North Carolina's bad [racist] plan to take lawyers away from poor [non-white] people: 80% of defendants qualify for free defense counsel. 90% plead guilty

Wait, are you sure you want to plead guilty? An interesting photo for Slate Magazine to use for this article about the inadequate, mannequin like representation from court appointed attorneys; a Black judge in the background looking down on a white woman defense attorney and her white male client - a statistical rarity. Don't just believe, go and see - go down to your local arraignment and criminal courts and see for yourself - who is being locked up and by whom? Many (not all) of the non-whites involved (judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors and court staff) are there for show, like potted plants - w/o them it just wouldn't look right would it?/refinement of white supremacy.  

This article and this photo should be considered in the context of white supremacy/racism. White supremacy is carried out through deception and/or violence. Poor representation and substantial numbers of non-white people in greater confinement is the point.] [MORE]

From [HERE] and [MORE] Earlier this month, in an attempt to cut $2 million from its budget, North Carolina eliminated access to public counsel for thousands of poor criminal defendants each year. That’s not what the new law says: Tucked inside the state’s new budget, it reclassifies more than a dozen crimes into misdemeanors that cannot result in jail time. This is part of a pattern. Over the past two decades, swelling caseloads and fiscal belt-tightening have led several states, including Virginia and Minnesota, to create classes of crimes that can only be punished with a fine. In other states, the same thing happens case by case in the courtroom, where judges and prosecutors routinely declare they will not pursue jail time for minor infractions.

What’s not to like, if you’re caught with a small amount of drugs or driving without a license? The problem is that, left to fend for themselves in the courtroom, most defendants lack the basic legal skills to argue their innocence or reduce their punishment, and they’re often not told of the lifelong consequences that even minor convictions can carry. In an era when getting marked as criminal is often the severest punishment in itself, it makes increasingly little sense for only those facing incarceration to have a right to counsel.

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The Social and Moral Cost of Mass Incarceration in African American Communities

Radical changes in crime control and sentencing policies led to an unprecedented buildup of the United States prison population over the last thirty years. n1 By the end of 2002, the number of inmates in the nation's jails and prisons exceeded two million. n2 Today's imprisonment rate is five times as high as in 1972 and surpasses that of all other nations. n3 The sheer scale and acceleration of U.S. prison growth has no parallel in western societies. As David Garland put it, "This is an unprecedented event in the history of the USA and, more generally, in the history of liberal democracy." n4

The extraordinary prison expansion involved young black men in grossly disproportionate numbers. Achieving another historic record, most of the people sentenced to time in prison today are black. On any given day, nearly one-third of black men in their twenties are under the supervision of the criminal justice system - either behind bars, on probation, or on parole. n5 The gap between black and white incarceration rates, moreover, has deepened along with rising inmate numbers. n6 African Americans experience a uniquely  [*1273]  astronomical rate of imprisonment, and the social effects of imprisonment are concentrated in their communities. Thus, the transformation of prison policy at the turn of the twenty-first century is most accurately characterized as the mass incarceration of African Americans. n7

The mass incarceration of African Americans coincides with a new era in criminal justice research. Social scientists are increasingly applying empirical methods to understand the impact of crime control policies and to supply data to judges, legislators, and policymakers. n8 The distinctive features of African American mass incarceration have generated a new research agenda that reframes the typical questions asked about the racial disparity in imprisonment and that better measures the costs and benefits of prison policy. The new research also puts in striking relief the question of the morality of confining so many American citizens.

In the rest of this Introduction, I describe the distinctive features of both African American mass incarceration and the new direction in prison research examining this phenomenon. I also discuss how these empirical studies reframe the issue of racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. Part I identifies three theories that explain the social mechanisms through which mass incarceration inflicts community-level harms. Part II argues that mounting evidence of mass imprisonment's damage to African American communities should change the outcome of dominant deliberations about the moral justifications for current penal approaches to punishment. This evidence demolishes utilitarian claims that high incarceration rates uniformly benefit black communities and reveals, to the contrary, how they entrench black communities' political subordination. I conclude, therefore, that the mass incarceration of African Americans is not only morally unjustifiable, but morally repugnant.


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Racist Suspect to Stand Trial for the Murder of Unarmed Black Woman: "frightened" white man Blew her head off through screen door

The psychopathic racial personality. A firearms expert testified that the gun used, a 12 gauge Mossberg model 500A shotgun, requires 6.5 pounds of pressure to pull the trigger, after first loading it with shotgun shells, racking it, and taking the safety off. 

From [HERE] Twentieth District Court Judge David Turfe bound Theodore Wafer, 54, the admitted killer of 19-year Renisha McBride, over for trial on all counts of second-degree murder, manslaughter and felony firearms Dec. 19. Wafer, a white Dearborn Heights resident, admitted to blasting McBride in the face with a shotgun, killing her instantly as she stood on his front porch early during the morning of Nov. 2, 2013, allegedly seeking help after a car accident. 

