“Leave Our Children Alone.” Massachusetts Rabbi Under Attack for Speaking Out About Dangerous COVID Injections

From [HERE] Rabbi Michoel Green is the Rabbi of Congregation Ahavat Achim in Westborough, Massachusetts. Rabbi Green is an independent thinker, and he made a name for himself early on in the Covid era as a Rabbi who constantly questioned the authorities, beginning with an immediate aversion to any forced closures of schools and synagogues. In his words from March 2020 “What Antiochus, Hadrian, Stalin, et al, couldn’t accomplish in thousands of years, the Rabbinate of Crown Heights accomplished in 15 seconds….” referring to their acquiesence to go along with the public mandates to close sacred institutions.

Rabbi Green continued speaking up for freedom and sanity throughout the pandemic, up to and including coming out strongly and publicly against the Covid vaccine. He wrote religious exemptions for thousands of people and helped tens of thousands of people obtain religious exemptions, including hundreds in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

In January 2021, his outspoken views could no longer be tolerated by the Chabad organization that he held membership with at the time, and they officially cut off his chapter from their organization. He continued to lead his congregation and instituted a “no segregation” policy when it came to vaccines. He also opened up online services for those who were not comfortable attending synagogue in person and attracted people from all over the world who appreciated his services and views. A quick look at his website shows the kind of integrity and strength possessed by Rabbi Green.

HHS Records Show Biden, Media, Corporations Colluded to Falsely Induce Consent to COVID Shots w/PropAgenda that Claimed Deadly Shots are Safe/Effective/Necessary. Blacks, Others Specifically Targeted

From [HERE] Judicial Watch announced this week that it received 249 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing the extensive media plans for a propaganda campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine.

Among other groups, Black people were specifically targeted with propaganda using “local Black doctors,” BET and showcase Blacks according to documents found in the FOIA response.

The records were received in response to an August 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after HHS failed to respond to an April 19, 2021 request for records related to the Biden HHS “COVID-19 Community Corps” program (Judicial Watch v. HHS No. 1:22-cv-02315).

Judicial Watch is asking for all records regarding the application process; all organizations asking to be chosen to participate; all grants and all communications of representatives of the HHS regarding the program.

The newly released records include a document titled “PEC [Public Education Campaign] Plan April 19 – May 31 [2021],” which includes (pages 30- 34) the following media plans and action items:

Major [public education] projects in April

  • Vaccine engagement package to all entertainment talent and management agencies.

  • Vaccine engagement package to all media companies and show producers.

  • Outreach to major culture event producers.

  • Outreach with WCDT [“We Can Do This”] brand and engagement ideas to major businesses and associations.

  • Launch “Community Corps Business Chapter.”

  • Start celebrity “Share the Mics.”

POTUS May 1-31

  • Late night hosts vaccination video.

Additional ideas to be considered

Digital media

  • Produce HHS question-and-answer videos featuring local Black doctors discussing the vaccines, how they work and why the public should get vaccinated.

  • Request that Tom Brady create a video with his parents encouraging vaccination (his parents had COVID-19 last year and he has talked about their tough recovery).

  • Create custom partnerships with the social media platforms with algorithms to hit the audience.

  • Launch Hollywood comedy writers’ video content.

  • Work with YouTube on an original special about vaccinations targeted to young people (similar to YouTube’s “Dear Call of 2020” special).

  • Work with Instagram to produce a series about vaccines for @Instagram (the largest social media account in the world, with 387 million followers). Feature young creators doing in-depth pieces about young people’s questions. Request a stories highlight on vaccines on @Instagram to stay on the account through 2021.

  • Request major TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram influences to create videos of themselves being vaccinated and start a special campaign of funny and/or musical videos about being vaccinated to encourage others to create content and post.

Earned media

  • Request a vaccination special on Christian Broadcast Network featuring Evangelical leaders.

  • Request that the major live TV entertainment shows feature hosts being vaccinated on air (ex: the hosts of “The Voice”).

  • Request that the TV morning and daytime talk shows feature special vaccination reunion moments with everyday Americans talking about what this means to them (ex: hugging grandma for the first time).

  • Convene an editorial meeting with the publishers of Catholic newspapers and newsletters across the country (ex: America Magazine, Florida Catholic, The Catholic Spirit, The Tablet).

  • Dr. Biden interview with Chip and Joanna Gaines for Magnolia.

  • Request vaccination specials with BET, The Undefeated, Desus & Mero, Sneaker Shopper, Hot Ones.

  • Request a vaccination special With Christian Broadcasting Netflix and Evangelical leaders.

  • Place a trusted messenger on the Joe Rogan Show and Barstool Sports to promote vaccination (work with outside experts to identify who will be most effective).


  • Work with the NFL, NASCAR, MLB, CMA to request they create content with their talent and release through their broadcast and social channels. Also, create a “Share the Mic” program where the talent elevates public health voices.

  • Work with all major sports leagues to send vaccination information to ticket holders

  • Work with ESPN for hosts to provide vaccination information.

  • Partner with Disneyland Parks for vaccination events when the amusement parks reopen.

  • Work with the Hollywood guilds to work vaccination messaging into scripted and reality TV shows (ex: Writers Guild, Directors Guild.)

