Uncle Brother’s Goal is Control Over You thru Illusions: Dependent Media ‘Make-Believe’ that Anyone Unhappy w/“Shelter in Place Orders" [aka “Uncompensated Takings by the Government"] is a "Trump Fan"
/“THE SPECTACLE.” social relations mediated by the mass media. Above, totalitarian PATRIOT RACHEL MADDOW INDULGES IN THE LANGUAGE OF totalitarianISM.
In an article with the headline,“Trump Fans Protest Against Governors Who Have Imposed Virus Restrictions“ the NYT reports that President Trump on Friday openly encouraged in what dependent media insist on describing as [and projecting to be] “right-wing protests” of social distancing restrictions in states with stay-at-home orders, a day after announcing guidelines for how the nation’s governors should carry out an orderly reopening of their communities on their own timetables.
In a series of all-caps tweets that started two minutes after a Fox News report on the protesters, the president declared, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” and “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” — two states whose Democratic governors have imposed strict social distancing restrictions. He also lashed out at Virginia, where the state’s Democratic governor and legislature have pushed for strict gun control measures, saying: “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”
His stark departure from the more bipartisan tone of his announcement on Thursday night suggested Mr. Trump was ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic, and choosing instead to divide the country by playing to his political base.
Echoed across the internet and on cable television by conservative pundits and ultraright conspiracy theorists, his tweets were a remarkable example of a president egging on demonstrators and helping to stoke an angry fervor that in its anti-government rhetoric was eerily reminiscent of the birth of the Tea Party movement a decade ago. [MORE]
Doggy’s Goal is to Control You [preferably] Thru the Promotion of Illusions. A lawsuit filed recently to challenge shelter in place orders in Pennsylvania explained that although such orders may be necessary they are nevertheless Government seizures of people’s livelihoods and businesses that have forced indefinite closures and widespread layoffs. The suit correctly described the government’s actions as “uncompensated takings” that violate the Takings Clause of the 5th Amendment. That is, the government is legally obligated to properly compensate citizens for their tangible losses - and this does not mean some bullshit $1200 check. The lawsuit says:
The Orders constitute a regulatory taking implemented for a recognized public purpose, and therefore the failure to pay just compensation contravenes the Takings Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. See Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York, 438 U.S. 104 (1978); Lucas v. S.C. Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003 (1992); Horne v. Dep't of Agric., 576 U.S. 350, 135 S. Ct. 2419, 2426 (2015) (“Nothing in the text or history of the Takings Clause, or our precedents, suggests that the rule is any different when it comes to appropriation of personal property. The Government has a categorical duty to pay just compensation when it takes your car, just as when it takes your home.”).
It also states, ‘Without extending constitutionally required just compensation to Plaintiffs and those similarly situated, [shelter in place] Orders jeopardize the sustainability of many businesses and the livelihoods those businesses provide to individuals.’
Doggy or Uncle Brother has an illusion to sell in order gain coerced compliance and control over you. Polarize and politicize [reality] people’s legitimate concerns as right or left. Here, the new tactic is to associate Donald Trump with anyone who supports freedom and the natural right to just compensation for property or labor taken or destroyed. This mindless tactic is similar to Republicans associating the gang MS-13 with anyone who supports the humane treatment of “immigrants” or Democrats associating anyone who supports the right to bear arms with the NRA. This is Maya. FUNKTIONARY calls such talk “the language of totalitarianism.” Trump is an incompetent con-man who watches tv all day in search of more neuropeons to con. Clearly, if Trump wanted people to be compensated for government takings then 82% of the benefits of the tax breaks in the Coronavirus relief bill wouldn’t be going to only 43,000 Americans making over $1 million per year. [MORE] A well documented fact carefully ignored in this context by the dependent media who have another narrative to sell. Trump and dependent media are Doggy’s game show. Uncompensated takings by the government have nothing to do what political party you support.
Here, while intentionally preventing you from working or running a profitable business Uncle Brother simultaneously requires immediate payment [rent, mortgage, insurance, car payments, etc] or accrued debt payments after the govt orders are lifted- to wealthy white elites. Uncle Brother seeks your obedience to said measures without just compensation because compelled compliance is expensive.
