No Real Penalty for Racism in a White Supremacy System: Another Racist Suspect NBA Owner set to Get Paid after "self reporting" Racism

From [HERE] and [HERE] For the second time since April, the N.B.A. has been rocked by a disclosure from a team owner that the presence of blacks at games negatively affects the bottom line. Bruce Levenson, a white man who had a controlling interest in the Atlanta Hawks, sent an email in August 2012 to the team’s general manager, Danny Ferry (also white), and other members of the club’s ownership, complaining about the team’s struggle to “get 35-55 white males and corporations to buy season” tickets.

“My theory is that the black crowd scared away the whites and there are simply not enough affluent black fans to build a significant season ticket base,” Levenson wrote in the email. Levenson, who announced Sunday that he would sell his stake in the Hawks, complained that his franchise was drawing an “overwhelmingly black audience.” That is, the black fans at the games caused white fans to not attend games and/or to otherwise be uncomfortable at the games.

[this of course is reality. White people have a profound sense of numerical inadequacy and color inferiority when they are around a large group of non-whites (the rest of the world). According to Dr. Welsing, "always, in the presence of color, whites will feel genetically inferior." Indeed, "throughout history when whites encountered Blacks, "whites defen­sively developed an uncontrollable sense of hostility and aggression. This attitude has continued to manifest itself throughout the history of mass confrontations between whites and people of color." MORE]

Levenson self-reported the email and the NBA was investigating the situation, but Levenson has already told Silver he will sell the team, according to the commissioner (who is also white).

The Sterling saga ended last month when Steve Ballmer, the former chief of Microsoft (also white), completed a $2 billion purchase of the Clippers. Levenson will most likely make plenty of money from the sale of the Hawks, as well. Atlanta CEO Steve Koonin, another white man,  will now oversee all team operations. The Hawks become the third NBA team to hit the market this year.  In other words what is the real penalty for racism here? Sterling's $2 Billion sale is a windfall jackpot. How much will this racist suspect make? 

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Courts says that Nestlé and other countries that sell chocolate from Africa can be sued for using child slave labor

From [HERE] Nestlé and other counties that sell chocolate from Africa can be sued for using child slave labor, a federal appeals court ruled.

Three former slave laborers sued the food manufacturer, along with Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill, under a 1789 law allowing lawsuits in U.S. courts for violations of international human rights.

Instead, the court found, the domestic chocolate industry successfully lobbied Congress to defeat a bill in 2001 that would have required all U.S. importers and manufacturers to certify that their products were “slave free.”

The three companies “effectively control the production of Ivorian cocoa” due to their financial and technical assistance, the court found. [MORE]

Israel [honorary whites] Takes Land, Palestine [non-whites] Loses Land: That’s the Way White Supremacy Works

From [HERE] So a bit more of Palestine has slidden down the plughole. A thousand more acres of Palestinian land stolen by the Israeli government – for “appropriation” is theft, is it not? – and the world has made the usual excuses.

The Americans found it “counter-productive” to peace, which is probably a bit less forceful than its reaction would be if Mexico were to bite off a 1,000-acre chunk of Texas and decided to build homes there for its illegal immigrants in the US. But this is “Palestine” (inverted commas more necessary than ever) and Israel has been getting away with theft, albeit not on quite this scale – it is the biggest land heist in 30 years – ever since it signed up to the Oslo agreement in 1993.

The Rabin-Arafat handshake, the promises and handovers of territory and military withdrawals, and the determination to leave everything important (Jerusalem, refugees, the right of return) to the end, until everyone trusted each other so much that the whole thing would be a doddle – no wonder the world bestowed its financial generosity upon the pair.

But this latest land-grab not only reduces “Palestine” but continues the circle of concrete around Jerusalem to cut Palestinians off from both the capital they are supposed to share with Israelis and from Bethlehem.

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[Looking for a job = slavery by another name] Unemployment Numbers Grim for Black Women

From [HERE] Economic analysts anticipated that the Department of Labor would report a seventh consecutive month of solid job gains. They were wrong. According to figures released Friday, African-American employment held at 11.4 percent, while the national unemployment rate fell slightly from 6.2 percent to 6.1 percent.

The economy added a disappointing 142,000 jobs in August, the lowest number this year. ADP in its monthly report on employment trends predicted that the economy added 204,000 new jobs down from the 209,000 in July and significantly lower than the 288,000 jobs added in June.