“These records show a disturbing and massive campaign by the Biden administration to propagandize and politicize the controversial COVID vaccine,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It seems as if the entire entertainment industry was an agent for the government!”

Through FOIA, Judicial Watch has uncovered a substantial amount of information about COVID-19 issues:

  • Recently, National Institute of Health (NIH) records revealed an FBI “inquiry” into the NIH’s controversial bat coronavirus grant tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The records also show National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) officials were concerned about “gain-of-function” research in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2016. The Fauci agency was also concerned about EcoHealth Alliance’s lack of compliance with reporting rules and use of gain-of-function research in the NIH-funded research involving bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China.

  • HHS records revealed that from 2014 to 2019, $826,277 was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research by the NIAID.

  • NIAID records showed that it gave nine China-related grants to EcoHealth Alliance to research coronavirus emergence in bats and was the NIH’s top issuer of grants to the Wuhan lab itself. The records also included an email from the vice director of the Wuhan Lab asking an NIH official for help finding disinfectants for the decontamination of airtight suits and indoor surfaces.

  • HHS records included an “urgent for Dr. Fauci ” email chain, citing ties between the Wuhan lab and the taxpayer-funded EcoHealth Alliance. The government emails also reported that the foundation of U.S. billionaire Bill Gates worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chinese-produced medications to be sold outside China and help “raise China’s voice of governance by placing representatives from China on important international counsels as high level commitment from China.”

  • HHS records included a grant application for research involving the coronavirus that appears to describe “gain-of-function” research involving RNA extractions from bats, experiments on viruses, attempts to develop a chimeric virus and efforts to genetically manipulate the full-length bat SARSr-CoV WIV1 strain molecular clone.

  • HHS records showed the State Department and NIAID knew immediately in January 2020 that China was withholding COVID-19 data, which was hindering risk assessment and response by public health officials.

  • University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) records show the former director of the Galveston National Laboratory at the UTMB, Dr. James W. Le Duc, warned Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology of potential investigations into the COVID-19 issue by Congress.

  • HHS records regarding biodistribution studies and related data for the COVID-19 vaccines show a key component of the vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, lipid nanoparticles, were found outside the injection site, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries of test animals, eight to 48 hours after injection.

  • Records from the Federal Select Agent Program reveal safety lapses and violations at U.S. biosafety laboratories that conduct research on dangerous agents and toxins.

  • HHS records include emails between NIH then-Director Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, the director of NIAID, about hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19.

  • HHS records show that NIH officials tailored confidentiality forms to China’s terms and that the World Health Organization conducted an unreleased, “strictly confidential” COVID-19 epidemiological analysis in January 2020.

  • Fauci emails include his approval of a press release supportive of China’s response to the 2019 novel coronavirus.

The 150 Bilderbergers [Profiteers for The Pathocracy] who Influenced and Controlled the COVID Plandemic and who are Responsible for Slow Motion Genocide

From [HERE] The Bilderberg Meetings are where global narratives are created in private and behind closed doors. This mammoth study of the aftermath of those meetings digs into the subsequent activities of members with respect to COVID-19. TN recommends downloading the associated PDF. ⁃ TN Editor

It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.”[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators.

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the COVID-19 event.

Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.

A lot of evidence suggests that SARS-CoV2 did not occur naturally, but was genetically manipulated from a naturally occurring bat coronavirus and possibly parts of additional viruses [2]. Bilderberg members have done important work in developing the CRISPR gene editing technique:

Bernard Cazeneuve – 2018 – In 2017 attended the founding ceremony of the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, together with Yves Lévy, whose wife abruptly banned over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine in France in January 2020,[3] declaring it “poisonous” without explanation.[4][5]

Emmanuelle Charpentier – 2016 – Pioneered CRISPR as a tool for genome editing (for which she was co-recipient of a Nobel prize in 2020)

Sean Parker – 2010 – Billionaire who was the first to gain NIH approval for a trial of CRISPR [6]

Pandemic Planning

Many Bilderbergers have worked repeatedly at Pandemic Planning; the group has been well represented at such exercises for at least 20 years.[7] Those with the most obvious ties:

  • Gro Harlem Brundtland – 1982, 1983, introduced A Spreading Plague (2019 Pandemic planning exercise), and attended Atlantic Storm, and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise

  • Avril Haines – 2017 – US Deep State actor who participated in Event 201 and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercises. Deputy Director of the CIA 2013-15, Director of National Intelligence since 2021

  • Sam Nunn – 1997, 1996 – Long experience in pandemic planning, Operation Dark Winter, A Spreading Plague, the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise

  • Judith Rodin – 2005 – As President of the Rockefeller Foundation took part in the Lock Step exercise which foresaw a pandemic as the means by which a techno totalitarian government might unfold.

