“Media is the Virus:” Government Building in Canada Plastered with Photos of People Killed and Injured by COVID Injections. Induced to Take Deadly Injections by Govt and Media Lies (genthanasia)
/From [HERE] Watch our exclusive report of the activists plastering the CBC building on Front St. with stickers of people suspected of suffering Covid “vaccine” injuries and deaths.
Inspired by the UK’s “Media Is the Virus” protests that targeted the BBC in similar fashion, the activists hoped to share a voice for those affected while holding the CBC and other mainstream media to account for their complicity in promoting an unscientific and dangerous “safe and effective” narrative. (Bright Light News/Rumble)
UK Government Data Shows You’re Far More Likely to Die from COVID Injections than from COVID Itself
/From [HERE] and [HERE] They apparently did not mean to do this but government officials in the United Kingdom have accidentally admittedthat the risk of death from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” is far higher than the risk of dying from covid itself.
The data shows that eight times as many people died from the lethal injections in the six-month period following the launch of Operation Warp Speed than died from “covid” over the course of 18 months starting in March 2020.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, it is abundantly clear that Fauci Flu shots never should have been allowed to stay on the market. Had government officials been honest from the beginning about all this, thousands, if not millions, of lives could have been saved.
To tell the truth, though, would have cut into Big Pharma’s bottom line – and we simply cannot have that. Money is the only thing that matters to the pharmakeia-peddling globalists that are using these deaths jabs to cull the masses. (Related: The reason they’re not conducting autopsies on post-jab dead bodies is because they know it would expose the “vaccine” scam.)
Just about everything we were told concerning covid was a lie
Another thing the data shows is that government officials were lying about covid deaths. The vast majority of these deaths were actually caused by other things such as dementia, chronic kidney disease, chronic pulmonary disease, chronic neurological disease, and heart disease – but instead, they blamed “covid.”
This further skewed the numbers, at least early on, to suggest that “covid” is the real threat and that the “vaccines” help to minimize that threat. The reality is that the oppositeis true: “covid” is nothing to worry about, but the jabs certainly are.
“When you consider that testing was compulsory in hospitals, despite it not being written in law, and they used the PCR test notorious for producing false positives, it’s not hard to see how the Government managed to mix tens of thousands of people who actually died of other causes into the Covid-19 death statistics,” reported The Exposé about this fudging of the numbers.
It took a lot of inquiries, including numerous Freedom of Information requests, to get to the bottom of this deception. It also took an independent analysis and assessment of the data to reach an accurate conclusion about the true primary cause of death throughout the scamdemic: the “vaccines.”
The latest dataset published on Feb. 21, 2023, confirms that covid jabs massively increase a person’s risk of death – by 276 percent, in fact. Mortality rates among the unvaccinated, meanwhile, are the lowest out of every demographic.
“As I see it now that we know the consequences for all untried, untested and unproven vaccines, if any medically trained person tries to stick me with a needle, he or she will accidentally get a broken neck,” one incensed commenter wrote in response to the news.
“It is no more than intentional state-sponsored murder to apply anything like these covid vaxxes again, and the vaxxed to me are too stupid to somehow realize the vaxx and boosters are going to save them. That is also why I should not have to pay anything for this! The vaxxed knowingly injected themselves and should pay for their own healthcare going forward.”
Another commenter expressed worry that perhaps “chemtrails,” which are produced during geoengineering spraying operations, are laced with covid or some other toxic chemical designed to sicken whoever breathes them.
“In Yorkshire U.K., we are chemtrailed on a regular basis,” this person wrote. “There should be a culling of all useless MPs.”
Gullible Black Man Who Took 9 Deadly, Experimental COVID Injections is Now Undergoing Chemo, Trying to Stay Alive [yup, good luck mf]
/Jim Crenshaw reports, “I guess he does not count cancer as a side effect?
He is now having or had a Cytokine Storm. What this is if you do not know is:
A cytokine storm occurs when your immune system releases too many molecules called cytokines. These molecules promote inflammation and can overstimulate the activity of other immune cells.
It is hard at work killing him. It looks like they are carving this poor dude up like a Christmas Turkey. His medical bills have lots of comma's I am sure. They cannot wait until he dies so they can list it as a covid death and really cash in.”