Jason Furman, who chairs the White House's Council of Economic Advisers, acknowledged that the jobs report could have been better but argued that overall the economy is still moving in the right direction.

"To continue to support the progress our economy has made, the president will act wherever he can to create good jobs [for who?], facilitate investments in American infrastructure and manufacturing, and make sure that hard work pays off with higher wages," he said, noting that "long-term unemployment has fallen rapidly over the past year but remains well above its pre-recession average."

About 10.6 percent of adult African-American women age 20 or older are unemployed, unchanged from a year ago, according to Friday’s jobs report from the Labor Department.

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Black Man Tortured to Death by Oklahoma: Department of Public Safety Review says Lockett languished on a gurney for almost an hour as an IV delivering lethal drugs failed

Racist suspect Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin didn’t just support the execution of convicted murderer Clayton Lockett. She wanted it, and she took every step possible to hasten the process. When the state Supreme Court issued a stay of execution so it could evaluate the state’s opaque guidelines governing lethal injection, Fallin defied the decision with an order to continue, relying on threats—her Republican [white party] allies in the state Senate introduced impeachment resolutions against the offending justices—to strong-arm the court into backing down. The execution was a disaster. [MORE]

From [HERE] Attendants did not properly monitor the intravenous line inserted into the groin of a Black Oklahoma inmate who writhed and groaned – and finally died almost an hour after his execution began – according to a state report released Thursday. The report also recommended more training for prison officials and medical personnel.

The report on the botched execution of convicted murderer and rapist Clayton Lockett, 38, comes as death-penalty states across the country try to adapt to shortages of execution drugs by using different chemicals whose health effects and humaneness remain in question. Death penalty opponents have called on states to release the names of the companies making the drugs, but authorities have refused, citing the companies' need for privacy. 

The Oklahoma review, released by the state's Department of Public Safety (DPS), cited problems with the IV inserted into Lockett that caused swelling larger than the size of a golf ball. 

Lockett's execution was to be the first of two executions held back-to-back on April 29, but the second execution, of inmate Charles Warner, was postponed that night and is now set for Nov. 13.

The state placed additional pressure on prison officials to complete the April execution of Lockett by making the unusual decision to carry out another execution just after Lockett's procedure was to be finished, the report said. The DPS report recommended that the state hold executions at least seven days apart, noting that the prison warden believed that the planned double execution caused "extra stress" for staff members.

Lockett died behind a closed curtain 43 minutes after his execution began, after state prisons director Robert Patton halted the process 15 minutes after the drugs started to flow. Patton said the cause of death was a heart attack, but autopsy results released last week said he died from the drugs: midazolam, vercuronium bromide and potassium chloride. The autopsy did not explain why the execution took so long or why Lockett writhed.

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Begging for Change to Serve White Folks: Hundreds Arrested During "McJobs" Fast Food Strike

Looking for a McJob = Slavery by Another Name. According to Dr. Blynd, a McJob is a "low pay," low prestige, low benefit, no benefit, no future job in the feudal looks-like-it-could-be food chain service (servitude) sector of the New God Economy. (See: Ploiter & Eyeservant). [MORE]. 

From [HERE] About two dozen of this city's fast-food workers marched Thursday afternoon to a street corner that's home to a McDonald's, a Wendy's and a KFC. Calling for a living wage of $15, they seated themselves in the middle of a freeway entrance, backing up traffic as far as the eye could see.

Charleston police were eventually forced to pull them out of the street one by one, citing them for disorderly conduct in what were deemed "non-custodial" arrests. All told, 18 people -- most of them earning right around minimum wage -- were arrested next to the McDonald's parking lot.

Maximixing Profits & Production for White Folks - a constant that has not changed.

"I'm just tired of seeing my family struggle," Robert Brown, a 20-year-old with short dreadlocks sprouting from his McDonald's visor, said right after a cop handed him a citation ordering him to appear in court. "I can't help them at all with what I make."

The Charleston arrests were part of Thursday's nationwide protest coordinated by Fight for $15, a union-backed campaign in which workers are demanding a $15 wage and union recognition. With the support of local labor and community groups, workers have been taking part in a series of intermittent one-day strikes in various cities over the past two years, shaming big fast-food companies like McDonald's over low pay and irregular hours.

