'Because We Said So:' White DA says White Cop who Shot Jacob Blake in the Back 7X Acted in Self-Defense [in provocative system of injustice "don't lower your standards - just your expectations"]

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injustice” - the by-product of authority and its enforcement through legal fictions: the Corporate Police State and their tribunals. 2) forced obligations. injustice is the systematic means by which the greedy keep in check the needy. Injustice pervades; justice is incidental, accidental and random. “The paradox of injustice emerging out of justice has only occurred because the different standards of what is just have both been called justice.” JD Unwin. (See Holodeck Court, Greed, Control, Vices, Involuntary Servitude, Positive Law, Volunteered Slavery, War on Drugs, Master’s Rent, Lawful , Legal & Judicial Victimization).

Expectations – a form of self-fulfilling prophecy, a case of positive feedback. Expectations (attitudes, mind-sets) are filters with and through which we edit experience and create knowledge vacuums. In most instances, expectations are merely unconscious premeditated resentments and disappointments borne of projections and/or conscious desires. Have you placed too many expectations upon other’s expectations of yourself? Set all things free of memories and cruel expectations—let go and let be. Don’t get lost in the misconception or expectation of others. Go ahead and pull yourself inside out—you might be amazed at what you’re really all about. (See: Habits, Needs, Blame, Wants, Relationship, Luck, PM Wisdom, Memory, Reality Boxes, Options, Choice, Decisions, Romantic Love, Letting-Go, Nexpectations, Projection, Bewilderment, Discernment, Relaxative, Relationships, Love Continuum, Dreams, Wisdom, Maybe Love & Samsara)

"The Law". - crime without punishment. "The Law" is nothing but one group making a rule to protect its vital interests against another group, along with the capacity to compel, coerce and enforce that rule---and if not obeyed, the power to punish in the form of monetary fines and/or imprisonment. Therefore, in obeying and "abiding" by laws (rule) of other people, you're not being "good," you're simply supporting your own domination and economic demise. The Law is not designed to keep the peace but to keep the piece---retain their ill-begotten piece of the pie. Politicians, lawyers, government employees and officers, and judges, do not really care what the law says. Read that sentence again and then bum it into your memory; it will save you a lot of angry days and sleepless nights. There is a vast difference between what the law says and "how the system works." Here is something else for you to bum into your memory---the system has been hijacked from The People and it now functions for four primary purposes: 1) "Government" control of persons and property; 2) the receipt of"revenue," either by lawful action or extortionate conduct; 3) The protection of the system (racket) that provides for points 1 and 2; and, 4) The protection (racket) of persons who facilitate and enforce points 1, 2, and 3. If you are one of the uninitiated, the statement made above may seem somewhat reactionary to you. However, all one need do to learn that these statements are true is to stand your ground when agents acting on behalf of "government" accost you and they are legally in the wrong (exceeding their delegation of authority or jurisdiction). If you are a person of integrity and good faith, you will expect agents acting on behalf of"government" to sit down with you, read the letter of the law (statute and regulation), and cease their unlawful and colorable actions against you. What you will not be prepared for is the attack that will be made upon you by officials of your "government" in retaliation for your audacity! On the other hand, if agents of your so-called "government" are not accosting you, but you notice that they are acting in a manner that is contrary to the written law, if you bring that fact to the attention of government's minions, the mouthpieces of "government" will fall completely silent and never respond (with anything substantive or probative) to your comments, observations, or requests for correction. The agents of "government" generally use the law as an offensive tool (blunt instrument of violence) to compel the population to comply with its edicts and dictates. The law itself is elitist tool so designed to ensure that the outcomes of the so-called justice system favors privileged and power-holding members of society over (and at the expense of) poor and disenfranchised members of society. The Law, fundamentally and by design, preserves the unequal distribution of wealth, power and resources in society. It is a fail-safe check on the existing revolving high balance when the checks on the revolving-door "working poor" and disenfranchised fail or come into question. Academia (the constellations of institutions that serve objectives of "the law" ensure that its mission gets reinforced by misinformed consent within the academy and throughout society via the dependent (yet undependable) corporate media. The present justice system and existing judicial framework deliver what is considered to be justice for the privileged and powerful as it simultaneously dispenses what could only be called injustice to the poor, oppressed and powerless. The law is a blunt instrument used with finesse by the elite as a means of social, economic and psychological control. In most cases the minions of government could care less whether it is acting lawfully, or whether it is even applying the law to the intended persons or property. The agents acting on behalf of"government" only care that there is a superficial appearance of legality or mere symbol of justice. The "rule of law" is best (more accurately) viewed as one more myth competing against others for acceptance. Law is a consciousness that permeates (both reflecting and creating) any languaculture--written and unwritten. Americans can use the law as either an offensive tool or a defensive tool depending on the circumstance and your preference. The actual application, execution and enforcement of the law undermines (demythologizes and at least problematizes) the worn-out platitude that America is a "nation of laws, not of men." What most of us fail to accept, and what lawyers, legal scholars and enforcement officers fail to entertain, is that law itself is a product of violence, but a violence that the rule of law refuses to recognize. Real life experiences underscore, and some cinematic (reel life) depictions in Hollywood highlight and illustrate, Michel Foucault's thesis that law is best viewed as a discursive practice that organizes social experience to fabricate the categories of legal and illegal (See Power, Government, Justice, Holodeck Court, The COMB, Mythology, Legal, Servitude, Slavery, Due Process, Great Deception, Terms, Illegal, Representation, Punishment, Class, Community, Media, Control, Perception, Rhetoric, Speech Acts, Constitution, Pluralism, Democracy, OLD, Lawyer, Categories, Labels, Crime, Cooperative Federalism & Vices)