Task Forces

  • Vittorio Colao – 2018 – Leader of a special task force to handle “Phase 2” of the Italian Covid Task Force

  • Christopher Liddell – 2017 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force

  • Matthew Pottinger – 2019 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force. His wife Yen Pottinger was explaining the importance of social distancing in mid-March 2020[8]

  • Kathleen Sebelius – 2008, 2007 – Member of Biden’s White House Coronavirus Task Force [9] and a board member of the Kaiser Family Foundation [10]

  • Jeffrey Zients – 2017 – Became White House coronavirus coordinator in 2021,[11] announced in August that year that “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID jabs are concerned.[12]


  • Mark Carney – 2019, 2018, 2012, 2011 – “acting as an informal adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”[13]

  • Andrew Liveris – 2012 – Ex Dow CEO and Member of the Board of Citigroup, “Special Adviser” to the Australia/National COVID-19 Coordination Commission [14]


Other significant institutions have appointed Bilderbergers to their Covid or pandemic groups:

  • Oliver Bäte – 2017 – Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council member who made various alarmist statements about the virus, such as comparing it to a “worldwide meteor impact” or the explosion of a nuclear power station.[15]

  • Laurence Boone – 2015 – A Commissioner of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19[16] – As the Global Economic Forum’s chief economist, advising about the economic response to COVID-19[17][18]

  • Sylvia Burwell – 2018 – Co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness

  • Mitchell Daniels – 2012 – Member of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness”

  • Joe Kaeser – 2016,2015 – Appointed to Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council (as Siemens CEO) by Markus Söder

  • Paul Polman – 2012 – Member of The Lancet’s COVID-19 commission.[19]

  • Olli Rehn – 2007 – As Governor of Bank of Finland, in 2021 became chair of FIFA’s COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee.[20], published about “Monetary policy in the emerging post-pandemic context”[21]

  • Jeffrey Sachs – 1990 – Chaired the Lancet‘s COVID-19 commission.[22][23]

  • Tidjane Thiam – 2019, 2013 – One of the four African Union’s COVID-19 Special Envoys [24]

  • Philip Zelikow – 2007, 2006 – Drafter of the 9/11 Commission Report,[25] appointed to lead the University of Virginia’s COVID Commission Planning Group [26]

Social change

The “response” to COVID-19 was a sweeping set of social changes enforced by fiat, having minimal scientific justification, if any. They directly contradicted best practices up to 2020.

  • Stefan Löfven – 2013 – As Swedish PM, managed the Swedish Covid measures.[27]

  • Mary Ann Sieghart – 2001 – Presented Fallout on BBC Radio 4, a series about the possible outcomes of the Coronavirus.[28][29]


Most nation states decreed what was termed a “lockdown”, i.e., a drastic restriction of freedom of movement. This was in opposition to the 2019 WHO best practice guide for pandemics, which specifically advised against this practice. As of Summer 2021, there is little scientific evidence that these measures had any measurable impact on the spread of COVID-19, but this claim remains part of the COVID-19 official narrative.

  • Alberto Alesina – 2018 – “Strongly agreed” in March 2020 with all 3 points of the Bilderberg consensus Lockdown policy, with a high degree of confidence.[30] Died in May 2020, aged 63.

  • Cathy Berx – 2018 – Governor of Antwerp who oversaw the introduction of lockdown and curfew measures in Antwerp in July 2020.[31]

  • Stefano Feltri – 2019 – Italian journalist who wrote supporting the official narrative, that lockdowns were “inevitable”[32]

  • Demis Hassabis – 2018, 2016, 2015 – Dialed into a meeting of SAGE which promoted the UK COVID Lockdown.

  • Sauli Niinistö – 1997 – As President of Finland uncritically wrote of “the need for strict, short-term restrictive measures…” and was similarly uncritical about the need for a fast rollout of “vaccines”[33]

  • Bill Morneau – 2017, 2016 – as Canadian Finance Minister in 2020 “approved the spending of nearly $200 billion in federal aid in a deliberate effort to shut down huge portions of Canadian society”[34]

  • Norbert Röttgen – 2014 – As chair of the CDU he was promoting the German Covid lockdowns [35]

  • Erna Solberg – 2011 – Norwegian PM who led the national lockdowns. Directed billions of dollars to international vaccine programs (GAVI etc)

Furlough Schemes

  • György Surányi – 1999, 1997, 1996 – Wrote a long essay in April 2020 suggesting the Hungarian government pay targeted subsidies to those who lose their jobs due to lockdowns.[36]


  • Carlo Ratti – 2014 – Architect who published about Reimagining the Office [37]

  • Frans Timmermans – 2008 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Vice-President of the European Commission, took many opportunities to opine on “Which world do we want after COVID-19?”[38]

  • Margrethe Vestager – 2014 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age\


Controlling the Narrative

  • William Joseph Burns – 2016-2015 – Career diplomat CIA Director from March 2021, ensured that the U.S. intelligence community does not know the origins of COVID-19[47]

  • Regina Dugan – 2015 – DARPA, Facebook, Google, “The global pandemic is our generation’s Sputnik”, CEO of Wellcome Trust

  • Henry Kissinger – 2019-2010, 2008-1994, 1992-1980, 1978, 1977, 1971, 1964, 1957 October, 1957 February – Arch-Bilderberger deep politician, numerous influential public pronouncements on COVID-19

  • Ivan Krastev – 2019 – Published various articles about COVID-19’s social impact from March 2020[48] onwards [49] and wrote Is It Tomorrow Yet? Paradoxes of the Pandemic

  • Charles Michel – 2018, 2016, 2015 – As President of the European Council, in December 2020 he proposed an international treaty on pandemics.[50]

