'Violence will Not be Tolerated Unless it is Done by Us': Missouri Governor also Unlikely to do Anything about the State Approved Murder of Leon Taylor

Execution is Wednesday. Black Man Sentenced to Death by All White Jury to Revenge the Murder of a White Victim. Offering only hypocrisy in the Michael Brown case, white Democrat Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon promised that a 'Vigorous Prosecution Would Be Pursued' in the deliberate death of the Black teenager, he nevertheless refused to appoint a special prosecutor to handle the case [MORE] with the state sanctioned murder of Leon Taylor pending you should expect more injustice in support of white collective power

Contact Gov. Jay Nixon’s office. Urge him to halt Taylor’s execution and commute his death sentence. Call 573-751-3222 or write via email at https://governor.mo.gov/get-involved/contact-the-governors-office. (In video above, Capt. Ron, one of the three Blacks on the Ferguson police force is showcased like a potted plant.) 

From [HERE] In six years as Missouri's racist suspect governor, Jay Nixon has received 13 petitions for clemency from inmates facing the death penalty. He's turned down all but one, and he never explained that decision.

Now the Democrat governor has a 14th petition before him. Leon V. Taylor, 56, is scheduled to die by lethal injection at one minute after midnight Wednesday at the Bonne Terre prison.

Every case is unique, but there's not much in Taylor's petition that the governor hasn't seen before. Taylor's appeals have been heard time and again by both state and federal judges. 

Leon Taylor would be the second black man executed in Missouri in nearly as many months sentenced to death by an all-white jury for murdering a white victim. At least four other black men have similarly been convicted by all-white juries in Missouri and executed since 1989. [MORE]

He had a horrible childhood. Taylor’s 2005 habeas petition notes his mother, Mary, was a chronic alcoholic who gave her children alcohol beginning with Leon at age 5. “Many of the children watched as she stabbed and shot at least three of her boyfriends. ... Leon watched as Mary shot and killed her husband, Sammie Owens.”

She choked and beat all of her children, particularly when she was drunk, using her fists, switches, extension cords and other objects, the document notes. “She focused much of her anger and abuse on Leon” because he was the oldest and was expected to care for his siblings. “Strange men had access to the children; a 20-year-old male neighbor sexually abused Leon when he was five years old.” Attempts by other adults to intervene failed. The petition reports Taylor was removed from the home a few times. The conditions in the home were horrendous. Mary was staggering drunk and cursed at the police. ... The children slept on urine-soaked mattresses, chairs or sofas. The house was full of spoiled food, and alcohol and Excedrin were available to the children. Insects crawled all over.” [MORE]

Many, if not most, of the 12 people whose clemency petitions Nixon has turned down had horrible childhoods.

Taylor has long accepted responsibility for his wrongdoing in 1994 when he fatally shot Robert Newton during the robbery of a gas station in Independence. Many years ago, Taylor wrote to Astrid, Newton’s widow, apologizing for his actions and the grief he caused her and her family. She has accepted his remorse as sincere and has forgiven him. They eloquently share those heartfelt reflections in the documentary “Potosi: God in Death Row.”

Jim Hall was deeply touched by the film, which publicly premiered last month — seven months after Jeffrey Ferguson was executed for his role in the rape and murder of Hall’s 17-year-old daughter, Kelli. Ferguson, Taylor and two other men incarcerated in the Potosi prison speak with shame of their crimes. [MORE]

The death penalty is a crime committed by the society against a single individual, who is helpless. I cannot call it a penalty, it is a crime. -Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

His lawyers argue in their petition that he's not the man he used to be, that he has been a model prisoner who has brought other inmates to the Christian faith. The governor has turned down clemency petitions from other model prisoners. Jay Nixon is hard-nosed on the death penalty.

But what Taylor has going for him that other condemned men didn't is timing. At a time when Missouri's pathetic record of racial discrimination is on international display, Nixon will be asked to sign a death warrant for a black man who was sentenced to death by an all-white jury. The optics, as they say in politics, could be a problem.

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The US Has Inherited the Role European Colonizers Played for Hundreds of Years

From [HERE] How can it be just that so few dictate the lives of so many? And I’m not referring to the 1 percent and the 99 percent. I’m speaking of the voting population in the United States and its minions Canada and Britain. Meanwhile, the billions of people around the world whose lives are directly impacted by the decisions made by elected officials in these wealthy nations have virtually no voice. The US Empire is far from democratic. It is authoritarian! It is imperialist! It is unjust! And a revolution is needed.

In the 2012 presidential election, 121 million Americans voted, which constituted 57 percent of the voting age population. This voter turnout, while not a significant majority, nevertheless provides legitimacy for the US political system, particularly in the eyes of many Americans.

But the political decisions made by elected US officials reach far beyond that nation’s borders. Through its foreign policy and its dominant role in international institutions such as the United Nations Security Council, NATO, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, the United States impacts the lives of virtually everyone on the planet. In other words, the electoral choices of 121 million Americans directly impact the lives of billions of people around the world. How is this democratic?

National borders are repeatedly decimated in the name of ‘free market’ capitalism so that corporations can freely move their capital and profits around the globe to take advantage of cheap labour and natural resources, particularly in the global South. But while the economy is becoming increasingly globalized, democracy remains rooted in the nation-state.

But all nations are not equal. The United States has inherited the role that European colonizers played for hundreds of years. And like the ruling powers in the old colonial system, the United States wields a disproportionate amount of political, economic and military power in contemporary imperialism. As a result of this dominance, 121 million American voters hold the fate of billions in their hands every four years.

But the fate of the world’s population is the farthest thing from the minds of most US voters at election time. They are primarily focused on their own immediate needs such as jobs, taxes, security and other issues that they perceive to be of importance to their daily lives. They are not concerned with—or fail to see—how the political, economic and military policies implemented globally by the government they elect negatively impact many people around the world. Consequently, there is little chance of Americans voting against what they perceive to be their own interests for the benefit of a majority of the world’s population.

