Making Routine Matters Look Impossible: System of White Mediocrity Continually Revealed During Pandemic as Blow-Up-Dummy Vice President F*cks Up Photo Opportunity at Mayo Clinic

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wow. How do you fuck up a photo-op at a hospital? Wonkette observed, “If you guessed ONE OF THESE GUYS IS A MASSIVE FUCKING ASSHOLE WITH NO REGARD FOR HIS FELLOW MAN, then congratulations! 

This morning our esteemed Vice President Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic, which is undertaking a "moonshot" to scale up Minnesota's diagnostics to produce those millions of tests Pence promisedwere ready to ship weeks ago. 

The VP, who has been spearheading the White House's coronavirus response since Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar found his head on a spear, was informed that the hospital has a strict masking policy for everyone on the premises.”

But they probably didn't mean the guy second in line to the presidency. And certainly not when he has to appear on camera! You couldn't possibly expect a VIP like Mike Pence to wear a mask on television during a pandemic. It might scare people. Or worse yet, muss his hair!

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