Racists Often Put Unqualified Negros in High Positions So that Matters of Importance to Blacks will be Handled Frivolously: Inexperienced Black AG Torn over Charging Cops who Murdered Breonna Taylor
/Never trust a Black Probot. His business is process. According to FUNKTIONARY, a probot is a propagandizing programmed robot. A probot is a proxymoron who conveys programmed disinformation in computerized language and bureaucratese jargon. A probot is one who disseminates lies, distortions and convenient mass truths composed by a superior overruling elite. [MORE] They function with an extremely low level of consciousness as they view obedience to authority as a moral virtue and place form over substance, rules over reason and law over humanity. A black probot is capable of advocating for widespread aggression and destruction if the rules say so. Elites put them on the front lines.
SHALL I SERVE MY MASTERS OR CHARGE WHITE COPS? Childish-like Kentucky attorney general holds pretend news conference with no news about holding white cops accountable for the murder of Breonna Taylor. Daniel Cameron opened his highly-anticipated news conference Thursday by saying he would not be sharing any new details about the Breonna Taylor case.
“The investigation remains ongoing, and the specifics will not be discussed,” Cameron said in Frankfort. [MORE] Yep thanks for wasting our time with your meaningless show of process.
Daniel Cameron, 34, is the first Republican elected to the office since 1944 and is the first African-American Attorney General of Kentucky. He is a so-called Black conservative who was endorsed and heavily promoted by racists Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. In fact, Mitch McConnell “hand-picked” his former staffer Cameron to run for Attorney General to strengthen his own political empire before his own re-election in 2020.
Daniel Cameron is not shy about his goal to follow his mentor Mitch McConnell’s footsteps saying, “when I first met [McConnell] I knew he was somebody I wanted to emulate.”
Prior to Cameron’s election as AG in 2019 he had never tried a case of any kind, never represented an actual client in a court case and had no courtroom experience. He also never argued a legal brief before either the appellate court or the Supreme Court — at the state level or federal level. Cameron’s only experience was working as general counsel for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for 2 years, working as a law clerk and working for a law firm that focused on lobbying - positions that have no meaningful relevance to prosecutorial trial and appellate work. [MORE] and [MORE].
After being sworn in on December 17, 2019, one of the first major things the newly elected AG did was call for halting abortions in Kentucky during the coronavirus pandemic, arguing it was an elective medical procedure that should fall under the statewide ban for the duration of the pandemic. [MORE] Cameron said he has not personally experienced the kind of racism the demonstrators are marching against. [MORE]
On May 13th Attorney General Daniel Cameron was named as a Special Prosecutor in the investigation into the death of Louisville EMT Breonna Taylor. The Republican was appointed by Gov. Andy Beshear after calls for investigations grew in Kentucky and nationwide. During his run for AG Cameron campaigned with white cops to create his image as a servant of authority.
Taylor a 26-year-old emergency medical technician, was fatally shot to death by white Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) officers on March 13, 2020 while she was sleeping. Three LMPD officers executing a no-knock search warrant entered her apartment in Louisville. The LMPD officers fired over twenty shots. Taylor was shot eight times.
The cops had a search warrant for Breonna’s apartment, where the officers were searching for Jamarcus Glover who lived in a different part of Louisville. LMPD was successful in locating Glover at his home, detaining him, executing a search, identifying drugs and firearms, and arresting Glover.
Glover was located and identified by LMPD prior to the warrant being executed at home. Despite this, the white cops elected to proceed with executing the warrant at home.
As confirmed by multiple neighbors, the officers did not knock or identify themselves prior to entering Breonna’s home. Knocking and announcing is critical for a warrant of this nature to be executed safely. Reasons include but are not limited to the following:
The officers were in plain clothes;
It was 12:40 in the morning;
The home was part of a large unit of connected homes containing children;
There was nothing to indicate that Breonna Taylor and Kenneth would flee or
pose an unreasonable danger if the officers knocked and identified themselves as police; and
Individuals, under several circumstances, have a lawful right to use deadly force in order to defend against those who enter their home. [MORE]
LEX-ICON [“law as image - the appearance of justice (the form) over the substance of justice via truth and law over humanity.”]. Most essential to the lex-icon in criminal courts are the presence of Black defense lawyers and prosecutors and Black judges and other Black courtroom staff, police, social workers and probation officers. How would the courtroom look if the defendant was Black and all the lawyers, judges and court staff were white? It would look rigged. This is no knock against hard working, passionate Black lawyers and judges. Despite their efforts they are a necessary part of the deception and strategy to mask the reality that “justice” is actually incidental, random and accidental in a system of injustice designed to be that way.
