Louisiana Prisons Routinely Deny Inmates Access to their Attorneys, “Resulting in Grievous Harm.” ACLU asks DOJ to Investigate

From [HERE] Louisiana's ACLU is asking federal officials to investigate allegations that incarcerated people in Louisiana aren't given access to their attorneys.

The ACLU of Louisiana and the law firm Wilson Sonsini sent a letter today to the Department of Justice (DOJ) calling for an investigation into the lack of access to counsel within Louisiana’s prison system.

According to a release from the ACLU, through a series of interviews with local public defenders, the interviewers learned that jails throughout Louisiana are engaged in a widespread practice of denying incarcerated people access to counsel, in alleged violation of the United States Constitution and Louisiana law.

The letter specifically mentions Beauregard, Calcasieu, East Baton Rouge, Evangeline, Orleans, and Lafayette parishes. We've reached out to all of Acadiana's sheriffs to get a copy of their counsel access policy, and we'll update this story as we receive them.

“No person should be required to navigate the criminal legal system without the ability to communicate confidentially with a criminal defense attorney — thwarting this constitutional right is an atrocious and egregious violation that demands action,” said Nora Ahmed, ACLU of Louisiana Legal Director. “That this practice appears routine at multiple jails is astounding. In our letter to the DOJ, we provide a non-exhaustive list of how incarcerated people’s right to counsel is being denied at multiple facilities. We urge the Department, as part of its ongoing investigation into the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, to investigate these harmful practices immediately, and, if warranted, pursue civil action against all facilities actively thwarting incarcerated people’s right to counsel.”

Both the United States Constitution and Louisiana law require prison personnel to allow incarcerated people reasonable access to private consultation with attorneys.

However, the release states, Louisiana prisons appear to have extensive practices that deny or gravely interfere with incarcerated persons’ constitutional right to counsel, resulting in grievous harm. [MORE]