercola at the top of 'The Disinformation Dozen,' a numbers-based list of the twelve most influential people leading the COVID-19 anti-vaccination effort. 

We also see how Mercola was de-platformed by several social media companies and how that hasn't done all that much to stop the spread of misinformation. 

At face value, The New York Times Presents 'Superspreader' is about Dr. Joseph Mercola, the empire he built, and the people who believe everything he says without question. But what viewers ultimately walk away with is a reminder that if something seems too good to be true, it most surely is."

The NYT documentary premieres Friday, August 19, 2022, at 10 p.m. Eastern and 10 p.m. Pacific time, on FX and Hulu.

In the NYT's July 2021 hit piece, the author, Sheera Frenkel, cited an article I'd published in which she says I questioned "the legal definition of vaccines" and declared the COVID shots were "a medical fraud," for the simple reason that they don't prevent infections, they don't provide immunity and don't stop transmission of the infection.

According to Frenkel, that was misinformation. According to the U.S. government and its "experts," the COVID jabs worked like any other vaccine. Check out the short video above for a sampling of what Bill Gates, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mainstream media, Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Biden were saying about the shots in early 2021.

The clear message — the promise — was that if you got the shots, you would not get COVID and you would not transmit it to others. Getting the population "vaccinated" would end the pandemic, for sure. Fast-forward to today, and the reality of the situation is beyond self-evident.

In February 2021, I warned that a medical fraud was being committed, and today, evidence from around the world show I was correct.

Biden, fully vaxxed and boosted has had COVID twice. Ditto for Fauci and a long list of government officials around the world. Outbreaks have repeatedly occurred at events where every single person present was fully vaxxed. So, the reality is that, back in February 2021, I warned that a medical fraud was being committed, and today, evidence from around the world show I was correct.

The shots do not prevent you from being infected, and they don't prevent you from spreading it to others. As such, the COVID shots do not function as a vaccine at all, and mass vaccination cannot end the pandemic because you're just as infectious if you get the shot and contract COVID as you would be if you were unjabbed.

Yet, despite the fact that time has vindicated me, the NYT has decided to double down and put out an entire documentary to cement the "superspreader of misinformation" label to my name when it really should be permanently attached to their own. It probably is important to note that they started their efforts on this video last year, in 2021.

'Easily Disprovable' Assertions Are in Fact True

In her 2021 hit piece, Frenkel also highlighted my comments about the COVID shots' ability to "alter your genetic coding, essentially turning you into a bioweapon spike protein factory that has no off-switch." According to Frenkel, these assertions "were easily disprovable."

But did she disprove them? No. Here's the reality: mRNA vaccines are by definition a genetic instruction set. That's what messenger RNA (mRNA) is. And the mRNA created by Pfizer or Moderna are synthetic instructions that have never before existed in humans.

This is true for a variety of reasons, but the primary one is the substitution of pseudouridine for uridine to prevent the mRNA from being degraded. Natural mRNA is normally rapidly destroyed and this is by design as your body is very precise about producing proteins and does not produce them willy-nilly.

So is there an off switch? Absolutely not. There's no off-switch programmed into these jabs. They are relying on your body's normal degradation systems. The biotech industry has even referred to this reprogramming of your body as turning you into a "human bioreactor."3

If an off-switch existed, the manufacturers would have assured us of that fact by now. In fact, they probably would have used the existence of a timed off-switch as the justification for boosters, but that has never come up. We know for sure that the mRNA jabs last at least 60 days and that is all we have for hard data. They more than likely last for six months and in some cases could last for years.

Asking Pointed, Nuanced Questions Is Bad?

Next, Frenkel went on to state that:4

"When the coronavirus hit last year, Dr. Mercola jumped on the news, with posts questioning the origins of the disease. In December, he used a study that examined mask-wearing by doctors to argue that masks did not stop the spread of the virus ...

[R]ather than directly stating online that vaccines don't work, Dr. Mercola's posts often ask pointed questions about their safety and discuss studies that other doctors have refuted. Facebook and Twitter have allowed some of his posts to remain up with caution labels, and the companies have struggled to create rules to pull down posts that have nuance ..."

So, I not only committed the "sin" of correctly warning people about the vaccine fraud committed, and had the audacity to follow science and reference published research, but I was also guilty of the "crime" of asking pointed, nuanced questions?