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The "Secure Communities" Program Does Not Make Communities Safer. So What is its Real Purpose? Racism.

Deportations of Non-Whites Have ‘No Observable Effect’ on Crime Rate, Study Concludes. According to Neely Fuller the System of White Supremacy Requires a Substantial Number of Non-Whites to be Incarcerated. White genetic survival is the dynamic behind the high incarceration rate of non-white males in the U.S., which is globally second to none [MORE

From [HERE] Six years after the federal government opened an immigration enforcement program intended to improve public safety, deporting hundreds of thousands of people, many of them convicted criminals, a new study has concluded that the program has had “no observable effect on the overall crime rate.”

The finding “calls into question the longstanding assumption that deporting noncitizens who commit crimes is an effective crime-control strategy,” said the study, conducted by two law professors at the University of Chicago and New York University.

The analysis, scheduled for publication in the November issue of The Journal of Law and Economics, a journal for peer-reviewed research, coincides with the Obama administration’s internal review of the program, known as Secure Communities. Jeh Johnson, the Homeland Security secretary, has suggested that he might overhaul the program, saying it needs “a fresh start.”

Secure Communities, which began in 2008 under President George W. Bush, became a cornerstone of the Obama administration’s immigration enforcement strategy, allowing officials in the Department of Homeland Security to more easily compare the fingerprints of suspects booked at local jails with those in its files. If the authorities find that a suspect is a noncitizen who is in the country illegally or has a criminal record, they may seek custody of that suspect and begin deportation proceedings.

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Marcus Brown: The Pitfalls of Social Media

Daily Iowan

The use of social media has shaped the way people communicate and interact across a variety of media. Texting, snapchatting, tweeting, facetiming, and the like have created an entirely new culture of communication and social interaction with a potential to evolve even further.

From the faux-food critics on Instagram to the distant relatives who track like bloodhounds on Facebook, social media has become an inescapable part of everyday life. It seems unlikely to think that anything so prevalent and culturally accepted could be potentially harmful to our well-being.

But there was a time when cigarettes were thought to be healthy and microwaves gave people cancer. With time, it is easy to disprove popular myths and preconceptions, but meanwhile, a critical eye and willingness to accept new findings both positive and negative become necessary.

Recent studies and research show almost contradictory findings when it comes to the advantages and disadvantages of social-media use. What interests me the most is the research geared toward evaluating the effects on the mental health of children, adolescents, and young adults.

A clinical report in the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics found 22 percent of teenagers log on their favorite social-media site more than 10 times a day, and more than half of adolescents log on to a social-media site more than once a day. This age group represents an interesting demographic to focus on for mental-health experts because not only is it the biggest market for social media but also the age group to show the most radical effects because of the developing nature of the brain at that time.

On the one hand, use of social media is almost encouraged as a tool to foster communication and interpersonal skills. It can be used to meet new people with common interests and build self-esteem.

On the other hand, almost the exact opposite has said to be true: that today’s youth suffer from a lack of social skills when they’re offline.

Furthermore, psychological disorders found in youth such as depression and anxiety have been linked to the use of social media. It doesn’t make sense to me that technology designed to bridge gaps in communication and connections could be found to incite traits such as mania and antisocial behavior, but that’s what the research shows. [MORE]

New Study: White Peoples’ strong associations of crime with Blacks & Latinos are related to their support for punitive policies that disproportionately impact people of color

From [HERE] This report examines how racial perceptions of crime are a key cause of the severity of punishment in the United States. Race and Punishment: Racial Perceptions of Crime and Support for Punitive Policies, authored by Nazgol Ghandnoosh, Ph.D., research analyst at The Sentencing Project, synthesizes two decades of research revealing that white Americans’ strong associations of crime with blacks and Latinos are related to their support for punitive policies that disproportionately impact people of color.

Coming on the heels of the tragic events in Ferguson, Missouri, the report demonstrates that the consequences of white Americans’ strong associations of crime with blacks and Latinos extend far beyond policing.