  • George Soros – 2002, 2000, 1996, 1994, 1990 – The Good Club, the influence of BLM to control the narrative in 2020[51]

  • Sidney Taurel – 2007 – Chair of Pearson which “implement[ed] new health and safety principles” and “launched an online community for our people to connect, share stories and support each other”,[52] chair emeritus of Eli Lilly which produced bamlanivimab.[53]

  • Fareed Zakaria – 2005, 2003 – Journalist who wrote Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World [54]


  • Senem Aydın-Düzgit – 2016 – Professor of International Relations, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Fuat Keyman

  • Fuat Keyman – 2012 – Professor of International Relations and Vice President at Sabancı University, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Senem Aydın-Düzgit

  • James Orbinksi – 2011 – Developed the COVID-19 Global Health Portal. [55] Also published various research about COVID-19 [56][57]

  • Ole Petter Ottersen – 2011 – Presented at the July 2020 International Symposium on Novel Ideas in Science and Ethics of Vaccines Against Covid-19 Pandemic,[58] published research on Addressing production gaps for vaccines in African countries

  • Arild Underdal – 2004 – Editing academic research about COVID-19[59][60][61]

  • James Vaupel – 2011 – Edited and co-authored academic research about COVID-19,[62] on topics such as the death toll in Sweden after their refusal to instigate widespread lockdowns.[63][64][65]

Big media

The non-reporting of Bilderberg by TV or newspapers reveals that the group has considerable control of big media, which was mobilised to support the official narrative.

  • Juan Luis Cebrián – 2018-2001, 1993, 1990-1987, 1985, 1983- Billionaire, media mogul, one of the ten most influential Spaniards in Spain and Latin America for 44 years (from 1976 to 2019).

  • Andrew Coyne – 2015 – Canadian columnist and aggressive pusher of the COVID official narrative. e.g., He dismissed the Great Reset as a “conspiracy theory”, and in December 2021 headlined an article Is the case for vaccine mandates like the case for seatbelt laws? No, it’s much, much stronger [66]

  • Mathias Döpfner – 2019-2014, 2007-2005 – Billionaire, Axel Springer Publishing House/CEO

  • Felix Gutzwiller – 2013 – On Swiss TV in March 2020 answering public questions about COVID-19 [67]

  • François Lenglet – 2017 – French editor who in March 2021 termed vaccine passports “the best recovery instrument available” [68]

Elites Whites in WEF, The Dependent Media and Social Media Claim to “Own Science,” Own the Narrative and Control What Sheople Think and Say About Deadly COVID Shots and Environmentalism

From [HERE] The World Economic Forum (WEF) held the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings, where unelected groups held a “Tackling Disinformation” panel, with participants including the UN, Brown University, and even CNN.

The panel discussed how best to control narratives on issues like climate change and COVID-19.

The UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, noted that the UN had partnered with Big Tech companies, including Google and TikTok, to control narratives surrounding COVID and climate change.

“We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,” she said.

The UN said it partnered with Google to influence search results on climate change so that narratives from “authoritative” sources would appear at the top of search results.

“We partnered with Google,” said Fleming. “For example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources.

“We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top.”

The UN also says it partnered with TikTok on a project dubbed “Team Halo,” to control the narratives surrounding COVID-19.

“We had another trusted messenger project, which was called ‘Team Halo’ where we trained scientists around the world and some doctors on TikTok, and we had TikTok working with us,” Fleming said.

“Another really key strategy we had was to deploy influencers,” she said, adding, “influencers who were really keen, who have huge followings, but really keen to help carry messages that were going to serve their communities, and they were much more trusted than the United Nationstelling them something from New York City headquarters.”

The “Tackling Disinformation” panel was moderated by Adrian Monck, the WEF’s managing director.

Monck said that the CNN was part of the strategy to “own the narrative.”

“CNN is both an organization that’s trying to make sense of the world and trying to establish the facts; it’s also part of a political war on who owns the narrative,” he said.

UK Health Security Agency Data Shows "Vaccinated" Individuals Account for 90% of COVID Deaths. Government also Concealing the Number of People Unvaccinated: True Number is 19 Million Not 3-5 Million

 From [HERE] Britons declining the lethal Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine are truly blessed as they are farther from the grave than those who chose to get injected.

Figures from the U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed that one in every 110 vaccinated Britons had died by Jan. 31, 2022. Meanwhile, only one in every 187 unvaccinated Britons had died as of the same period. Unfortunately, this discrepancy is just increasing every passing day.

More up-to-date figures from the ONS showed that one in every 73 vaccinated Britons had died as of May 31, 2022. This spike in deaths among vaccinated Britons was definitely a cause for alarm as 43 million people in the U.K. had been injected with at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose.

According to the country’s National Immunization Management system, this means that 19.6 million remain unvaccinated in England. This directly contradicted claims by the British government and the mainstream media that only between three million and five million Britons are yet to be injected.

“These figures prove we definitely have a serious problem,” the Daily Expose pointed out. “There is no other conclusion that can be found for the fact mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated other than that the COVID-19 injections are killing people.”

