‘Is Deez Nutz Up for Re-Erection?’ In New Ad Auto-Coon EnterStainers Encourage the Powerless Black ElectoRant to Remain Impotent and in a Childish Condition by Voting for the Master of their Choice
/[MORE] VOTING SPONSORED BY YOUR MASTERS. (Voter ignorance and irrationality). Undeceiver Michael Huemer states, “One might assume that a democratic state will at least serve the interests of the majority of voters. Yet even this need not be true.
To see why, first consider the amount of practical power you wield by virtue of your ability to vote. For simplicity, assume that you are voting in an election with exactly two candidates. You as an individual are in a position to determine the outcome of the election if and only if the outcome turns on a single vote - that is, without your vote, the two candidates' vote totals would have differed by no more than one. If the totals would have been tied, then you can cast the tie-breaking vote; if one candidate would have won by a single vote, you can cause the election instead to be tied. In all other cases, your vote makes no difference to the outcome. If the candidates' vote totals differ by two or more, then the winning candidate would have won regardless of how you voted. But given the circumstances voters are actually in and can expect to be in for the foreseeable future, the probability of a national election turning on a single vote is negligible. So for all practical purposes, each voter knows in every election that his vote will make no difference whatsoever.
It is true that the voters as a whole have a great deal of power, in that they determine who holds the reins of government. But that is not our concern now. Our concern at the moment is how it is rational for you, as an individual, to behave. From the standpoint of rational choice, it is irrelevant what others can do; what is relevant is what you can do. You cannot make everyone else, or even a majority, vote in a particular way; you can control only your own vote. And this gives you approximately zero power over election outcomes. [MORE]
REALLY EASILY DOMINATED BY THEIR MASTERS: Neely Fuller explains “as long as any non-white person submits to, and/or cooperates with White Supremacy (racism), that non-white person is, for all functional purposes, a child.”
Neely Fuller explains that in a system of racism white supremacy ‘non-white people, regardless of age function as children. They are the servants to, the victims of, and the "children” under the power and direction of elite racists. Elite racists function as their parents, bosses, masters, and their major decision-makers.’ Elite racists hope and intend to keep all non-white people in a childish condition.’
According to FUNKTIONARY:
The Electorant – the willfully ignorant electorate—the suckers (voters and “taxpayers”) who delegate and abdicate their power to elected and appointed officials (employees) and the system through which voters’ will is subverted through statutes, laws and policies not approved or even known in the election process. The ‘electorant’ are always ranting and raving about their sordid and assorted conditions when they are responsible for them by being ignorant of the nature of delegated power and its effect, i.e., arbitrary power wielded with impunity and State-sanctioned immunity. The electorant have no recourse but to fuss and talk about change—utterly clueless. All power of the State resides in those who hold the purse strings. Control of the “money” is in the hands of those who further use it to corrupt others in order for one to retain power (dynastic banking cartel families) and the other to remain in power (politician). It is a symbiotic racket and one that continues unabated. (See: Voters, GEO-Dollars, “Monetized Debt,” Federal Reserve System, Willful Ignorance, Political Money, Gangbanking, Elections, MONEY, S&M Banking, Taxpayers, Second Tax, Dumbing-Down, Colonized Mind & Citizens of the United States)
enterstainment – dubious, dreadful, inappropriate or grossly offensive entertainment which leaves one feeling stained.