OK Authorities Murder Donald Grant w/Injection [non-COVID] to Avenge Murders of 2 White Women [‘justice rises no higher than the consciousness and treachery of those self-anointed to administer it’]

TRUST US. White authorities employed by the State of Oklahoma executed death row prisoner Donald Grant for the killing of two white Del City hotel workers in 2001.

Grant died at 10:16 a.m. on Thursday. Authorities and the dependent media media, who are promoters of government authority, quickly claimed the execution was without incident. Naomi Keitt, a negro probot reporter from local news station from KJOH described Grant’s murder as “peaceful.” (see end of video below). [MORE]

Notice that when authorities commit murder, its conduct is moral and good. But the same conduct, restraining a person to a chair and injecting them with poison, is reprehensible when done by a mere citizen. Undeceiver Larken Rose states, “What distinguishes a street gang from “government” is how they are perceived by the people they control the trespasses, robbery, extortion, assault and murder committed by common thugs are perceived by almost everyone as being immoral, unjustified, and criminal. . . Whether an act has been formally declared “legal” by politicians, and whether it is being done at the behest of “authority,” has a huge impact on the perceived morality and legitimacy of the act. In a very real sense, those who do the bidding of “authority” are not even regarded as people, in that their behaviors and actions are judged by such a drastically different standard from those of average human beings.” [MORE]

Among Grant’s final words were “Brooklyn for Life” and “the Black man is the original man, peace Lord I’ll be back.”

The Rule of a Barbarous Society. The death penalty is degrading proof of man's inhumanity to man. It shows that man is still living in the barbarous age. Civilization still remains an idea - it has not become a reality.' [MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Justice – the equal balance of one’s productive and creative energy relative to the dissipative value of one’s consumption and destruction during each life transaction and cumulatively across one’s whole life transaction, i.e., the proper ratio between what one contributes and what one derives from Life. 2) those that are in need of help the most, voluntarily are provided the most help. 3) removing ignorance rather than punishing it. In American law, you get the opportunity to choose whether you’ll live free or slave, and that choice is made by how you live. In theory, justice is invoked by those who seek to live in harmony, proportion, reciprocity and balance, and is preserved by and reserved for phfree men and women well- grounded with an elevated consciousness. Justice belongs to the person in whom each part performs the funktion proper to it, without being overruled by another part. Principally justice has to do with the relationship of the part to the whole. In actual practice, justice rises no higher than the intelligence or stupidity, the skill or ineptness, and the integrity or treachery of those who have been elected, self-appointed or self-anointed to administer it. Sans economic justice—there can be no true justice. (See: Phfree, Law, Tyrannolaw, Jurisprudence, Standing, Locus Delicti, Tyranny, Venue, Original Jurisdiction, “Code of Silence,” Police, Authoritarianism, “Altruism,” Symbiocracy, Demockcracy, Market Economies, Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Colonized Mind, Rights & Greed)