"With all My Heart:" Another Canadian Puppetician Apologizes for Deadly COVID Shot Mandates [here Apologize Means ‘to Trick, to Lay the foundation for a Future Offense’ or to Reform One's Image]
/According to FUNKTIONARY:
apologize – to lay the foundation for a future offense or affront. (See: Apologease, Forgiveness & Acceptance)
apology – a plea bargain in disguise. An apology is needed wherever there is no communion, contact or relationship; the “other” is a stranger. Explanation is needed because there is no love. Explanation is a trick to avoid conflict; apology is a device to avoid conflict. Apology is a trick—applied as an anger solvent—you need not be authentic in your apology as it is merely a social device (gesture) to detonate anger. Apologies, like excuses, are not for the benefit of the one to whom they are made, but the one who makes them. Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It simply means that you value your relationship more than your ego. When there is no relationship and no love, both an apology and explanation is expected. When the other cannot understand, only then is apology needed. And if love cannot understand, what good is apology going to do? (See: Explanation, Rationalization, Forgretful, Forgiveness, Excuse, Promise, Regret, Rationalization, Anger, “Other” & Stranger)
biocide – the attempted annihilation of all life, which is the intent of Doggy and CrimethInc. (See: Doggy & CrimethInc.)
The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?
/From [HERE] But whatever the reason, mask mandates were a fool’s errand from the start. They may have created a false sense of safety — and thus permission to resume semi-normal life. They did almost nothing to advance safety itself. The Cochrane report ought to be the final nail in this particular coffin.
There’s a final lesson. The last justification for masks is that, even if they proved to be ineffective, they seemed like a relatively low-cost, intuitively effective way of doing something against the virus in the early days of the pandemic. But “do something” is not science, and it shouldn’t have been public policy. And the people who had the courage to say as much deserved to be listened to, not treated with contempt. They may not ever get the apology they deserve, but vindication ought to be enough.
White Liberal Boulder County Authorities Target Latinos with Fear Campaign to Coerce and Induce Parental Consent for Dangerous COVID Injections for Young Kids
/From [HERE] A Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) campaign to persuade parents — especially Latinos — of children ages 0 to 11 to vaccinate their kids for COVID-19 has some of the Colorado county’s parents up in arms.
The BCPH in May 2022 hired Godot, a “creative” consulting agency, to conduct focus groups and develop the campaign.
The agency’s final report — dated October 2022 and obtained in January by local citizen’s group No Vax Mandates Colorado through numerous Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests — describes the agency’s findings and lays out a proposed ad campaign strategy to convince the “vaccine-hesitant” to give their small children the shot.
According to the report, “Vaccine hesitancy is not binary.” So the consultants set out to characterize people on a spectrum, from “anti-vaccine” to “vaccine champions” in order to identify those individuals who may be susceptible to “moving the needle” toward having their young children vaccinated through an effective advertising campaign.
Cindy Baker, a member of No Vax Mandates Colorado for months has been trying to foster a dialogue about the project with BCPH at public meetings.
Baker told The Defender:
“The report is egregious and offensive on many levels. It defines anyone who questions mRNA injections as ‘intentionally ignorant’ and ‘selfish.’
“It aims for innovation but instead comes across as a mishmash of vicious stereotyping, vagueness on detail (such as methodology), Zoom-class arrogance and outright weirdness.”
Much research and many organizations across the country have been dedicated to understanding and overcoming “vaccine hesitancy” — particularly among Latino people — often framing it as a way to fight racial and economic injustice.
The medical establishment often blames this “hesitancy” on factors like “misinformation” and past trauma, claiming these and other issues confuse people’s thought process — instead of acknowledging that some people reject the vaccines on the basis of informed decision making.
According to Colorado’s COVID-19 tracking website, over 85% of white Coloradans have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, but less than 50% of Hispanics have — the lowest rate for all racial/ethnic groups.
Approximately 26% of children ages 0 to 9 in Colorado have received at least one shot. Among children ages 11 to 18, that number rises to almost 59%.