But what happens when those people negatively impacted by US policies attempt to take matters into their own hands and challenge the undemocratic US imperialist model? Washington inevitably responds in violent ways to defend the status quo. This is why so many people around the world do not believe that the United States is a force for good. In fact, in a 2013 WIN/Gallup poll conducted in 68 countries, the United States was overwhelmingly viewed as the greatest threat to world peace—as it is each year the survey is conducted.

The American Empire

Washington’s global political dominance manifests itself through military and economic support to allied governments regardless of how corrupt, undemocratic and violent they may be in order to defend US interests. These interests primarily consist of enabling the profit-taking activities of multinational corporations and ensuring a continuation of the consumer lifestyle enjoyed by many Americans.

The consequences of prioritizing corporate profits and consumer lifestyles in wealthy nations have been devastating for many around the world. According to the World Health Organization, more than 10 million people die annually in Latin America, Africa and Asia due to a lack of access to adequate healthcare and medicines. This is the inevitable result of the capitalist system, which prioritizes profits over everything else.

For example, it is more profitable for pharmaceutical companies to produce ‘lifestyle’ drugs to address such issues as baldness and other non-life threatening conditions for people in wealthy nations who can afford to purchase them than to manufacture essential medicines for the poor who do not constitute a viable market. The inevitable consequence is structural genocide; a tragedy that has be made more visible by the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.

When governments do come to power and challenge US interests then Washington inevitably responds with economic sanctions, support for a military coup and, if necessary, direct military intervention. The objective is to ensure that the capitalist model is the dominant social model throughout the world. And in order to ensure that this model is accepted as legitimate it is crucial that populations around the world internalize Western liberal values. This is precisely why the ongoing US military interventions in the Islamic world are, despite the rhetoric emanating from the White House, a war against Islam. The acceptance of Western liberal values is essential for the perpetuation of capitalism and many of these individualistic values contravene some of the collectivist values found in Islam.

The ongoing military interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia are a continuation of the empire-building that began in 1492 after Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ the Americas. The values and cultural practices of the indigenous peoples of the Americas were not aligned with the liberal and Christian religious values prominent in Europe, particularly Enlightenment thought, which provided the philosophical foundation for capitalism. Consequently, those indigenous that resisted—and many who didn’t resist—the imposition of European values onto their cultures were slaughtered.

Most of those that survived were effectively interned in reservations and generation after generation subjected to forced assimilation through a Eurocentric education system. Similarly in Africa and Asia, European colonialism imposed liberal ideas and Christianity on peoples in order to inculcate them with the Western values essential to validate the capitalist system that drove the colonial project.

More recent attempts to challenge this imperialist process have similarly been met with violence. The United States has overthrown virtually all governments that have challenged its hegemony. Just a partial list of countries whose governments were overthrown by US-backed coups or military interventions in recent decades includes Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), South Vietnam (1963), Brazil (1964), Indonesia (1965), Chile (1973), Argentina (1976), Haiti (1991 and 2004), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Honduras (2009) and Libya (2011). Some of these governments were democratically-elected in free and fair elections. [MORE]

If you are expecting Justice from the White Grand Jury then you have lost your Mind [the fear of confronting white supremacy]

The situation in Ferguson is a reality check for Black people. If you are expecting justice from the white grand jury you have lost your mind. But like the man said "everything is teaching us."

We have a Black president, a Black Attorney General and lots of non-white representatives in Congress. Democrats control Ferguson/St. Louis and have significant power in Missouri. That is, there is a Democrat Governor (Jay Nixon), Democrat U.S. Senator (Claire McCaskill), a Democrat state attorney general (Chris Koster), a Democrat prosecutor (Robert McCulloch) overseeing the grand jury. The Democratic Party has dominated St. Louis city politics for decades. The city has not had a Republican mayor since 1949 and the last time a Republican was elected to another city-wide office was in the 1970s. As of 2006, 27 of the city's 28 Aldermen are Democrats. At the federal level, in Missouri's 1st congressional district, a Republican has not represented a significant portion of St. Louis in the U.S. House since 1953. [MORE

Yet Blacks still have no power to get justice for Michael Brown - or themselves, in Ferguson  - or anywhere. Despite well known, widespread, 'going viral' outrage by Black people, no jobs have been lost, no one has been unelected and of course Darren Wilson has not been arrested or charged with a crime in the death of Michael Brown. And Wilson is still getting paid. "It" doesn't work this way when whites are killed by non-whites. And you know it. Right in our face; Blacks have no power to solve our problems. This is what powerless class means.

Racism is external phenomenon that can easily be observed, verified and knowledged by just walking out your front door. Nevertheless, for your review consider some Ferguson data: 

Number of Whites on Grand Jury 9 (of 12) 

Number of Black prosecutors involved in investigation  0

Percentage of Blacks in Ferguson  67%

Number of Blacks on the City Council  1 (Mr. Dwayne T. James) [MORE

Number of Blacks on the Ferguson school board  0 [MORE

Number of Black police officers on Ferguson police force  3 [MORE

Last year Black people made up 86% of all people stopped on the street by Ferguson cops [MORE]

Last year Blacks people made up 91% of all people searched by Ferguson police [MORE]

Last year Blacks made up 92% of all people arrested by Ferguson police [MORE]

Whites, by 47% to 37%, said the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves. [MORE]

19% of Ferguson's general budget is from revenue from court fines and fees in the 2012 fiscal year. [MORE]

Number of elections affected by Ferguson protests - 0

Number of Republican elected officals in Ferguson - who cares. 

Number of effective Ferguson boycotts or strikes of any kind -  0

Amount of commerce affected by Ferguson protests - too small to measure  

Amount of money or business lost by the Emerson Electric Company a multinational corporation owned by racist suspects headquartered in Ferguson since the incident - $0

Amount of money or business lost by the Ferguson Walmart, a corporation owned by racist suspects since the incident - too small to measure [MORE]

Number of protest signs made about police brutality - thousands

Number of teddy bears purchased - thousands

Number of candles burned -  thousands

Number of passionate speeches made about Ferguson/Michael Brown - Too many

The protests have not produced justice. Black People have every right to be angry but these protests have amounted to a temper tantrum. In a state of complete attachment to the racial stupidity of whites, Black people are victims of their own emotions. Praying, tweeting, burning candles and posting up teddy bears do not fight the power of white supremacy. Racists want Blacks to burn down another Quickmart. Racist cops, prosecutors, judges can't wait for Blacks to break the law - so they can do to you what they want to do, legally. Racists are the most provocative people in the world and they know how to push our buttons. That's what the white media is doing right now, counting down, waiting to see how Blacks react to the obvious in Ferguson. They love it - watch them watch. 

