FAGA in Charge After Taking Possession of Magical Objects in Capitol: Totalitarian Patriots Treated Like Tourist Kinfolk by Mostly White, Male Capitol Police During Pledge of Obedience to Master Trump



SCREWING US AGAIN. Angry Neuropeons Protest their Endangered Species or growing White Minority Status. The lack of initial police intervention in these Capitol riots and the tame interactions seen between law enforcement and members of the mob (as captured in this video of police taking selfies with people inside the building) provides a stark contrast to the way authorities handled peaceful protesters last summer. Anti-racism protesters were met with excessive police violence, pepper spray, tear gas, and more over the top tactics that we have yet to see on display at the Capitol by the mostly white, male US Capitol Police who were initially in charge of the situation. Here's a look at how differently the two situations were handled. [MORE] and [MORE]

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According to FUNKTIONARY

Neuropeons - neurotic, stupid and self deluded poor white trash. 2) skin heads 3) Nazis, neo-Nazis and Theo-nazis (See KKK, WOTAN, Weitko Disease, Fasxism, Racism White Supremacy, Stupidity, Ku Klux Klan & Yurungu).

Sheople - economic prey. 2) those who are both sheep and asleep. 3) people who mindlessly let others do their thinking for them. 4) people who are not in control of what they allow themselves to come to believe in. 5) people who have not taken personal responsibility to question their belief, faith, the content of truth, the nature of subjective reality. 6) those who watch major misinformation and propaganda television networks presumably for news that is factual. Sheople blindly follow a path where reality is excluded from the process. Are you the shepherd, or the flock? Are you the prisoner, or are you the lock? Sheople line up to get fleeced at the Baa Baa Shop. Scientific studies have found that it takes a minority of just 5 per cent of what they called "informed individuals" to influence the direction of a crowd of a minimum of 200 people. The remaining herd of 95 per cent follow without even realizing it. The coziness of millions of others just like you give you a false sense of safety, but there is no life worth living where reality isn't the glue. Sheople are those whose eyes the shepherd has pulled the wool over. Will the sheople ever wake up and see the light? Na aa aa (See: Internal Revenue Service, Authority, Regalia, Obedience, Judicial Victimization, Mind Viruses, Jury, Psychological Reversal, Memes, Shephard, Eugenics, Danger, Intellectual Incest, Faith Paradox, Belief, Predictive Programming, Conditioning, Fear, Gun Control & Predatory Economics)

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totalitarianism - a neologism coined by Mussolini--best understood by the phrase "The Nightmare State," whose agents (neocrats) seek totality of control over its subject-victims ("citizens"), including their erotic emotions and minds. 2) Big Brother's Fantasy State. 3) total impersonalized terror. 4) fascism disguised as democracy. (See: Fascism & Demockcracy)

totalitarian Patriotism - terrified silence created through the suppression of principled cognitive dissent under the First Amendment and the Declaration of Independence. 2) allowing the officers of so-called "government" to become free from the limits of law. Criticism of the federal government's anti-terrorism policies is nothing less than treason."-US Attorney General "Jailin'" John Ashcroft December 6, 2001 remarks at Senate Judiciary Committee. "Either you're with me or you're with the terrorists." -Curious George Custard Dubya Bush. "If you say the government is in a conspiracy to take your freedom away, you're wrong...There's nothing patriotic about hating you're government or pretending you can hate your government but love your country." -Bill 'Slick-Willy-Style' Clinton, (husband of New York Senator Hillary Rob'em Clinton), statements made during 1995 Commencement Address delivered shortly after the inside-job Oklahoma City Bombing. These statements are the language of totalitarianism. Totalitarian Patriotism is a goose step in the wrong direction~ The plot thickens as it sickens! (See: American Protective League, Oklahoma City Bombing, Fascism & Cooperative Federalism)

Human Resources - answer questions when asked; sign their names when told; open doors when knocked upon; entrust themselves to the protection of others as a ward; trust in anything other than their inner authority; believe what they are told; know the definitions of words and meaning of terms without bothering to reference the source of the definitions; evade instead of confront apparent external authority or putative jurisdiction, alleged liability or presentment; covet the property of merchants; volunteer to servitude; desire a kinder froster instead of liberty; and, yearn for the illusion of security at the expense of inalienable fights and freedom. Are you a human resource of the Corporate U.S. "government"? Are you a fictional citizen of the United States--as granted by Congress? Do you have a Birth Certificate with a date of birth? Have you registered to vote? Have you applied for the "benefits" of Social Security? (See: Statutory Oppression, Involuntary Servitude, Citizen of the United States, Legislation, Date of Biah, Statutes, Freedom, Liberty, Inalienable Rights, Empty Words, Blanks, Employee, Tin Woodsman, Scarecrow, OWLs, Hireling, Voting, SSN, Socialism, IRS & Birth Certificate)

obedience - a Self-Other irreversible relationship in which there is only communication (mind-to-mind), i.e. no contact, and an imbalance of power. 2) the highest form of the power-fear systemic. 3) slavery sold to both children and adults alike deceptively packaged in a respectfully sounding label. 4) reverse terrorism. You can compel obedience but you cannot compel responsibility or respect. Everyone should have a say in waking-up to (or waking up from) whatever they have been programmed to obey. It is difficult to reduce to obedience anyone who has no wish to command. If you can't read very well and follow it up with the absence of critical thinking skills, then obey your masters and oppressors until you can—for your own survival. Life is more trouble-free when you obey. If you speak TV-English, by all means obey the beast, if you like freedom of movement with your slavery. TV's ought to have warning labels: "Use of this device can be hazardous to your freedom.'" How can you take a man seriously who watches T.V. obediently, drinks habitually and desires freedom too? The historian Howard Zinn is clear on the role obedience has played on our conditions throughout the centuries. "[Civil disobedience] is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions of people have been killed because of this obedience. ...Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war and cruelty. Our problem is people are obedient while the jails are full with petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem." More atrocities are commited in the name of economics than in the name of hate, ideological or religious intolerance. (See: Authority, God, Atrocities, Conditioning. TV, War, The COMB, Control, Power, Violence. Religion, Should. Duty, Hatred, Other, Inhumanity, Communication, Programming, Indoctrination, Poverty, Gangbanking, Education, Unlearning. Force. Orderlies, Police, Force Continuum. Judicial Tyranny, Residency, Labor, Property, Servitude, Critical Thinking, Holodeck Court, Questioning, Pulpit. TUFF. Authenticity. Fear & Authoritarians).