The county’s program appears to be moving forward despite a broader trend where local, state and national governments are abandoning vaccine mandates and changing vaccine recommendations for young people.
For example, last month, California dropped its planned vaccine mandate for school-age children. Sweden stopped vaccinating children under age 12. The U.K. no longer recommends COVID-19 boosters for healthy people under age 50.
Despite this trend, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last month added COVID-19 vaccination to its routine immunization schedule for children and adults.
The report: empathetic, fear-based messaging?
The Godot report described the findings from an unknown number of English and Spanish language focus groups the agency conducted, “exploring the web of influence, emotion, information, and misinformation behind the community’s decision making.”
The document said BCPH had little direct input on the focus groups process, but also that the process between the consultancy and BCPH was “deeply collaborative.”
Godot conducted focus groups with “community members” who were “hesitant” or had questions about vaccines. The goal was “to use empathy and trauma-informed listening skills to translate that feedback into meaningful and truthful messaging that connects with community members.”
Godot focused on communities with “lower full vaccination rates,” and said that vaccination rates among the Spanish-speaking population were lower than that of white adults and their older children in Boulder.
They recruited participants, who were compensated with a $40 gift card, by working with Latino organizations such as El Centro Amistad, which also advertised on Radio La Ley, and at a Latino-focused head start program and food bank.
The agency also had support from Out Boulder County, a client listed on the agency’s website.
The focus groups were held on Zoom due to lack of interest in attending in-person events.
The report did not include details about the number of participants or the number of focus groups conducted, questions asked, metrics for evaluating outcomes or other methodological details.
Marti Hopper, a member of No Vax Mandates Colorado, pointed to the vagueness of the project description in a statement at the Feb. 13 County Board of Public Health meeting.
“I found it very odd that the report has no methodology section. Missing completely is information on how many focus groups were conducted? What was the final make-up of the groups? Who conducted the groups, what questions were asked, what materials were handed out, etc.”
To select participants and analyze their responses, Godot said it worked with BCPH to develop a spectrum of vaccine hesitancy “based loosely on the work and thinking done by the SAGE working group within the World Health Organization.”
SAGE is the World Health Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts working Group on COVID-19 Vaccines.
SAGE researchers, such as Yale University’s Dr. Saad Omer, have conducted extensive research on “combating vaccine hesitancy” through “tailored message campaigns,” the Defender reported.
Omer is one of many prominent voices in what is known as the field of “infodemiology,” which seeks to limit the circulation of “misinformation” and “disinformation” with respect to vaccines.
Rather than conveying factual evidence to support claims, such research is dedicated to developing messaging designed to persuade people to act in particular ways.
In that spirit, Godot’s spectrum placed people into one of seven categories on a visual chart found in the report.
These categories ranged from the green-colored “vaccine champion” who expresses “outspoken support for immunizations” to the red-colored “anti-vaccine,” defined in the report as: “outspoken, intentional misinformation. Conclusions based on disproven data. Holding beliefs commonly tied to other conspiracies.”
The agency’s target group of people who could potentially be moved by an advertising campaign range from the orange-colored “vaccine resistant” type — characterized by: “statements rooted in intentional ignorance. Foundation of fact vs. fiction is generally not sound. Vocal” — to the light green-colored “vaccine compliant” type who is “willing to get vaccines to access school, work, activities OR are choosing to follow their own vaccine schedule.”
Godot said its role in the focus groups was to “reinforce the core messaging coming from the CDC and WHO,” and to find locally specific themes they could address “truthfully, genuinely, and with empathy.”
To that end, the agency came up with three themes — Knowing the Unknown, Ecosystem, and Ambivalence — and sought to develop “fear-appealing” messaging tied to each theme.
The report explained that the fear-based approach was based on Kim Witte’s Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM), also known as the Threat Management or Fear Management model.
According to Witte’s foundational work in this field, “Fear appeals are persuasive messages designed to scare people by describing the terrible things that will happen to them if they do not do what the message recommends.”
The U.S. Agency for International Development also uses this method and describes its logic:
“The degree to which a person feels threatened by a health issue determines his or her motivation to act, while one’s confidence to effectively reduce or prevent the threat determines the action itself.”