When merely asking questions is deemed a dangerous, if not criminal, act, you know you're living under an authoritarian regime. It's certainly far outside the accepted norms of "democracy" and "freedom" that the United States has been a beacon of since its inception.

Ineptitude at Its Finest

Further on in her hit piece, Frenkel makes a truly crucial error that no respectable journalist would ever dare make:

"In an email, Dr. Mercola said it was 'quite peculiar to me that I am named as the #1 superspreader of misinformation.' Some of his Facebook posts were only liked by hundreds of people, he said, so he didn't understand 'how the relatively small number of shares could possibly cause such calamity to Biden's multibillion dollar vaccination campaign.'

The efforts against him are political, Dr. Mercola added, and he accused the White House of 'illegal censorship by colluding with social media companies.' He did not address whether his coronavirus claims were factual. 

'I am the lead author of a peer reviewed publication regarding vitamin D and the risk of COVID-19 and I have every right to inform the public by sharing my medical research,' he said. He did not identify the publication, and The Times was unable to verify his claim."

The problem with Frenkel's assertion is that I did identify the publication. In fact, I emailed her the direct link. So, she lied. Secondly, my paper is beyond easy to locate. Just put my name into PubMed and you'll find it. Believe it or not, you can even find it using the most biased search engine on earth, Google.

Daniel Engber, senior editor at the typically highly progressive mainstream media outlet, The Atlantic, commented on Frenkel's clear ineptitude or malicious prevarication in a tweet:5

"A truly bizarre moment in the NYT piece on Joseph Mercola ... you can literally verify the existence of this peer-reviewed publication in one second via googling. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33142828/"

Legal Notice Sent to NYT

July 26, 2021, my attorneys sent the following legal notice to Frenkel at the NYT, demanding a retraction of her false statements:6

"Dear Ms. Frenkel,

The undersigned law firm represents Dr. Joseph Mercola in connection with the attached article that was widely published on July 24, 2021. We are providing notice that you have made several false and defamatory statements in this article:

1. You identified that you could not validate that Dr. Mercola published a peer reviewed study on Vitamin D in the severity of COVID-19. Dr. Mercola provided the direct link in response to you (attached) and any journalist or fact checker would simply find the study by searching "Mercola" in PubMed.

2. Your article falsely states Dr. Mercola has been fined "millions" by the FDA. This is completely fabricated, Dr. Mercola has never been fined by the FDA.

... On behalf of Dr. Mercola, we hereby demand you immediately retract the article. We also request that you preserve all communications and documents that relate to Dr. Mercola."

Where's the Proof That I Am the 'No. 1' Misinformant?

To this day, the NYT insists I'm the No.1 spreader of misinformation online, based on the fabrications of a group called Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) — a "foreign dark money group," to quote Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley,7 which sprang out of nowhere to create lists of people to be censored into oblivion.

The CCDH's data gathering is so questionable, even ultra-biased Facebook ended up publicly criticizing it. In an August 18, 2021, Facebook report, Monika Bickert, vice president of Facebook content policy, set the record straight:8

"In recent weeks, there has been a debate about whether the global problem of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation can be solved simply by removing 12 people from social media platforms. People who have advanced this narrative contend that these 12 people are responsible for 73% of online vaccine misinformation on Facebook. There isn't any evidence to support this claim …

In fact, these 12 people are responsible for about just 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on Facebook. This includes all vaccine-related posts they've shared, whether true or false, as well as URLs associated with these people."

At the time that Frenkel made her accusations, a Crowdtangle search for Facebook posts about the COVID jabs, from mid-June to mid-July 2021, also confirmed that my online reach was negligible. Topping the list of top performing Facebook posts expressing negative views about the COVID jabs was Candace Owens, followed by the mainstream news outlet ABC World News Tonight.9

The befuddling reality here is that most of the people identified as "top spreaders of misinformation" actually have negligible reach — at least compared to the people on this Crowdtangle list. None of the CCDH's "top vaccine misinformants" are on the list above, and our reach certainly has not improved or expanded since then.

If You're Targeted, You're On-Target

This naturally raises the question, why were we targeted in the first place? Is it because we have high credibility from being one of the first natural health sites on the web with the most followers? Is it because we've spent a quarter of a century gaining people's trust by mostly being correct about the health care system and criminal Big Pharma behavior?

