"Political Silence:" Barking and Clapping Like Seals, the Black Electorant Voted for Warnock and Others But Can’t Articulate Why. White Liberals Offer No Black Message or Agenda b/c They Don’t Have to
political silence – the study of the art of control. 2) censored and muted voices of the dispossessed always strengthens those privileged by the status quo. Scientists who actually engage in scientific inquiries do not take votes. (See: Voting)
“VENTRILOQUIST AS VOICE, THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE.” About twenty years ago Norman Kelley observed that black people had become political weaklings, “complicit in their own political emasculation.” At one time Black Americans forcefully argued for their own seat at the table but now in their relations with the democrat party they function like trained seals or dogs that “bark and clap” at election time and shut-up afterwards. Black people, once envied and imitated by people seeking freedom throughout the world are now demobilized and have no effective political organizations, no real leaders and “black politics” is void of any substance.
For example, Blacks barked and clapped for Warnock in Georgia, like they were told by white liberals. Although much has been made of their close Senate race, it was never close amongst Black voters who automatically sided with incumbent democrat Warnock from the beginning and with rare exceptions, have expressed strongly negative feelings toward Walker, the former University of Georgia football star. Elie Mystal, a TV appointed “black pundit” imposed onto Blacks by elite whites at MSNBC, sums up the way Blacks have been told to think about the race; Walker is “unintelligent” and bereft of “independent thoughts” and “Republicans back Walker because he is going to do what he’s told ... That’s what Republicans want from their negroes: to do what they’re told.” Perhaps that is true, but Mystal’s purpose apparently was to draw a sharp contrast between Warnock and Walker – something that is not factually possible if he’s contending that Warnock functions as an independent free-agent, bucking the party line to deliver tangible solutions to the black community. Although Warnock was the senior pastor for Martin Luther King Jr’s church, the Ebenezer Baptist Church, he is no rebel. King sacrificed his life for Black people in a failed effort to neutralize white supremacy – he didn’t get his talking points or marching orders from white liberals or borrow substance from white folk. Even Hershel Walker, whom we are told is one the dumbest niggers in the world, observed that Warnok supports and parrots whatever the Democrat party leadership wants and voted with Biden 96% time. Warnock probably also believes Walker is one of the dumbest niggers in the world but only because Dems told him so. Like Walker, Warnock is a potted plant on the Dems stage, a member of The MoTeaSuh Tribe. Or as FUNKTIONARY explains, another “politically dis-appointed kneegrow who panders to Massah’s agenda—Mo’ Tea Sir?” No matter how intelligent or talented he may be, Democrats also expect “their negros” to serve them well. The black votary dogmatically votes for Warnock and others by default as it’s no longer concerned with whether its politics function to solve Black problems; it just votes against republicans.
The Moteasuh Tribe – the miseducated coin-operated buck-dancing, sole-shuffling, politically dis-appointed kneegrows who pander to Massah’s agenda—Mo’ Tea Sir? This tribe of sorry-ass kneegrows follow the dictates and even orchestrates the marching bandits of racism white supremacy as spewed forth from the mouthpieces of political power within the borders of the Witches Castle. It’s the Condi-Clarence-Powell complex—that is, those who do Massah’s bidding as if you weren’t kidding yourself that you were doing otherwise. Keep your eyes on the lies, the liars, and the disguise.
In reality, Warnock and an army of thousands of other black elected rolebots at all levels of government are not engaged in any “black politics” and have no “black political philosophy,” no “Black agenda” or black messaging or organizing and no explanation to account for the system of racism white supremacy affecting all aspects of black people’s lives or any response to the war being waged on law abiding Black people by police. Said black puppeticians have non-white skin and black chromosomes but for all non-cosmetic purposes they are interchangeable with their white liberal counterparts; looking and sounding like them reading from the same script. “Blackness” and “black politics” has come to mean ‘not Republican’ and not much else. Black politics has gone from being aggressively results oriented and highly organized to being tame activity channelled into voting for the Democratic Party and its grimacing white liberal and black borg candidates.
The Black electorant automatically presumes that most white republicans are racist and most white liberals are not racist. According to this clogic (means fucked up logic) Black voters are comfortable voting for liberal do-gooders without critical examination of their legislative records, campaign proposals or particularized sets of plans for Black people. For decades now, the Black votary has been electing liberals in places dominated by white liberal politics. Based on the clogic that most liberal whites aren’t racist, the quality of life and citizenship for Black residents in liberal jurisdictions should materially speak for itself and it should be far superior to living conditions for Blacks living in in republican jurisdictions- the places where most of the racists reside.
