Blight House Proxymoron Tells Media-Hoaxed Reporters that Trump Re-Tweeted the Video of the Racist in the Golf Cart b/c he Thought He was Yelling "Dwight Howard" not "White Power"


WHITE PRESUMACY. From [HERE] On Sunday, June 28th, President Donald Trump retweeted a video of a couple in a golf cart decorated with Trump signs with the driver yelling “white power” twice to protesters while he raised his fist. That phrase and raised fist are attributed to white supremacists as a form of hate speech. Trump added to the retweeted video, “Thank you to the great people of The Villages. The Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats will Fall in the Fall. Corrupt Joe is shot. See you soon!!” 

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany saidthat Trump listened to the video before retweeting it, but claimed that he did not hear the man in the video exclaim, “white power.” When McEnany was asked directly whether Trump condemns the racist term, she didn’t respond. A deputy to the press secretary claimed that Trump did not hear the white supremacist saying, but “what he did see was tremendous enthusiasm from his many supporters.” However, that “enthusiasm” included white supremacist hate speech. There has still been no apology or condemnation of the video from Trump, McEnany, or the White House. [MORE] Fuck trump.