As of year end 2019, 1.4 million people were in US prisons; an imprisonment rate unmatched worldwide [Decarceration is Incompatible with White Supremacy’s Goal of Greater Confinement for Non-Whites]
/RWS requires the greater confinement of substantial numbers of non-white people. Undeceiver Neely Fuller makes it plain that “The White Supremacists know that a world system based on Racism White Supremacy requires that substantial numbers of non-white people be greatly restricted in their movements from place to place. The White Supremacists restrict the movements and activities of non-white people so as to keep them idle, and/or keep them from becoming constructively sufficient.
The Racists make certain that large numbers of non-white people exist under conditions that will most likely cause them to do things that will give racists an “excuse” to put them in Greater Confinement.” [MORE]
From [HERE] Following a nearly 700% increase between 1972 and 2009, the U.S. prison population declined just 11% since reaching its peak level in 2009. If we continue at this recent pace of decline, it will take 57 years—until 2078—to cut the prison population in half.
The Sentencing Project released a new report Can We Wait 60 Years to Cut the Prison Population in Half? (link is external)which contains analysis that underscores the need to reduce unnecessarily high levels of imprisonment amidst a public health crisis and going forward. Meaningful decarceration, as explained in the report, requires reducing excessive prison terms for violent convictions.