If this is a "movement" it has been a movement of circular thought. What are the goals of the protests? Who exactly is pro police brutality? Are you really still relying on the moral suasion of white people? What kind of law can change the relationship between Black people and white people? Who will legislate, administer, enforce it? [white people]. To the white controlled Democrat & Republican political parties, what are the repercussions of not punishing Darren Wison? Stop pretending. Belief that we have some illusional power is actually submission to and/or cooperation with white supremacy. [MORE] Hypothetical belief in this system and in changing white people has lead to suffering. Let it go. 

Blacks are scared of assessing their actual position, facing their powerless reality and then confronting white power, white supremacy. White supremacy is racism and racism is white supremacy. It is cause and effect: Racism causes a myriad of problems for Blacks such as police brutality and unequal administration of "justice." Blacks prefer to look away. When will White people's centuries long winning streak end?

It is time for some linear thought and questions like, How can we get some power? How can we neutralize white power and stop white people from practicing racism? What kind of consciousness is needed for the task? How do we begin to confront the system of white supremacy/racism? 

According to Amos Wilson, 'our salvation requires that we perceive White supremacy as the major social, political, economic, and spiritual problem to be resolved by Afrikan peoples, and that we ask and answer definitively the questions: What kind of culture must we construct in order to overthrow White Supremacy? What kinds of social identities, relations, arrangements, alignments, institutions, values, etc., when actualized, will allow us to attain and protect our liberty?; enhance our quality of life? What kinds of socialization practices must we institute in order to empower ourselves to become the kinds of people we must become if we are to secure our rights to be free?" [MORE]

Check out Anon below on their counter-racist definition of racism: 

Racism is Systematic Group Power by White People. According to Anon, "of course, all people can be hateful or prejudiced. Those terms describe individual behaviors, not systematic power. Racism is the COLLECTIVE behaviors of a group. A white individual within a system of racism/white supremacy has the implicit or explicit support of that system IF they choose to practice racism. [MORE]

There is only ONE kind of racism: white supremacy. White people are the only group in America with the POWER to discriminate (deprive or punish other ethnic groups), and the systems and institutions to maintain the imbalance of power.

In America, whites have the POWER to discriminate against blacks (and other non-whites) by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so. It doesn’t matter that some whites are poorer than some blacks.

In all things and in all places in America, whites are collectively more powerful than blacks are collectively. This imbalance of (white) power creates the opportunity and the ability to practice racism against non-whites. Racism is not empty rhetoric (words) or mindless emotion. Racism is economic, political, institutional, and systematic POWER. Since whites control all the institutions and systems of power in America, only whites have the power to practice racism. [MORE]

The Israeli military has authorized troops to Shoot Palestinian Protesters if they feel their lives are threatened by firecrackers

From [HERE] The Israeli military has authorized its troops to open live fire on Palestinian protesters using firecrackers as the Tel Aviv regime continues its brutal crackdown on Palestinians.

The instruction was published in the form of an opinion by Colonel Doron Ben-Barakin, a senior military adviser, in the military magazine Bamahane, Haaretz reported on Saturday.

Israeli forces could use live fire against Palestinian demonstrators if they feel their lives are threatened by the firecrackers, the daily said, adding that the protesters should be arrested if their firecrackers are aimed at a fortified guard post.

The move is the latest in a string of brutal actions by Israeli forces to crush Palestinian protests.

Tel Aviv has recently approved a motion that allows a jail sentence of up to 20 years for the Palestinians who throw stones or other objects at Israelis and their vehicles.

Earlier this month, Palestinian Prisoners’ Club (PPC) reported that Israeli forces had detained at least 1,300 Palestinians since last June in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

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Whites in Ferguson Prepare for War: White Cops buy $100,000 in riot gear, White citizens buy guns, White Gov Ready with National Guard ahead of White Grand Jury's Decision

When the Appearance of Justice Wears thin they use Force. From [HERE] and [HERE] Gov. Jay Nixon said Tuesday that the Missouri National Guard was part of a multiforce contingency plan by law enforcement authorities to avert violence as the region around St. Louis awaited a mostly white (9 of 12) grand jury’s return in the death of Michael Brown three months ago.

“The Guard will be available when we determine it is necessary to support local law enforcement,” Mr. Nixon announced in a news conference at a state highway patrol headquarters here, standing beside law enforcement leaders from the St. Louis area. “Quite simply, we must and will be fully prepared.”

And CNN reports that white citizens are also preparing for the grand jury ruling: gun sales are up in St. Louis.

St. Louis County Police spokesman Brian Schellman said that since August, the county has spent $65,500 for new riot gear, such as helmets, shields and batons. The department has spent another $35,000 to replenish the supply of items including pepper spray, smoke canisters and rubber bullets. Police faced criticism in the early days of the sometimes violent protests that followed the shooting for responding with riot equipment and armored vehicles.

CNN reports that on Monday, Steven King, who owns Metro Shooting Supplies, said that white customers bought 100 guns this weekend. A typical weekend brings in about 30 buyers.

In August, Mr. Nixon called up the National Guard in the sometimes violent protests that followed the death of Mr. Brown, an unarmed black teenager fatally shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis. The role of the Guard then was limited to protecting a police command post, but it drew harsh criticism from demonstrators who said it was more a sign of a military-style approach by the authorities. On Tuesday, some demonstrators criticized Mr. Nixon’s newest plan — and the possibility that he would call up the Guard again — as an overreaction that might only heighten potential anger.

Psychopathic Race soldier cops  Using Flash Grenades, Tear Gas, and LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device ('Sound Cannon' -above). How much does an LRAD cost? Request a quote [HERE

Yet as the St. Louis area braces for a grand jury decision expected later this month on whether the officer, Darren Wilson, will be indicted in the killing, Mr. Nixon struck a firm, unapologetic tone about police plans. “As governor, the most important part of my job is keeping the people of Missouri safe,” Mr. Nixon said, ticking down a list of incidents that had occurred in August, and drawing a distinction between types of protesters — peaceful and not.

