For Jesusized Believers, the Capitol Riot Doesn’t Change the FAGA Prophecy: Trump will be President, White Jesus is Coming Back Soon and Disbelievers are Going to Hell, an Actual Geographical Place
/“BELIEF is a trick of the mind to repress doubt.” dummies [“creatures that obliviously accept and protect the parameters imposed on them by their unavowed or avowed enemies”] BELIEVE HELL IS AN ACTUAL PLACE WITH A PHYSICAL ADDRESS. OSHO Rajineesh explained, “Heaven and hell are not geographical. If you go in search of them you will never find them anywhere. They are within you, they are psychological. The mind is heaven, the mind is hell, and the mind has the capacity to become either.“
From [HERE] As lawmakers prepared to impeach President Trump and Washington readied for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, Cliff Dyrud wasn’t focused on man-made acts. He was listening for the words of prophets.
Five years ago, a prophetess Dyrud follows said she’d gotten a message that Trump would be president and save Christian America. Trump would be “as fearless as a lion being robbed of its cubs” and cause the “tall and lofty mountains” of establishment types to fall, her prophecy went.
And Dyrud, a 73-year-old missionary, saw her words come true. So last week, he brought his “Appeal to Heaven” flag from Fargo, N.D., to Washington, and marched with thousands of other Christians: Christians who, like him, believe another dimension — high above the news frenzy — is in charge, a supernatural one where God reigns, and where Trump has very clearly been prophesied to serve a second term.
Another prophet Dyrud follows has assured him that “Trump is still our president” and is facing a moment much like when Moses and the Israelites fled Egypt and were not able to cross the Red Sea until God parted the waters for them. God will do something miraculous for Trump, too, Dyrud believes.
Images and references to being on the march for Jesus were common at the massive Jan. 6 rally — and later, riot — including among a segment of American Christianity that believes it has the power of prophecy. Some experts say charismatic, prophetic Christians who operate largely outside denominations make up U.S. religion’s fastest-growing subset. In recent decades, millions have been increasingly seeking out these prophets and apostles on YouTube channels, in books, group prayer calls, via regular group text chats and at conferences where breakout groups practice faith healing and raising people from the dead. And nothing has focused this disparate, independent group like Trump.
Although mainstream evangelical conservatives, including Trump’s own evangelical advisers, didn’t appear at the event, the day had been heavily promoted and covered by media and leaders of this charismatic, prophetic segment of Christianity.
“I believe something dramatic is going to happen before Congress votes on those electors. Something very dramatic that will change the outcome of that vote ... the holy spirit will enter into this situation and it’s going to be something very dramatic,” televangelist Pat Robertson told his Christian Broadcasting Network audience Jan. 4, on the eve of two days of rallies in Washington.
After the deadly Capitol siege, the prophecies continued — that Trump will remain in power.
“Anyone who think this ends tonight is totally mistaken ... you are still the president and we need you to stay on the front lines, sir,” prophet Mario Bramnick, one of Trump’s faith advisers, said Jan. 7.
“We thank God for exposing and foiling all the plans of the enemy set against him. We affirm his lawful election and pray for four more years with Donald Trump as our president!” the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, a 10,000-member Arkansas-based ministry that hosts weekly live prayer calls, told its listeners Monday. [MORE]
According to FUNKTIONARY:
belief-based truth - a description or perception of reality, (the content of which comprises what we call "truth"), that one desires or hopes to be true, despite external scientific, natural, or reproducible proof-based truth to the contrary. People all-too-often compromise their integrity and/or intelligence by devising truth which disallows any proof by design, as part and parcel of its ruse to allure its believers)—and even the truth that carries proof cannot be proven against the undeniable uncertainty of Reality. You fall prey to (or fall for) the illusions of proof if you ignore the pure subjectivity of reality. Illusions of scientific proof follow illusions of limits, and illusions of religious proof follow illusions of truth. Science makes truth out of proof, while belief-based religions make proof out of truth. (See: Infinity, Proof, Revelatory Truth, Absolute Truth & Belief System)
Reification - the artifice and act of converting men and women into incorporeal abstractions, and abstractions into tangible things through the cunning of manipulation of words. 2) word crafting specifically scripted to deceive. 3) mental conversion of an abstract concept into a material thing. Reification means any unwarranted extension of reality in the thing perceived or conceived. To reify is to take as real something which is not real or to confer a greater reality upon something than that which it has. Thus, reification means the taking as real that which is only apparently real; the taking as factual, concrete, or perceptual that which is only conceptual, the taking as absolute. That which is only relative. Taking the relational as if it had an existence, not necessarily a tangible existence, of its own. Webster informs us that reification is derived from the root word "Reif' meaning 'robbery' or 'to rob. Most of our socio-economic problems as well as our existential confusions and ontological delusions arise from our ignorance of the nature and application of reification in and grafted onto our lives (life-waves). Reification is one of the eight attributes of the OCTOCON. Through reification, we are robbed of reality with another's absolute truth (inverted falsehood). "Am I to blame if hallucinations and visions are alive and have names and permanent addresses?" — Karl Kraus. (See: "Dollar," Strawman, Absolute Truth, Symbolaeography & The OCTOCON)
Neuropeons - neurotic, stupid and self deluded poor white trash. 2) skin heads 3) Nazis, neo-Nazis and Theo-nazis (See KKK, WOTAN, Weitko Disease, Fasxism, Racism White Supremacy, Stupidity, Ku Klux Klan & Yurungu).
