Crazy SNiggers Under the Remote Control of GOP Masters Defaced the NYC BLM Mural in order to Express Jesusized Belief in Their Inferiority, Doubt About the Value of Black Life & Spread Negrosis
Negrosis - the psychological disease affecting and afflicting native Black Americans, Afrikans, Afrikan-Americans, Negroes and all other people of Afrikan genetic heritage characterized by double-consciousness resulting from the falsification of Afrikan consciousness, history and applied spiritual sciences. (See: Double-Consciousness & Asili)
Mentacidal Black Conservatives Hard at Work Conserving their Slavery & Unequal Power Relations in the System of Racism White Supremacy From [HERE] Two SNiggers charged with splashing paint over the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Manhattan’s Trump Tower were identified Sunday as attention-seeking anti-abortion protesters who have pulled similar stunts before.
Bevelyn Beatty, 29, and Edmee Chavannes, 39, who live together on Staten Island, were arrested Saturday after they allegedly started to smear black paint over the bright yellow lettering of the mural on Fifth Ave. in Midtown.
“Refund the police,” the two women shouted as they splashed the paint. “Jesus matters! We will never support Black Lives Matter!” Both women were charged with criminal mischief and released pending a future court date.
“We are taking our country back NOW!” a statement posted on the Facebook page of their At The Well Ministries reads. In the statement they claim to have been treated like “royalty” by cops after their arrest.
“The police expressed their HIGH APPRECIATION for what Bevelyn and Edmee stood up for today,” the statement says. “They expressed their concerns and fears for their city. They are in fear for the sake of NYC and voiced that they need MORE people like them to help and stand up for what is RIGHT!”
A cop responding to their vandalism slipped and fell in the wet paint — loudly thumping his shoulder and head on the pavement, video of the incident shows.
“The police officer that slipped and fell in the paint is doing OKAY,” the statement on their Facebook page reads. “He had a hard fall but is doing very well and fine.”
Beatty went on to deface two more murals Saturday night into Sunday morning — one on Seventh Ave. and West 125th St, in Harlem, the other on Fulton St. in Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn — and posted videos of both to her Facebook page.
“Y’all, we did an all-nighter. Let me tell you something. Yesterday was epic,” she said in a Facebook video
Police were still investigating the later incidents, and have made no arrests, an NYPD spokesman said.
The pair were arrested last month for protesting outside Planned Parenthood’s New York headquarters.
They were also charged with disorderly conduct when they disrupted a council meeting in a suburb of Fort Myers, Fla. The duo also took an unwelcome trip to Kentucky to attend a Easter Sunday service held in defiance of the governor’s April coronavirus stay-at-home order.
Elite racists often talk to us through their dummies. Above SNiggers parrot their masters; talking about “Our country.” This is how you sound and act when you have a "jesusized" "belief" in your racism/white supremacy programming. Such a falsified consciousness causes them to engage in behavior designed specifically to block out any awareness of their true reality in the context of racism/white supremacy and their imaginary freedom. These deluded Sambo negros are controlled by remote, programmed to hate themselves and speak and act against their own interest - kicking themselves in the ass for problems caused by the system of racism/white supremacy.
Doc Blynd further states, “Racism White Supremacy is a virus in the mind, a malignant meme that has both the host of the virus and the whole society sick. White Supremacy (Degeneracy) is socially engineering Black Consciousness and/or also responsible for the falsification of Black consciousness.” We know that when whites [“the hosts of the virus”] believe in the granfalloon of race and the illusion of their superiority they practice racism and act out genocidally in all areas of activity. When Blacks believe in the fantastic myth of white genetic superiority the result is a falsified consciousness. As stated by Amos Wilson, "it is not so much that the European says we are inferior, and that we are this and that, and that the European maligns our character, et cetera: It is the belief on our part that what he says is true that makes us crazy. It is a crazy reaction to what he says, an insane and unthinking kind of approach to dealing with what he says about us, that maintains the craziness. [MORE] Dr. Bobby Wright describes such a state of mind as Mentacide [refers to the deliberate, systematic destruction of a group's mind} which he said is the ultimate threat to Black people’s survival [MORE]. Such a consciousness is a political necessity to maintain RSW.