A recent study found that only 3% of all elected prosecutors are Black while 95% of all prosecutors are white. Such numbers may sound surprising but in the context of all attorneys in the U.S. they are the norm: according to the ABA only 5% of all attorneys are Black. Said number has remained steady from 2009 - 2019. The legal profession is nearly all white: specifically, it is 85% white, 5% Black, 5% Latino, 2% Asian American and 1% Native American. [MORE] and [MORE]
Not dissimilar to professional Blacks in other areas of people activity the Black attorney primarily functions to help solve elite white people’s problems in some legal capacity - not his own peoples problems, he has not been trained or been given the means to change his subordinate social situation or acquire power to do so - he is in the courtroom to play a complementary role in the system of racism white supremacy.
Racism is the dominant feature of the criminal justice in the United States and a major goal of the white supremacy system is the greater confinement of substantial numbers of non-white people, particularly Blacks. As explained by Kenneth Montgomery, a former Black prosecutor for the Brooklyn, New York district attorney’s office, “prosecution is about locking black people up.” “I thought that because of who I was, because of the street and academic smarts I had, I was able to do some things that were more in line with justice. But, it was like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. In the long run, I didn’t think it was worth it, so that’s why I left.” [MORE]. The black prosecutor will be rewarded so long as he/she continues to lock up Black people. To the extent that a prosecutor decides to spend his/her time prosecuting other persons such as police officers or white folks he or she will be soon be disappeared, Kaepernick style. [MORE]
Dr. Martin Luther King explained that racists often support, appoint or promote unqualified negros into high positions so that important matters to Black life may be handled frivolously. Such a tactic in all areas of people activity is what Neely Fuller would call the refinement of racism white supremacy. In the context of criminal justice, King stated, “There is another injustice in the courts which is equally as bad. Cases in which only Negroes are involved are handled frivolously, without regard to justice or proper correction. We deplore this type of injustice as much as we do the injustice which the Negro confronts in his court relations with whites.” [MORE]
Besides, in a system of racism white supremacy and coercive authority what exactly is a Black conservative conserving? FUNKTIONARY defines:
Black conservative - a lost sheep in master's clothing. a black conservative typically has nothing of his own to conserve with the exception of his or her own double-consciousness. so-called "black conservatives" dodge the reality of their folly and posit is that what they truly are conserving is traditional "values" as if values ever had anything whatsoever to do with morality or ethics. a black conservative unknowingly preserves the differential power-relations and dynamics between those of african descent he and their bosses, the overruling overclass elite. [more]
SNAG - $nitch-ass negroes aiding governments. 2) cointel-bros. 3) smile negro and grin—while i put it in. snags are coin-operated piece-activist sniggering infiltraitors from the native black american community. Snags are on the stroll, exacting black life as the toll, while klandestinely on the rogue "government" payroll . . .snags are negroes who run from the fabric, the very essence of their afrikan heritage struggle, culture and consciousness, and run to support the psychopathological dominant minority elite european global racist-supremacist mindset and agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics). the more you pull at a snag, the more problems it causes—hence, you have to cut it off from the garment so it will cease causing constraint and strain on the integrity of the fabric of afrikan consciousness and liberation. [more]
Negro - a man or woman of Afrikan descent living in pathological mental state of cultural abstinence and historical amnesia— one who wants to impress his or her oppressor while ignoring the effects and plight that his or her accommodationist posture inures. 2) a Hanky-head. 3) an indigenous-to-the-land (American) Afrikan who does everything in his or her power to suppress or pretend that he or she is other than someone of recent Afrikan descent. 4) ethnicity-denying, assimilated and confused Afrikans indigenous to America. 5) one who truly believes he or she is white American—masquerading in black face. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's a Negro after all? (See: Snigger, Rentellectual, McNegro & Negropolitan)