Protestors Communicate Reality to The System’s Static Truths & Laws [imposed & deified over humanity] as Riots Erupt Throughout the Free Range Prison

According to FUNKTIONARY:

The System - The prevailing conditions (preconditions) that serve you up before they devour you. Instead of trying to change the system, we need to persuade people to stop believing in the system. (See: Miserabelia)

Toxicivilization- the pathological state of human relations in society where religious and political ideologies make truth and law in total disregard to reality. There can never be anything but serialized calamity and chaos anywhere where truth is elevated over reality and law is raised (codified, reified and deified) over humanity. (See: Totalitarianism & Fascism).

Truth-Based Truth – an infinite regression of truth that begins and ends in truth. It does not stand-alone but is true if and only if other truths are true. It is illegitimate, inauthentic, arbitrarily erratic, error-prone, obsessive, and presumes divine authority or logical foundations in eternal verities. Why camouflage yourselves with truth when reality pierces all guises and disguises? If you know the difference between the nature of truth and the nature of reality, all else is mere formality. (See: Reality-Based Truth, Eternal Verities, Proof, Axiom, Subjective Truth, Bi-Polar Truth, Truth Editor, Limits, Certainty, Perfection, Impermanence, Uncertainty, Dream-Past, Literal Present, Change, Coercion, Fear & Absolute Truth) 

violence - an attempt to control via overt and subtle coercive means (physically, i.e., bodily attack; e.g. "rape" emotionally, i.e.,harsh invectives and economically, i.e., usury via gangbanking). 2) the product of the cultural repression of the inner shadow (the Dark Side). 3) the attempt to impress our will or belief onto others. 4) frustrated expressions of unlove. 5) a complex publicly funded system of education for America's youth. We do violence to another each time we attempt to sway someone to our point of view, or dissuade someone from a course of action that we, in our arrogance, feel is wrong. All violence is the violence of exclusion towards the slippery slope of eradication based on the apparent illusion of the '~Dther." It involves the ambiguity between seduction and terror. We live in a Society that is founded on, and maintained by, violence unleashed in various forms, some overt (visible and obvious) and others covert (invisible and very subtle). Violence always rebounds back to ultimately destroy its initiator. The end result of humanity's violation of their own nature is always destruction. [MORE]
