Authoritarian Bloopers! White NYPD Cop Slips & Busts His Ass in the Wet Paint Smeared on the BLM Mural by Obedient Sambos During Their Pro-Excessive Force & Less Cop Accountability "Protest"
/Small anti-BLM “protests” have been getting big media play from dependent media outlets. The overwhelmingly racist suspect [white] protesters have little to say beyond “we support police” and police are wonderful." With a lack of any meaningful message white pro-police “protesters’ at a Dyker Heights protest yelled catchy slogans like “Black lives are garbage" among other explicit, racist, and sexist language. Video captured during the rally showed pro-cop demonstrators hurling insults and physically attacking the small group of counter-protesters who showed up. In one video, a white man tells the person filming him that their “mother’s a cunt” and then spits on them. Another video shows the same man calling protesters “bitches” and saying they should be raped. [MORE] According to Gothamist, “about two dozen or so protesters against police brutality and systemic racism showed up at Bay Ridge Parkway and 13th Avenue to counter a demonstration of hundreds of protesters supporting the NYPD. "No interference with their pro-cop rally had occurred. We were all consolidated on one corner for the most part," Noah Weston, a Bay Ridge resident who went to the hospital after he was beaten in the groin, told Gothamist. "No chanting had started ... They just immediately started screaming at us." One off-duty white police officer at the protest said he appreciated the support and wanted people to understand, “This is not about being anti-Black Lives Matter.” “We believe this is all lives matter and we need to respect each other,” said the officer, who didn’t want to give his name. “We all feel the George Floyd death was very wrong, but that doesn’t mean that every police officer is a killer.” wha?
Like Trump rallys these neuropeons are in the street to hate and provoke non-white people. Going to where you are unwanted to provoke violence or promoting violence is not "non-violent" protest. A flier for the "Rally To Back The Blue" shows the march was scheduled for July 11th at 11 a.m. with protesters to walk 11 blocks—appearing to signify support for Ku Klux Klan since the 11th letter of the alphabet is K and three 11's add up to 33. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the number 33 is used in messaging by KKK adherents. The flier was shared in an email by the chairwoman of the Brooklyn Conservative Party Fran Vella-Marrone, according to a screenshot of the email shared with Gothamist. [MORE].
It is hard to understand what the pro-police protesters are really about except maintaining the system of racism white supremacy and spreading authoritarianism, slavery. It is hard to conceive of any other purpose other than polarization for dependent media to cover these very small marches or protests. If these white folks are counter to BLM and “the resistance” what does that mean?
In general reform advocates want “authorities” to enforce existing laws against cops and seeks equal treatment under the law. For the most part, BLM’s proposed BREATHE Act reforms are modest. The BREATHE Act has four main goals—divert federal resources from jails and police, invest in other methods of community safety, allot funds to rebuilding communities, and hold law enforcement officials accountable for civil rights violations. [MORE] A letter sent to congressional letters by the ACLU, NAACP and 400 other civil rights organizations in June urged Congress to adopt a series of legislative measures to ensure that police officers “live up to their oath to protect and serve.” These legislative measures include requiring a federal standard that force be used only as a last resort; prohibiting the use of maneuvers that restrict the flow of blood or oxygen to the brain, including chokeholds; prohibiting racial profiling; requiring data collection on police-community encounters; and ending the qualified immunity doctrine. The letter also called for the creation of a publicly available database that would provide police executives with information about the misconduct histories of officers before the officers are hired. [MORE]
Even the most “radical” proposals, such as the one in Minneapolis, don’t eliminate police departments and actually replace them with private security. They just create another law enforcement agency with different costumed agents having government authority. In sum, the “resistance” wants;
1) cops to be held liable in civll courts when they harm or execute Blacks and Latinos and
2) the Government to hold cops accountable for crimes committed against Blacks and Latinos and be subjected to discipline or termination in a process they can participate in and
3) to stop cops from interfering with their “rights” and harming and killing them.
