['There are No Tyrants but Only Tyranny Exists'] In Mobocracy When Deception Fails, Government Uses Force: Doing This & That & The Other in Your Name, What Gives "Authorities" the Right to Rule You?
/[SERVANTS OF THEIR OWN APPETITE] MYTHOLOGY OF AUTHORITY & THE DIVINE RIGHT OF RULERS. After President Trump made his first speech to Congress in February 2017, he was filmed exchanging pleasantries with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.“Say hello to your boy — special guy,” Trump told Kennedy, alluding to Kennedy’s son, Justin.
Trump family’s relationship with Justice Kennedy’s family goes beyond friendship. As The New York Times detailed in a recent article about “the White House’s quiet campaign to create a Supreme Court opening,” Justin Kennedy — who spent more than a decade working in a senior role at Deutsche Bank — may been more responsible than anyone else for saving the Trump family’s business during the darkest days of the Great Recession: [Justin] worked closely with Mr. Trump when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.
During Mr. Kennedy’s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him for the renovation and construction of skyscrapers in New York and Chicago at a time other mainstream banks were wary of doing business with him because of his troubled business history. [MORE]
How Are These Motherfuckers in Charge of You? Dr. Blynd explains "Only you have authority over your Self...anything else. i.e.. to accept any authority external to one's Self once of discriminating age, is the very definition of irresponsibility." He further states, "All authority, like the kingdom of heaven, is within. Be an authority unto yourself as all authority should come from your own authentic experience—that is the only source or wellspring of authority. Authority is the means by which society uses to control its population." [MORE]
According to FUNKTIONARY:
"authority" - (so-called)—a cartoon, an alleged image of the Law. 2) a cartoon clothed in flesh and blood. 3) the notion of an implied right and application of that "right" of individuals or groups of same to control or exercise external power over others, which has no meaning in reality. 4) power over...which is thoroughly institutionalized. 5) ruling through coercion. So-called "authority" is the justification for remaining impotent. The real threat to "authority" is the masses overcoming info-gaps and verigaps through self-knowledge and the proliferation of symbols of opposition, not crime or destruction of property.
"Authority-" is not a force but a farce! "Every great advancement in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority." —Aldous Huxley. Government is the hefty price we pay for our lack of being further evolved as humans. "The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority." —Stanley Milgram Regarding obedience to authority and carrying out "orders" Milgram states, "Thus there is a fragmentation of the totai human act; no one man decides to carry out the evil act and is confronted with consequences. The person who assumes full responsibility for the act has evaporated. Perhaps this is the most common characteristic of socially organized evil in modern society." At its root, government is based on violence and coercion. Without violent authority, studies show that violent behavior will all but disappear in its wake. Authority breeds the violence that it combats and perpetuates. Violence perpetrated by individuals is learned through noxious social experiences typically suffered under some assumed "authority." "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own government." —Dr. Martin L. King. Jr.. 1967. Read "Obedience to Authority" by Stanley Milgram, and "Constitution of No Authority" by Lysander Spooner. (See: Violence, Government. Yurugu, BOG. "The Law," Hierarchy. Obedience, Duty, Defiance, Disobedience, Compliance Priests, Preachers, Citizens, States, Involuntary Taxation, Tax Invasion, Behavior, Orders, Allegiance. Internal Revenue Service, Corporate State, Anarchy. Taxtortion, Power, Experts, Doggy & Neuropeans) [MORE]
democracy - a commercial form of "government" (exploitation and theft via force, deception and involuntary participation) of the mob, by the mob, and/or the mob, i.e., Mob-Rule. 2) a guise rubber stamping of an alternative royalty into overruling power. 3) the worst possible form of government because the majority rules whether they be good, evil, or misled by a minority. 4) slavery of the people, by the people, for the people. 5) equality achieved through force. 6) a system where only the majority need to befooled. 7) advertised equality. 8) a parody of a free society that only ethical anarchism or voluntaryism can usher into existence. "Democracy has always been seen (and is still seen today) as equality of rights (granted privileges), not conditions. To the hypothetical equality of rights there has always corresponded a substantial inequality of conditions. And instead of being related to the nature of their individuality, differences between people have always been those marked by the different basic conditions they live in as they struggle against the suffocating artificial divisions imposed on them by power." —Alfred M. Bonanno. Democracy is a euphonious term created mainly to serve as sheepskin for Leviathan, Doggy and the Crimethlnc. All-Stars. 9) Dictatorship camouflaged as freedom 10) a whitewashed plutocracy with a pastel eggshell finish.
Democracy, next to "monetized debt," and direct taxation (on labor) is the biggest con-game perpetrated on a population. Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain and sustain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that lie, they make wonderfully submissive and self-maintained slaves. "There are those who maintain that at bottom what is called democracy, (whenever and wherever it is supposed to have existed), is merely the mask for the rule of capitalist and/or bureaucratic minorities over an ignorant and deceived majority whose franchise signifies only the right to choose or to change its masters." -Max Nomad.
As long as mob rule is allowed through secret ballots, operational and organizational transparency will evade us and vice (vested interests controlling economies) will continue to forsake us and break us. Democracy is a powerful synthetic ideology of recuperation.
Democracy goes against the emancipation of desire. Democracy allows for A to band together with B (majority rule) to rip off C.
Democracy and citizenship are the chains that filter your pursuit of happiness and the happiness in your pursuit.