“Uh, yes, I just shot somebody on my front porch with a shotgun banging on my door,” Wafer said during a 911 call played during his preliminary exam. “I live at 16812 W. Outer Drive. Thank you.”  He hung up the phone after the dispatcher asked what city he was in.

McBride was Black. “The testimony of the first witness, Carmen Beasley, summed it up in a nutshell,” Judge Turfe said during his ruling. McBride earlier ran into cars parked in front of Beasley’s house on Bramell in Detroit.

“[Mrs. Beasley] called 911 first,” the judge noted. “She thought first, then she acted. . .The evidence shows the defendant [Wafer] made a bad decision. There were other reasonable opportunities available. I believe the prosecution has met their burden of proof.”

Beasley testified that she only went outside after calling 911, observing the scene, and noting a young woman who appeared to be hurt and dazed. She said she tried to help McBride, asking her to remain until EMS came. But, she said, McBride kept repeating, “I just want to go home,” then eventually wandered off down Warren Ave. 

“The defense argues Michigan’s Self-Defense Act,” Judge Turfe added. “Yes, if someone knocks or bangs on your door, a reasonable person might bring a shotgun to the door to either shoot, scare the person, or defend yourself. But could [the defendant] have not answered the door, called for help, or run to another area of the house? Instead he chose to shoot.” 

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"Poor Mandela. When he's not a doll, he's a statue. He joins MLK as another bronzed monument whose use is to serve a new version of racism"

Changing the color of the hand holding the whip. By [GregPalast]  I can't take it anymore. All week, I've watched Nelson Mandela reduced to a Barbie doll. From Fox News to the Bush family, the politicians and media mavens who body-blocked the anti-Apartheid Movement and were happy to keep Mandela behind bars, now get to dress his image up in any silly outfit they choose.

It's more nauseating than hypocrisy and ignorance. The Mandela Barbie tells us in a squeaky little doll voice, not his own, that apartheid is now "defeated" - to quote the ridiculous headline in the Times.

Poor Mandela. When he's not a doll, he's a statue. He joins Martin Luther King as another bronzed monument whose use is to serve a new version of racism, Apartheid 2.0, worsening both in South Africa - and in the USA.

The ruling class creates commemorative dolls and statues of revolutionary leaders as a way to tell us their cause is won, so go home. For example, just six months ago, the US Supreme Court overturned the key parts of the Voting Rights Act, Dr. King's greatest accomplishment, on the specious claim that, "Blatantly discriminatory evasions are rare," and Jim Crow voting practices are now "eradicated." 

"Eradicated?" On what planet? The latest move by Florida Republicans to purge 181,000 voters of color - like the stench from the shantytowns of Cape Town - makes clear that neither Jim Crow nor Apartheid have been defeated. They're just in temporary retreat.

Nevertheless, our betters in the USA and Europe have declared that King slew segregation, Mandela defeated apartheid; and therefore, the new victims of racial injustice should just shut the f$#! up and stop whining. 

The Man Who Walked Beside Mandela

To replace the plastic and metal Mandelas with flesh and blood, I spoke to Danny Schechter. Schechter knew Mandela personally, and more deeply, than any other American journalist. One of the great reporters of our generation, Schechter produced South Africa Now, a weekly program seen on PBS, from 1988-91, bringing Mandela's case to Americans dumbed and numbed by Ronald Reagan's red-baiting. 

Schechter notes that George W. Bush kept Mandela on the Terrorist Watch List — no kidding — even after Mandela was elected President.

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ACLU Files Racial Targeting Suit: Mississippi Troopers go on Warrantless Search & Detain Black Graduate Students

Many Black people like to think of themselves as middle class, and therefore, distant from things like police oppression. This preferred version of reality is illusion. In the world 'as it is' a more appropriate description is Powerless Class.

From [HERE] The ACLU filed a federal lawsuit against the state Department of Public Safety on Friday, alleging racial profiling and constitutional violations in an August 2012 incident.

The suit wsa filed on behalf of Raymond Montgomery and Cathryn Stout, a doctoral student at Saint Louis University in Missouri. Montgomery and Stout, who are both black, were stopped by a trooper with the Mississippi Highway Patrol on Aug. 8, 2012, on I-55 South just north of Jackson, for having an Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. sorority license plate holder, according to a release from the ACLU.

When the two refused to consent to a search of the vehicle, the officer called his supervisor to assist on the scene. Three troopers then went through Montgomery’s and Stout’s luggage and dismantled interior door panels.

“I was stunned and humiliated by the treatment that we received by the Mississippi Highway Patrol,” said Montgomery. “We hope that our speaking up can help make sure this does not happen to anyone else.”

At one point Stout said she was told to stop filming the search on her cell phone, a demand she said she followed for fear of being arrested. The ordeal took an hour, after which the troopers sent the couple on their way without a ticket.