If liberal jurisdictions are ‘racist free’ then who is it cramming the jails and courtrooms with Blacks in NYC, Milwaukee, Chicago, Columbus, Minnesota, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Oakland, Atlanta, Kansas City, St. Louis, Detroit, New Orleans and others? Who is striking Blacks from juries? Who is evicting Black tenants from their homes for failure to pay rent during the government’s COVID lockdowns? Who is providing a servant (mis)education to black children? Who is running the public fool systems? Who is gentrifying neighborhoods, dislocating Black families, businesses and making blacks homeless? Who is failing to protect law abiding black people in their segregated communities and preventing them from arming themselves in self-defense from criminals? Who is surveilling, stopping, frisking, and searching law abiding Blacks at will on a daily basis? Whose police officers frequently brutalize and murder blacks with impunity? The answer is racist, white liberals. Specifically, white liberal; judges, prosecutors, jurors, landlords, government authorities, administrators, police officers, school teachers, school administrators, real estate agents, bankers, doctors, business owners, creditors etc., in places where the majority of Black people reside in the US.
In liberal jurisdictions racist liberals work together to dominate and control non-white people in all areas of people activity. Racism is a team effort, it is collective white behavior and collective white power or a conspiracy among white individuals and/or groups of white people to impersonally control and/or dominate non-white people. For instance, liberal authorities control Rykers Island, an overwhelmingly Black/Latino jail. Racist republicans aren’t imported into NYC to fuck up the jail. Individual white, liberal authorities maintain its reprehensible, filthy and dangerous state; it has a rate of violence 8X greater than other municipal jails. Recently Eric Tavira, a young Latino man, hung himself to avoid dealing with the foul conditions inside. A white, liberal judge had detained him there on a misdemeanor at the request of white, liberal prosecutors who sought high bail ($20k) to placate white liberal citizens who demand un-payable bail to keep poor Blacks and Latinos locked-up after arrest so they can feel safer. White liberal residents felt safer for the 16 months Tavira was held pre-trial – his trial delayed due to the busy court calendar, overloaded with other non-whites by white liberal judges and prosecutors. Similarly, a group of white NYPD cops recently beat and smothered a naked black man to death as they held him down in the street. His name was Daniel Prude. Afterwards the liberal media (elite white liberals), police union (controlled by white liberals), his fellow cops and the DA (beholden to elite white liberals), upheld and supported the white cops’ right to do so; no cops were charged or even fired over his murder. Importantly, black people should understand that racist conduct by white liberal government authorities in particular, is done on behalf and at the request of liberal racist citizens – the so-called allies of the black votary. Power napping Blacks describing themselves as woke need to wake the fuck up and stop barking and clapping like animals for those who are deceiving them. Republicans may indeed be enemies of Black people but Blacks are their own enemy if they mindlessly believe that Democrats aren’t also a “white party” and racist liberals aren’t presently strangling Black people to death while making it look like they are dying from natural causes. White liberal do-gooders are clowning Blacks. Never participate in your destruction.
Norman Kelley made five excellent arguments. Due to space limitations only a few will be discussed here and cannot be restated any better by BW;
1) Voting has not led to Black power or solving Black people’s problems,
2) Democrats have no messaging or organizing aimed at black people,
3) black political leadership has vanished and even where it exists it does merely as HNIC leadership as a performance act
4) Black Political Organizations in the Post--Civil Rights Era are ineffective at retail politics and wholly beholden to elite whites and
5) the black votary gets nothing for their vote as they are ignored by Republicans and taken for granted by democrats, who know there will be no repercussions for doing so.
1) Voting has not led to Black power or solving Black people’s problems. First of all, it is white propaganda that black people don’t vote. Although they are only 13% of the US population, black voters are among the most stable voting bloc in politics, despite the concerted efforts to stop them.
The overblown value of the vote itself is the real ‘propAgenda’ here; the more scarce elites make the vote, the more valuable it appears to be – but this is maya. Dr. Amos Wilson explains the Dependent Media and other vested interests ‘strive strenuously to convince the Black electorate that every conceivable problem which confronts it can be resolved through voting heavily for Black and friendly White politicians. The media is ever quick to remind the Black electorate of the historical struggles necessary to achieve their right to vote. It indicts the community for its electoral apathy and seeks to evoke guilt feelings in those who do not participate in the electoral process — making such ritualistic participation emblematic of democracy and first-class citizenship.’ Most importantly however, Wilson explains, “This is of special interest when it is realized that very few, if any, of the major political, economic and social goals achieved by Black America, including the Voting Rights Act, were accomplished through Black voting prowess. The ballot box has been a relatively impotent weapon in the achievement of major victories by the Black community. Suddenly vigorous protest and direct-action legal suits and extralegal processes such as boycotts, sit-ins, and the like, which were used so effectively by the community to achieve its sociopolitical ends and to fight injustice and oppression, have fallen far behind the election of Black politicians to achieve the same ends.”
