NYPD Arrest and Detain a 9 Year Old Black Girl and 5 Adults for Refusing to Show COVID Injection Papers at Natural History Museum
/From [HERE] NYPD officers were heckled for arresting five organized anti-vax mandate protesters and detaining a nine year-old girl Wednesday after they barged into the Natural History Museum without showing proof of COVID vaccination.
The arrests, which come amid soaring crime in the Big Apple, took place on Wednesday. Trouble began when a half-dozen purported members of the New York Freedom Rally - a group that has been staging anti-vax protests throughout the city - attempted to enter the Manhattan museum without showing their vaccine passports in violation of rules. Those require every visitor five years and older to show proof of vaccination.
The nine year-old, named Jayla, was filmed sobbing as she was marched down the steps by two cops, with onlookers filmed heckling and abusing the NYPD officers over her apprehension. She and her unnamed mom were taken to a nearby precinct, and released two hours later. It is unclear if the youngster's mom will be charged.
The six anti-mandate activists affiliated with the New York Freedom Rally had made reservations to visit the museum on Wednesday, but were denied entry after failing to produce their COVID vaccine passports.
Nine-year-old and five adults detained for refusing to show vax cards
Their protest was documented by a Twitter user describing himself as an 'independent journalist' reporting on the anti-mandate movement in New York City.
An argument with security and museum officials ensued and quickly escalated, even briefly turning into a shoving match, after one of the women in the group, Joy, was denied access to a bathroom, despite telling staff she was on her period.
Protester Mitchell Bosch, who has gained notoriety by taking part in several recent anti-mandate stunts throughout the city, came to Joy's defense, yelling at the guards: 'I'll take on all of you! You'll have to drag me out.'
Bosch later laid down on the floor and presented museum staffers with an ultimatum: either they let him and the group visit the museum, 'or you call the police. That is the line. There is no negotiating.'
NYPD officers were called to the scene and removed the protesters from the museum.
Video shows the men, women and 9-year-old Jayla being escorted by cops, who are heckled by bystanders and slammed as 'f***ing cowards.' [MORE]