Not About $20. George Floyd was Murdered b/c Cops Have the Right to Initiate Unprovoked Acts of Violence on People. No Citizen Has this Right. So How Could Cops Acquire This Power from the People?

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LEGAL SYSTEM BASED ON PHYSICAL COERCION. In Minnesota and nearly all states an officer can’t arrest an adult for a misdemeanor without a warrant, unless he witnesses the person committing it. In other words, the misdemeanor must occur “in the presence” of the officer. The May 25th murder episode of George Floyd began when someone called 911 to report that a man had used a counterfeit $20 bill for a purchase at Cup Foods, a restaurant on Chicago Avenue. The alleged fake bill was used to purchase a pack of cigarettes, a misdemeanor in Minnesota.

Shortly after 8 p.m., Officers Thomas Lane and J.A. Kueng arrived at the restaurant, where employees reported that the customer who had made the purchase was sitting in a car parked nearby on 38th Street. Lane and Kueng found Floyd sitting in the driver's seat and ordered him, then pulled him, out of the car. Floyd was not free to go. When they touched him he was under arrest within the meaning of the 4th Amendment. Prior to his arrest, the cops did not witness any misdemeanor counterfeiting. As explained, they arrived after the alleged crime occurred and they had no warrant. Thus, the arrest for counterfeting was unlawful.

The criminal complaint says Lane asked for Floyd's name and identification, asked if he was "on anything," and informed him that he was under arrest for passing a counterfeit bill. Although the arrest was unlawful, Minnesota law does not recognize a defendant's right to resist an unlawful arrest or search - Floyd was legally obliged to obey their commands and powerless to do anything about it.

When Lane and Kueng stood Floyd up and tried to walk him toward their squad car, the complaint says, he "stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic."

At this point Chauvin and Officer Tou Thoa arrived at the scene in a separate squad car.

According to the complaint, the officers repeatedly tried to get Floyd into Lane and Kueng's car. The complaint says Floyd "did not voluntarily get in the car and struggled with the officers by intentionally falling down, saying he was not going in the car, and refusing to stand still." While standing outside the car, Floyd "began saying and repeating that he could not breathe." About five minutes after Lane and Kueng intially tried to put Floyd in their car, Chauvin pulled Floyd "out of the passenger side of the squad car." Floyd "went to the ground face down and still handcuffed." As Kueng held Floyd's back and Lane held his legs, Chauvin "placed his left knee in the area of Mr. Floyd's head and neck." And we know what happened next.

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We are told that governmental power comes from the people. That is, we delegate our individual power to the government for it to act on our behalf through its representatives. In their representative capacity politicians and judges have delegated or granted to police and other governmental workers the power to act. No different than the way an owner of a business delegates powers to his/her employees to act as his/her agents to get business done. However, it goes without saying that people cannot delegate powers or rights that they do not individually possess.

Clearly, citizens have the right to defend themselves and to come to the defense of others but citizens have no right to commit unprovoked acts of violence on other people. So if we have delegated our individual powers to lawmakers and lawmakers have empowered police officers to act on our behalf, how could police acquire the right to commit acts of unprovoked violence on people? That is, initiate the use physical force on people. Can you delegate a right to someone that you don’t have? where does authority, the right to rule others [or the power to give commands that citizens have a moral & legal duty to obey] come from? Asked differently, you don’t have the right to initiate unprovoked acts of force against other people - so how can you delegate or authorize a government representative to do such things? How did police acquire such super-human powers?

All modern statism or belief in “authority” is based entirely on the assumption that people can delegate rights they don’t have.” Larken Rose explains, “the belief in “authority,” which includes all belief in “government,” is irrational and self-contradictory; it is contrary to civilization and morality, and constitutes the most dangerous, destructive superstition that has ever existed. Rather than being a force for order and justice, the belief in “authority” is the arch-enemy of humanity.”

Our “justice” system is entirely based on physical coercion - violence. The false choice generally presented is either obey authority or go to jail. Michael Huemer explains, “The system as a whole must be anchored by a non-voluntary intervention, a harm that the state can impose regardless of the individual’s choices.” [MORE] Commands by authorities are often enforced with threats to issue further commands and then force is applied.