Is it because we, more than others, have well-established credibility and are directly over the target? Is it because we have the experience and know-how to make accurate predictions? Is it because we see and explain the bigger picture?

Or is it some other reason entirely? It's a mystery, really, but what is clear is that we've been deemed a threat to the official propaganda narrative, and I, for whatever reason, am at the very top of that threat identification list. Well, I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I'm beyond truly honored to have been widely disparaged by one of the arms of the U.S. military and intelligence operations.

Being targeted in this fashion — tedious as it may be — is in fact a badge of honor. It tells me I'm doing the right thing, and that I've not misinterpreted the intentions behind the COVID machinations. More so than any intuition, it tells me I'm on target.

In the bright light of undeniable reality — as it is, a year later — it's clear that Frenkel's hit piece has not aged well. I doubt the NYT's "Superspreader" documentary will fare much better. In the final analysis, if you want any hope of controlling your health, and that of your family, you'd be wise to understand legacy media speaks in Orwellian Doublespeak and reality is the opposite of virtually everything they are telling you.

- Sources and References

Fakebook and Instagram Silence Robert Kennedy's Organization (CHD) to Better Control Discourse and Destroy Informed Consent About COVID Shots. Complicit in Govt Genocide with Single Source Propaganda

From [CHD] Without warning, Facebook on Wednesday de-platformed (unpublished) the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) account. Simultaneously, Instagram suspended CHD’s Instagram account.

Each of these accounts had hundreds of thousands of followers.

CHD received the following notifications from both platforms:

Commenting on the move, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD chairman and chief legal counsel, said:

“Facebook is acting here as a surrogate for the federal government’s crusade to silence all criticism of draconian government policies. Our constitutional framers recognized this peril of government censorship.

“We don’t need the First Amendment to protect popular or government-approved speech. They incorporated the First Amendment specifically to protect free expression of dissenting opinions. They understood that a government that can silence its critics has a license for every atrocity.”

The de-platforming by Facebook and Instagram dovetails with CHD’s lawsuit against Instagram and Facebook’s parent company, Meta, filed in August 2020.

In an appeal filed July 29 in the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, CHD provided the court with documents, produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which the CDC provided to Facebook outlining what the CDC defined as “misinformation.”

Titled “COVID Vaccine Misinformation: Hot Topics,” the documents advised tech giants to “be on the lookout” for various topics the CDC considers to be misinformation including COVID-19 vaccine shedding, VAERS reports, spike protein data and more.

Roger Teich, CHD legal counsel for the Meta lawsuit, said, “Censorship is not only unconstitutional, it’s un-American.”

CHD’s lawsuit, one of the organization’s 50+ active lawsuits to defend freedom of speech, medical freedom, truth, bodily autonomy and children’s health, is pending a 9th Circuit decision.

The tech giants de-platformed CHD just days after the CDC issued new guidance loosening COVID-19 policies.

And within hours of the CHD being de-platformed, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky outlined plans for overhauling how the agency works while admitting the agency’s response to COVID-19 was flawed and the agency committed a number of missteps in its management of the pandemic.

Inquest Concludes Rock Singer "Zion" Died from Fatal Brain Injury Caused by COVID Injection. Developed an “Excruciating” Headache 8 Days after Receiving Shot. Will the MF Liars at MSNBC Report It?

From [CHD] A U.K. rock singer who goes by the name Zion died from a “catastrophic brain injury” caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, an inquest concluded.

The 48-year-old man from Alston in Cumbria, a county in North West England, developed an “excruciating” headache on May 13, 2021, eight days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Although he took painkillers, Zion’s headaches increased in severity and four days later, his speech was impaired and he started having seizures.

Zion died May 19, 2021, despite emergency surgery to try to treat his “vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia,” which causes swelling and bleeding in the brain.

After his death, his fiancée, 39-year-old Vikki Spit, said she had spent only one night apart from him in their 21 years together and that her life was “smashed into a million pieces” by his death, according to the Daily Mail.

Spit is the first person in the U.K. to receive compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine death.

During the Aug. 17 inquest, the panel heard how Zion was generally fit and well with no significant previous medical history.

An inquest is a formal investigation conducted by a coroner to determine how someone died. The purpose of an inquest is limited to establishing the identity of the deceased individual as well as where, when and how they died.

