[The Centuries Long Losing Streak Must End. Moral Suasion as a Tool of Liberation RIP. Racists Can't be Transformed] Doc Rivers: 'It's amazing, we keep loving this country but It doesn't love us back'
/Along with John Lewis Black people need to bury moral suasion as a tool of liberation from racism white supremacy (RWS). Here now, at this point in history attempting to transform or reform racists – white individuals who either function as psychopaths in their interactions with Black people or believe they must dominate them to in order to survive and seek to have master-servant relations with them - is entirely pathological. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained in this white over Black system of domination Black people “are in a continuous state of checkmate” and are currently in a “losing streak that is centuries long.” [MORE] Thus far, all persons such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the BPP, Marcus Garvey, Elijah Mohammed, Nelson Mandela and many courageous others who have attempted to establish justice and/or to eliminate racism white supremacy have failed.’ [MORE] Essentially all strategies including moral suasion and all statist politics have failed to decode the white supremacist/racist playbook and have been met with crushing defeat. Museums and cemeteries are filled with our dead and gone and fucked up memories and Blacks should leave them there and learn from it. Dead ass concepts and old heroes died so we don’t have to keep re-trying failed experiments.
FUNKTIONARY states “a slave is one who waits for someone else to free him”
Recent episodes are also learning opportunities for Black people to witness and overstand that their relationship with the government [whether they perceive it as happy or consensual] is non-voluntary, non-contractual and not reciprocal. Complete obedience to government authority in exchange for what again? The “social contract” is illogical bullshit, unsupported by reality. Authorities are not solving Black people’s problems they are causing them. Look out your window, cops aren’t looking for criminals they are looking for us. But that is not what Doc Rivers was talking about above and that is not what this article is about.
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young along with symbolic rolebot Rev. Bernice King at the 2019 superbowl, an extra whitewashed spectacle that year.
John Lewis’ politics always involved an appeal to the moral suasion of racists. Like many confused victims of racism/white supremacy Lewis did not view racism white supremacy as a system of white over Black domination and vast unequal power. In a quest for [artificial] “equality” and equal protection from the government he viewed racism as a battle for civil rights against bigots and bigotry. Hence his goals were a moral quest for respect from racists as he and many other black advocates hoped to secure legal freedoms and reform the bad attitudes, behavior and hurtful speech and conduct of racists. Through articulate and moving speeches and non-violence he attempted to transform racists- as they appear to be the indirect target of his messaging and activities. Reformers continue to follow this model – and after every unsuccessful speech they cue up another thinking it will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Belief in somehow changing racists has led to suffering, it is a prison. Begging racists to change is flattering to them. Civil rights reformers fail to understand that there is no way to integrate racism white supremacy. Neely Fuller explains, Racism can either be practiced or not practiced." [MORE] It either exists or it doesn’t. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing further explained that ‘because Blacks and other non-white people have failed to understand the true meaning of racism white supremacy they have erroneously believed they could be integrated into the white supremacy system and depend upon racists to maximally develop Black children, communities, organizations and institutions and so forth in the same manner that white people promote their own maximal development and solve their own problems.’ [MORE] She explained that Black people must understand what the operating system of racism white supremacy is and how it functions in order to disempower it and unplug themselves from it.
Racism white supremacy is not a system of bigotry, discrimination, mean acts and minor inconveniences run by bigots. FUNKTIONARY defines:
Racism White Supremacy - psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." [MORE] and [MORE]
Welsing described Racism as a behavioral system of survival whereby racists believe they must dominate Blacks and other non-whites to survive through genocidal and genthanasiastic conduct in all areas of people activity. Welsing explained that most white people consciously or subconsciously understand the following;
White plus Black equals Colored.
White plus Brown equals Colored.