As the George Floyd episode indicates he had no legal right to resist authority even though his arrest was unlawful. The law being enforced was counterfeit misdemeanor law. Like all other criminal laws it is a command backed by the threat of violence against those who not obey. When he allegedly violated the law he was subjected to arrest. When he resisted initial commands cops gave more commands and threats to use violence and then when he allegedly resisted those commands and efforts they applied more physical force to en-force the law - in this system it makes no difference what the law is. The US legal system is based entirely on “intentional harmful coercion” - there is nothing voluntary about it. Such coercion ‘involves actual or threatened bodily injury, or at a minimum, physical pushing or pulling of the individual’s body to the location of imprisonment. This is the final intervention that the individual cannot choose to defy.’ ‘One can choose not to comply with an order, one can choose to use counterfeit bills, and one can even choose not to walk to a police car to be taken away. But one cannot choose not to be subjected to physical force if the agents of the state decide to impose it.’ [MORE]

Said system based on authority or the right to rule over others is violence manifested, it cannot be reformed. As stated by Larken Rose,

“The problem is not just that “authority” can be used for evil; the problem is that, at its most basic essence, it is evil. In everything it does, it defeats the free will of human being controlling them through coercion and fear. It supersedes and destroys moral consciences, replacing them with unthinking blind obedience. It cannot be used for good, any more than a bomb can be used to heal a body. It is always aggression, always the enemy of peace, always the enemy of justice. The moment it ceases to be an attacker, it ceases to fit the definition of “government.” It is, by its very nature, a murderer and a thief, the enemy of mankind, a poison to humanity. As dominator and controller, ruler and oppressor, it can be nothing else.

The alleged right to rule, in any degree and in any form, is the opposite of humanity. The initiation of violence is the opposite of harmonious coexistence. The desire for dominion is the opposite of love for mankind. Hiding the violence under layers of complex rituals and self-contradictory rationalizations, and labeling brute thuggery as virtue and compassion, does not change that fact. Claiming noble goals, saying that the violence is “the will of the people,” or that it is being committed “for the common good” or “for the children,” cannot change evil into good. “Legalizing” wrong does not make it right. One man forcibly subjugating another, no matter how it is described or how it is carried out, is uncivilized and immoral. The destruction it causes, the injustice it creates, the damage it does to every soul that it touches – perpetrators, victims, and spectators alike-cannot be undone by calling it “law,” or by claiming that it was necessary. Evil, by any name, is still evil. The ultimate message here is very simple. All of recorded history screams it, yet few have, until now, allowed themselves to hear it. That message is this:

If you love death and destruction, oppression and suffering, injustice and violence, repression and torture, helplessness and despair, perpetual conflict and bloodshed, then teach your children to respect “authority:’ and teach them that obedience is a virtue. If, on the other hand, you value peaceful coexistence, compassion and cooperation, freedom and justice, then teach your children the principles of self-ownership, teach them to respect the rights of every human being, and teach them to recognize and reject the belief in “authority” for what it is: the most irrational, self-contradictory, anti-human, evil, destructive and dangerous superstition the world has ever known.” [MORE]


As defined in FUNKTIONARY

Copitalism - police-state authoritarian force, usurped power and repression over men and women wielded in furthering the interests of commerce and the protection of commercial property; any benefit whatsoever accruing to people exists in spite of this corporate police state monster.

"authority" - (so-called)—a cartoon, an alleged image of the Law. 2) a cartoon clothed in flesh and blood. 3) the notion of an implied right and application of that "right" of individuals or groups of same to control or exercise external power over others, which has no meaning in reality. 4) power over...which is thoroughly institutionalized. 5) ruling through coercion. So-called "authority" is the justification for remaining impotent. The real threat to "authority" is the masses overcoming info-gaps and verigaps through self-knowledge and the proliferation of symbols of opposition, not crime or destruction of property.

"Authority-" is not a force but a farce! "Every great advancement in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority." —Aldous Huxley. Government is the hefty price we pay for our lack of being further evolved as humans. "The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority." —Stanley Milgram Regarding obedience to authority and carrying out "orders" Milgram states, "Thus there is a fragmentation of the totai human act; no one man decides to carry out the evil act and is confronted with consequences. The person who assumes full responsibility for the act has evaporated. Perhaps this is the most common characteristic of socially organized evil in modern society." At its root, government is based on violence and coercion. Without violent authority, studies show that violent behavior will all but disappear in its wake. Authority breeds the violence that it combats and perpetuates. Violence perpetrated by individuals is learned through noxious social experiences typically suffered under some assumed "authority." "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own government." —Dr. Martin L. King. Jr.. 1967. Read "Obedience to Authority" by Stanley Milgram, and "Constitution of No Authority" by Lysander Spooner. (See: Violence, Government. Yurugu, BOG. "The Law," Hierarchy. Obedience, Duty, Defiance, Disobedience, Compliance Priests, Preachers, Citizens, States, Involuntary Taxation, Tax Invasion, Behavior, Orders, Allegiance. Internal Revenue Service, Corporate State, Anarchy. Taxtortion, Power, Experts, Doggy & Neuropeans)