Kelly writes, “As the 1960s black freedom movement moved "from protest to politics," community and protest leaders became incorporated into the routines of the country's political system. By the 1970s, some of these leaders became, in effect, a national black political directorate, with power centered in the Congressional Black Caucus. Meanwhile, black America retired itself from the kind of political action that disrupted business as usual. Political energy was channeled into voting, the only legitimate form of redress of grievance as seen by dominant political elites.’ In other words, Black individuals stopped engaging in aggressive political activity as business as usual and began passively waiting every two – four years for white liberals to present them with s[elected] candidates to choose from. As a group Blacks had been engaged as a whole in their struggle for freedom and were a source of agitation to the vested interests with highly organized boycotts (not weak threats), sit-ins, walk-outs, organized protests and other activities. Said politics were solely intended to solve Black people’s problems, capture the attention of elites and most importantly to get results. However, post-civil rights, Blacks have functioned in a child like state, constant consumers of products, mindless enterstainment and social media, as if all their problems have been magically solved.
Elected Black puppeticians and appointed strawboss authorities at all levels of government have not translated into power for Black people. Black people have no power to prevent racists from practicing racism and no power to force remedies even for the most egregious injustices. Black people should witness that Minnesota, Atlanta, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore or NYC or many other places where cops murder Blacks in broad daylight are all already dominated by liberal Democrats duly elected by a participating black votary. NYC, for instance is dominated by white liberal puppeticians. Among its liberal leaders NYC has a Black mayor (Eric Adams), Black Attorney Generals (Alvin Bragg, Manhattan) (Letitia James Brooklyn), Black state Assembly Leader (Carl Heastie Bronx), Black Public Advocate (Jumaane Williams Brooklyn), Black DA (Darcel Clark, Bronx), Black Borough President (Donovan Richards Queens) and numerous Black judges. Add to this Black legislators who hold 13 of 51 seats on the City Council, 22 of 150 seats in the state Assembly, and eight of 63 seats in the state Senate. There are also four Black congressional representatives —Gregory Meeks, Hakeem Jeffries, Yvette Clarke, and Jamaal Bowman and hundreds of liberal democrats all levels of government who dominate City politics and government agencies. Although voter turnout amongst Blacks in ‘the mecca’ is high, the quality of Black citizenship stays low; law abiding Blacks are frequently stopped and searched by police in their neighborhoods or cars, Blacks and Latinos make up 90% of all persons and arrested and charged, Rikers Jail is disproportionately packed with Blacks held pre-trial in reprehensible conditions, a majority of all homeless people are black, Black unemployment stays high, 63% of black families in New York are in the bottom half of the income distribution, blacks are routinely struck from juries, Blacks can be murdered in broad daylight by police without any accountability (Eric Garner) and so on. Wilson exaplined, ‘the electing of politicians to a bankrupt political system dominated by the ruling corporate elite whose values and aims are inimical to the cause of Black liberation; the election of Black politicians who are but pawns of the White Democratic Party machine and who seek to have the Black community identify its communal interest with the politicians' personal interests; the election of politicians who in no way are interested in developing a program for the economic emancipation and empowerment of the Black community, and who are not committed to the final overthrow of White supremacy, becomes clear when we recognize their bourgeois interests.” [MORE] Wilson also explained that the so-called Black bourgeoisie, a small number of Blacks who benefit from democrat politics, has no independent power on its own. Rather it maintains it status through its direct political and corporate ties to the Democratic party establishment.
Voting has not led to Black power in NYC or in many other places dominated by white liberals and their politics, it’s crazy to pretend otherwise.
2) Democrats have no messaging or organizing aimed at black people. As explained by Kelley ‘Democrats offer only boilerplate liberalism and no legislative initiative. And why would they need one? Democrats know they will suffer no sanctions from disgruntled blacks.’
Kelley explained Democrats essentially offer no substantial policy initiatives that benefit African-Americans and “No real agenda drives politics beyond having the Democratic candidate show up.”
‘Democrats don’t stand for anything in regard to Blacks; black people are voting against republicans but not for Democrats.