A paramedic who was initially called to Zion’s home on May 15, 2021, told the inquest panel Zion was “alert and sat” up when the paramedics arrived, the Daily Mail reported.

She said she advised Zion to go to the hospital for further testing, but he said he did not want to go for fear of getting COVID-19.

The paramedic also told the court she did not receive official guidance regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine and its potential severe risks until around July 2021.

Spit said the paramedic was “adamant” the migraine had nothing to do with the vaccine and that she and Zion both “believed her.”

She added, “He was prepared to go to [the] hospital if the advice was to do so.”

However, the paramedic denied Spit’s claim.

A clinical review of the North East Ambulance Service’s handling of the initial paramedic call was later carried out and concluded the paramedic did a “thorough assessment” and that there were “no concerns.”

Two days later, on May 17, Spit called for paramedics again. Upon arriving at the home, the paramedic described Zion as “dazed and confused.” Zion began having a seizure and was immediately taken by ambulance to the hospital.

He was later transferred to Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) in Newcastle-upon-Tyne where Dr. Damian Holliman, a neurosurgeon at the hospital, performed emergency brain surgery on Zion, but the bleeding in the brain had already caused it to swell.

Holliman said he was “fully aware” that Zion’s blood clot “was the result of his recent vaccination.”

Two other RVI consultants, including Dr. Christopher Johnson, an intensive care consultant, also presented evidence at the hearing and said they agreed with Holliman’s assessment.

Johnson said he “shared the view” that the blood clot Zion developed was “vaccine-induced,” adding that at the time, guidance on how to manage the condition was rapidly changing due to it being a “developing situation.”

Johnson declared Zion dead on the morning of May 19.

Senior coroner Karen Dilks concluded, “Zion died due to very rare and aggressive complications of the AstraZeneca covid vaccination.”

There was “no evidence,” she said, “that earlier hospital admission would have altered the sad outcome.”

444 cases of severe blood clots following AstraZeneca vaccine reported in UK

As of July 27, the U.K.’s vaccine regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), had received reports of 444 cases — including 80 deaths — of major thromboembolic events (blood clots) with concurrent thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) in people who received an AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Six of the deaths occurred after the second dose.

EU regulators on April 7, 2021, announced a “possible link” between AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine and “very rare” blood clots, but concluded the benefits of the vaccine still outweigh the risks.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) did not recommend restricting use of the vaccine based on age, gender or other risk factors at the time, but recommended blood clotting after vaccination be listed as a possible side effect, according to a statement issued by the agency’s safety committee.

The EMA’s recommendations followed the agency’s review of 62 cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and 24 cases of splanchnic vein thrombosis reported in the EU drug safety database (EudraVigilance) as of March 22, 2021. Eighteen of the cases had resulted in death at the time of the review.

The EMA and MHRA initially did not recommend any age restrictions on the vaccine, although the MHRA warned of a “slightly higher incidence in the younger adult age groups,” as The Defender previously reported.

MHRA regulators advised that the “evolving evidence should be taken into account when considering the use of the vaccine.”

The U.K.’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) acknowledged in an April 7 statement reports of an “extremely rare adverse event of concurrent thrombosis (blood clots) andthrombocytopenia (low platelet count) following vaccination with the first dose of AstraZeneca.”

The JCVI said available data suggests “there may be a trend for increasing incidence of this adverse event with decreasing age, with a slightly higher incidence reported in the younger adult age groups.”

These concerns led Jonathan Van-Tam, England’s then-deputy chief medical officer, to recommend individuals under age 30 in the U.K. be offered an alternative to the AstraZeneca jab, provided one was available and it did not cause a substantial delay.

The JCVI on May 7, 2021, updated its guidance advising against the AstraZeneca vaccine for individuals under age 40.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is not authorized for use in the U.S. However, it is similar to  the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine as both use an adenovirus vector technology.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May put strict limits on the use of J&J’s vaccine, citing the risk of a blood-clotting condition the agency described as “rare and potentially life-threatening.”

The FDA has not limited the use of the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines despite reports of blood clotting disorders associated with both brands.

The latest available data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, show reports of blood clotting disorders with PfizerModerna and J&J.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Aug. 12, 2022, for all age groups combined, showed 42,358 reports of blood-clotting disorders in the U.S.