Democracy in America has been checked and balanced, or gone unchecked and unbalanced—depending on one's indoctrination—to the point (extent) of collapse. Only the improper is left t: prop it up aright as if it were still standing on its own ideological efficacy and edifice. "Democracy (the political ideal) is just i dream, it has not happened anywhere, it cannot happen. And wherever it happens (in practice), it creates trouble, the medicine proves more dangerous than the disease itself." -OSHO.
"If the people of a democracy are allowed to do so, they will vote away freedoms that are essential to that democracy." -Snell Putney.
As H.L. Mencken so aptly observed, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." In a democracy, scum rises to the top; otherwise it starts there. Democracy is a specific instance of stationary rogue State power.
Under the rubric democracy, justice can be attained only by begging, buying, milking and taking. A gang is an embryonic democracy in the making.
Keep in mind that Hitler was elected in a full, free and fair democratic election. Democracy is a sweet-sounding word that offers freedom but delivers illusions. It has no other choice—it isn't what it appears and never could be what it advertises There has never been a democracy where the public was consulted for input or consent before statutes and policies detriment: to their interests were already completed and or implemented by the shadow, invisible or parallel government (the Pathocracy
The ruse of democracy and fake elections stalls rebellion. It's a placebo fed to the public so the ruling dominant elite can execute their plans for a global society—a New World Order. "Already American democracy and freedom are in their to throes, hemorrhaging from years of corporatist mutilation. Elections have become a sham, a farce. Freedoms are disappearing becoming extinct.
The enemy within wishes for nothing more than an authoritarian, fascist nation, the easier to make decision; the easier to implement their vision, the easier to control the population. The enemy within detests democracy, and this we must understand.
Democracy and freedom are enemies.
"Ask yourself who has been the organization destroying our democracy at: freedoms, our civil rights and liberties? Who has enacted Patriot Acts I and II, who has destroyed due process, right to an attorney, habeas corpus? Who has tried to silence truth, dissent, protest and free speech? Who has made torture legal, false imprisonment necessary, confessions by torture legal and evidence concocted through hearsay or torture legal? Who has made . legal to spy on American citizens, opening our email accounts, overhearing our phone conversations, and looking into our live; It has not been the dreaded Arab evildoers. It has been the Bush administration. It has been your own government." —Manuel Valenzuela.
The noted author, Alex Carey, an Australian, states with prophetic clarity that: "The twentieth century has be: characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." I am 50 years old and have never known any government but fascism and take it as a matter of course that they are out to get me for exposing the truth.
(See: Mobocracy, Federal Constitution for the United States, Pathocracy, Fascism, Promises, Servitude, Enforcement, Disa-:t Capitalism, VICE, COP, Nine-Eleven, Patriot Act, CRIME, Statism, Doggy, Demarchy, Crimethlnc, Corporate State, Major Rule, Voting, Formal Democracy, Colonialism, Communism, Conformity, Economatrix, SOS, Popular Sovereignty, Execu:. -Orders, Bush Family Crime Syndicate, Cooperative Federalism, Self-Maintained Slavery, New World Order, Understran:.-Herd Management, War, LOFTY, Anarchy, Communism, MOS DEF, Capitalism, Parallel Government, Rebellion, Me: Motion of Alimni, "Government" & Authoritarianism)
"Government" - Latinized Greek ("Gubematlo" = control; and from the Latin "menre" = mind; "The control of the mind." 2) an abstraction (hoax) created for the sole purpose of making theft respectable and mind-control acceptable. 3) the societal manifestation of mass individual psychological reversal, i.e., the statutes, regulations, agencies, and agents (so-called bureaucrats) needed to threaten and shrink one's comfort zone. 4) a granfalloon. 5) a fiction supported by those who kill on command and steal on demand under the guise of "protecting" their victims.
The outworking of history consistently demonstrates that government will, in spite of the Bill of Rights, arrogate all power to itself eventually, if the people don't act to prevent it. You have rights alright, just don't get caught exercising them, O.K.? "Government" is simply, unequivocally, and always initiation of force or coercion and nothing else. [MORE]
tyrants - there are none; only tyranny exists. How can one man or woman rule a multitude against their will except through mind-control and word-conditioning control? "Find out the exact amount of injustice any people accept, and you will find out the exact amount of injustice they receive." -Freddy D. "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -John Jay, Castilian Days II, 1872. (See: Tyranny, Terms, "The Law," Dictatorship, Corporate State & Fascism)
tyranny - the miscarriage of self-government. 2) the absence of ethical anarchy. In our system, tyranny must have an accomplice. The perpetrator by intent must be accommodated by the perpetrator by consent. The former initiates, the latter accommodates. Of all tyrannies, the greatest is the tyranny of the ego-mind. "If the government is allowed to place a tax on what is a natural right it can raise that tax to the point where that right has been effectively destroyed. That is tyranny."" Butcher's Union Company v. Crescent City. "No man, no group, and no nation has the right to any man's individual freedom. No matter how pure the motive, how great the emergency, how high the principle, such action is nothing but tyranny. It is never justified." -John W. Parsons. Tyranny Law #1 - Any power that can be abused will be abused. Tyranny Law #2 - Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it. Tyranny Law #3 - If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt. -John Curran. Retaining and exercising the unalienable right to distribute one's own property and wealth without restriction is the only guarantee of freedom from tyranny. (See: Labor, Anarchy, Appropriation, Income Taxes, IRS, Bill of Rights, Property, Freedom, Self-Determination, GIMME!, Autotyranny, Matrix, Organizations, Private Services & Liberation)