“Ironically, the entire purpose of my visit to Mississippi was to document the positive strides the state has taken to combat negative stereotypes,” Stout said. “Unfortunately, my experience with the Highway Patrol revealed a much different picture.”

“This is one of many complaints that our office has received regarding the Mississippi Highway Patrol,” said Bear Atwood, legal director for the ACLU of Mississippi. “We hope that this suit will cause the Department of Public Safety to take a serious look at its policies and practices, which result in frequent violations of motorists’ civil rights and civil liberties.”

The suit alleges that MDPS, which oversees MHP, and the three troopers involved in the incident violated Stout’s and Montgomery’s Fourth Amendment rights by engaging in an unconstitutional stop and search, their rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment by racially profiling them, and Stout’s First Amendment rights by prohibiting her from peacefully filming the search, from a distance, with her cell phone camera.

The suit also alleges that MDPS violated Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 by permitting its troopers to engage in racial profiling.

white supremacy is a religion, do you believe in it? White lady on Fox: [if] Santa and Jesus are white [then God is White]

From [HERE] Racist suspect, Megyn Kelly has a message for all the children staying up past bedtime to watch "The Kelly File" on FoxNews: 

"Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change," Kelly said. "Jesus was a white man, too. He was a historical figure. That's a verifiable fact -- as is Santa. I just want the kids watching to know that. My point is, how do you just revise it in the middle of the legacy of the story and change Santa from white to black?" [MORE] As stated by Dr. Welsing: 

"Most fundamental and absolutely critical to the white supremacy system of religious thought was the formation of the Image of a white man as the "son" of God. This white male Image was then referred to as "Christ"; It doesn't matter that the prophet Jesus was a Black man.

Because of the nature of the human brain that functions on logic circuits, once a white male Image is established in the brain computer logic as the son of God, then the brain com­puter at deep unconscious levels automatically concludes that God the Father is also a white male, since Black or other non-white males would have produced a non-white son.

Thus, any person accepting the Christian religion—whether conscious of it or not—has the image and concept of God as white man. With this unconscious "God-is-a-white-man" logic circuit securely implanted, the message becomes very clear: the white man (as God the Father) is supreme, perfect in power...and goodness...from whom all blessings flow.

Therefore, it can be said that all Black and other non-white "Christians" worship the white man as God—not as a God but as the God. So the white man is perfect, good, supreme and the only source of blessings, according to this logic circuit.

It is noteworthy that Christianity was based upon the life of African (Black) prophet named Jesus. That the white Romans recognized this fact is reflected in early portrayals of Jesus and his mother (the Black Madonna and Black Child). To this day, a picture of the Black Madonna and Black Child is secretly cherished as one of the most revered Icons of the original Christian church, the Catholic church.

What, then, necessitated changing the Image of Black Jesus and Black Mary to white Christ and white Mary? It is necessary to return to the most fundamental fact in the existence of the global white collective. [MORE]

Can Black Pete be Genetic Recessive and Superior at the same time? [the Xmas myth of white supremacy]

From [HERE] and [HERE] In Belgium and Holland six weeks before Americans celebrate Christmas, Sinterklaas comes to town. The Dutch Santa Claus travels by steamboat instead of sleigh and from Spain, not the North Pole. But the most different thing about him is his help.

Instead of elves, he has Black Pete — a character played by whites in blackface. Thousands of them started popping up over the weekend at children’s parades, schools and in living rooms across the Netherlands, like so many Al Jolsons. White people practicing racism tell kids that Black Pete (Zwarte Piet) is black from the soot that darkened his face after he descended chimneys to deliver gifts to children across the Low Countries.

But what's really real is that Black Pete is black because cartoon artist Jan Schenkman created the dim-witted character about a decade before slavery was abolished in former Dutch colonies. Black Pete has fat lips, curly hair and ears pierced with a golden earring, resembling the long-frowned-upon British golliwog rag doll. [MORE]

Now a wave of opposition to the Dutch character of Black Pete is generating a fierce debate about white supremacy/racism in one of the world’s allegedly most socially [white] liberal nations. A "stunned" country is watching as the uproar unleashes vocal resistance during the most joyous time on the Dutch calendar. [MORE]

"Most white people hate Black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." -Neely Fuller

Taking Fuller's account a step further, Dr. Welsing states, "it should be noted that, in the majority of instances, any neurotic drive for superiority usually is founded upon a deep and pervading sense of inadequacy and inferiority. Is it not true that white people represent in numerical terms a very small minority of the world's people? And more profoundly, is not "white" itself the very absence of any ability to produce color? I reason, then, that the quality of whiteness is indeed a genetic inadequacy or a relative genetic deficiency state, based upon the genetic inability to produce the skin pigments of melanin (which is responsible for all skin color). The vast majority of the world's people are not so afflicted, which suggests that color is normal for human beings and color absence is abnormal. Additionally, this state of color absence acts always as a genetic recessive to the dominant genetic factor of color-production. Color always "annihilates" (phenotypically-and genetically speaking) the non-color, white. Black people possess the greatest color potential, with brown, red and yellow peoples possessing lesser quantities, respectively. This is the genetic and psychological basis for The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy).  

