Inmate in New Mexico Prison Overstands the “Lex-Icon" [law as image]: “They’re taking measures just to say they took measures. They’re not doing anything to help us & everyone knows that"

From [HERE] Chris is an inmates serving time for a nonviolent felony at the Northeast New Mexico Correctional Facility. He said since the coronavirus outbreak, things have been tense on his cell block.

“There's 60 men to a pod and we have two man cells and there's 30 on bottom, 35 on bottom, 30 on top,” Chris told KOB 4.

Chris said the men on his cell block have masks, but sometimes soap and other sanitizing products are hard to come by.

“It’s completely defeating the purpose. They're taking measures just to say they took measures. They're not doing anything to help us and everyone knows that,” Chris said.

Chris said he thinks the best solution right now is to decrease the prison population. Gov. Lujan-Grisham has already granted permission for some inmates to be released up to 30 days early.  

“We’re still working based on that executive order from April 6 to look at those folks who meet criteria based on their offenses and are 30 days from release,” said Eric Harrison, with the State Department of Corrections.

Harrison said he knows there are valid concerns from inmates and that state officials are taking them seriously. [MORE]

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In reality the legal system produces nothing else but the appearance of justice. FUNKTIONARY calls this phenomenon the lex-icon, which means “law as image - the appearance of justice (the form) over the substance of justice via truth and law over humanity.” The lex-icon sustains your belief in the legitimacy of the legal system as a whole. Within the lex-icon elite whites go through great effort to produce a show of “fairness.” This production includes the court’s emphasis on “procedural due process,” “professionalism” and leaves out no detail as it includes plastic flags, oaths, black robes, elevated judge platform, formalities, high ceilings etc. Also, occasional dismissals and acquittals of Black defendants are a necessary part of the illusion.