The Klansman & Blackface Medical School Photo "Mix-Up" that Ralph Northam Never Bothered to Correct, Ratified His Participation in the System of White Supremacy [All Racists are Liars]
/A racist suspect is any white person who is capable of practicing racism against non-whites. In general, if a White person is able to be a Racist (White Supremacist), he or she may be one and should be presumed to be Racist. According to Neely Fuller, as long as white supremacy exists, every person classified as "white" should be suspected of being Racist (White Supremacist). [MORE]
All Racists are Liars b/c Racism is Carried out by Deception. Part of the deception is not knowing who the racists are. From [HERE] Racist suspect Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is the star of the saddest clownshow this week outside the Trump administration. Friday, Northam apologized for a blackface photo in his 1984 medical school yearbook, and then, in an utterly bizarre presser Saturday, denied it was a photo of him after all, and said he had no idea how the photo ended up on his yearbook page. To make matters worse, Northam acknowledged he actually DID wear blackface in a 1984 dance contest where he performed as Michael Jackson. [MORE]
With a straight face the racist suspects at Washington Post reported that the photo at the prestigious medical school may have been intended for another racist student: “The racist yearbook photo that could sink Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s career may have been mistakenly placed on his profile page — but even if it were put there intentionally, it’s unlikely that many students would have noticed, according to alumni who put together the publication or submitted pictures to it 35 years ago. [what kind of doctors did they create at this elite university?]
Dr. Giac Chan Nguyen-Tan, a physician practicing in Connecticut, remembers that a page he laid out for the 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook was changed without his knowledge before publication.
“Could (the offensive photo) have been slipped in there? Absolutely,” he said, adding that he doesn’t remember laying out Northam’s page, which ended up including a photo of one person in blackface and another dressed in a Ku Klux Klan hood and robes.
Fellow yearbook staffer Dr. William Elwood disagrees. Elwood said he doubts any photos were mixed up — and he says it’s unlikely that someone could have pulled a prank because a limited number of people had keys to the yearbook room. He said he took his job seriously and received no complaints after the yearbook was published. The white supremacy bigotry mystery rolls on.
For years, each graduating student was given half a page in the yearbook to leave behind memories. Some inserted poetry. Others left reminiscences. There were photos submitted by the graduates, some heartwarming and others jarring in their insensitivity.
The half page that Northam was allotted in the yearbook includes three pictures, including one of him in a suit. A fourth photo shows a man in blackface standing next to a person in a full KKK costume. At a news conference Saturday, Northam remarked that a former, unidentified classmate told him she thought “numerous pages” of the yearbook had received the wrong photos. At the same time, however, Northam acknowledged that he wore blackface to imitate Michael Jackson at a dance contest in Texas decades ago.
The image was one of at least three blackface photos in the 1984 publication, which was reviewed by an Associated Press reporter. One of the others shows a man in blackface who is dressed up as a woman wearing a wig. A caption reads: “’Baby Love,’ who ever thought Diana Ross would make it to Medical School!” [MORE]
One photo featured a professor holding a mug that read: “We can’t get fired! Slaves have to be sold.”
And a male student grabbed a female mannequin’s breast in one picture with the caption, “I try never to divulge my true feelings while examining my patients!”
Racist suspect med students claimed that in 1984 they didn’t realize blackface was offensive. The NYT reports, “Some white students said that nothing seemed out of the ordinary when their white classmates wore blackface. It was typical at costume parties or at talent shows, said Dr. William Elwood, a retired family physician who is white and who graduated in 1984, the same year as Mr. Northam.
Dr. Elwood worked on the yearbook that year, laying out pages, he said. For their personal pages, students would submit their own photos to the staff, he said. The designers would lay them out on the page, he said, and mark where each photo was to be placed. The photos were then put into an envelope, which was attached to the page where they belonged and sent to the press to be printed.
Mr. Northam, after initially saying that he was in the offensive photograph on his page, has since said he was not and that he had not seen the photo before.
Mr. Elwood said he did not recall laying out Mr. Northam’s page. But he did recall the yearbook including a picture of three men dressed in wigs, dresses and blackface, pretending to be The Supremes, he said. It did not offend him and he did not think twice about whether the photo should have been in the yearbook, he said.
“It was done as part of a dress up, being somebody you’re not,” Dr. Elwood, 68, said. “It was not done as some kind of racial thing.”“
Dr. Blynd explained that "Racism is a virus in the mind.
According to Anon, there are different types of white people:
There are whites who:
are practicing racism against non-whites at a particular moment
are not practicing racism at that moment but have practiced it at a previous time, or will practice it at a later time
are not practicing racism at that moment, but say and do nothing to stop those who are
are not practicing racism at that moment, but have no problem with other whites practicing racism (don’t care)
are benefiting from the crime of racism even if they are not practicing racism at that moment
refuse to tell WHO is practicing racism; HOW racism is being practiced; and refuse to help the victims with the information they have
oppose racism by exposing and opposing whites who practice it [MORE]
"People who classify themselves as White, who wish to be taken seriously, and who are righteous and responsible, will only talk about ending White Supremacy (Racism) and replacing it with Justice." Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.