Video Shows US Capitol Cops and FAGA Patriots Taking Selfies and Bonding Together Over Their Common Belief and Mandate to Maintain White Genetic Survival by Controlling and Dominating Non-White People

NiggerMania. Racists see themselves as the permanent enemy of Blacks and Black people must wake up to that reality.

NiggerMania. Racists see themselves as the permanent enemy of Blacks and Black people must wake up to that reality.

Numerical Inadequacy. Persons who classify themselves as Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population. That is, 90% of the world's population of 7 billion people are non-white. If anything, this suggests white skin is an anomaly. And the "white" population is declining because it is genetic recessive. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing called racists' fear of a Black planet "numerical inadequacy."  The "fear of replacement" or fear of losing control over non-whites fuels the system of white supremacy/racism and causes racists to act genocidally towards non-whites in a perceived "survival game" they are engaged in with "us." Her color confrontation theory explained that the more the white population shrinks, the worse its conduct toward non-whites will get. 

She stated, ‘Within the historic framework of Western civilization and culture (the civilization and culture organized to prevent white genetic annihilation), all racists have the spoken or unspoken mandate to participate actively in their collective struggle for global white genetic survival.’ Such genocidal and genthanasiastic conduct or behavioral system is carried in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war). For example, in the area of “law” police and prosecutors must incarcerate or kill Blacks or place them in greater confinement. Similarly, in the area of “politics” the shrinking racist votary must rig elections through suppression and purge tactics to survive. [MORE] As explained by election guru Greg Palast the GOP's white votary was not large enough to elect Donald Trump. That is, he never legitimately won either election in 2016 or 2020. Going back to the scene of the original crime:
