"Can't Be Soft on [Managing the Blacks] Crime:" Crime is Not Surging but Racists Imagine Otherwise So Biden Met w/City Strawbosses to Promote the Illusion that Cops Primarily Exist to Prevent Crime

NOT IN ORDER: ric Adams Brooklyn borough president, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Memphis Police Chief C.J. Davis, Chief David Brown of Chicago and Lt. Anthony Lima of the Newark police. [MORE] RESPONDING TO RACIAL PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME IN A SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY.Racists Are obsessed with crime AND USE IT to quantify myths of innate black criminality, BLACK INFERIORITY, make Destruction of Black Communities Appear Self-Imposed and Big-Up Their Imaginary "White" Identity. Dr. Amos Wilson explains "Alleged Black criminality, while evoking White American fear and loathing, reassures them of their vaunted self-worth, their assumed innately superior moral standing, of their self-congratulatory self-constraint in contrast with presumed Black American unworthiness, innate inferior moral standing, inherent criminality, lack of self-constraint and self-control.” [MORE]  A SENTENCING PROJECT STUDY FOUND THAT WHITE AMERICANS ARE MORE PUNITIVE THAN PEOPLE OF COLOR, WHITES MISJUDGE HOW MUCH CRIME IS COMMITTED BY AFRICAN AMERICANS AND LATINOS, WHITES WHO MORE STRONGLY ASSOCIATE CRIME WITH RACIAL MINORITIES ARE MORE SUPPORTIVE OF PUNITIVE POLICIES, MEDIA CRIME COVERAGE FUELS RACIAL PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME AND RACIAL PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME HAVE UNDERMINED PUBLIC SAFETY. [MORE]SIMILAR TO THE JUDENRAT, WHICH WAS A thriving professional class of Jewish leaders selected/approved of by Germans in power DURING NAZI GERMANY, STRAWBOSSES ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OVER BLACKS in the US. According to FUNKTIONARY:   Straw-Boss - a Sambo who is appointed a certain oversight role for the white power Overseer. It is the job of the Straw Boss to establish a formal organization to effectively and systematically carry out the wishes of the white supremacist power matrix while serving his own personal needs and ends through patronage power. 2) a ranking SNigger. 3) Toby. 4) "Safe Negro." 5) responsible (to the white supremacist ideology) Negro. 6) the gatekeeper for black professional positions gained through (acquiesced) to various sexual positions. 7) Pork Chop Boy. (See SNigger & McNegro). [MORE]

NOT IN ORDER: ric Adams Brooklyn borough president, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Memphis Police Chief C.J. Davis, Chief David Brown of Chicago and Lt. Anthony Lima of the Newark police. [MORE]

RESPONDING TO RACIAL PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME IN A SYSTEM OF RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY.Racists Are obsessed with crime AND USE IT to quantify myths of innate black criminality, BLACK INFERIORITY, make Destruction of Black Communities Appear Self-Imposed and Big-Up Their Imaginary "White" Identity. Dr. Amos Wilson explains "Alleged Black criminality, while evoking White American fear and loathing, reassures them of their vaunted self-worth, their assumed innately superior moral standing, of their self-congratulatory self-constraint in contrast with presumed Black American unworthiness, innate inferior moral standing, inherent criminality, lack of self-constraint and self-control.” [MORE] A SENTENCING PROJECT STUDY FOUND THAT WHITE AMERICANS ARE MORE PUNITIVE THAN PEOPLE OF COLOR, WHITES MISJUDGE HOW MUCH CRIME IS COMMITTED BY AFRICAN AMERICANS AND LATINOS, WHITES WHO MORE STRONGLY ASSOCIATE CRIME WITH RACIAL MINORITIES ARE MORE SUPPORTIVE OF PUNITIVE POLICIES, MEDIA CRIME COVERAGE FUELS RACIAL PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME AND RACIAL PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME HAVE UNDERMINED PUBLIC SAFETY. [MORE]

SIMILAR TO THE JUDENRAT, WHICH WAS A thriving professional class of Jewish leaders selected/approved of by Germans in power DURING NAZI GERMANY, STRAWBOSSES ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OVER BLACKS in the US. According to FUNKTIONARY:   

Straw-Boss - a Sambo who is appointed a certain oversight role for the white power Overseer. It is the job of the Straw Boss to establish a formal organization to effectively and systematically carry out the wishes of the white supremacist power matrix while serving his own personal needs and ends through patronage power. 2) a ranking SNigger. 3) Toby. 4) "Safe Negro." 5) responsible (to the white supremacist ideology) Negro. 6) the gatekeeper for black professional positions gained through (acquiesced) to various sexual positions. 7) Pork Chop Boy. (See SNigger & McNegro). [MORE]

 From [HERE] President Biden said on Monday that Americans owed law enforcement and community leaders “big time” as he met with mayors and police chiefs from some of the nation’s largest cities, sending a clear signal to progressives in his party and Republican critics that he would crack down on crime.

In a meeting at the White House, Mr. Biden urged the local officials to invest in police departments and establish community-based programs that could help rebuild trust between people of color and law enforcement.

“We know when we utilize trusted community members and encourage more community policing, we can intervene before the violence erupts,” Mr. Biden said.

The president and Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, who also attended the meeting, have “been at this a long time,” Mr. Biden said. “A long time. Most of my career has been on this issue.”

For Mr. Biden, the meeting was part of an increasingly urgent effort by the White House to demonstrate that the president is aggressively confronting gun violence as homicides rise in cities across the country and Republicans accuse his administration of being soft on crime. The president has called on Congress to pass measures that would close background-check loopholes, restrict assault weapons and repeal gun manufacturers’ immunity from lawsuits, but his call for a bipartisan gun control effort is stalled.