The Color-Confrontation theory states that the white or color-deficient Europeans responded psychologically, with a profound sense of numerical inadequacy and color inferiority, in their confrontations with the majority of the world's people - all of whom possessed varying degrees of color-producing capacity. This psychological response, whether con­scious or unconscious, revealed an inadequacy based on the most obvious and fundamental part of their being, their external appearance. As might be anticipated in terms of modern psychological theories, whites defen­sively developed an uncontrollable sense of hostility and aggression. This attitude has continued to manifest itself throughout the history of mass confrontations between whites and people of color. That the initial hostility and aggression came only from whites is recorded in innumerable diaries, journals and books written by whites. Also, records indicate that only after long periods of great abuse have non-whites responded defen­sively with any form of counterattack. This perplexing psychological reaction of whites has been directed towards all peoples with the capacity to produce melanin. However, the most profound aggressions have been directed towards Black people, who have the greatest color potential and, therefore, are the most envied and feared in genetic color competition.

The experience of numerical inadequacy and genetic color inferiority led whites to implement a number of interesting, although devastating (to non-white peoples), psychological defense mechanisms. The initialpsychological defense maneuver was the repression of the initial painful awareness of inadequacy. This primary ego defense was reinforced by a host of other defense mechanisms.

One of the most important of these defense mechanisms was reaction formation, a response that converts (at the psychological level) something desired and envied but wholly unattainable, into something discredited and despised. The whites, desiring to have skin color but unable to attain it, claimed (consciously or unconsciously) that skin color was disgusting to them, and began attributing negative qualities to color - especially to blackness. Interestingly, the term "non-white" is a double negative result­ing in a positive statement. This is perhaps a Freudian slip, wherein the use of language ultimately reveals the primary psychological dynamic. Whites' desire to have colored skin can be observed at the very first signs of spring or summer when they begin to strip off their clothes (as many pieces as the law will allow), often permitting their skins to be burned severely in an attempt to add some color to their pale bodies and rendering themselves vulnerable to skin cancer in the process. Most cosmetics are also an attempt to add color to white skin. Such coloring makeup is provided for the white male as well as female. And finally, untold millions are spent annually on chemicals that are advertised as being able to increase the tanning potential of whites. [MORE]

Gang of White Men [more than 12] Attack Black College Student in Brooklyn - Victim Left for Dead with Broken Eye Socket

White Supremacy = the Ultimate KO Game. White supremacy is conducted through violence and/or deception [MORE]. From [HERE] and [HERE] Police are investigating after a Black man was assaulted by a mob of more than a dozen white men in Brooklyn, leaving him with a broken eye socket and a torn retina. 

The 22-year-old victim, Taj Patterson says he was out with friends in Williamsburg Dec. 1 when a group of 15 to 20 men he described as Hasidic Jews wearing religious garb approached him. 

"They came up behind me, they grabbed me, they punched me in the face, kicked me down, knocked me out," Patterson told NBC 4 New York. 

Patterson says that during the beating, the men yelled anti-gay slurs, including, "Stay down, f----t!”

"I’m walking down some block by myself and then the next thing I know, I’m surrounded by a group of Hasidic Jewish men and they’re attacking me,” Patterson tells the Daily News. “I was alone. I was an easy target. I’m black. I’m gay, a whole slew of reasons." 

Patterson's mother, Zahra Patterson, said "it wasn't until someone stopped them — the witnesses, a Bus driver, otherwise, my son would have been left for dead." 

Patterson, a student at the New York City College of Technology, was taken to Woodhull Hospital, where he was treated for a broken eye socket, a torn retina, bruises and blood clotting. No arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing.  He's expected to have additional surgeries in two weeks to reattach the damaged retina. 

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Racist Suspects Murder Case Going to Grand Jury: White Men Allegedley Beat Black Teen to Death while he Slept

From [HERE] and [HERE] The two [racist suspects] white men who face robbery and murder charges from a fatal beating incident involving a 16-year-old Black teenager appeared before Judge Rupert Ruppert Tuesday afternoon. Michael Geldrich, 36, appeared in the courtroom with a host of security, along with his fellow accused, Michael J. Watson, 39.

In the hearing, Franklin Detective Jeff Stewart said Watson told him Geldrich sent a text message saying he wanted to beat the victim, Dione Payne, over drugs and money. "After Michael Geldrich picked him up, they both drove back to 11 Vernon Street where they spoke about robbing Dione Payne," Stewart said.

Watson, referred to as "Jay" in the trial, told Stewart that he and Geldrich walked into the home's garage and Geldrich picked up a table leg. "He indicated that he asked Michael Geldrich if he was actually going to hit the young man inside the house, who we later found to be Dione with the stick," Stewart said in court. "Jay indicated the original plan was to go in, put a pillow case over Dione's head and then rob him of his dope and money, take him somewhere, uncover him and then everything would be good."

According to Stewart's claim, Watson said Payne was sleeping in the front room of the home on a couch. He said that was when Geldrich hit Payne twice in the head with the table leg.

"After Geldrich hit Dione with the table leg a second time he heard Dione gasp at which time Michael then threw him on the floor and began to continue to assault him," Stewart said. "Jay said it was his function to ask Dione the stuff was indicating the dope or money, he said he asked Dione this more than one time. He indicated that Michael did not want Dione to know he was also involved in the robbery so this was his function."

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White man gets 40 months for hate-crime attack on Sikh cabbie

From [HERE] A white man was sentenced this morning in U.S. District Court to 40 months in prison for viciously beating a Sikh cab driver while making racist statements about Muslims.

Jamie Larson, who turned 50 on Sunday, was originally charged with malicious harassment in King County Superior Court, but the case was turned over to federal prosecutors in March because the federal hate crime law carries a longer possible sentence of up to 10 years.

Larson pleaded guilty in June to hate crime, but he claimed he remembered nothing of the incident because he had blacked out from drinking when he attacked the 50-year-old cab driver because he mistakenly believed he was Muslim. The driver is an immigrant from India and not a Muslim. 

Federal prosecutors, however, point out that Larson has a long history of alcohol-fueled violence, sexually assaulting a neighbor in 2008 and beating an ambulance driver in 2009 while drunk.

The driver couldn’t work for two months and required months of physical therapy due to his injuries. Coughenour, the judge, called Larson’s racist comments to the cab driver “the most disgusting, ugly and racist language that I have heard in 30 years on the bench.”

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Maulana Karenga - Black People, HIV-AIDS and Racial Justice: Fighting on Two Fronts

"If you attempt to understand the AIDS holocaust, without under­standing white supremacy, you will only be confused; and you may be dead." - Welsing 

From [HERE] Thus, as public policy and socially sanctioned practice, racism determines who will be considered and treated and how; who will live best and die worst; who will work, be educated well or walk and drive down the street without being targeted (profiled) by color, regardless of age and innocence. It is in this context that we find ourselves fighting on two fronts in the struggle around HIV/AIDS: on the front of health and well-being and that of racial and social injustice in society as a whole. For the two are clearly linked; and so whatever is offered as a common strategy and struggle to address the pandemic of HIV/AIDS, we know we have not received and do not have the consideration and resources we need, and certainly not the consideration and resources equal or even similar to the favored and well-funded White community. And yet we continue to make do and struggle on; to perform what small miracles we can; and to do the good demanded of us by our commitment to care and serve which is so essential to our cultural and moral sense of ourselves as African people.  

This year's World AIDS Day theme is "Getting to Zero": zero new infections; zero discrimination; and zero AIDS related deaths. But the question is how do we get to zero, i.e., an AIDS free generation, when our rates of infection are constantly and steeply rising, not going down? How do we get to zero when our resources are diminishing even as the need for resources increases due to rising rates of infection? And how do we get to zero when our organizations doing the critical work are under-funded and in danger of further weakening? It, again, reflects the view of things from the status and standpoint of Whites, not from that of Black people. 

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Nothing but Net! Macy's Practices 'Whitenology' on Targeted Black Consumers with Unenforceable "bill of rights" [never play for your own sandwich]

From [HERE] Six weeks after a series of racial-profiling allegations from Black and Latino shoppers, a coalition of high-end retailers and civil rights leaders came up with a so called “bill of rights” to protect non-white customers from “shop-and-frisk” practices or racial targeting by the NYPD in the white owned and controlled stores [more on white collective power HERE]

The list of "rights" was released to the media after getting final approval Monday morning at a meeting that included the Rev. Al Sharpton and other civil rights advocates and executives from Barneys, Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman, Lord & Taylor and other department stores. The NYPD did not participate.

The one-page bill of rights will be displayed in stores such as Barneys, Macy’s, Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue, Lord & Taylor, and the Gap, and it will include phone numbers for the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the state Division of Human Rights, and the manager of each store that posts it.

The document “strictly prohibits unreasonable searches and/or the profiling of customers by any employee,” and requires that a person should be detained only if an employee “has reasonable grounds” to believe that the person was in criminal possession of “an anti-security item” or “was committing or attempting to commit shoplifting on the premises.”

[In other words, it informs you of rights you already have and provides information already available to the public. It confers no legally enforceable rights on the shopper [victim] and does not provide any cause of action to sue for any violation or breach of the "bill of rights." It provides no additional or new remedy that did not already exist. There is no penalty or fine assessed against the store or NYPD. It is meaningless. Who's the mack? 

The Black revolutionary Steve Cokely (video below) said "to never play for your own sandwich" and he made reference to the old McDonald's commercial featuring Michael Jordan and Larry Bird. In it, Jordan is sitting in a gym with a bag of food. Larry Bird, a white man, asks 'can I play you for your sandwich?' and Jordan agrees. Then they play one on one. What does Jordan get if he wins? Nothing. That is 'Whitenology' - making you play for your own sandwich.

Here, Black people [via Al Sharpton] are playing for their own sandwich; allegedly getting some respect from Macy's and other white retailers? Respect is something you can only give to yourself! Macy's cannot give Black people respect. According to Neely Fuller "there is only one form of respect - it is self respect - the respect that one gives to ones self, refusing to lie to oneself. Being honest with yourself about reality. It is deception (white supremacy/racism) for white people to give you something (respect) that you already have. Like singing songs or holding hands - posting signs inside stores will have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the challenges and conditions of 'the open warfare continuously being waged against the non-white collective. [MORE] Stop supporting white supremacy.'] 

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'You Have No Right to Live Among Us': Israel says Africans can be Detained for a Year Without being Charged [like Nazi Germany]

African Migrants seen as 'infiltrators' threatening Israel's demographic character = Racism as white genetic survival. From [HERE] and [HERE] Israel's parliament has approved a law which allows illegal immigrants from Africa to be detained for up to a year without trial in the latest in a series of measures aimed at reducing the numbers of African migrants in the country.

The new bill passed by 30 votes in favor to 15 against during a late-night vote in the 120-member Knesset, Israel's parliament, and was announced Tuesday. A previous law, which was overturned by the Supreme Court in September, had set a maximum detention period of three years.

Supporters of the bill in the government see the migrants as illegal job-seekers, but critics say many of the migrants are asylum-seekers fleeing hardship and persecution in their homelands.

Members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party praised the new legislation. Interior Minister Gideon Saar said it would "allow us to keep illegals away from our cities."

Miri Regev, another Likud Knesset member, said Israel should "send them all back to their countries."  "This law is needed in order to deter potential infiltrators. The present reality is a human ticking time bomb," Regev, who also heads the Knesset's Interior Committee, told parliament.

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For Racist Mascot Bowl [Chiefs vs. Redskins] Excited Racist Suspect Accidentally Promotes Genocide to Sell Burgers at Sonic

Don't eat there. Like this silly ass sign, racism usually comes out of nowhere. How will you react to it? In a white supremacy system you should expect racism from all white people, everyday. If they are not racist then be pleasantly surprised. Having such an expectation may enable you to have an intelligent or transformative reaction to racism. You will not be surprised and it will not move you as much. White people's behavior in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) is motivated by their fear of genetic annihilation = White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored [MORE] and [MORE

From [HERE] and [HERE] Sonic Drive-In has apologized for a racist sign promoting Sunday's Chiefs-Skins game outside one of its restaurants in Belton, Mo. The sign in question said, "'KC CHIEFS' WILL SCALP THE REDSKINS FEED THEM WHISKEY SEND - 2 - RESERVATION."

The uproar began after a photo circulated on Twitter showing the sign in Belton, Missouri.  VP of Public Relations Patrick Lenow, who is white, told NBC News that the unnamed white employee is known for creative signs, but that this one was "in poor taste." The sign was taken down hours later and the employee was "very apologetic," according to Lenow.

Still, Native Americans excoriated the sign as indicative of why Native American mascots need to be banned. Audra Simpson, assistant professor of anthropology at Columbia University in New York City, told NBC News that at "first blush (the sign) is just shockingly racist" and "hateful," but added that the existence of signs like these is not surprising to Native Americans. [MORE

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Nelson Mandela had No Fear of Confronting White Supremacy - [but white supremacy is still undefeated]

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the first black South African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. [MORE]

Unlike so-called Black leaders of today he had no fear of identifying and confronting white supremacy/racism as the major problem facing Black people. He knew that confronting this murderous reality could lead to an unnatural death. According to his legend, he was a "patriot" - in the sense that he was committed to dismantling the system of white supremacy and replacing it with a system of justice. [more But that did not happen during his lifetime. 

And Still the Heaviest, Heavyweight Champion of the World. Thus far, Non-white persons have been unable to decode the white supremacist/racist playbook - all persons who have attempted to establish justice and/or to eliminate racism have failed - 'it is a losing streak that is centuries long.' [MORE]

Neely Fuller explains that "of all the white people in the known universe, it is those who practice white supremacy (racism) who have the greatest will, the greatest ability, to do whatever they choose to do in all areas of people activity including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, sex and war. They have also shown, through the practice of white supremacy, that they have the great will and great ability to subjugate non-white people, basically through the skilled use of deceit and violence. They maintain this subjugation through a day-to-day "code" of thought, speech and action, utilizing a variety of words and deeds in a manner that promotes falsehood, non-justice, and incorrectness."  