No radical stuff here. A majority of Americans support the Black Lives Matter movement. What could be radical about protesting against conduct that is already illegal and unconstitutional? Having something to say about a public servant unlawfully stopping, detaining and murdering people based on skin color is not extreme or hate speech. It is normal speech. It is whitenology for puppeticians, dependent media, so-called counter protesters or even the protesters themselves to label such protest as radical.
Here then, we see an attempt by Elite racists to radicalize common sense! They are attempting to make Blacks & Latinos believe that what is in actual reality conservative and common sense as being radical thought & conduct. Therefore, we reject common sense when we reject "the radical" or what is perceived as "radical." Thus, conformist or obedient Blacks & Latino citizens may be less inclined to pursue things that conservative White people with common sense would pursue in the normal course of things- because to do so would be revolutionary.
Literally there can be no credible or meaningful articulable counter-protest movement to BLM or when “the resistance” itself seeks superficial reform to the statist status quo. What are the counter movement’s “goals?” Less cop-accountability and less freedom, More excessive force, unequal application of laws & immunity for cops, shoot them in the back exemption laws, etc? FUNKTIONARY describes this situation as “Totalitarian patriotism” and the people at these counter protests as “Human Resources.” Dr. Blynd also describes this idiotic kind of racist messaging, ‘we oppose whatever Blacks support’ as “White Propaganda, a game two can play—which consists simply in repeating '"I am better than you" and "you are utterly unlike (opposite to) me" over and over again; despite the historical record to the contrary.“
On the other hand, within the meaning of FUNKTIONARY, BLM reforms are “PropaGandhi” proposed by obedient citizens and do-gooders. Advocates believe cops should have authority to forcibly control us & take our lives so long as they do the right thing with their power. Said proposals are necessarily stuck in the statist paradigm/box and cannot release us from the free range prison. If “the resistance” got everything it wanted the granfalloon of “authority,” the right to rule over others, which “is the most dangerous, destructive superstition that has ever existed” and the main source of our problem, will remain intact.
During a so-called “counter protest” over the weekend 2 SNiggering sambos Bevelyn Beatty and Edmee Chavannes were charged with splashing paint over the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Manhattan’s Trump Tower. They have been identified Sunday as attention-seeking Black conservative anti-abortion protesters who have pulled similar stunts before. “Refund the police,” the two women suffering from negrosis shouted as they splashed the paint. “Jesus matters! We will never support Black Lives Matter!” Instead of arresting these SNIggers they should have been taken to a mental health hospital run by counter-racist doctors. In what looked like a staged false flag event the arresting white cops allow the SNiggers to smear and smear black paint all over the mural before finally half-heartedly intervening. While doing so one of the racist suspect cops slips in the smeared paint busting his ass and hitting his head. [MORE]
Propaganda, effective or not, also maintains the statist and tyrant paradigm such that so-called [left & right] advocates and their representative are on a constant search for more perfect masters [persons with extra powers or discretionary authority over them to control their lives] and seeking improved master servant relations [‘master please do the right thing when you tell me what to do, how to do it, where to be and protect me’]. They just haven’t found the right cops or puppeticians to be in control of them yet - but they’re out there. This type of consciousness never even considers that maybe there should be no master and no slaves at all. Reducing budgets doesn’t alter the public ruler/servant relationship, enjoy your illusions.
Through propaganda and “propagenda” elite racists in government, learning institutions and dependent media have rewarded and programmed obedient Blacks to advocate a philosophy of non-violence and disarmament. This indoctrination ignores self-defense or violent disobedience and fails to take into account that many of the other people surrounding Blacks - that is, racist white people and cops, are not non-violent and are functioning as genocidal psychopaths in their provocative relations with Blacks. It also falsely teaches and assumes that governments and police exist to protect us in a race neutral context.
FUNKTIONARY explains that unprovoked violence against others or the use of “force” is the basis of all social evils and can only be used in the sense of attack not defense. It explains that authority, the right to rule over other people, is not a force but a farce, literally not real or “make believe.”
