Privileged White Boy Yawns as His Trial Begins. Will an All-White Jury Uphold His Right to Murder Black People and Fulfill Its Duty to Defend White Supremacy, a system that most whites participate in?
/Smug racist suspect Kyle Rittenhouse struggled to stay alert as jury selection got underway Monday in his murder trial in Kenosha, Wis., for shooting two people to death and wounding a third during Black Lives Matter protests. Rittenhouse, 18, let out a yawn in court as lawyers from both sides attempted to seat prospective jurors who haven’t made up their minds about the triple shooting. [MORE] It is probably easy to relax knowing that an entire global system is behind you.
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained, ‘"Within the historic framework of Western civilization and culture (the civilization and culture organized to prevent white genetic annihilation), all white peoples have the spoken or unspoken mandate to participate actively in their collective struggle for global white genetic survival. This specifically means, of necessity, the murder and slaughter of Black and other non-white males whenever it is felt within the white collective to be necessary and, therefore, justified [MORE], 'A major strategy in the war against the Black collective is the killing of Black males. Black males are being killed daily, in ever-increasing numbers, across the country by whites. Other non-white males also are being killed in ever-increasing numbers.' [MORE]
The NYT reported, A jury in Kenosha County was seated in the homicide trial of Kyle Rittenhouse on Monday, an unusually swift process that was completed with a flood of questioning on a single day.
Mr. Rittenhouse, 18, faces six criminal counts including first-degree intentional homicide in the shooting deaths of two men and the wounding of another in the aftermath of protests over a police shooting in Kenosha, Wis., in August 2020. Opening statements are expected on Tuesday morning.
A large number of prospective jurors — about 150 people — were summoned on Monday to the Kenosha County Courthouse downtown, a reflection of the outsize attention the trial has attracted in a city that was torn by civil unrest and gun violence last year.
Dozens of people were dismissed throughout the day and into the early evening, until the number of jurors was winnowed down to 20, a panel made up of 11 women and nine men. Twenty jurors will hear the case, and that number will be cut to 12 to reach a verdict. The jury was overwhelmingly white. [MORE]. According to TMJ4, “One person may identify as a different race or ethnicity. Wide range of ages, but skews older.” [MORE]
In the system of racism white supremacy could a Black judge, prosecutor and defense attorney empanel an all black jury for the trial of Black man who murdered unarmed white people?
There is no system of Black supremacy. Nelly Fuller has observed that there is actually only one form of racism in the known world- White supremacy. He challenges readers to identify an actual, existing place on the planet where non-white people are in charge of or dominate white people in all areas of people activity. Concluding that there is no such system where Blacks dominate whites, it is clear that the only operational definition of racism is white supremacy. In other words, Racism is white supremacy and white supremacy is racism. 'Everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the Whites are in control. This extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability is rarely questioned by African Americans (90% of the world is non-white)'. [MORE]
Fuller observes that in spite of any statements the world's "non-white" peoples may make about themselves having economic and/or political independence and the like, in the final analysis, they are all victims of the white supremacy process. He places major emphasis on the present realities of the world that can be verified and tested, rather than on what one could theorize or imagine to be the case (such as a black or yellow supremacy). He further emphasizes that, instead of focusing on individual cases or on specific locations, a perspective that examines the patterns of relationships between whites and "non-whites" worldwide must be developed. [MORE] According to FUNKTIONARY;
Racism White Supremacy - 1) psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." -Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD.
Anon explains:
Q: Why is it called “Racism/White Supremacy?”
A: Because this describes exactly WHO is practicing racism. For one group to practice racism that group must have MORE POWER than another group. Since whites control ALL the major areas of human activity in America — housing, education, health, entertainment, economics, politics, law, and religion — it is accurate to define all “racism” as “white supremacy.” We must be accurate so the victims of racism do not become confused.
Q: Isn’t all racism the same, regardless of who is practicing it?
A: There is only ONE kind of racism: white supremacy. White people are the only group in America with the POWER to discriminate (deprive or punish other ethnic groups), and the systems and institutions to maintain the imbalance of power.
For example, rich people are more powerful than poor people. Rich people have the POWER to discriminate against poor people by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so.
In America, whites have the POWER to discriminate against blacks (and other non-whites) by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so. It doesn’t matter that some whites are poorer than some blacks.
In all things and in all places in America, whites are collectively more powerful than blacks are collectively. This imbalance of (white) power creates the opportunity and the ability to practice racism against non-whites. Racism is not empty rhetoric (words) or mindless emotion. Racism is economic, political, institutional, and systematic POWER. Since whites control all the institutions and systems of power in America, only whites have the power to practice racism.
"Q: Are you saying blacks cannot be racist toward whites?
A: That’s correct. Of course, all people can be hateful or prejudiced. Those terms describe individual behaviors, not systematic power. Racism is the COLLECTIVE behaviors of a group. A white individual within a system of racism/white supremacy has the implicit or explicit support of that system IF they choose to practice racism.
If a poor man robs a rich man at gunpoint that doesn’t mean the poor man is more powerful (economically and politically) than the rich man. The poor man is an individual who committed a crime of opportunity. There are no powerful institutions or systems that support his right to rob the rich man, but there are institutions and systems that allow the rich man to rob the poor man - which is why he doesn’t need a gun to do it.
A black person who mistreats a white person doesn’t mean black people are more powerful (economically and politically) than white people. Never confuse the actions of a black individual (or a group of black individuals) that mistreats someone white as proof that black racism exists. Their “power” is limited ONLY to what they can do as individuals. There are NO black institutions or systems that support, defend, or finance the right of blacks to mistreat whites.
There are NO black individuals or black organizations that have the power to strip whites of their collective right to live where they want, work where they want, get an education wherever they want, or control what white people do collectively in ANY area of human activity. There are NO black institutions that are more powerful than white institutions. Therefore, blacks do not have the COLLECTIVE POWER to diminish the quality of life for the white collective.
Q: What is collective power?
A: Collective power is the institutions and systems that benefit one group at the expense of another group, and allow one group to dominate another group in all areas of human activity.
For example, when a white policeman shoots an unarmed black man (50 times), his fellow officers, the police chief, internal affairs, the union, the media, the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury will support, defend, and finance that white police officer’s “right” to shoot (murder) an unarmed black person. That is white collective power. [MORE][MORE]