Key findings of the report include: 

  • White Americans overestimate the proportion of crime committed by people of color, and associate people of color with criminality. For example, white respondents in a 2010 survey overestimated the actual share of burglaries, illegal drug sales, and juvenile crime committed by African Americans by 20-30%. 
  • Studies have shown that whites who associate crime with blacks and Latinos are more likely to support punitive policies – including capital punishment and mandatory minimum sentencing – than whites with weaker racial associations of crime. 
  • These patterns help to explain why whites are more punitive than blacks and Latinos even though they are less likely to be victims of crime. In 2013, a majority of whites supported the death penalty for someone convicted of murder, while half of Hispanics and a majority of blacks opposed this punishment.
  • Racial perceptions of crime not only influence public opinion about criminal justice policies, they also directly influence the work of criminal justice practitioners and policymakers who operate with their own often-unintentional biases.

Read the full report here.

Amos Wilson: White Domination, Black Criminality

From [HERE] The perpetual domination of African Americans by White Ameri­cans psychically requires the White American criminalization of the African male, i.e., the White American perception of the African male as inherently criminal. In the context of White American domination there is no innocent Black male, just Black male criminals who have not yet been detected, apprehended or convicted. Their mere presence inspires in White Americans, fears of being assaulted, raped, robbed, or some other indefinable dread of being criminally victimized. Fantasies of the sexual molestation of White females by rapacious Black males are common to the White American male and female consciousness, and are frequent themes of their literary, cinematic, and pornographic productions.

For a very large percentage of White Americans, young Black males, sexual promiscuity, and criminality are synonymous. In the dominant White American consciousness the African male is existentially guilty, (i.e., he is guilty by his mere existence) for merely having the audacity of being alive. There is a pervasive feeling among many White Americans that their world would be much more secure if all young Black males were imprisoned, solitarily confined to their ghettos, or kept under constant surveillance. It is no quirky coincidence that such perceptions, feelings and attitudes toward African American males occur most prevalently within the context of White American dominance. Ultimately, criminality of the Black male regardless of its nature, truth or reality, resides in any act or attitude on the part of Black males which appears to White Americans to defy White American authority, control or dominance. It is White America which defines criminality and writes the criminal justice codes. It writes these codes not in the interest of justice as defined by its own moral code, but in the interest of maintaining, justifying and enforcing its continued dominance of the African American community.

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Woman Charged With Felony Hate Crime for Calling NYPD ‘Nazis’ in Anti-Cop Graffiti


The NYPD does not take making fun of the NYPD lightly. A 36-year-old woman in Brooklyn has been arrested and charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime, plus aggravated harassment, for spray-painting PG-13 punk sentiments on police vehicles and a public school wall in Williamsburg. Her allegedly hateful messages included "Nazis=NYPD" and "a wrongful arrest is a crime." It doesn't get worse!

The New York Post, which has surveillance video of the "blond, blue-eyed vandal," details the suspect's vile beliefs:

The woman scrawled other hate messages on and near a school in Williamsburg: “NYPD pick on the harmless” and “NYPD pick on the innocent.”

Thank God this thug is off the streets.

White Mississippi Judge accused of Assaulting Autistic Black Man & yelling "Run Nigger Run" Still Getting Paid

A moral and just society is "nigger-proof." (because there would be no need to invent niggers) [MORE]  From [HERE] A white Madison County who voluntarily recused himself from the bench after allegations of racial abuse is still being paid. The Attorney General's office is investigating Justice Court Judge Bill Weisenberger for allegedly imposing an illegal sentence against an African American arrested for DUI.

In a separate incident, Weisenberger is accused of hitting a mentally challenged young Black man and yelling, "Run, nigger, run."

The family has filed a complaint with police against Judge Weisenberger alleging he struck their 20-year-old African-American son, Eric Rivers, on May 8 at the Canton Flea Market.

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Redskins Racist Suspect Owner may be leveraging the politically charged battle over the team’s name to move the stadium back to downtown D.C. and squeeze concessions out of local legislators

[The White Price] From [HERE] In an interview with CSN Washington Redskins owner, Snyder declared that the team has “started the process” of designing a new stadium, despite the fact that its current home in Maryland isn't old enough to vote or buy cigarettes.

Built in 1997, FedEx Field can only be considered old by the same guy who insists “Redskins” is a term of “honor and respect.” It turns out, those might be related: Former Washington general manager Vinny Cerrato has postulated that Snyder may be leveraging the politically charged battle over the team’s name to move the stadium back to downtown D.C. and squeeze concessions out of local legislators:

The only way I see him eventually changing the name is if -- IF -- he gets a new stadium out of it, downtown, where old RFK was. And he builds a stadium bigger than [Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones's], which he would do, bigger and better than Jerry’s. He gets a Super Bowl. All that. I said that’s the way that maybe he would change the name. Getting the property, getting the land, getting a good deal from the city to make concessions to change the name. I don’t know.