The report concludes with the example of “concept boards” for the potential direction of the advertising campaign.
Several images include a large orange ball that signifies different things in different ads. Another image contains a picture of a wombat’s head on a person’s body. As they explain in the document, the proposals are often intentionally counterintuitive and avoid facts about COVID-19 in a way that is meant to be tied to the fear-appeal model.
The document states:
“These treatments get a little strange, even unintuitive. Beyond the visual intrigue and clickability, the quirkiness here is intentional. It’s a way of softening the push and pull of the EPPM. It makes them feel created for people rather than populations.
“And by not diving too deeply into the hard facts of COVID-19 vaccinations and kids, we keep their thinking high-level and empathetic, understanding that when it comes to a more foundational, global message, the national organizations continue to provide excellent material.”
The Spanish text contains errors that make the Spanish-language examples more difficult to understand.
Trying to communicate with public health policymakers ‘feels like a brick wall’
The report was brought to light through the efforts of some members of the citizen group No Vax Mandates Colorado who told their story to The Defender.
Concerned by the adverse effects of ongoing public health policy regarding COVID-19 in schools, at the University of Colorado and for the general population in Boulder County Colorado, members of the group began attending the monthly BCPH zoom meetings.
When BCPH announced its plan at the May 2022 meeting, Indira Gujral, a spokesperson for BCPH said, “For younger children we see some disparities particularly by race and ethnicity that we are concerned about.”
Gujral added:
“The goal is to be able to glean information from vaccine-hesitant parents and as to what would make them feel further confident to move them along the continuum.
“We know that we have a unique population and community in Boulder, and so it’s an opportunity for us to learn and hear from parents about what their concerns are.”
At the June meeting, several citizens gave public comments, voicing their concerns about the program. They presented data on natural immunity, on the limited efficacy for vaccines among children and on vaccine injury among young people.
They argued that experimental vaccines could not be mandated and, legally, people must be apprised of all of the risks and benefits of experimental medicines.
They implored local health officials to respond to their question: “What are your reasons for promoting COVID vaccines for kids and on what scientific and ethical considerations are these policies based?”
Comments were made in “public comments” sections of the meetings, where commenters had three minutes to make their comments. There was no official response.
At the next several meetings, members of the group continued to voice their concerns.
Aware that the focus groups had been ongoing, No Vax Mandates Colorado requested documentation of the focus group findings in October 2022, along with other information about the project, including cost and funding sources from the BCPH.
They made a CORA request, which is similar to a Freedom of Information Act request, but at the state level.
According to No Vax Mandates Colorado, BCPH told them there would be a cost of over $700 to respond to their request. Public agencies are permitted to charge for search time and review time on their requests.
The group said they narrowed their request substantially, but BCPH still required fees of several hundred dollars, which they found prohibitive.
After making four requests, BCPH informed them in December the summary document would be available in mid-January.
BCPH sent them the document — dated October 2022 on the cover, but dated “Final-1-20-23” in pdf itself — in late January and also posted it on its website. [MORE]
Google Hides Patent Data Showing Rothschild was Involved in COVID-19 Testing Since 2015
/From [HERE] Compare the two following screenshots. The first screenshot shows the Google Patents publication of a system and method for testing for covid-19, dated 18 August 2022, which is also mentioned in our book Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil.
The second screenshot (from 21 February 2023) shows the same entry with some changes which have been made after September 2022.
Same link—two different versions.
Spot the differences: Image 1) shows the year 2015. Rothschild is stated as the applicant in 2020.
Image 2) begins with the application made in 2020 after the pandemic began. The name Rothschild is left out.