Of those, 29,036 blood-clotting reports were attributed to Pfizer, 9,502 blood-clotting reports to Moderna and 3,762 reports to J&J.

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

Zion’s death not an isolated case

On Aug. 3, The Defender reported that the U.K. family of a 27-year-old engineer who died from catastrophic brain bleeds after receiving AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine was considering taking legal action, pending an upcoming preliminary review of their son’s case.

Jack Last, who was vaccinated March 30, 2021, died three weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca jab.

A CT scan on April 10, 2021, revealed Last had developed a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, which occurs when a blood clot forms in the brain’s venous sinuses and prevents blood from draining out of the brain.

Last died at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, U.K., on April 20, 2021 — 11 days after he sought medical treatment for severe headaches.

His family retained legal counsel after raising concerns about the circumstances leading to Jack’s death, the East Anglian Daily Times reported.

Another U.K. man, 26-year-old Jack Hurn, died last year from “catastrophic” blood clots in his brain 13 days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, The Defender reported on May 23.

The Defender reported earlier this year on the deaths of two U.K. residents who also developed blood clots after the AstraZeneca vaccine, and on reports of blood-clotting disorders among AustralianGerman and Brazilian residents following the shots.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: 'No Child Should Get a COVID Injection and No Young Child Should be Vaccinated with Any Type of Smallpox Vaccine’

From [EXPOSE] Vaccination of vulnerable groups (sexual minority communities) against monkeypox is likely to accelerate the adaptive evolution of monkeypox in highly Covid vaccinated populations. It could thereby raise the incidence of (severe) monkeypox disease in vulnerable subsets of non-Covid vaccinated individuals and ignite multi-country epidemics of monkeypox in non-Covid vaccinated animal and human populations that are immunologically naïve to orthopoxvirus, wrote Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche. 

Additionally, no child should be vaccinated with any of the current Covid “vaccines” and no young child should be vaccinated with any type of smallpox vaccine.

“The current monkeypox pandemic is to be considered an indirect consequence of the unfortunate Covid mass vaccination program and does not yet constitute a public health emergency of international concern … The monkeypox vaccination campaigns that are currently kicked off are not only likely to have a detrimental impact on individual health (particularly in Covid unvaccinated children and vulnerable people) but should also be considered at risk of provoking a true public health emergency of international concern.”

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Monkeypox, 5 August 2022

The text below has been extracted from a much lengthier article written by Dr. Vanden Bossche simply titled ‘Monkeypox’.  Read the full article HERE.

Pandemics typically occur with pathogens that cause so-called acute self-limiting infection, meaning that they have the potential to spread asymptomatically before inducing a type of natural immunity that prevents productive infection upon subsequent exposure and, therefore, generates herd immunity.

As the spread of monkeypox is now particularly expanding in countries with high Covid vaccine coverage rate and as acute self-limiting viral disease-enabling viruses that are predominantly transmitted through close contact do not spread rapidly, there must be a link between the type of population-level immunity in highly Covid vaccinated populations and the rapid expansion in the prevalence of monkeypox cases.

It’s also important to note that—so far— monkeypox disease symptoms in these populations have been rather ‘mild’ and predominantly manifest in individuals from the gay and bisexual male community. This already suggests that sexual contact, especially when the latter is at risk of traumatising the skin or mucosa (e.g., in case of anogenital intercourses), facilitates symptomatic monkeypox infection.

Replication-competent versus replication-incompetent vaccines

Populations aged under 50 years old have not been vaccinated in the past against smallpox. This smallpox vaccine uses live attenuated, replication-competent cowpox (vaccinia) virus and largely protects against monkeypox disease.

Several countries are now about to start vaccination campaigns targeted at people who are at risk of contracting monkeypox disease using live attenuated, replication-incompetent smallpox vaccine. Both, individuals from sexual minority communities engaging in high-risk sexual behaviours for monkeypox infection and close contacts of monkeypox cases (including very young children, pregnant women, elderly or immunocompromised individuals) are eligible for monkeypox vaccination.