“Government and mainstream media would never tell you this. The extraordinary amount of your hard-earned money spent on these experimental, harmful injections, and the amount of propaganda they’ve used to coerce the public into taking them is disgraceful and amounts to a crime against humanity. This is why they will never admit the damage they have done.” (Related: UK covering up THOUSANDS of COVID-19 vaccine deaths.)

UKHSA: Vaccinated individuals account for 90 percent of COVID-19 deaths

Downing Street has been adamant in pushing boosters, but new research has shown that the boosters are only “boosting” vaccine deaths. Moreover, the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) itself bared that vaccinated individuals accounted for 90 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in England. It also revealed that four of five deaths in the U.K. are among those injected with COVID-19 booster doses.

The figures published July 6 by the ONS covered the period between Jan. 1, 2021 and May 31, 2022. Calculations done by the Expose found that between Jan. 1, 2021 and Jan. 31, 2022, a total of 394,178 vaccinated individuals died. In contrast, only 104,659 unvaccinated individuals died. Given these computations, it won’t be long before hundreds of thousands of Britons will soon be buried.

Aside from this, the ONS data further revealed that mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among the unvaccinated in every age group. This leads to the conclusion that the COVID injections are, in fact, killing people.

Given these alarming numbers, British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra called for the immediate suspension of the COVID-19 vaccine. He joined many Britons weary of the narrative that vaccines are necessary for normal life to resume.

“There is a strong scientific, ethical and moral case to be made that the current COVID vaccine administration must stop until all the raw data has been subjected to fully independent scrutiny,” he wrote. “Until all the raw data on the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been independently analyzed, any claims purporting that they confer a net benefit to humankind cannot be considered to be evidence based.”

From experience, Britons have come to realize that the vaccines are no wonder cure for COVID-19 as the vaccinated are not only dying – they are being killed. The experimental vaccines have failed to produce the desired results and people have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies.

Watch this video about Britons shutting down a COVID-19 vaccine center in Bristol.

[fascism disguised as democracy] California Liberals are Not About Liberation: New law Punishes Doctors who Disagree with Corporate Science Free “Medicine”

From [HERE] California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a splash this summer by running ads in Florida that claimed “freedom is under attack in your state.” The ads should have aired in his own state, which is the land of lockdowns and mask mandates. And under a new state law, doctors may even be punished for disputing the government’s public-health orthodoxy. 

These experts are often wrong and loath to admit it, as we learned with pandemic government lockdowns. Yet California Democrats last month enacted legislation that empowers the state medical board to discipline doctors licensed in the state who “disseminate misinformation or disinformation” that contradicts the “contemporary scientific consensus.”

The law grants the board broad discretion to define the scientific consensus and misinformation. Yet seven of the board’s 15 members, who are appointed by the Governor and state lawmakers, aren’t even physicians. The president is an environmental attorney. Another runs a life coaching company. 

As an example of misinformation, a legislative analysis offers the hypothetical of a doctor advising patients to inject themselves with bleach to treat Covid. A doctor who did this could be sanctioned for “gross negligence” and sued for malpractice. But such egregious examples are rare and don’t need a new law to discipline.

The law’s real purpose is to silence doctors who disagree with the public-health establishment on controversial subjects on which there is substantial disagreement. One example is Covid vaccines for children, which most public-health officials recommend but the science is far from certain.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo on Friday advised that young men not get mRNA vaccines after a state analysis found they experienced an 84% increase in cardiac-related deaths within 28 days of vaccination. He has also recommended against vaccinating healthy children because they are at low risk for severe illness, and the benefits don’t clearly exceed the uncertain risks. 

Under California’s new law, a pediatrician who advises children against vaccination could have his license yanked. Ditto a gynecologist who tells a new mother that trace amounts of the mRNA vaccine have been found in breast milk. The latter is true, but the board might determine that it contradicts the consensus that vaccines are safe.

“Independent Panel” will Review Justin Trudeau’s Use of Emergency Law to Silence Trucker Protests Over COVID Mandates Imposed During Manufactured COVID Emergency in Dictatorship Disguised as Democracy

From [HERE] An independent panel will begin hearings this week into Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of an emergency measure to disperse anti-vaccine protesters who had blocked Canada-US border crossings and occupied downtown Ottawa earlier this year.

The Public Order Emergency Commission, headed by former Ontario Court of Appeal Justice Paul Rouleau, will hold its first public hearing on Thursday in the capital.

The commission will look into the circumstances that led Trudeau to invoke the Emergencies Act in February in response to the “Freedom Convoy” demonstrations, organised by activists concerned about irrational, deadly COVID mandates.

“This critical phase will shed light on the events that led to the declaration of the public order emergency and fully explore the reasons advanced for the declaration,” Rouleau said in a statement on Tuesday.

The panel said it will hear testimony from 65 witnesses, including convoy participants, Ottawa residents, law enforcement officers, municipal and provincial officials, and federal government ministers. Trudeau is also expected to answer questions during the six weeks of public hearings.

The decision to invoke the Emergencies Act for the first time since it came into force in 1988 drew concern from civil rights groups and other observers who questioned whether Canada had met the strict legal threshold needed to invoke the measure.

Others have asked whether it was necessary to use the act at all or if authorities lacked the will to use the tools already at their disposal to end the protests.

The move gave the government sweeping powers, including the ability to bar any public assembly “that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace” and restrict access to specific areas.