Three large police agencies in the area — the St. Louis County police, the St. Louis city police and the Missouri State Highway patrol — will operate under a unified command system. Leaders from all of them appeared beside the governor on Tuesday afternoon, though police officers from the beleaguered Ferguson department were not seen there, nor was their role in the handling of possible protests mentioned.

Some of the larger departments have purchased new riot gear, undergone thousands of hours of additional training and met with community, schools and religious leaders. State officials have provided the three departments with new communications equipment so they can coordinate their responses. And the officers were prepared to work extended hours and cancel vacations.

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The Washington Post Decontextualizes the "N-Word." Nigger Means a Non-White Person who is Subject to White Supremacy

From [HERE] Yesterday the Washington Post published, "the n-word an interactive project of exploring a singular word." The white media powerhouse explained that its sappy "civil rights like" documentary was necessary, "following several incidents involving players using the n-word, the National Football League this year instructed game officials to penalize players who used the word on the field of play. The policy, though, was widely criticized as being heavy-handed and out of touch. As the league wrestled with the issue, a team of Washington Post journalists examined the history of this singular American word, its spread through popular culture and its place in the vernacular today."  

Now that sounds like bullshit. This is all about some NFL controversy from a year ago? Racism is one the most powerful motivating forces in the world. Like many politicians, the WashPost wanted to tap into this powerful external phenomenon to get some online hits and say the word nigger over and over again. Provocatively, promoting confusion and thereby advancing white supremacy.

Last Thursday, "Anthony," called in on the "Republican Line" on CSPAN to call Obama a nigger.

Non-white people must learn to mindfully detach themselves from the substance of white peoples racist speech and conduct. Like listening to children babble, there is no actual substance to racist conduct & speech. Its not real. It is nothing to take seriously and analyze. Would you argue with a child about his babblings? To do so would lead to your own suffering.  It is only a conventional reality that once for all should be confronted. 

Rappers are correct, in reality the word has no actual meaning. According to Dr. Blynd, a nigger is a species of caterpillar-known also as a 'black jack.' [MORE]  The use of any word depends on the intent of the speaker. What was the speaker intending when he/she spoke? That's all.  In a system of white domination and control all white people should be suspected of being racist [MORE]. Neely Fuller explains "that most white people hate black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." Dr. Welsing elaborates that most white people, consciously or subconsciously participate in the system of white supremacy because it is in their perceived survival interest to do so. [MORE] So when white people say the word nigger you should absolutely assume that it is being used as a derogatory term and that you are listening to a racist. 

Here, the white Washington Post publishers and writers who put this piece together have taken the use of the word nigger out of its social political context to objectively decide whether its cool or not. This is a joke, intended to only to provoke confusion and anger victims of white supremacy (niggers).  

Amos Wilson explains that "an objective of white supremacy is to decontextualize subject matter and project it as race neutral and objective." This leads to half explanations, half truths and false solutions.

The Wash Post says 'the U.S. has never existed without the word nigger.' This is nothing but decontextualization, that misses the point on purpose; the U.S. has never existed without a system of white supremacy in place. At any rate it would have been more insightful and constructive to focus on the actual perpetrators of racism, white people. Instead of watching the deeply attached reactions to racism by non-white people. White folks love to provoke and then watch what happens! The correct inquiry is, What does the term nigger mean in the context of the global power system of white supremacy?  And what does racist/white supremacist society really mean? Wilson says:

'that a racist/white supremacist society is about structuring social and political, economic circumstances, psychological and cultural circumstances such that one race can take advantage of another and one race can enhance itself at the expense of another. It has little to do with overt race hatred, or with negative racial attitudes or with the projection of racial stereotypes or with whites not understanding the nature of their racism. That's not it.

And when we define racism in terms of attitude you'll find yourself then solving the wrong problems. White people will just stop expressing those negative attitudes, they will smile more readily at you, they will even marry you and go to bed with you  - but you will notice that the affects of racism, like poverty and all these other things caused by racism will continue. In fact the problems will increase.

Ultimately you must recognize that racism involves the power of one race to impose its will upon another. That ultimately then it is about power and we have to face that fact.  Whites engage in racism because they have the power to do so. And if we are to end white racism then we must end white power.' 

Say it over and over, Nigger, Nigger, Nigger. Anon says, A Nigger is a non-white person who is subject to White Supremacy. Nigger is what is being done to you. In the absence of white supremacy there would be no niggers. "People who classify themselves as White, who wish to be taken seriously, and who are righteous and responsible, will only talk about ending White Supremacy (Racism) and replacing it with Justice." [MORE

Anon further breaks down the term nigger as follows: [HERE

The Definition Of "Nigger" In a White Supremacy System:

1. "Nigger" is NOT a racial identity.

2. ALL non-white people are niggers  -  by default - in a system of white supremacy.

3."Nigger" is NOT a personality defect.

4."Nigger" is a political term that defines a social, economic, and political REALITY.

5. A nigger cannot decide who is a nigger and who is not.

6. All black people are niggers but all niggers are not black people.

7. All non-white people are niggers (in a system of white supremacy). 

8. There is no place on earth called "Nigger Land," therefore niggers are NOT born (niggers), they are CREATED.

9. White people cannot be niggers in a system of white supremacy.

10. There is NO racial slur for whites that is the social, economic, or political equivalent of "nigger" in a white supremacist system.

11. There is no such thing as "acting like a nigger."

12. Being a nigger has nothing to do with being ignorant, backward, country, poor, or uneducated. Those qualities are found in every ethnic group.

13. No amount of education, professional achievements, or fancy table manners will transform a nigger into a white person in a system of white supremacy.

14. Nigger is not a lifestyle or behavior, it's a condition. Accusing someone of acting like a "nigger" is like saying, "Stop acting poor!" If you're poor, you act poor. In other words, your behavior reflects your conditions NOT your race.

15. If we eliminated poverty and white supremacy, there would be no poor folks or niggers.

16. "Nigger" should never be a term of endearment. This is like greeting a friend who just lost his job by saying, "How you doing, you 'out of work person'?"

17. In the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist.

18.  In the absence of white supremacy, there would be no need for niggers.

19.  A moral and just society is "nigger-proof." (because there would be no need to invent niggers).

Once we understand what a "nigger" is, we will understand that a made-up word DOES NOT DEFINE WHO WE ARE; it defines WHAT IS BEING DONE TO US.

Once we understand what the word "nigger" means, we will stop being afraid of a word we did not create. Once we understand that "nigger" does not define (or limit) our humanity, we will stop being ashamed of a word that says more about the creator than it does about us. Then, we will have the time and energy to turn our collective focus to eliminating the conditions that have created "niggers" all over the world. [MORE]

Five Decades Past the Era of Legal Segregation Black Unemployment Remains Double the Rate for Whites

Economic Powerlessness means Political Powerlessness. Five decades past the era of legal segregation, a chasm remains between black and white Americans – and in some important respects it’s as wide as ever. Through economic booms and busts, the unemployment rate has been persistently higher for African-Americans than for whites across the decades.

 From [HERE] and [HERE] The US unemployment rate fell to its lowest level since 2008 on Friday, in a move hailed as a sign of progress by economists despite 9 million people remaining out of work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) said that the unemployment rate fell to 5.8%, as employers added 214,000 jobs in October. The average monthly gain in the past year was 222,000 . The industries that added the most jobs were “food services and drinking places, retail trade, and health care” the BLS said.

The National Women’s Law Center objected that most of the gains were jobs gains were in low-paying minimum-wage jobs. 

“Although job growth continued last month, it’s troubling that half of the 214,000 jobs added were low-wage. The largest job gains were in the restaurant industry, where most of the workforce relies on tips—and the federal minimum cash wage is just $2.13 an hour. Finding a job that pays poverty-level wages doesn’t feel like a recovery,” the NWLC said. Dr. Blynd calls these jobs, "Mcjobs." 

Joblessness also shows stark differences by ethnic group. The black unemployment rate, at 10.9%, is more than double the white unemployment rate of 4.8% or 2.27 times higher. 

This racial  unemployment gap is virtually unchanged over the last 40 years. The income and wealth gaps have actually widened. So has the gap in educational attainment between Blacks and whites.

The gap is not even narrowing in a meaningful way. Instead, the ratio of the unemployment rate among blacks versus that among whites has been amazingly consistent — between 2 and 2.5 – for the 40 years that official data go back. In 1972, the jobless rate among African-Americans was 2.04 times that among whites. In 2013, the ratio was 2.02. The graphs below and above are from a 8/13/14 NY Times article, "America’s Racial Divide, Charted." This disparity is caused by the operating system of white supremacy/racism

How much of this is caused by differing educational levels of black workers versus white workers, given that people with advanced education have sharply lower jobless rates than those without? Only some of it is.

Even among people with similar levels of education, the black unemployment rate is higher. There was a 5.7 percent unemployment rate among African-Americans with a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2013, compared with 3.5 percent among white Americans with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Indeed, joblessness is higher among blacks in every education level tracked by the Labor Department.

Moreover, while the proportion of blacks getting a college degree has risen sharply over the last generation, the proportion of whites doing the same has risen even more.

According to census data analyzed by two Harvard economists, Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz, 21 percent of black 30-year-olds had a college degree in 2012, compared with 38 percent of white 30-year-olds. The 17 percentage point gap between those two numbers is considerably wider than the 10 percentage point gap in 1970.

There is better news to be seen in the types of jobs workers of different races are doing. A rising proportion of the nation’s white-collar professionals are African-American. Some 7.4 percent of managers and executives were black in 2013, up from 5.7 percent in 1990, and the ratio of professionals like lawyers and engineers who are black had risen to 9.3 from 6.7 percent.

Still, blacks are underrepresented in these jobs, and overrepresented in low-skilled jobs. That might be one reason why the rise of a black professional class has not been sufficient to reduce the overall income gap between white and black workers. That gap, if anything, is widening. In 1983, the median weekly pay of white workers was 18.4 percent higher than that of black workers. Three decades later, the premium had risen to 21.6 percent.

The differences in levels of wealth are even more striking. For two people with similar incomes, the level of wealth they accumulate can vary widely, depending on whether they received an inheritance or other help from parents; whether they had to take on student debts or other loans, and how aggressively they save and invest, among other factors.

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Airbrushed Campaign Message to the Black Votary: "You Ain't Getting Nothing No Way So You Might as well Get Nothing From Me"

The Necessary Illusion of Voting. From [HEREA white Pennsylvania governor has Photoshopped a black woman into his campaign picture.  Tom Corbett, who was fighting for re-election, has struggled to court Black and Latino voters in the past. Last year he was forced to apologize after telling editors of Al Dia newspaper he didn't have any Latino cabinet members - adding 'if you can find us one, please let us know'.

Now it has emerged the image of a black woman beaming over Corbett's shoulder is in fact a fake. In an investigation by Buzzfeed's Andrew Kaczynski, the same picture of the woman was found on a stock image website. Her shirt color has been tinted and the image has been flipped.

But in the posed photograph - titled Financial Advisor Talking To Senior Couple At Home - her grimace expression is identical.

His campaign issued a statement: 'Governor Corbett has a strong record of inclusion, while our opponent, Tom Wolf, was even criticized by members of his own party for his ties serving as the campaign chairman for a candidate that Wolf knew was an admitted racist arrested for murder, in addition to yelling 'white power!' and handing out ammunition at a race riot.' In other words he doesn't know one single Black woman in the entire state of Pennsylvania willing to stand next to him for a photo op. 

From [HERE] In LA, Civil-rights leaders called for an investigation into what they described as a racially offensive campaign against Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Posters featuring a black-and-white illustration of Waters bordered with the words “Poverty Pimp” have been plastered on streets and near freeways and businesses throughout Los Angeles, Inglewood and the South Bay.