Live attenuated, replication-incompetent orthopox (e.g., smallpox) vaccines prime virus-neutralising antibodies in the vast majority of both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals (i.e., individuals under 50 years old).  However, unlike live attenuated replication-competent orthopox vaccines, they do not train cell-based innate immunity. There can be no doubt that vaccination in the context of more infectious circulating monkeypox variants will further promote natural selection and dominant propagation of even more infectious immune escape variants and thereby allow monkeypox to evolve into a human pathogen exhibiting an even higher level of infectiousness (comparable to smallpox?).  This situation is reminiscent of that which has been responsible for driving the adaptative evolution of more infectious SARS-CoV-2 variants following Covid mass vaccination campaigns.

The evolutionary dynamics of monkeypox will only be expedited when vaccine coverage rates grow; they could eventually modify the current mode and course of chain of monkeypox transmission such as to asymptomatically spread to all parts of a homogenously mixed, highly Covid vaccinated population. This would increase the risk of Covid unvaccinated subjects contracting monkeypox disease. Because of asymptomatic transmission, highly Covid vaccinated populations would serve as a human reservoir of more infectious monkeypox immune escape variants.

Previous vaccination with smallpox (i.e., cowpox) vaccines will likely improve protection from monkeypox disease in the non-Covid-vaccinated but not in the Covid vaccinated

While recall of antibodies induced by vaccination against smallpox virus in the past will provide an additional layer of natural immunity in the unvaccinated, repetitive recall of spike-specific infection-enhancing antibodies in Covid vaccinated individuals by circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants will allow the latter to outcompete other glycosylated pathogens for internalisation into mucosa-resident dendritic cells, thereby reducing or potentially even preventing recall of previously smallpox vaccine-induced antibodies.

This would imply that older (over 45-50 years old) Covid unvaccinated individuals are likely to benefit from their smallpox vaccination in the past whereas their Covid vaccinated peers may not. However, as already mentioned, the infection can be expected to be largely asymptomatic/ mild in the vast majority of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in highly Covid-vaccinated populations, even in the absence of previous smallpox vaccination.

No child should be vaccinated against monkeypox during this Covid pandemic

Vaccination with replication-incompetent orthopoxvirus-based vaccines of highly Covid vaccinated (sub)populations is not only going to drive the expansion of more infectious monkeypox variants but will also have the same detrimental effect as Covid vaccines in children: the continuous recall of vaccinal anti-monkeypox antibodies (by circulating, more infectious monkeypox variants) will keep the innate antibodies on the sideline and could thereby predispose the child to immunopathologies.

But even replication-competent smallpox vaccines can put the child’s health at risk. Akin to all other live attenuated, replication-competent vaccines (e.g., childhood vaccines), these vaccines are known to come with a risk of side effects: 

Health complications can occur after receiving the vaccine, and the risk of experiencing serious side effects must be weighed against the risk of experiencing a potentially fatal smallpox infection.

The vaccine may cause myocarditis and pericarditis, which are inflammation and swelling of the heart and surrounding tissues and can be very serious. Based on clinical studies, myocarditis and/or pericarditis occur in 1 in 175 adults who get the vaccine for the first time.

ACAM2000 (Smallpox Vaccine) Questions and Answers, US Food and Drug Administration

In the past, between 14 and 52 people out of every 1 million people vaccinated for the first time experienced potentially life-threatening reactions.

it is estimated that 1 to 2 people out of every 1 million people vaccinated could die as a result of life-threatening reactions to the vaccine.

Side Effects of Smallpox Vaccination, US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

The risk of severe disease may significantly increase when these live attenuated, replication-competent orthopoxvirus-based vaccines are administered to Covid-vaccinated children. Spike-directed antibodies are thought to sideline the child’s innate immune antibodies and thereby prevent NK cell-mediated innate immune recognition of host cells infected by glycosylated viruses (including pox viruses). This may enable live attenuated, replication-competent orthopoxvirus (e.g., vaccinia virus) comprised within the vaccine to blow through the child’s first line of immune defence and cause (severe) monkeypox disease.

Stated bluntly, vaccination of young children against monkeypox is at risk of provoking life-threatening disease.

No child should be vaccinated with any of the current Covid vaccines and no non-Covid-vaccinated young child should be vaccinated with any type of smallpox vaccine. This is because the replication-competent vaccines may cause (severe) monkeypox disease in these young children whereas the replication-incompetent vaccines put them at risk of contracting immunopathologies.

In the video below, Dr. Vanden Bossche and Dr. Paul Elias Alexander discuss the Covid injections, monkeypox vaccines, innate immunity in children and why Covid injections must not be given to children.