Accessed 18 August 2022:
Autopsies Confirm COVID Jab Hazards in Youth
When the COVID shots were first introduced, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made several claims about them that have since been proven completely false, including the claim that the mRNA would remain in the injection site, and that both the mRNA and resulting spike protein would rapidly be eliminated from your body
The mRNA goes everywhere and can remain intact for a month of more. Ditto for the spike protein your cells produce
Spike protein has been found in the brains of people with encephalitis (brain inflammation) and in jab-induced shingles lesions. Both mRNA and spike protein have been found in lymph nodes more than 60 days post-jab. Full-length mRNA has also been shown to circulate in people’s blood for up to 28 days post-injection, and it’s been detected in breastmilk
Research shows the primary difference between those who developed symptoms of myocarditis and those who didn’t was that symptomatic patients had markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein unbound by antibodies in their plasma. Those who remained asymptomatic had no free spike protein in their blood. This would suggest that free-floating spike protein is a problem
Autopsies of two teenage boys found dead in their beds three and four days after their second dose of Pfizer concluded jab-induced heart damage was to blame. The myocarditis described in these instances did not have the typical histopathology of myocarditis. Instead, both cases resemble catecholamine-induced injury, similar to the cytokine storm experienced in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection
From [HERE] When the COVID shots were first introduced, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made several claims about them that have since been proven completely false.
They claimed the mRNA in the shot would remain in and only affect the cells around the injection site. They also claimed the mRNA and resulting spike protein wouldn't last long in your body. The mRNA, they said, would vanish within "a few days," and the spike protein produced by your cells would be eliminated within "a few weeks."
As it turns out, virtually every cell in your body is exposed to the mRNA and can remain intact for a month or more. Ditto for the spike protein your cells produce. Spike protein has been found in the brains of people with encephalitis (brain inflammation)1 and in jab-induced shingles lesions.2 It can bioaccumulate in several organs,3 4 including reproductive organs.
Both mRNA and spike protein have been found in lymph nodes more than 60 days post-jab.5 Full-length mRNA has also been shown to circulate in people's blood6 for up to 28 days post-injection,7 and it's been detected in breastmilk.8
In early August 2022, the CDC suddenly deleted those statements from its website — probably because they realized their lies were catching up to them. The cleanup effort was caught, however. Disclose TV exposed the deletion on its Twitter account,9 with an archived link showing the CDC's original webpage.
Free Spike Protein Linked to Jab-Induced Myocarditis
From the get-go, physicians and scientists warned that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was the most toxic part of the virus, and hence making your cells produce it for an undetermined amount of time could be an unmitigated disaster. Their warnings were "debunked" and censored, but mounting evidence now proves their concerns were valid — and should have been shared to prevent the loss of life.
We now have case reports, studies and autopsy findings showing that people suffering from post-jab myocarditis have mRNA-induced spike proteins in their hearts and blood.
Interestingly, a January 2023 study 10 in the journal Circulation found "extensive antibody profiling and T-cell responses" both in those who developed post-jab myocarditis and asymptomatic jabbed controls.
The primary difference between those who developed symptoms of myocarditis and those who didn't was that symptomatic patients had "markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein unbound by antibodies" in their plasma. Those who remained asymptomatic had no free spike protein in their blood. This would suggest that free-floating spike protein is a profoundly serious problem. As concluded by the authors:
"Immunoprofiling of vaccinated adolescents and young adults revealed that the mRNA vaccine-induced immune responses did not differ between individuals who developed myocarditis and individuals who did not.
However, free spike antigen was detected in the blood of adolescents and young adults who developed post-mRNA vaccine myocarditis, advancing insight into its potential underlying cause."
Autopsy Reports Confirm Jab-Related Myocarditis
mRNA programming the heart cells to produce spike protein is also profoundly bad news. A case report 11 published in September 2022 describes the case of a 55-year-old man who died from acute myocardial infarction and lymphocytic myocarditis four months after a dose of Pfizer. As his first dose, he'd received the AstraZeneca shot. According to the author:
"SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, but not nucleocapsid protein was sporadically detected in vessel walls by immunohistochemical assay … These findings indicate that myocarditis, as well as thrombo-embolic events following injection of spike-inducing gene-based vaccines, are causally associated with a injurious immunological response to the encoded agent.
Because of the fact that the immune response to a first gene-based vaccination is very low in comparison with the immune response to the second vaccination, the found adverse events has rather to be attributed to the mRNA-based second vaccination as to the initial vector-based one." [MORE]
Medicare Data Shows COVID Injections Increase Your Risk of Dying
/Steve Kirsch reports In this article, I publicly reveal record-level vax-death data from the “gold standard” Medicare database that proves that:
The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely
The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period of time after you get the shot (we didn’t see it return to normal)
The CDC lied to the American people about the safety of these vaccines. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.