believabilia - trinkets of belief that string the believer along. By an ail-too obvious paradox, the discourse that creates belief is the discourse that takes away that which it enjoins, or which it never gives what it always promises. (See: Belief System)
believage - the cleft (cleavage) between "the twins" of truth and reality, fact and opinion, proof and disproof, experience and suspicion, authority and authenticity, demanding and letting go, and believing and knowing. 2) the gap between what is and what you take it or make it out to be. Believage entices you with what it looks like—but without experiencing the goods it speaks to. Belief is religious eye-candy; what is revealed draws you in, what is concealed ensnares you (unawares) into its comforting bosom of spiritual ignorance. (See: Seedless Knowledge, Proof, COLD-CUT Beliefs, Dogma & Religion)
believe - make-believe. 2) to wish one had proof or could rely on the illusion of proof to uphold a cherished assumption not based in or supported by the fundamental nature and workings reality. All believing is make-believing because to know, only you just have to know; whereas to believe, you have to make others believe also. Never believe that any proposition or perception is either true or not true—only more or less likely to be so, one way or another. It is helpful to be vigilant against believing any thought you generate and percolate up to view in your conscious mind. "As ye believe, deceived ye shall be." The word "believe" is a derivative of the word "belief." The word belief in Anglo-Saxon comes from the Anglo-Saxon root "leif which means to wish. So, when you utter the creed "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth...," what you are really saying is "I fervently wish that there exists God the Father Almighty." Our suffering is self-induced through unquestioned beliefs and self-preserved through ego-personality and social conditioning. With No-Mind through No-Time we exist only Now as an I-Am-Being. When we are operating our lives with mind in time or the Template of Duality, we perceive rurselves merely as human beings. If and when we become our history we ascend out of time-based duality into this Now as I-Am-Beings. There is no reason for distrust, nor is there any reason to close your eyes and believe. The Universe has nothing up its sleeve. (See: Belief System, Believer, Jesus, Religious Franchises, Now, Dukkha, Proof, I-Am, God, No-Mind, Logic, Fantasies, Faith, Religion, Truth, Knowledge, Suffering, Truth Laundering, "God," No-Time, Realigion & Knowingness)
believer - one who accepts that which has no basis in reality. 2) a person who enjoys being deceived. A believer does not seek—just accepts theologies and/or ideologies. 3) one who is addicted to vanity and/or chained to convention with conviction. 4) one who lives in a cloud of illusions, confounded by language and its deceptions. Believers are people who make their lives subjective slaves to a mere belief—engineered my limited and fragmented understanding and fostered by erroneous conclusions rased solely on effects and appearances. A true believer would rather believe in something and be wrong than not believe in it and be right. A believer is never a spiritual person, and a spiritual person is never a believer. A spiritual person knows not; a religious person think she knows; a believer only (merely) believes. Unbelievably, a believer elevates the very notion of belief to a higher value than fact or knowing. Belief and believer are one. The condition is thought or belief in form; the two are actually one. Regardless of the particular belief held, it is belief itself which gives the sustaining power to thought. "It is done to you as you believe." -Jesus (of Biblical Myth). Keep believing and it will continue being done to you. All belief is still an act of consciousness, hence it can be reduced to a state of thought. The Law of Belief creates its own law which is changed only by reversing or dispersing the belief. "Believe not every spirit": refers to the psychic confusion of believing. You see, subjective forms are not always what they seem or claim to be. (See: Convictions, Absolute Truth, True Believer, Self-Realization, Prayer, Awakening, Meditation, Buddha-Christ, Stillness, Body of Christ, Knowingness & Blind Faith).