The ad portrays a wrinkled caricature of Waters depicted with red dollar signs in her eyes and the words “Niggas Betta Have My Money!” behind her. How about a sign that says "White Supremacy/Racism Causes Poverty"? [MORE] and [MORE]

Like Obama racism, this of course is directed @ YOU. White folks just dont know what to do with themselves do they? White folks undercover think this shit is funny because most white people hate black people. If you don't know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you. The silly poster had no strategic effect on her campaign. She was re-elected Tuesday to represent California's 43rd Congressional District. Waters, who was first elected in 1990, defeated Republican challenger John Wood, a writer and musician. Waters is the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee.[MORE] and [MORE] The poster only serves to demean Black people - its true purpose. Just an excuse for a racist to write the word "nigga" about 30 times and put it all over the city.  The word Nigger means victim of white supremacy. Anon explained, "in the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist." [MORE

Racism/White Supremacy Not On the Campaign Agenda.  An estimated 37 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot in the midterm elections, said Michael McDonald, an associate professor at the University of Florida. If that projection holds, it would be the lowest turnout since 1942, when Americans busy fighting a war let the level drop to 34 percent. This year’s electorate was largely older, whiter and more male than is often the case in presidential years. Exit polls suggest that black voters made up about 1 in 8 voters nationally, similar to the last midterm in 2010. Young people were also just over a tenth of the electorate [MORE

Racism/white supremacy was not on the agenda in any election. Its not a complicated issue - just Cause and Effect. White Supremacy/Racism is the cause of problems such as poverty, economic inequality, lack of economic development, unemployment, drug addiction, infant mortality, AIDS, chronic welfare dependency, lack of affordable housing, homelessness, servant education, the unequal administration of justice, police brutality, jim crow like incarceration and much more. Yet no candidates are talking about racism/white supremacy and neutralizing or challenging white power. When its all said and done both parties function to service the interests of the ruling white male corporate and wealthy elite. These puppetician folks are playing games with your mind and doing little of tangible benefit for non-white people.

How do we achieve real power to neutralize white people from practicing racism and dominating us? How do we attain collective economic well being and strength? Neely Fuller explained "survival without justice is meaningless." Are any candidates talking about this today? 

Voting is a necessary illusion of the white supremacy system. Under the present circumstances voting is just symbolic token participation in democracy. Amos Wilson explained "to Democrats and Republicans (White Party) Black people and their welfare are not the end of the electoral process but merely the means for winning. For both parties electioneering is more of a social device for selling to the public, for shaping its opinion than for standing to account for past behavior and receiving instructions from the public regarding governance and policy decisions." [MORE]

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained, "Black people throughout the world, live under the power of the white supremacy system of total oppression and domination, implying the absence of any true power to determine ultimately what happens to their individual and collective lives. This is the major and only problem facing Black and all other non-white peoples throughout the world. [MORE]

George Clinton explained, "We're in a state of mental diarrhea. Talking shit a mile a minute. Or in a state of constipated notions. Can't think of nothin' but shit." Above, Black Android Muriel Bowser, who was elected Mayor of DC and below Black Android, "Popeyes Annie," in Popeyes commercial. Looking Black and sounding Black but Neither do anything constructive for non-white people.

Always endeavoring to undeceive you, Dr. Blynd breaks down voting and the illusion of choice as follows;

VOTE - Vulnerable Oblivious Thoughtless Electorate. 2) Vicarious Ownership Through Elections. 3) Vendetta Of The Elite. 4) Victory Of The Elite. 5) Voices Of The Encumbered 6) Vice Of Token Elections (See: Votescam) 

VOTER - Victim Of The Electoral Returns. Returning fat-cat phallocrats back to the scene of the(ir) crimes.

voters - customers of beggars (politicians). A voter is born every second. (See: Secret Ballot, Voting Hoax & Control)

voting - a pacification (sucker) process which allows the votary to make choices provided to her/him, not decisions. 2) a “privilege” of U.S. citizens to do it behind a curtain-as long as they do it alone. 3) political masturbation exercises for those who can’t cop real power. 4) a habitually accepted imposition that gives the votary-vassal-suckers an illusion of inclusion or participation, 5) an act of self-abuse (See: Voting Booth, Elections, Politicians, Politics, Voting Hoax & Ho Reps) 

voting booth - the PIT - a place where one takes a Political Ineptitude Test. Haven’t you heard or come to realize that secret ballots beget secret “government” Until they pay you for your vote, you will pay for (casting) your vote. (See: Elections) 

voting hoax - “Help Slave America.” (See: Freedom Technology, Ph.F. Degree, NWO & University of Chocolate City)

voting power - an oxymoron. 2) a transitory form of illusory power. 3) the appearance of power without the juice. [MORE]

Remember, you can only "stand your ground" against Black Males: Latino Man who Allegedly Shot White Pomona SWAT Cop during 'No-Knock Raid' in the Middle of the Night Charged with Murder

Self Defense or Murder? From [HERE] A white SWAT officer serving an early morning “no-knock” search warrant was killed after being shot in the head during the raid.

Officer Shaun Diamond, 45, succumbed to his injuries Wednesday in a Pasadena hospital. David Martinez, of San Gabriel, was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder of an officer.

On Thursday he was charged with capital murder. [next day delivery of justice when white folks are killed. Grand Juries are reserved for non-white victims.] Prosecutors are still deciding whether they will pursue the death penalty against Martinez. [MORE]. There is no allegation that he possessed the firearm illegally or that contraband was found in the home.

During the hearing Thursday, Martinez’s attorney Tom Medrano told the court his client was being held inside a cell naked, and asked that clothing be provided to Martinez. [MORE]

Diamond was wounded as he attempted to lead fellow officers into the home around 4 a.m. Tuesday, Los Angeles County sheriff’s Lt. Eddie Hernandez saidDiamond was struck above his bullet-proof vest, possibly in the back of the head, according to Chief Paul J. Capraro of the Pomona Police Department. The 46-year-old officer was wearing a Kevlar helmet, Capraro said. 

Investigators said the shot may have been a ricochet. [MORE

As is the case in most of these military-style raids on homes, it took place in the middle of the night, when the homeowners are usually asleep. Martinez apparently lives with his wife, both parents, disabled sister and three young children (a newborn and an 8- and a 10-year-old) all who were home asleep at the time. 