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California Agrees To Remove Mentally Ill Inmates From Solitary Confinement


Months after a U.S. federal judge ruled that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CCR) excessively punished its mentally ill prisoners, state prison officials announced the roll-out of policies that would move thousands of inmates suffering from psychiatric illnesses from solitary confinement to special isolation units.

Solitary confinement — the exclusion of inmates from human contact for days, months, and even years at a time — often serves as the primary means of punishment for offenders believed to exhibit violent behavior. Prisoners rights advocates have long argued against the practice, saying that it places inmates — especially those suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia — at great risk for further psychological damage. Previous studies have shown that extensive stints in solitary confinement often lead to hallucinations, panic attacks, increased paranoia, impulse control, and sensitivity to external stimuli that can induce suicidal thoughts.

The new policy, approved by U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton, would improve treatment for more than 2,500 mentally ill prisoners, many of whom have spent a considerable amount of time in isolation. Changes include increased recreation, access to mental health experts, and an assessment of conditions that could increase risk of suicide. The plan also allows for more collaboration between mental health staff and prison officials, a move that some say could also curb violence against mentally ill inmates.

During their eight-month investigation, federal officials watched footage of one of those violent episodes. The gruesome video showed CCR guards shoving and slamming a prisoner to the ground and later dousing his eyes with pepper spray. A report later filed in a federal court gave CCR’s mental health services a poor rating, stating that nearly 45 percent of the clinically diagnosed mentally ill patients in the state prison system didn’t receive treatment specific to their individual needs.

The document also described staff shortages and a dismal infrastructure in the two state psychiatric hospitals and four psychiatric hospitals ran within four state prisons. Prisoners featured in the report often complained about not receiving access to therapists with whom they could disclose their inner-most thoughts. Inmates also said doctors doled out medication in place of more suitable treatment. Matthew Lopes, special master of the report, strongly criticized California’s Atascadero State Hospital, a facility he said has a history of discharging patients based on their length of stay, rather than their mental condition.

The controversial video and subsequent report confirmed what prison rights advocates and mental health experts have long tried to argue: prisons haven’t provided suitable care needed for inmates in poor mental health. Stories about guards scalding prisoners with hot water and beating them unconscious during extractions from cells have become increasingly common — especially in the years since the 1980s, when mental health resources shifted from local clinics and prisons, causing an increase in the mentally ill inmate population in U.S. prisons that’s ten times more than that of local psychiatric facilities.

That’s why many prisoner rights groups consider last week’s developments a positive step in meeting the needs of prisoners with mental problems, especially at a time when 11 out of 14 suicides in the California prison system happen within solitary confinement. Many proponents, including Michael Bien, a lead lawyer in the class action suit against CCR, said that the changes represent a shift in thinking around the treatment of the mentally ill in prisons. “We’re confident this is going to be real,” Bien told the New York Times. “I think they have a new philosophy that they believe in and they are going to do it.”

Black Unemployment Rate is Twice that of Whites

From [HERE] Nationally, the unemployment rate in the United States has fallen considerably from its peak during the Great Recession, but despite the improvement, the jobless rate for African-Americans is still nearly twice what it is for some groups.

For blacks, the jobless rate in 2013 was twice that of whites, and even greater compared to that of Asian-Americans, according to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The unemployment rate for African-Americans was 13.1%; for whites, it was 6.5%. American Indians and Alaska Natives also had a high jobless rate of 12.8%, while the unemployment rate among Hispanics was 9.1%. Asians had the lowest unemployment rate at 5.2%.

Some of the African-American jobless rate can be attributed government cutbacks leading to fewer jobs in the public sector, where blacks are less likely to encounter discriminatory hiring practices.

When African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans do find jobs, they’re generally paid less than others in similar positions. According to the BLS report, “the median usual weekly earnings of Asian men ($1,540) and white men ($1,359) working full time in management, professional, and related occupations (the highest paying major occupation group) were well above the earnings of Hispanic men ($1,082) and black men ($1,002) in the same occupation group.”

Missouri court official said "Michael Brown was never convicted of a serious A-level or B-level felony as a juvenile and was not facing any charges at the time of his death."


