Louisville Settles Suit for $1.8M: Shook by the Sight of Blackness, White Cop Immediately Shot Unarmed Black Man After Ordering him to 'Show His Hands'

Cop Sarah Stumler.jpg

From [HERE] Louisville officials have settled a lawsuit over a 2017 police shooting for $1.8 million. The Louisville Courier Journal reports the city’s chief financial officer, Daniel Frockt, announced Thursday that the lawsuit filed by Bruce Warrick is settled. Warrick, a Black man, was shot by Louisville Metro Police Officer Sarah Stumler, who is white, in March 2017.

Authorities had received a report of a man doing drugs inside a house. Upon searching the home, Stumler and other officers came across the unarmed Warrick, who was then shot in the stomach. He sued the city in February and argued excessive force was used. The case was sent in May to a grand jury, which declined to indict Stumler for assault. An internal investigation is ongoing. Stumler still is on the force, though her police powers are suspended.

Body camera videos of Officers Stumler, Seneker, and Lammers

Body camera video shows that Warrick was unarmed and fired upon almost immediately after she told him to put his hands up. Officer Sarah Stumler's body camera shows she approached a box spring leaning against a wall. As she looked behind the box spring, Warrick is seen in the video standing in the shadows. Stumler yelled, "Show your hands," and raised her gun from her side. Almost immediately, she fired once, then said, "Shit."

Warrick underwent surgery to remove parts of his intestines and pancreas. [MORE] and [MORE]