Had police simply knocked on the door perhaps this entire incident could have been avoided.

The warrant was being served to investigate Martinez’s involvement in an alleged “outlaw motorcycle gang.” Instead of gathering evidence through a peaceful and announced search and possibly making an arrest by conducting an actual investigation, SWAT goes in, without knocking and the situation is immediately escalated and prone to violence.

Once we take a closer look at this incident, we can see some inconsistencies as well.

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Number of global billionaires has doubled since the financial crisis


According to Oxfam, the world’s rich are getting richer, leaving hundreds of millions of people facing a life “trapped in poverty” as global “inequality spirals out of control”.

The report found that the number of billionaires in the world has more than doubled to 1,646 since the financial crisis of 2009, and Oxfam says is evidence that the benefits of a return to economic growth are “not being shared with the vast majority”.

The influential report is supported by Bank of England chief economist Andrew Haldane and Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. It notes that since 2009 one million women have died in childcare due to lack of basic health care, and that 57m children are currently missing out on any form of education.

Spike Lee says Post Racial America is Bullshit - but why?

From [HERE] Spike Lee discusses race with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos. He does not discuss white supremacy as racism. He mostly complains that racism is about bad attitudes and inconveniences to Black people. This is wrong view which leads to wrong solutions. Racism is about vast unequal power not simply disrespect, bigotry and inconviences, such as stop & frisk, trouble catching a cab and standing in a long line to vote. 

What does racist/white supremacist society mean? Amos Wilson explains that, "it is about structuring social and political, economic circumstances, psychological and cultural circumstances such that one race can take advantage of another and one race can enhance itself at the expense of another. It has little to do with overt race hatred, or with negative racial attitudes or with the projection of racial stereotypes or with whites not understanding the nature of their racism. That's not it.

And when we define racism in terms of attitude you'll find yourself then solving the wrong problems. White people will stop expressing those negative attitudes, they will smile more readily at you, they will even marry you and go to bed with you but you will notice that the effects of racism, like poverty and all these other things caused by racism will continue. In fact the problems will increase.

Ultimately you must recognize that racism involves the power of one race to impose its will upon another. That ultimately then it is about power and we have to face that fact.  Whites engage in racism because they have the power to do so. And if we are to end white racism then we must end white power." 

90 Pounds of Cocaine Found on Cargo Ship Owned by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Father-in-Law


Though Foremost has played a pivotal role in McConnell’s life, bestowing the senator with most of his personal wealth and generating thousands in donations to his campaign committees, the drug bust went unnoticed in Kentucky, where every bit of McConnell-related news has generated fodder for the campaign trail.

The Enormous, Secretive Effort to Purge Thousands of "Minorities" From 27 States’ Voter Rolls - the Vanishing Majority (White People) Must Rig Elections (practice racism) to Win (to Survive)

From [HERE] and [HERE] In a story that has grown all too common as an election draws near, election officials across the country are engaged in an ambitious effort to purge voters from state voter rolls. Moreover, voters from racial minority groups are especially likely to be targeted by this purge. As Al Jazeera America reports, after examining the purge lists from 3 of the 27 states participating in the purge, the purge lists “are heavily weighted with names such as Jackson, Garcia, Patel and Kim — ones common among minorities, who vote overwhelmingly Democratic.”

White voters are not immune from the purge, although they are less likely to be caught in it than voters of color. According to Al Jazeera, “fully 1 in 7 African-Americans” in the 27 states are listed as suspect voters. The same applies to 1 in 8 Asian American voters, 1 in 8 Hispanic voters, and 1 in 11 white voters. Moreover, “officials have begun the process of removing names from the rolls — beginning with 41,637 in Virginia alone.” The purge works by asking voters targeted by it to return a postcard mailed to voters on the purge list. In practice, however, according to one direct-mail expert, “4 percent to 20 percent of any mailing goes astray,” and lower income families are more likely not to receive the card because they tend to move addresses more frequently.

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NYCLU Survey: NY School Districts Illegally Denying Education to Immigrant Children


The New York Civil Liberties Union today released findings from a review of approximately 20 percent of New York State school districts revealing that the majority of those districts may be unlawfully barring the enrollment of immigrant students.

The survey comes on the heels of a statewide study by the NYCLU in 2010 which found that one-in-five school districts were putting up illegal barriers to immigrant youth. After recent allegations that a Long Island school district was preventing dozens of Latino children from receiving an education, the NYCLU reviewed the policies of the 139 offending school districts and found many are still out of compliance with the law. Today's survey demonstrates that the State Education Department (SED) has failed to enforce its own guidelines regarding immigrant student enrollment, despite being aware of the problems for years.

"All children have an equal right to a public school education, regardless of their immigration status," said NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman. "The NYCLU has presented data to the State Education Department for years showing that many districts across the state are discriminating against immigrant children and preventing them from enrolling in schools. It's shocking that the SED has not acted sooner or more decisively to guarantee the right of all New York children to an education."

The Supreme Court in 1982 ruled that states violate the 14th Amendment when they deny undocumented children the same educational opportunity that they provide to citizens. New York State Education Law further guarantees a free public education to youth older than 5 and younger than 21 who have not earned a high school diploma. Though state schools may inquire about a student's age and address, they break the law if they ask about a student or parent's immigration status, require birth certificates as proof of a child's age or otherwise impose requirements that would chill a student's willingness to engage with the school.

In New York State, many immigrant children are unable to attend school despite efforts by their relatives and parents to enroll them because of onerous and likely unlawful immigration barriers. The NYCLU's findings show that:

  • 73 school districts, including 25 in the New York City metro area with high immigrant populations, require birth certificates for enrollment. Nineteen of those school districts specify they require the "original" birth certificate.
  • 22 school districts, including 13 districts in the New York City metro area, ask for students' date of entry into the United States at enrollment.
  • 16 school districts require a student's immigration status for enrollment.
  • 10 school districts require social security cards for enrollment.
  • Six districts ask students whether they are a "migrant worker" at enrollment.
  • Nine school districts ask students whether or not they are U.S. citizens in enrollment.
  • Unnecessarily restrictive proof of residence requirements – which can be an impossible barrier for an immigrant family – was pervasive across all districts.