Less than a week ago, the conservative website Independent Review Journal produced an article hyping an allegation that Michael Brown — the unarmed teenager killed in Ferguson — was arrested for second-degree murder. The piece was a viral sensation, shared over 63,000 times on various social networks.

The piece was based on a series of tweets by Charles C. Johnson, an “independent” right-wing reporter. Johnson cited “two law enforcement contacts.”

Johnson then filed a lawsuit in Missouri demanding the release of Michael Brown’s juvenile record. The lawsuit, which was posted on the Independent Review Journal, reads like a political diatribe. Under a section called “General Allegations,” the lawsuit states “there is a substantial portion of the country that believes that Officer Wilson murdered an unarmed African American young man and believes that police and other authorities are attempting to cover-up the ‘homicide’ to protect a white police offer.” What Brown’s juvenile criminal record has to do with this — if anything — is left to the reader’s imagination.

Today, during a hearing on a similar suit filed by the St. Louis Post Dispatch, “[a] Missouri court official said … that Ferguson police-shooting victim Michael Brown was never convicted of a serious A-level or B-level felony as a juvenile and was not facing any charges at the time of his death.” This means that Brown was never convicted of second degree murder and was not facing charges of second degree murder at the time of his death.

The International Review Journal story, and the reporting of Charles C. Johnson, in other words, were meritless. It’s possible, of course, that Brown at one point was charged with second degree murder and those charges were dropped or he was found not guilty. But there is absolutely no evidence that that scenario is true. Even if it were true, it’s hard to understand why Brown being accused of a crime he was not guilty of would justify, in whole or in part, a police officer shooting him dead.

The author of the piece, Kyle Becker, continued to defend it on Twitter:

White Judge Gives Humane, Minimum Sentence for White Man who Murdered Unarmed Black Woman Seeking Help after car crash [shot in face w/shotgun]

From [HERE] A suburban white man who killed an unarmed Black woman on his porch instead of calling police was sentenced on Wednesday to at least 17 years in prison after telling the victim's family he would carry "guilt and sorrow forever."

Wayne County Judge Dana Hathaway, who is white, followed the recommendation of white prosecutors in the case of Theodore Wafer, who was convicted of second-degree murder in the death of 19-year-old Renisha McBride.

Wafer, a Dearborn Heights resident, admitted to blasting Renisha McBride in the face with a shotgun through a locked screen door, killing her instantly as she stood on his front porch early during the morning of Nov. 2, 2013, allegedly seeking help after a car accident. The judge said. "I do not believe that you're a cold-blooded murderer or that this case had anything to do with race or that you're some sort of monster." [MORE

DNA Evidence Clears Two Black Men in 1983 Murder: Falsely Convicted - Locked up for 30 years

Coerced Confession of Mentally Retarded Teens Questioned w/o attorney present. No Physical evidence. From [HERE] and [HERE] At 9:10 p.m. on Sept. 28, 1983, a sheriff’s detective knocked on the door of Henry McCollum’s home and invited the 19-year-old to the Red Springs Police Department for questioning. An hour and a half later, his brother, Leon Brown, and their mother went to the station to see what was taking so long.

Within a few hours, agents had in hand a five-page murder confession from McCollum detailing how he and three other teenagers had gang-raped an 11-year-old girl in a Robeson County bean field and then jammed her panties down her throat with a stick. By dawn, agents had in hand a similar confession from Brown, 15. Police wrote the confessions in longhand; Brown and McCollum signed each page.  Those two confessions, the only evidence against the brothers, have kept them locked up for the past 30 years.  

Racism Instead of Evidence. In photo, racist suspect prosecutor Joe Freeman Britt. Guinness World Records listed Britt as the world’s deadliest prosecutor, responsible for more death sentences than any other. 

Thirty years after their convictions in the rape and murder of an 11-year-old girl in rural North Carolina, based on confessions that they quickly repudiated and said were coerced, two mentally disabled half brothers were declared innocent and ordered released Tuesday by a judge here.

The case against the men, always weak, fell apart after DNA evidence implicated another man whose possible involvement had been somehow [racism] overlooked by the [white] authorities even though he lived only a block from where the victim’s body was found, and he had admitted to committing a similar rape and murder around the same time.

Above racist RNC flyer scapegoating Black men during 2010 election cycle that slandered McCollum. [MORE]

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