MIT Researcher Finds that COVID Injections May Induce Brain Diseases

From [HERE] A researcher from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has warned that the SARS-CoV-2 spoke protein used in the mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines could induce brain diseases.

In a pre-print study published Aug. 16 in the journal Diseases, Dr. Stephanie Seneff and her colleagues wrote that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein acts like a prion. This protein can transmit its misfolded shape onto normal prions, causing neurodegenerative diseases that wreak havoc in the human brain.

She cited “compelling evidence” showing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein contains amino acid sequences previously established as prion-like proteins. These proteins responsible for neurodegenerative issues are then produced by the body in the same manner as the proteins responsible for COVID-19.

Seneff and her co-authors added that while tracing the various pathways through which the proteins were expected to travel and distribute throughout the body, they found some highly concerning biological consequences that would be expected to occur with increased frequency as a consequence. Specifically, the contribution of spike proteins to neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases as well as clotting disorders and suppressed prion protein regulation in the context of insulin resistance and health complications that it could induce.

The study authors briefly touched on the hypothesis of the late Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier on the inserts of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, arguing that the virus was most likely engineered as bioweapons. (Related: Vaccinated people found to be 600% more likely to die from covid “variants” than unvaccinated people.)

While the spike proteins from the natural COVID infection do pose risks, those risks are nowhere near the damage that can be potentially inflicted on a person’s body by the spike proteins from mRNA vaccines.

In a separate study, the researchers also found that there are incidents of thromboembolic events and hemorrhagic stroke cases that could occur within 28 days after getting the BNT162b2 or CoronaVac jabs.

Because of this, Seneff urged parents not to vaccinate their children with mRNA shots due to the wide spectrum of harm that they can inflict on the body.

Seneff previously warned of COVID-19 vaccine dangers

This is not the first time Seneff has tried to warn people about the dangerous effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. In 2021, she wrote a paper discussing the safety concerns surrounding the vaccines, especially considering the rapid speed at which they came from controlled trials to mass deployment.

She reviewed the components and the intended biological response to the vaccines, including the production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of acute and long-term induced pathologies that include blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases.

Some of the potential induced pathologies she listed back then discussed the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences with the spike protein, urging health authorities to clarify the long-term effects of the vaccines to better assess their risks and benefits, especially as they are using novel technologies.

Seneff also called the government’s rushed actions to vaccinate people “perverse” for “getting Pharma to produce expensive drugs, untested, and then throwing them out to the public with the false promise that they’re safe, when they’re not.

She insisted even then that it was wrong of public health officials to impede on the ability of doctors to use safe and established natural methods by repurposing drugs to treat COVID and alleviate symptoms early on.

“It is morally reprehensible what the government is doing. They should have been promoting safe methods as they discovered them and instead, they just blocked everything,” she said.

Representative says Pfizer Didn't Test Whether COVID Shots Stop Transmission. Undermines Any Rational Basis for Mandates and Invalidates any Individual's Consent Induced by Govt/Media Lies (Battery)

From [HERE] and [HERE] Governments all over the Western world spent billions on propaganda campaigns claiming that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 would keep others safe and prevent them from contracting the virus. 

Many countries as well as local, regional and municipal jurisdictions implemented draconian “vaccine passport” rules that separated and excluded unvaccinated citizens from restaurants, public spaces, transportation and countless other services based on the argument that the unvaccinated would spread the disease. 

“Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market – no, ha. These, er… we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”


But in stunning new developments on Monday, a Pfizer executive admitted in a European Parliament hearing that the company’s COVID-19 vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. 

When asked by Dutch MEP Rob Roos if the vaccine was tested on whether it would prevent transmission of the virus before it was taken to market, Pfizer executive Janine Small, whose job title is Regional President for International Developed Markets, answered:

“Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market – no, ha. These, er… we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”

Bill Gates and [his] NIH Functionaries Funded a Malaria Vaccine Trial Study that Used Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to “Vaccinate” Humans

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a malaria vaccine trial study that used genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes to “vaccinate” humans.

A team of researchers at the University of Washington conducted the study, which was published in the Science Translational Medicine journal.

The study involved 26 participants who received three to five “jabs” — or bites from a small box containing 200 GM mosquitoes — over a 30-day period.

Sanaria, a company funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), is closely connected to the research, and the researchers involved in the trial use a gene-editing technology heavily promoted by Bill Gates.

Read More

Peer-reviewed paper confirms COVID Shots kill brain and heart cells causing death

From [HERE] A new paper in the peer-reviewed medical literature just came out showing the COVID vaccines, and not COVID, is causing myocarditis and encephalitis leading to death.

The paper is entitled: A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19.

It was published yesterday, Oct 1, and now has already has over 100,000 views of the abstract and over 6,000 views of the full text.