According to FUNKTIONARY
totalitarianism - a neologism coined by Mussolini--best understood by the phrase "The Nightmare State," whose agents (neocrats) seek totality of control over its subject-victims ("citizens"), including their erotic emotions and minds. 2) Big Brother's Fantasy State. 3) total impersonalized terror. 4) fascism disguised as democracy. (See: Fascism & Demockcracy)
totalitarian Patriotism - terrified silence created through the suppression of principled cognitive dissent under the First Amendment and the Declaration of Independence. 2) allowing the officers of so-called "government" to become free from the limits of law. Criticism of the federal government's anti-terrorism policies is nothing less than treason."-US Attorney General "Jailin'" John Ashcroft December 6, 2001 remarks at Senate Judiciary Committee. "Either you're with me or you're with the terrorists." -Curious George Custard Dubya Bush. "If you say the government is in a conspiracy to take your freedom away, you're wrong...There's nothing patriotic about hating you're government or pretending you can hate your government but love your country." -Bill 'Slick-Willy-Style' Clinton, (husband of New York Senator Hillary Rob'em Clinton), statements made during 1995 Commencement Address delivered shortly after the inside-job Oklahoma City Bombing. These statements are the language of totalitarianism. Totalitarian Patriotism is a goose step in the wrong direction~ The plot thickens as it sickens! (See: American Protective League, Oklahoma City Bombing, Fascism & Cooperative Federalism)
The Spectacle - a constructed reality; the concrete inversion of life; via the autonomous movement of the apparently non-living. 2) the mirrorization of the noumenon into the phenomenal universe without understanding or overstanding it as such an objectivization in duality. The Spectacle is not a collection of images but a social relation among people mediated by images. The Spectacle is a theoretical construct—a tool for explaining many things about society; how people live vicariously through the dominant images of production, consumption and power relations. It is the thoughtfofms in which people create, contemplate and consume mediated by images of what-life-is, so that they will forget how to live radically for themselves. It is the totality of images and illusions that alienate people from living, its the primary production of modern societies. It is ideology materialized. It is the social relations that are mediated by the mass media; it is what makes people apathetic and reduces them to inactivity. It is what prevents people from realizing what their collective problems are and dissolving them. It is what perpetually absorbs people into activities that prolong their misery. It is the mediated stream of unreality that channels desire-energy against itself, producing a separate world, a pseudo-world apart form one's self-history—from all those powerful institutions of Self-actualization. It is what motivates people to live a pseudo-life in submission to products and machines, basking passively in the acceptance of oppression, to blindly do what is manifestly against their own self-interest, to pollute the land they love and the air they breathe—it is a fundamental sickness of modern societies superimposed over and aided by the "Rolebots" (clones and drones) of Corporate State. It is the mass media and the propaganda from the pure war machine and the military prison industrial police state complex. It is Doggy, the double-bind of not knowing real from unreal, (hypereal) or what you say from what you want. It is the mass objectivization and unholy marriage (union) of the Beasthood with the Syndrome, leaving people fragmented, separated, isolated, alienated, fascinated, pixelated, dilated, intimidated, exasperated, mediated, concatenated, weak, docile, dependent, submissive and uncritical. ''The Spectacle is the ultimate commodity in that it makes all others possible." -Scott Bukatman. "Without the slightest hint of suppression or intolerance, the spectacle ensures that the appearance of real dissent precludes its real appearance." -Sadie Plant. (See: PIC. Commodity, Screen, Maya, Pseudolife, The Passing Show, Rolling Mirror, MEDIA, Materialism, Funktionalize, F-Prime, Meta-Frame, Naive Realism, "Dream," Trance, Emergency, Consumers & Doggy)
Doggy - Uncle Brother—the condition and conditioning which serves you your problem doubling as your very own ambition. 2) a situation such that the fulfillment of the conditions necessary to achieve a desired result produces its failure. 3) the entity that goes by many names, including bank-monopolized capitalism the Spectacle, the Hall of Mirrors and the Looking Glass society, the Mega-machine, Statism, Global Imperialism Scientific Socialism cooperative federalism, corporate religion, and the phallacy of "progress"—the manifestation and embodiment of the tool of the Wallflower Order. 4) any shrewd trickster. 5) Leviathan's Big Brother. 6) the creators of the source code for the global dis-information "system." 7) Dr. Sam and Mr. Brother. 8) the collective name ascribed to inert abstractions that we have given artificial life-support to and unwittingly sanctioned or accorded superiority over life. Doggy is the cultural conditioning system that maintains its hold over all things and all people, even our minds and opinions, by getting us to be informers and informants on each other, by getting us to be the trustees in and of their mind prism prison. Doggy is any and all conditioning, often self-imposed and when necessary involuntarily inflicted, that promotes your belief in illusion (both grand and petit) as a way of life. Doggy creates the conditions wherein an undetected and undeclared war is waged on us directly through us. The result of this on-going psychological war is that you, like many others, willingly destroy your freedom without the possibility of recognizing or overcoming the oppressions of control. The belief in illusion is the agreement to oppression. Doggy is the violent programming we have sustained all of our lives. Doggy wants you to just barely survive—but not to be fully alive—wants you to remain barely alive, but not to fully live. Say Uncle! Bad Doggy. (See: "THEY," Hidalgo, Vampires, Society, Thoughtforms, Crimethlnc., Beasthood, Corporate State, Governments, Uncle Sam Wallflower Order, Cell, The Collective, Fishbowlers, Big Brother & "Greater System")