If a “public servant," such as a police officer, is uncontrollable, unaccountable, can’t be hired or fired by you, has irresponsible power over you and provides a compulsory “service” then he is actually your Master not your servant. Can you decline police service? Lysander Spooner, stated “It is of no importance that I appointed him, and put all power in his hands. If I made him uncontrollable by me, and irresponsible to me, he is no longer my servant, agent, attorney, or representative. If I gave him absolute, irresponsible power over my property, I gave him the property. If I gave him absolute, irresponsible power over myself, I made him my master, and gave myself to him as a slave. And it is of no importance whether I called him master or servant, agent or owner. The only question is, what power did I put into his hands? Was it an absolute and irresponsible one? or a limited and responsible one?”
Allegedly governmental power comes from the people. That is, we delegate our individual power to the government for it to act on our behalf. However, it goes without saying that people cannot delegate powers or rights that they do not possess. So if people have delegated their powers to lawmakers and lawmakers have empowered police officers to act on our behalf, how did police acquire the right to commit acts of unprovoked violence on people? Asked differently, if you don’t have the right to initiate an unprovoked act of violence against another person then how can you delegate or authorize police officers or anyone else acting on your behalf to do so? How did government representatives and police acquire such super-human powers? Spooner explained,
“it is impossible that a government should have any rights, except such as the individuals composing it had previously had, as individuals. They could not delegate to a government any rights which they did not themselves possess. They could not contribute to the government any rights, except such as they themselves possessed as individuals.”
Similarly, undeceiver Larken Rose observes,
“Despite all of the complex rituals and convoluted rationalizations, all modern belief in “government” rests on the notion that mere mortals can, through certain political procedures, bestow upon some people various rights which none of the people possessed to begin with. The inherent lunacy of such a notion should be obvious. There is no ritual or document through which any group of people can delegate to someone else a right which no one in the group possesses.‘
Government “authority” can be summed up as the right to rule over people. It is the idea that some people have the moral right to forcibly control others, and that, consequently, those others have the moral obligation to obey.’ [MORE] FUNKTIONARY defines authority as ‘a cartoon, an alleged image of the Law or the notion of an implied right and application of that "right" of individuals or groups of same to control or exercise external power over others, which has no meaning in reality.’ FUNKTIONARY further states, authority is rule through coercion. The real threat to "authority" is the masses overcoming info-gaps and verigaps through self-knowledge and the proliferation of symbols of opposition, not crime or destruction of property.”
Authority is a “cartoon” or an “image of law” because “people cannot delegate rights they do not have, which makes it impossible for anyone to acquire the right to rule (”authority”). People cannot alter morality, which makes the “laws” of “government” devoid of any inherent “authority.” Ergo, “authority”-the right to rule-cannot logically exist. FUNKTIONARY further explains, “There is no freedom in the presence of so-called authority, i.e. outside of one's Self and Self-Nature.)
Larken Rose states: “Government” itself does no harm, because it is a fictional entity. But the belief in “government” – the notion that some people actually have the moral right to rule over others – has caused immeasurable pain and suffering, injustice and oppression, enslavement and death. The fundamental problem does not reside in any set of buildings, or any group of politicians, or any gang of soldiers or enforcers. The fundamental problem is not an organization that can be voted out, or overthrown, or “reformed.” The fundamental problem is the belief itself – the delusion, superstition and myth of “authority” – which resides in the minds of several billion human beings, including those who have suffered the most because of that belief.
Jeremy Locke states: “The lie of tyranny is that you will maintain the freedom of life by obeying authority. The choices it offers you are a lifetime of obedience or death“ Rose explains, “the belief in “authority,” which includes all belief in “government,” is irrational and self-contradictory; it is contrary to civilization and morality, and constitutes the most dangerous, destructive superstition that has ever existed. Rather than being a force for order and justice, the belief in “authority” is the arch-enemy of humanity.”
Liberal reforms may better conceal the system of RSW but our status as “enemies and slaves” will remain so long as we are subjected to governmental authority in a white over Black system. [MORE] and [MORE]