Osho Rajineesh and FUNKTIONARY: 'Real Public Service is Telling the Poor to Revolt Against the Vested Interests [CrimethInc.]’
According to OSHO:
Poverty - In the past we have praised poverty and made it equal to spirituality, which is absolute nonsense. You can live in absolute poverty, but poverty cannot help you to enlightenment. In poverty or in wealth, in a hut or in a palace, the basic thing is your meditation, your awareness. Wherever it happens, you will become enlightened. You don't have to renounce riches, you don't have to renounce anything. Remember that all the religions have been serving the poor for thousands of years, and poverty goes on growing. Real service is telling the poor to revolt against vested interests.
Poor - impecunious and impeducated due to the force inflicted by the oligarchy and its Corporate State. 2) the inability to act according to one's consciousness (or be a convictim of its lack of development)----best according to principles (precepts) given by a stranger/oppressor. 3) in a state of perptually having much less than enough, i.e., the bottom 85% of the world's population. 4) the bottomless swell and the face at the bottom of the well. The majority peoples of the world are poor because the economic forms imposed and enforced upon us (the ones we live by) are backwards, oppressive, criminal and archaic. The poor remain poor because they are too poor to create the demand that would create employment that would provide them with the substantive rights ("money") to purchase the fruits of their own labor, and thus enable them to meet their basic needs and end or lighten their poverty. It isn't laziness, but the economic system of monetized-debt (imaginary debt made lendable, legally tenderable and thus spendable) that condemns the working poor and the destitute to illness, and the pre-ordained statistical denial of sufficient basic economic substantive fights. (See: State Capitalism, Voyeur Capitalism, Virtual Capitalism, Monopoly Capitalism, Socialism, Sheep, Conditioning, Indoctrination, Programming, Convictim, MONEY, "Monetized Debt," True Debt, Peonage, Property, Language, Debtonation, MAMMON, REAPS & Gangbanking)
Crimeth Inc. - an elite class of intergenerational financiers and psychopathic human parasites. Crimethlnc. is a faction of men and their legal fictions created in this Matrix by those who make them rob widows and orphans, who take your sons and daughters into pre-emptive corporate invasions and occupations of foreign lands, who kill the innocent, jail the just, mine the womb of your daughters, devour the weak, terrorize and falsely imprison political activists, traumatize the oppressed, and covet the wealth of all. 2) Back-on-Track crime. 3) the twisted empty-souls of humanity's invisible oligarchy. Crimethlnc. is a geopolitical agreement among territorial gangsters to share power over looted differential wealth of people's labor, minds, lands and natural resources. The objective pay-off is still empire no matter the condition of the ecology or many people expire. (See: Doggy. "Credit" & Reification)