Last month, Mr. Biden called on states and local governments to use money from the American Rescue Plan to hire more police officers and beef up enforcement.

But the get-tough language is tricky for Mr. Biden, who risks alienating liberals in Congress and voters who are pushing for criminal justice reform after police killings of Black people last year. Some of the most vocal Democrats in Congress continue to demand that lawmakers defund police departments that employ racist tactics and instead invest in education, mental health or other social services.

Among those at Monday’s meeting was Eric Adams, the Brooklyn borough president who won the Democratic nomination for New York City mayor in part by making public safety a centerpiece of his campaign.

By inviting Mr. Adams, who is heavily favored to win the general election in November, Mr. Biden is showing a desire to strike the same balance that Mr. Adams, a former New York City police captain, did in the primary — satisfying liberals on reform efforts but also demonstrating that he will do something about what the president called the “first responsibility of democracy: to keep each other safe.”

Mr. Biden’s plan, which he reiterated on Monday, includes urging communities to use $350 billion in funds from his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package to surge hiring at departments as well as support more community-focused organizations. More than a dozen local leaders across the United States have already proposed using the funds to expand law enforcement, invest in social services or develop technology used to prevent gun violence.

There’s been a wave of media coverage this summer about an increase in homicides and crime across the United States. However according to FBI data crime is actually down and while murders are up, much of the coverage is overblown and exaggerated relative to crime rates in the 1990’s.even after an estimated 25% single-year increase in homicides, Americans overall are much less likely to be killed today than they were in the 1990s, and the homicide rate across big cities is still close to half what it was a quarter century ago.New York City saw more than 2,200 killings in a single year in 1990, compared with 468 last year, according to city data. In the bigger picture, that’s a nearly 80% decrease.Los Angeles saw more than 1,000 homicides a year in the early 1990s, compared with fewer than 350 last year.But what’s happening with homicides is not part of some broader “crime wave.” In fact, many crimes, from larcenies to robberies to rape, dropped during the pandemic, and continued to fall during the first few months of 2021. “Crime” is not surging. Even the broader category of “violent crime” only increased about 3% last year, according to the preliminary FBI data from a large subset of cities. It’s homicide in particular that has increased, even as other crimes fell. [MORE]

There’s been a wave of media coverage this summer about an increase in homicides and crime across the United States. However according to FBI data crime is actually down and while murders are up, much of the coverage is overblown and exaggerated relative to crime rates in the 1990’s.

even after an estimated 25% single-year increase in homicides, Americans overall are much less likely to be killed today than they were in the 1990s, and the homicide rate across big cities is still close to half what it was a quarter century ago.

New York City saw more than 2,200 killings in a single year in 1990, compared with 468 last year, according to city data. In the bigger picture, that’s a nearly 80% decrease.

Los Angeles saw more than 1,000 homicides a year in the early 1990s, compared with fewer than 350 last year.

But what’s happening with homicides is not part of some broader “crime wave.” In fact, many crimes, from larcenies to robberies to rape, dropped during the pandemic, and continued to fall during the first few months of 2021.

“Crime” is not surging. Even the broader category of “violent crime” only increased about 3% last year, according to the preliminary FBI data from a large subset of cities. It’s homicide in particular that has increased, even as other crimes fell. [MORE]

After the meeting, Mr. Adams praised the administration for encouraging investment in both traditional law enforcement and community-based solutions that should begin to repair the breach of trust between the police and many communities of color.

“They call me ‘the Biden of Brooklyn,’” Mr. Adams told reporters outside the West Wing after the meeting in the Roosevelt Room.

“One thing I’m clear about: The prerequisite to prosperity is public safety and justice,” Mr. Adams said. “And if we don’t have them both together, it doesn’t matter how many police officers you put on the street. We can’t continue to respond to symptoms. It’s time to respond to the underlying causes of violence in our city.”

But it is unclear whether the president will succeed in reshaping the perception of his party as he tries to balance rising crime and police reform.

Americans are concerned about Mr. Biden’s handling of crime. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released this month showed that just 38 percent approved, 48 percent disapproved and 14 percent offered no opinion.

On Monday, Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, wrote a letter to the Justice Department criticizing Mr. Biden’s strategy for its focus on cracking down on gun dealers.

“Increased firearm acquisition is fueled by rising crime rates, not the other way around,” Mr. Grassley wrote.

Already, advocates of robust overhauls of the criminal justice system are expressing anxiety that raising alarm over the increase in violent crime will undermine efforts to rein in police departments.

“What I’m deeply concerned about is now that we have a little uptick in crime, that will shift the debate and people will say: ‘Forget police reform. We need the police to be unleashed,’” Representative Karen Bass, Democrat of California and one of the sponsors for the police legislation that is now stalled in the Senate, said last month.

Other progressives continue to call for an effort to starve police departments of funding as a way to force change. But the Biden administration is hoping the availability of the stimulus funds will give more mainstream Democratic candidates a way to argue that they are not part of that movement, a White House official said.

Cedric Richmond, a senior aide to Mr. Biden, last month turned the tables on Republicans — accusing them of wanting to defund the police because they did not vote for the coronavirus relief package that sent the $350 billion to local governments.

Republicans who opposed the stimulus package did not vote to specifically cut the funding of police departments, but Mr. Richmond’s argument appears to be part of the strategy to neutralize the Republican attacks.

Mr. Biden is “not only sending a message to Democratic candidates, he’s also trying to provide cover to the Democratic candidates because he too is vulnerable of being soft on crime,” said Brian Sanderoff, of Research and Polling Inc. in Albuquerque.