If there is one article for you to share with your social network, this is the one.
Executive summary
Isn’t it a shame that none of the world’s governments make the vaccination-death records publicly available? My claim is that if they did that, it would end the debate instantly and prove to the world that the vaccines are unsafe. So that’s why they keep it locked up.
But apparently there is one whistleblower who is interested in data transparency.
Last night, I got a USB drive in my mailbox with the Medicare data that links deaths and vaccination dates. Finally! This is the data that nobody wants to talk or even ask about.
I was able to authenticate the data by matching it with records I already had. And the analysis that I did on the data I received matches up with other analyses I have received previously.
The nice thing about this Medicare data is that nobody can claim that it is “unreliable.” Medicare is the unassailable “gold-standard” database. It’s the database that the CDC never wants us to see for some reason. They never even mention it. They pretend it doesn’t exist. So you know it is important.
Do you want to know what it shows?
It shows that these shots increase your risk of dying and once you get shot, your risk of dying remains elevated for an unknown amount of time. And that’s in the very population it is supposed to help the most!
Now you know why the CDC, which has always had access to the Medicare records, has never made them publicly available for anyone to analyze to prove that the vaccines are safe. Because the records show the opposite. That’s why they keep the data hidden from view and it’s why they NEVER talk about it.
Today, in this article, you will finally get to see what nobody outside the HHS has ever seen before: the “gold standard” Medicare records, i.e., the truth. You can analyze it yourself. [MORE]
“I Would Never Take the Vaccine." Decorated Military Virologist Dr Lane Rolling says 'Since Day 1 MRNA Vaccines Have Had No Effect on COVID or Its Mutations. Boosters Don't Prevent Illness or Death'
see video below
“Drinking Kool Aid w/o Any Sugar."
Why did YouTube remove this video? According to FUNKTIONARY
censor – a type of strainer that passes everything but the facts, appropriate context, and reality. “A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to know.” ~Granville Hicks. (See: Oughtism & Transparent)
censorship – the rape of the human mind. Take away the word “fuck” and you take away the right to say, “fuck the government.” ~Lenny Bruce. Feel free to say nothing. (See: Iron Rule, Patriot Act, Nine-Eleven, Justice & MEDIA)
Republican Senators Push Back Against Accord Giving Unelected Authorities at WHO Power Over US Plandemic Responses
/From [HERE] As member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) prepare to gather in Switzerland next week to negotiate final terms of an accord that will give the WHO centralized authority over U.S. policy in the case of a pandemic, Republican senators are pushing back with an effort to reinforce congressional power to authorize treaties.
The draft accord, which would be “legally binding” on all 194 member nations, gives the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and submits member countries to “the central role of the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” in areas like lockdowns, treatments, medical supply chains, surveillance, and “disinformation and false news,” once a pandemic is declared.
Seventeen U.S. senators, led by Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” on Feb 15, which states that the pandemic accord must be deemed a treaty, thus requiring the consent of a supermajority of the Senate, which is two-thirds, or 67 senators. The legislation comes as the WHO gears up to present what it calls the “zero draft” of the accord, negotiated with the help of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, to all member nations on Feb. 27 to agree final terms.
Other sponsors of the bill included Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), and Katie Britt (R-Ala.).
“The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19,” Sen. Johnson stated. “This failure should not be rewarded with a new international treaty that would increase the WHO’s power at the expense of American sovereignty.”
But some doubt this bill, even if approved, will stop the WHO accord from going into effect once President Joe Biden signs it.
“With all due respect to the sponsoring senators, that will not do the trick,” Francis Boyle, professor of international law at Illinois University, told The Epoch Times. The reason, he said, is that the WHO accord is drafted specifically to circumvent the Senate-approval process, and Congress instead should immediately withhold its yearly contributions to the WHO and take the United States out of the organization.
Currently, the United States is the largest contributor to the WHO’s $6.72 billion budget, of which $1.25 billion is for “health emergencies.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second largest donor to the WHO, contributing 9 percent of its budget in 2021; China is the third.