Although this 'daily code' of white supremacy is right in front of our eyes, non-white people fearfully look away -- pretending that issues of class are to blame or that white Republicans are the source of our collective mistreatment. There is great fear in recognizing reality because to do so would mean that once and for all something must be done about it. Mandela is a role model in this way. Rather than hurrying or busying himself in the simple minded or cynical, endless pursuit of pleasure and excitement or contentment with maintaining a level of survival he acted to resist white supremacy and was willing to to give his life for the achievement of justice. 

According to Frances Cress Welsing, this fear of recognizing white supremacy 'coming from our Black collective is consistent with submission to and/or cooperation with the racist oppressive dynamic - albeit with an historical and continuing chorus of complaints and worrying. This thinking and behavior is also consistent with the illusion that there can be a complete integration of non-whites into the white supremacy system.'  [MORE]  Non-white people can never be integrated into a white supremacy system. [MORE]. "The victims of Racism (non-white people) are neither "separate" from the racists, nor are they "integrated" with the racists. Therefore under this condition, the victims of Racism have only two choices: 1) act in support of the practice of racism, or 2) act to eliminate the practice of racism" [MORE]

Last March Nine South African police officers pleaded not guilty to charges of killing a man who died after being dragged behind their police van - after police tied him to it. [MORE]

Historians label different episodes  "Jim Crow", "Segregation" and so on but they all lead to a refinement of white supremacy [decrease the necessity for using direct violence against non-white people, preferring to use deceit to gain acquiescence and control]. 

The "apartheid" system is part of this highly observable pattern. It might be gone, but the system of white supremacy rolls on 24/7, worldwide in all areas of people activity. In South Africa, white people own the vast majority of all the land and 85% of Black people are poor (see article below). In fact some have said that "the ANC government now is simply an extension of the apartheid government."  Even now the media is working to sell you that white supremacy will somehow be buried along with Nelson Mandela - this of course is the opposite of reality and that is the point. Go turn it own and see for yourself...   

The Illusion of Freedom. For white people, South Africa's economic growth since the fall of apartheid has been significant, according to a new report from investment banking firm Goldman Sachs. Among the advances made in the economy since 1994, the gross domestic product (GDP) jumped from $136 billion to $400 billion and the number of households with electricity went from nearly 60 percent to 85 percent. Among other changes: tax receipts increased from $114 billion to $814 billion and the Johannesburg stock market cap went from $3 billion to $50 billion.

These numbers mean little to the Black population. There are stark racial inequalities in terms of income, with 85 percent of blacks poor, while 87 percent of whites are middle to upper class.  [MORE] and [MORE]. The number of South Africans living on less than a dollar a day has doubled along with the number of millionaires in the country.

Eight Black men, among them Nelson Mandela, raise their fists in defiance through the barred windows of a prison car in 1964 after receiving a life sentence for conspiracy, sabotage and treason. [MOREA former U.S. official said the CIA Helped Jail Mandela. [MORE]

Aside from the low pay and poor working conditions, black South Africans have to deal with a 29 percent unemployment rate. Nationwide, the rate is number four in the world at 25 percent and has not dropped below 22 percent since 2007.  Unemployment levels among young black workers is nearing 50 percent. Also, 73 percent of top business managers are white. Meanwhile average earnings for black households are a sixth of their white counterparts. Therefore, the overall labor market for black South Africans, is in an abysmal state of affairs. 

Prior to the apartheid, two land acts – one in 1913 and one in the 1930′s – were passed in which over 90 percent of all land was seized by white settlers, confining the indigenous population to the measly leftovers. At the end of apartheid and the rise of ANC political machine, land was supposed to be transferred back to black ownership in an attempt to even the playing field. However, since that time very little land has been redistributed to the black population. Some estimates put the figures of white land ownership at between 50 and 87 percent, while whites only make up about 10 percent of the population.

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Where Does Obama Stand on Black Unemployment again? At the End of the Line. Black Unemployment Almost Double the National Average

From [HERE] Despite continued depression-like joblessness amongst Blacks and Latinos, this morning's official unemployment report registered the lowest overall jobless rate in five years. According to the Department of Labor, the percentage of those actively looking for work but who could not find it fell to seven percent.  The jobless rate for African Americans is almost double that at nearly 13 percent and for Latinos it's close to 9 percent. Overall the numbers show that the economy continues to inch forward but in a sideways sort of way.

Alongside the difficult black and Latino unemployment numbers is the fact that the November report showed surprising gains across the board - for white people. The number of people unemployed for less than five weeks fell by 300,000 and full-time work grew versus part-time work. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of white workers are less discouraged about the job market than a year ago and the number of people opting out of job hunting due to frustration has stabilized, though it remains at a near thirty-five year low. [MORE]

The Showcase President. According to Neely Fuller, in a white supremacy system, it is white supremacists who are responsible for everything that happens or does not happen in regards to non-white people. "Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by White Supremacists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly non-white people — prefer not to acknowledge. [MORE]

In photo, the non-white votary waiting in long Jim Crow line in Ohio to vote early for Obama last November. Many were motivated by Obama racism to vote for him. 