Here’s the abstract:

The current report presents the case of a 76-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease (PD) who died three weeks after receiving his third COVID-19 vaccination. The patient was first vaccinated in May 2021 with the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vector vaccine, followed by two doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in July and December 2021. The family of the deceased requested an autopsy due to ambiguous clinical signs before death. PD was confirmed by post-mortem examinations. Furthermore, signs of aspiration pneumonia and systemic arteriosclerosis were evident. However, histopathological analyses of the brain uncovered previously unsuspected findings, including acute vasculitis (predominantly lymphocytic) as well as multifocal necrotizing encephalitis of unknown etiology with pronounced inflammation including glial and lymphocytic reaction. In the heart, signs of chronic cardiomyopathy as well as mild acute lympho-histiocytic myocarditis and vasculitis were present. Although there was no history of COVID-19 for this patient, immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike and nucleocapsid proteins) was performed. Surprisingly, only spike protein but no nucleocapsid protein could be detected within the foci of inflammation in both the brain and the heart, particularly in the endothelial cells of small blood vessels. Since no nucleocapsid protein could be detected, the presence of spike protein must be ascribed to vaccination rather than to viral infection. The findings corroborate previous reports of encephalitis and myocarditis caused by gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.

For those not familiar with the medical lingo, necrotizing means tissue death and multifocal means “all over your brain.” 

And “corroborate previous reports” means this is happening over and over again. [MORE]

Puppetician Newsome Signs Law that Punishes Doctors who Inform People About the Dangers of COVID Shots if Info is "contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus" [fascism disguised as democracy]

From [HERE] California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a bill that subjects the state’s doctors to discipline, including the suspension of their medical licenses, for sharing “misinformation” or “disinformation” about COVID-19 with their patients.

California Assembly Bill 2098 (AB 2098) defines “misinformation” as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care” and “disinformation” as “misinformation that the licensee deliberately disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead.”

Newsom said the law applies only to physicians’ speech with patients during discussions directly related to COVID-19 treatment.

Language in the bill points out that the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) has warned that physicians who spread misinformation or disinformation “risk losing their medical license, and … have a duty to provide their patients with accurate, science-based information.”

The FSMB, as previously reported by The Defender, takes money from Big Pharma and has a history of challenging and attacking non-pharmaceutical medical approaches used by integrative doctors as falling outside the “standard of care” as they define it.

Commenting on Newsom’s decision to sign the controversial AB 2098, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) chairman and chief legal counsel, said the law “fundamentally changes the sacred relationship between physician and patient that has existed since Hippocrates.”

Kennedy added:

“Under the new rubric, the doctor no longer serves the best interest of the patient but acts as an agent of state policy.

“History is replete with nightmarish examples of what happens when doctors stop healing and act instead to advance ‘the greater good.’ Governments have variously cited that phrase to justify euthanasia of the elderly, mental defectives, homosexuals and other ‘useless eaters’ and to enforce ‘one-child’ policies.

“When governments start practicing medicine, the story never ends well.”

AB 2098 was introduced in mid-February by California Assemblymember Evan Low — one of seven Democratic lawmakers who in January formed the Vaccine Work Group to develop legislation promoting the use of COVID-19 vaccines while “battling misinformation.”

The bill passed the California Assembly in May, and the California Senate in late August.

The American Medical Association (AMA), which strongly supports the bill, hopes other states will follow suit in “ensuring that licensing boards have the authority to take disciplinary action against health professionals for spreading health-related disinformation,” according to a new policy adopted at its mid-June annual meeting aimed at addressing public health “disinformation.”

The AMA’s adopted policy expanded on prior efforts and called for the organization to work with “health professional societies and other relevant organizations to implement a comprehensive strategy to address health-related disinformation disseminated by health professionals.”

‘Tool for enforcing propaganda and censorship policies’ approved by state

The Defender reached out to numerous physicians who support informed consent and medical freedom.

Here’s what they told us.

Dr. Michelle Perro, California-based pediatrician, said:

“The Golden State has declared its intent with the passage and signing of AB 2098 to effectively muzzle physicians in regards to ‘COVID-speak.’

“Physicians were reticent prior to the passage of this draconian bill to speak on behalf of their patients. With looming threats of loss of livelihood, it is unlikely that any physician will speak out at this juncture. For those physicians still willing to throw down the gauntlet, a mass exodus from California will likely ensue …

“But the largest concern is regarding our children. Parents will not be able to depend on medical professionals and need to protect their own children against ill-advised experimental therapies. This bill will not only remove healthy discourse but will further divide our communities.”

Dr. Sanjay Verma, California-based cardiologist, said:

“Even in the best of times, ‘standard of care’ emerges after years of reproducible research. Even when multiple trials support the generation of new practice guidelines, often years pass before the new practice guidelines are adopted and implemented in community centers.

“In a rapidly evolving pandemic resulting from a new virus … there is all the more reason to insist on the passage of time before codifying prevailing norms into enforceable policies. …

“Throughout the pandemic, contrarian scientific voices have been subjected to censure and censorship. However, often these very perspectives were later proven to be irrefutably true ….

“Informed consent requires the discussion of risks, benefits and alternatives to any medical intervention. CA AB 2098 enables medical board disciplinary action for perspectives that challenges the accuracy and thoroughness of CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administraton] safety monitoring. That itself will cause patient harm.

“Science demands open and transparent debate. Throughout the history of modern medicine there are numerous examples in which the contrarian view led to advances in knowledge and in reassessing product post-market safety.

“CA AB 2098 is the wrong approach to improving trust in public health and maximizing adoption of rational, risk-stratified, evidence-based mitigation efforts during a pandemic that indubitably caused tremendous morbidity and mortality.”