White plus Yellow equals Colored. [MORE]
Although rarely discussed, white people are genetic recessive. It is scientific fact that Black is a genetically dominant trait. Whenever Black mixes with White, which is a recessive genetic trait, Black will dominate. In general, this means "whites" cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. The so-called white "race" can and eventually will be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermixing with non-whites. As white populations have been consistently declining, Black and Brown populations are surging. According to Welsing, ‘genetic annihilation is the fundamental motivation of racists, whether it is conscious and/or subconsciously determined. [MORE] Said "fear of replacement" and/or the fear of losing control over non-whites fuels the system of white supremacy/racism and motivates racists to act genocidally towards non-whites in their perceived "survival game" with non-whites. Welsing’s color confrontation theory explained that the more the white population shrinks the worse its conduct toward non-whites will get. [MORE] A recent Reuters poll reflects white people fear of replacement as 31% of participants agreed "America must protect and preserve its White European heritage” and 39 percent agreed with the statement that “White people are currently under attack in this country.” [MORE] Welsing states:
“Within the historic framework of Western civilization and culture (the civilization and culture organized to prevent white genetic annihilation), all white peoples have the spoken or unspoken mandate to participate actively in their collective struggle for global white genetic survival. This specifically means, of necessity, the murder and slaughter of Black and other non-white males whenever it is felt within the white collective to be necessary and, therefore, justified.” [MORE]
Considering racism through such a lens, Black people should easily understand that for racists to integrate with them or to work alongside Blacks to maximally develop Black individuals, communities and economies, “would mean active white participation in white genocide.” [MORE] Welsing explained that white supremacy is really “only a compensatory psychological adjustment for a genetic, numerical deficiency state.” When non-whites have such an understanding, ‘the white supremacy message can be evaluated and negated more readily. This helps non-whites to drop unrealistic expectations and disappointment and gain psychological liberation from the white ideological domination that negatively affects the total functioning of non-whites.’ Racists see themselves as the permanent enemy of Blacks and Black people must wake up to that reality.
At a press conference on Wednesday Doc Rivers said “It’s amazing to me why we keep loving this country and this country does not love us back.” It’s not clear whether Doc had just come to this realization or whether he was simply baffled by the conduct of racists.
To help undeceive overwhelmed victims of racism white supremacy Neely Fuller offered a basic theory to measure against reality,
"most white people hate Black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." [MORE]
He further explained that ‘the quality of the relationship between white people and black people is, and has been, a total disaster.’ He stated a racist cannot be humane in their relations with non-white people... Racists (white supremacists) are masters of deceit and violence. It is correct to expect them to be deceitful, and/or violent - either directly or indirectly. It is correct to expect them to be this way all the time.’ [MORE]
Dr. Bobby Wright characterized the historical and ongoing treatment of Blacks by whites in all areas of people activity as psychopathic. That is, in their relationships with Blacks, racists function as psychopaths. He states “One of the best methods that can be used to measure the psychopathic traits of the White race is observing and analyzing their universal overt behaviors and attitudes toward Blacks.”
As stated by Wright, ‘the psychopath is an individual who is constantly in conflict with other persons or groups. He is unable to experience guilt, is completely selfish and callous, and has a total disregard for the rights of others.’
Wright explains,
‘Unlike other extreme pathological syndromes, only a very small percentage of psychopaths are committed to mental hospitals with another small percentage ending up in penal institutions. The majority of psychopaths function very well in society. They are generally average or above average in intelligence and have engaging personalities. In addition, they are usually very impressive and competent with no feelings of insecurities, anxieties, or any other manifestations or psychoneurosis. They appear to be very honest and humane, but really have no concern or commitment except to their own selfish interests. Psychopaths will consistently make commitments that they have no intentions of keeping and show great indignation and anger when their integrity is questioned.
Behavioral scientists generally agree that the outstanding characteristics of the psychopathic personality are the almost complete absence of ethical or moral development and an almost total disregard for appropriate patterns of behavior. Psychopaths know the difference between right and wrong but simply ignore the concept of right and wrong."‘ [MORE]
FUNKTIONARY further defines the psychopathic racial personality as “yurugu” and explains that racists suffer from Weitko disease or a “patapathetic fascination with the exploitation and control of nature and exploitation and genocide of his fellow man.” Wright stated,
‘By ignoring these traits in racists (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide Black liberation movement or black politics on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable.' [MORE]
Episode after episode racist individuals and cops are murdering or inflicting harm on non-white people. In contrast, it is rare for a black police officer to murder or use excessive force against a white person. Over the past 60 years the number of violent incidents between Black cops and white citizens can be counted on your hands. Anon explains, “A black person whose power comes from a white institution will not be allowed to mistreat whites - unless he or she is following orders from more powerful whites. In a system of white supremacy, all whites are more powerful than blacks. A white supremacy system by its very NATURE forbids ALL non-white people - regardless of wealth, status, or position - from victimizing white people.” [MORE]
Whether they are motivated by extinction, fear, jealously, hatred or something else, Racists practice racism because they have the power to do so. Racism involves the power of one race to impose its will upon another.
Wright observed, “although the world is 90% non-white, everywhere one finds whites and blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every know statistical law of probability.” [MORE]
Dr. Amos Wilson, a true rebel to lionize, similarly stated, "[Blacks] must question how is it that a minority people [whites], a very small percentage of mankind, a people who are essentially resourceless in terms of their natural resources, maintain the power they have. Why is it that the peoples [Afrikans] whose lands contain the wealth of the earth are the poorest people? This implies that there must exist a political, social situation wherein the mental orientation of our people must be so structured that the power and the ability of the Europeans to rule this earth are continually maintained.' [MORE]
Dr. Blynd explains, "Racism is not individualistic, but institutional, cultural, economic, political, linguistic, self-perpetuating and systematic." White Supremacy is a “power group dynamic” involving the relationship between whites and Blacks in a vast system of unequal power. It is economic discrimination by one group over and against another for the purposes of subjugation and/or maintaining the imbalance of power through cooperative control, misinformation, indoctrination, genocide and oppression. [MORE]
Fuller states, "in a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by White Supremacists. The White Supremacists are their bosses, their masters, and their major decision-makers. Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by White Supremacists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly non-white people — prefer not to acknowledge.
Wilson asks Black people,
‘Who has control of your food? Who has control of your electricity? Who has control of your water? Of your jobs? Who tells you what to wear when you go to work? Who tells you when to come to work...when to leave...when to go to lunch...how to speak...how to write...how to do this...how to do that...and how are these things taught, and how they are conditioned?"-- It is by reward and punishment. " You do this you get paid; you don't do this you don't get paid; you get a raise, you get docked. What do we have here?’
To live under the power of another people is to be created by that people. To be rewarded or punished by that people is to be created by that people. We are living under them as the result of the exercise of the power of another people over us. Therefore, if we wish to change this situation (i.e., the conditions under which we live), then we must change the power relationships. If we are to prevent ourselves from being created by another people and are to engage in the act of self creation, then we must change the power relations.’ [MORE]
No one is chained up in the free range prison. The “group dynamic” is based on consensual master/servant relations between white and black people. Whether racists are rich, poor, Democrat or Republican and whether they are violent psychopaths or persons engaging in gethanasiatic or genocidal conduct - - they all seek master-servant relations with non-white people. Such relations are the gravamen of the current operating system of racism white supremacy. Non-whites, regardless of education or status who indulge racists in such relations and cooperate with their own oppression may be described as “niggers” within the meaning of FUNKTIONARY. Racists seek relations with niggers and such relations help to cooperatively maintain this system. Wilson explains, “the oppressive configuration the White man has assumed in relationship to the Black man is in good part the result of the fact that we have permitted ourselves to remain in a complementary subordinate configuration conducive to his oppressive designs.”
He states,
'white people’s so-called power, is to a great extent based upon the nature of the relationship they have with Black people. We empower them by the nature of our own behavior and attitudes as a people. They cannot be what they are, unless we are, what we are. To a good extent, the European is our creation … yes. If we look at our behavior, we will see that to a good extent, it is our behavior, our values, our consciousness, the kind of personalities we’ve established in ourselves, our taste, our desires and needs; that maintains the European in their dominant position’.
This master servant relationship is something Black people can control and it must be destroyed - but not through Moral suasion. Similarly, when non-whites attempt to convince racists of the value of “black life” they engage in activity compatible and complementary to their own oppression and self-deception. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Having little biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of which is to maintain white domination and control of non-whites. As such race is a granfalloon. [MORE] Getting caught up in such unreality of proving your humanity or that ‘you are not other’ is a trick bag, a form of mental bondage. If you believe Black lives matter is a proposal and not something to assert as fact then you are a slave. "Dr. Blynd states, "never fight (oppose) things that are not or 'what is not' - as you will stratify your energy and disparate your life force while paradoxically strengthening what is not. If it is an absence - a granfalloon - then don't fight with it, seek the thing of which it is the absence (for), find it and handle your business accordingly.[MORE]. Osho Rajineesh explained, "fighting with anything non-existent is the most dangerous thing in the world. It is like fighting with darkness; if you start fighting with darkness, wrestling, even if you are a Mohammed Ali you are not going to win. Soon you will be tired, exhausted, and you will fall flat on the ground, thinking that darkness seems to be very powerful. Darkness is not powerful, darkness is not weak, because darkness does not exist at all. All that you need is just a small candle and the darkness will be gone.’