Tennessee Wants to execute 11 inmates (43% of them are Black and 100% of the Prosecutors are White)

Since 1977, the overwhelming majority of death row defendants (80%) have been executed for killing white victims, although whites make up only 50% percent of all homicide victims. In a 1990 report, the non-partisan U.S. General Accounting Office found “a pattern of evidence indicating racial disparities in the charging, sentencing, and imposition of the death penalty.”

A North Carolina study, based on data from 502 murders occurring between 1993 and 1997 found that defendants whose victims are white are 3.5 times more likely to be sentenced to death than those with non-white victims. Underlying the statistical evidence is the differential treatment of African-Americans at every turn:

  • All of Tennessee’s District Attorneys General are white. These are the people who decide whether or not to seek the death penalty. ("Prosecutors, more than any other officials in the system, have the power, discretion, and responsibility to remedy the discriminatory treatment of African Americans in the criminal justice process." [MORE]) 
  • African Americans make up 43% of Tennessee’s death row population but only 17% of its total population. [MORE]

From [HERE] A recent maneuver out of the state attorney general’s office in Tennessee is being called unprecedented after officials there asked the Supreme Court for permission to execute 10 prisoners currently on death row.

Those ten inmates have been awaiting execution an average of more than 27 years, but the state put a hold on the practice of putting prisoners to death in 2011 after it was forced to surrender its supply of sodium thiopental, a sedative that had up until then been one of three components used in the lethal cocktail administered by executioners in Tennessee.

Just this September, though, the Tennessee Department of Correction announced it would be switching to a single-drug lethal injection method, relying instead on just one narcotic, pentobarbital, which had been used primarily by veterinarians up until recently when other states began administering it to death row inmates.

The use of pentobarbital as the sole drug of choice at executions across the United States has generated a fair share of criticism and safety concerns in recent years, but it isn’t the narcotic that’s now raising questions in Tennessee. Rather, officials are being asked to explain why for the first time presumably ever they’ve ordered at once death warrants for 10 separate individuals.

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Confused Victim of White Supremacy Martin Bashir Resigns after Overreacting to Sarah Palin's Racist Provocation

Racism is conduct designed to provoke you. White people are the most provocative people on the planet and Racism is one of the most powerful motivating forces in the universe.  Above, provocative racist suspect, Sarah Palin, throws out red meat to her white base to get them motivated and in so doing she also provokes non-white person, Martin Bashir. (Is her point really about the debt or does she just want to say the words, "racist" and "slavery" and 'Black president' to her "victimized" white people base? - this is the only program the White Party (republicans) is running.)

As stated by Dr. Welsing, "for the sake of Black mental health and for Black intelligence, all people of color must understand the dynamics of racism/white supremacy, what it is and how it works, so that they can have an appropriate, self-respecting response to racism/ white supremacy." [MORE]

Race is not real but racism is. [MORE] You should expect racism from white people every day - if they are not racist then be pleasantly surprised. Having such an expectation may enable you to have an intelligent or transformative reaction to racism and to constructively solve problems.  It will not move you as much. You must be mindful that white people practice racism to survive when you are in their presence. [MORE]  ("It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting moral suasion on a people who have no ethics or morality where race is a variable" [MORE]). You will see racism but stop carrying it as much and you will not take it for something real. 'Like dealing with a child who says, "Mom, this happened. Dad, I need that. Hey, look at me." The parent says, "yes sure, ok. But doesn't take it too seriously - your mind is not caught up in the story, because you don't think in that way.' 

This detached reaction is not shock, outrage, crying, begging, or violent. Such reactions cause stress, anger, misery, strokes, incarceration, death or get you fired like Mr. Bashir. Like most victims of white supremacy, Bashir is absolutely confused by racism/white supremacy. [MORE]  After consuming Sarah Palin's racist message he became hurt & angry and then made his angry comments. What did he expect from this racist suspect and who is he complaining to? Here, he got caught up in the substance of the story/illusion; that is, caught up in Sarah Palin's nonsensical racist analogy - which is a form of mental bondage, for real. 

He also has misunderstood his position in the white supremacy system; all non-white people are in the powerless class. Did he really think a Pakistani man could get away with talking shit about a white woman like that on a network owned by maker of nuclear weapons, General Electric during prime time? In a white supremacy system folks like him just get filtered out. Like Christopher Dorner, game over for him and no problems were solved. 

From [HEREMartin Bashir has resigned from MSNBC as a result of the derogatory comments he made on the air a few weeks ago about Sarah Palin. He joined the network in 2010.

Bashir had slammed Sarah Palin for her remarks comparing U.S. indebtedness to China to slavery and cited the diaries of a former plantation owner who punished slaves by having someone defecate in their mouth or urinate on their face.

He suggested the former Alaska governor deserved the same treatment.

"When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn't just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate," he said in the Nov. 15 outburst.

In response, officials at Palin's political action committee demanded the NBC take action against Bashir for the comments. [MORE]