Dr. Liz Mumper, Virginia-based pediatrician and medical advisor to CHD, said:

“I am despondent that AB 2098 is now law. ‘Misinformation’ is not defined. Scientific truth evolves over time — what is labeled as today’s misinformation may be tomorrow’s ingenious breakthrough.

“I worry that excellent physicians who discuss early treatments for COVID or weigh risks versus benefits of the jabs will flee the state.”

Dr. Robert Malone, Virginia-based physician, biochemist and infectious disease researcher, said:

“This bill will primarily act as a strong incentive for all independent-thinking physicians and other medical care providers to migrate their practices to other states.

“It creates yet another social engineering policy that will be weaponized by any person with an axe to grind against any physician or medical provider in the state by filing accusations, which will then have to be investigated and litigated, functionally creating a medical Stasi.

“This is clearly a tool for enforcing propaganda and censorship policies approved by the state of California.”

Dr. Peter McCullough, Texas-based internist and cardiologist, said:

“As a medical expert treating patients with COVID-19 and vaccine injury syndromes, I anticipate AB 2098 will cause physicians to retract from treating such patients.

“AB 2098 makes it impossible for healthcare providers to have honest and fully informed conversations about the rapidly evolving pandemic and the health problems it has brought to Californians.

“This new law hurts the most vulnerable at a time when they need their physicians to be honest and forthright.

“California is on a slippery slope of medical totalitarianism.” [MORE]

11 School Teachers Dead Since May in Jamaica. Coincidence Theorists says It Probably Has Nothing to Do with COVID Injections as Rolebotic Puppeticians Continue Encouraging Genocidal Shots

From [HERE] According to COVID Blog Jamaican educators are actually dying at a similar rate to Canadian doctors. At least eight Jamaican teachers and principals died in an eight-day stretch back in May.

  • Gregory Williams: Portmore Community College in St Catherine (May 11)

  • Ann Marie Johnson Lindo: Duncans All-Age School in Trelawny (May 12)

  • Antoinette Banton-Ellis: Vere Technical High School in Clarendon (May 12)

  • Carlos Gordon: One Way Prep School in Kingston (May 14)

  • Donnalee Wright: Tarrant High School in St Andrew (May 16)

  • Amory Tomlinson: St Elizabeth – Black River (May 18)

  • Jennifer Gidden: Charlemont High School (May 18)

The report, again courtesy of the only publication in Jamaica paying attentionThe Observer, said there was one more unnamed teacher who died. Thus, at least 11 total educators have died in the country since May.

Jamaica Prime Minister Andrew Holness is, without question, the most loyal, die-hard vaxx zealot of all Caribbean premiers. He posted the proverbial “I got my vaccine” photos for all three of his alleged AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections (despite some Jamaicans suggesting all of said photo-ops were staged).

Holness posted photos of his two young sons receiving Pfizer mRNA injections in August 2021; and encouraged all Jamaican kids ages 12 and up to receive the lethal injections.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the Jamaica Library Board $2 million in 2013. The purpose of the grant was to “enrich lives and ultimately contribute to the achievement of the country’s Vision 2030.” Holness, who was the country’s opposition leader and education spokesman at the time, praised Bill Gates for the money. It’s safe to assume a large chunk of said funds went straight to Holness, who became Prime Minister three years later. And that’s not all.

The 77th U.N. General Assembly in New York conclude on Monday. Kamina Johnson Smith is the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the Holness cabinet. She used her time at the U.N. for kissing up to World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus…

Louisiana Agency Repeals Order Forcing Children to Get Injected w/Deadly COVID Shots to Attend Public School

From [HERE] On Tuesday, the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) officially repealed the state’s requirement that children receive the COVID vaccine in order to attend school. Governor John Bel Edwards spent nearly six months overriding the legislature’s passage of HCR3 in May which called for an end to the mandate, vetoing the bill and continuing the mandate through LDH.

The repeal comes after Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) joined Dr. Robert Malone, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and thousands of parents earlier this year to oppose the mandate.

After this week’s repeal, Landry filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit he brought against the governor (Crews v. Edwards) which sought to have the vaccine mandate enjoined. Landry issued a statement Wednesday which reads in part:

“Today is the culmination of hard work by so many concerned parents throughout Louisiana. This is the direct result of moms, dads, grandparents, and guardians fighting for what is right. I thank Representative Raymond Crews, Health Freedom Louisiana, the Bayou Mama Bears, Town Hall Baton Rouge, Children’s Health Defense and all those from across Louisiana that stood with us for parental choice.

“Child medical decisions should be made by their guardians, not the government. I hope this health freedom victory reminds everyone what can happen when we all work together. When citizens are engaged and get involved, their government will listen.”

Landry is currently involved in another case along with the state of Missouri against President Biden and other high-ranking officials for allegedly colluding with social media giants to censor and suppress free speech related to COVID-19 and other important topics.

“What happened this week in Louisiana should inspire people across the country to take a stand against arbitrary and sometimes dangerous government mandates,” said CHD president and general counsel Mary Holland. “We all have a responsibility to call out government officials when they overstep their boundaries if we’re to maintain the freedom the founders of our country fought so hard to establish.”