[No Power. Who really administers & enforces laws? White people do] Justice Department Unlikely to File Any Charges Against White Ferguson Cop

Don't Blame the Law. The operating system (OS) of White supremacy is the cause and effect of white people's genocidal conduct towards non-whites - not stop & frisk laws, stand your ground self defense laws or in Ferguson, the inapplication of Federal statues by the Department of Justice. It is the application or inapplication of such laws by racist citizens, police, prosecutors, jurors and judges that creates injustice for non-whites.

Neely Fuller explains that a "non-law" is any law that is used in such a manner as to promote injustice. It is deception or delusional to believe that the elimination of or creation of more laws will have an affect on the way in which white people (including law enforcement) relate to non-whites. [MORE] and [MORE]. If you don't understand the context of white supremacy/racism you will only be confused by these issues. 

From [HERE] Justice Department investigators have all but concluded they do not have a strong enough case to bring civil rights charges against Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., law enforcement officials said.

When racial tension boiled over in Ferguson after the Aug. 9 shooting, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. traveled to the St. Louis suburb to meet with city leaders and protest organizers in an effort to bring calm. He assured them that the federal government would open a civil rights investigation into the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. But that investigation now seems unlikely to result in any charges.

“The evidence at this point does not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson,” said one person briefed on the investigation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case. 

Justice Department officials are loath to acknowledge publicly that their case cannot now meet the high legal threshold for a successful civil rights prosecution. The timing is sensitive: Tensions are high in greater St. Louis as people await the results of a grand jury’s review of the case.

Many supporters of Brown say they are already convinced there will be no state-level indictment of the officer. Federal officials have wanted to show that they are conducting a full and fair review of the case. [Indeed, white supremacy is carried out through deception and/or violence. And this has been a "show." White people make every effort to create the appearance of justice in the criminal justice system. A system that is rigged. If it did not look right we would not believe in it. Our belief in it, is its only real power. We hope that it looks fair and just because it is fair and just. This is deception; reality is hard to find in courtrooms. In regard to non-whites, especially Blacks & Latinos, the criminal justice system is about as real as the plastic emblems above the judge. Like a lego-land courtroom set everything is accounted for to create the product of the appearance of justice; this includes Black defense attorneys, Black prosecutors (Holder) & probation officers and black courtroom staff -these folks are essential, without them it wouldn't look right.] 

Justice spokesman Brian Fallon said the case remains open and any discussion of its results is premature. “This is an irresponsible report by The Washington Post that is based on idle speculation,” Fallon said in a statement.

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Expect Racism from Mostly White Ferguson Grand Jury. Mostly White Ferguson "Police" Force Stockpile Riot Gear, Military Weapons Amid "Troubling" Leaks

From [HERE] There are conflicting reports out of Ferguson, Missouri, over the fate of embattled police chief Thomas Jackson. Unnamed government officials told CNN that Jackson is expected to step down as part of efforts to reform the police department following an officer’s killing of unarmed black teen Michael Brown in August. But Chief Jackson and the city’s mayor say the reports are false. This comes as a grand jury weighs whether the officer, Darren Wilson, should face charges in the killing of Brown. (in above video, one of the three total Black cops on the Ferguson Poice force.)

The investigation has sprung a number of leaks, with unidentified sources divulging information that seems to corroborate Wilson’s account of what happened that day. The Justice Department has condemned the leaks as "irresponsible and highly troubling," adding, "there seems to be an inappropriate effort to influence public opinion about this case." The recent disclosures have heightened tensions between the protesters and police, with protesters saying the leaks are part of a broader strategy to prematurely diffuse public discontent ahead of any decision not to indict Wilson.

Meanwhile, the St. Louis County Police Department has reportedly stocked up on tear gas, grenades, pepper balls and plastic handcuffs in anticipation of massive protests when the grand jury reaches its decision in November. We are joined by Antonio French, St. Louis alderman of the 21st Ward, longtime community advocate and founder of the new organization Heal STL. 

In photo, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ronald Johnson. Like many Black Androids, this alleged brother is used as a prop or a potted plant by his masters. One of Johnson's functions is to shadowbox Black people. According to Neely Fuller, Racial Shadow Boxing occurs when victims of racism (non-white people) are directly or indirectly, "assigned", bribed, coerced, and/or otherwise influenced, by the racists (white Supremacist), to speak or act to do harm to other victims of racism. White Supremacists oftentimes hide behind others whom they use as shadows of themselves. [MORE]

'Next Day Delivery' of Justice when Whites are Killed: Suspected Killer of Pennsylvania Trooper Charged with Murder [No Need to Wait for Grand Jury. No Black Victims were Involved]

From [HERE] and [HERE] A survivalist accused of ambushing two white state troopers, killing one and seriously wounding the other, was captured on Thursday by U.S. marshals near an abandoned airplane hangar, ending a seven-week manhunt that had rattled the nerves of area residents.

Frein was arraigned on nine charges in Pike County court, including murder, attempted murder of a law enforcement officer and having a weapon of mass destruction. The prosecutor has said he would seek the death penalty should Frein be convicted.

Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for Eric Frein. [MORE]

In advance of Ferguson grand jury decision, schools remind parents of emergency procedures

From [HERE] The Ferguson-Florissant and Clayton school districts sent letters to parents this week with reminders of emergency procedures should classes be canceled, delayed or dismissed early.

Schools typically send reminders before winter begins of inclement weather procedures. But the districts want parents to be especially cognizant this year as the public awaits a decision from the St. Louis County grand jury on whether to charge Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

“Should any event occur during school hours which presents a concern for public safety, a decision will be made as soon as possible regarding any necessary changes to the school day schedule, and we will evaluate whether bus transportation will be possible depending on several factors including road closures impacting bus routes,” Ferguson-Florissant’s Acting Superintendent Larry Larrew wrote.

The schools also are reminding parents to alert their school of any updates to phone numbers or emergency contacts who are allowed to pick up their child.