Black people have wasted a lot of time and energy appealing to racists, and analyzing them in order to somehow transform them. Such efforts appear to be John Lewis’ and many others life work. If Lewis died for something let it be that he died so we don’t have to continue to engage in a pathological struggle against darkness.’
There is no need to try to transform racists - people can only change themselves - work on yourself and then help other non-white people. The destruction of the master/servant relationship does not mean destroying white folks or not having relations with them. It means no longer engaging in master/servant relations with them. Your relations with white people should be either at arms-length or non-existent. When a critical mass of individual, endependent, self-respecting Black people do so, the voluntary nature of RSW will cease to exist, forcing change.
Wilson explains, We talk about the Civil Rights Movement, and the Apartheid system of the South, when Blacks decided to just get out of the buses and just walk, the system changed. Yes, when they stopped sitting behind the white driver, just changing that relationship, changed the nature of power, in that system. When they decided then to walk side by side, when they decided to walk abreast and line themselves up, because they had not walked that way before … for the ends to be fought, the relationship changed. When they kept their monies in their pockets, when they sat on the stools and blocked the other people from them, and change the nature of the interactions between themselves and Europeans, the nature of the system changed.
So therefore we have tremendous Power. It depends upon how we align ourselves as a people, and how we decide to relate to other people in the world, because they cannot have what they have, unless we are who we are. And that is why we don’t have to waste a great deal of time always appealing to them, and analyzing them, because we can better appeal to our own sense of self, and our own consciousness, and we waste a lot of time trying to transform them, when through transforming ourselves, they will be transformed automatically.’
To end racism/white supremacy we must end or neutralize white power.' [MORE] ‘Black people's uncritical acceptance of the rules, moral beliefs, perspectives, and their customary traditional participation in the American (White) political-economic process and system is tantamount to the legitimization of their own oppression and to the consensual ensurance of their own powerlessness.’ [MORE]
Old frameworks must be re-invented or dropped altogether. Many Blacks 'continue to live in a dream world where they believe that emotional singing, marching, dancing, chanting, praying, barbecuing, releasing balloons into the air and hoping will solve their problems.' [MORE] Neely Fuller calls such activity “the Teddy Bear Code” or "protest" actually in cooperation with and submission to white supremacy/racism and government authority. Anon asks, 'If marching, picketing, and protesting was an effective strategy to achieve justice — why are we still marching, picketing, and protesting FOUR DECADES later? Why is there MORE police brutality, MORE black men and women in prison, MORE black children at risk, MORE family instability, MORE single mothers, and MORE black children dropping out of high school now than before the civil rights era?' [MORE] The operating system of White supremacy is refining itself while Blacks remain in a reactionary state. For the most part, ad-hoc liberal progressive theory and politics have failed. Black and other friendly white elected officials at the highest levels and appointments to various government positions along with individual accomplishments in corporations have not translated into power for Black people. Reformers should witness that Minnesota, Atlanta, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore or NYC or many other places where white cops murder Blacks in broad daylight were all already dominated by liberal Democrats duly elected by the black votary. Said “black voting power” did not produce justice and does not prevent injustice from occurring to Black people. Additionally, laws enacted and funded by white legislators, administered by white Government workers, enforced by white prosecutors or cops and remedied by white jurors and judges [& their Black & Brown rolebots]- the same racist suspects who participate, perpetuate and/or benefit from this system of white domination and control – has not produced justice.
With a real understanding of the system of racism white supremacy, the actual context that we live in, non-white people must critically re-examine concepts and assumptions about democracy, government, authority, rights, majority rule, duty, dogma, monetary systems and the purpose of education to determine whether they are complementary to our liberation or our enslavement.