Here, Dems push so-called ‘climate change,’ limitless abortions, “infrastructure” and their Trump obsession onto Black people as if this ad-hoc collection of issues will address the myriad of problems in Black communities. Elite whites and their probots are quick to remind anyone that “Black voters are not a monolith, and their attitudes differ based on upbringing, geography and other factors.” Such a statement is as obvious as saying everybody is effected by gravity. Duh. No group of people is a monolith but it should be obvious that black people are not white people – and white people are not subjected to the system of racism white supremacy. Anon explains, “in the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist.” And white liberals’ menu of political concerns have little to do with the realities of daily life Black people face.
According to the Urban League’s 2022 State of Black America, Black people haven’t progressed since 1965. The Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality of life in the United States. Black people occupy the bottom of nearly every statistical category of life. [MORE] US Census data reveals that the unemployment gap between whites and blacks is virtually unchanged over the last 50 years. The income and wealth gaps have actually widened. So has the gap in educational attainment. The jobless rate among African-Americans has remained double to whites for over 5 decades. Among other things, according a to a NY Times analysis the race gap in higher education has also widened. The median Black household income was $43,862 versus $63,823 for Whites. Blacks still trail Whites in homeownership, the traditional path to wealth building in the country, and their homes were valued less than Whites. [MORE] Norman Kelley observed that despite Black people’s heavy involvement in the Democratic Party schools have remained as segregated as before Brown v. Board of Education, which was decided 70 years ago. [MORE]
Beyond the statistical gaps and lack of opportunity, a 2022 State of Black America opinion poll revealed the constant mental anguish and insecurity Blacks endure. Blacks were far more likely than Whites to worry “about being paid less, passed over, having to work harder for the same amount, and even being discriminated against,” the poll found. Blacks were more worried about basic survival, putting food on the table, getting enough working hours, losing a job, being unable to pay the rent, and spending savings to make ends meet. [MORE]
Neely Fuller correctly states in the system of racism white supremacy Black people are subject to the direct and indirect power of elite racists in all areas of activity including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, religion, Sex and War. Therefore, elite racists are the direct or indirect masters of Black people. They are responsible for everything that happens or does not happen in regards to Black people.’ Fuller describes Black people as “the powerless class” because it accurately describes their power relationship between Blacks and whites. He explains, "in a socio-material system dominated by elite racists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by elite racists. The elite racists are their bosses, their masters, and their major decision-makers. Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by elite racists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly Black people — prefer not to acknowledge. [MORE]
Its no surprise that Black people haven’t advanced since 1965 Black because “black politics” which apparently is now just democratic party politics is fear based and runs from the above realities. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing called this the “The Fear of Confronting White Supremacy.” Racist, white liberals have no intention of ever helping cowardly Blacks to confront the fear of white supremacy – it would undo their own hustle; maintaining master-servant relations while convincing gullible blacks that racism white supremacy is based on hatred. Racist white liberals don’t hate blacks just like dog owners don’t hate their dogs. Rather, they believe they are superior to dogs and have relations with their dogs in accord with said belief. Similarly, racist elite liberals don’t engage in arms length or equal relations with Blacks, instead, they dominate blacks or function as their masters in all areas of people activity in accord with their belief of superiority. With such a belief it is easy for them to rationalize that Blacks should naturally be in inferior positions and occupy lower levels of socio-economic life. Dr. Amos Wilson rhetorically asks;
‘Who has control of your food? Who has control of your electricity? Who has control of your water? Of your jobs? Who tells you what to wear when you go to work? Who tells you when to come to work...when to leave...when to go to lunch...how to speak...how to write...how to do this...how to do that...and how are these things taught, and how they are conditioned?"-- It is by reward and punishment. " You do this you get paid; you don't do this you don't get paid; you get a raise, you get docked. What do we have here?’
3) Black political leadership has vanished and viable, effective black political organizations are non-existent. Kelley wrote, “Essentially at this point in time and history black America is leaderless, drifting. This would not be an entirely unfortunate circumstance if it weren't for the development of a pernicious syndrome, the Head Negro in Charge (HNIC) Syndrome. This is a condition in which self-appointed 'leaders' hijack the political process by somehow appealing to blacks' sense of collectivity, while having an agenda that is mostly about themselves, making themselves the leader. This syndrome and black political demobilization have been aided, as I have suggested, by a black intelligentsia that has become more obsessed with pop culture and celebrity.’ Said charismatic HNIC leaders see “leadership as a performance” and image not as a realistic means to the end of solving black people’s problems and offering solutions or actually being held accountable to the black public. Over the past twenty years however, even the HNIC’s have slowly vanished (Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Sharpton) and been replaced by no one. At best, the legend Ishmael Reed explains that Black political opinion in The Spectacle is articulated by elite whites through a collection of token, wooden dummies, probots or spokepersons (black tv pundits, comedians, athletes, celebrities, etc) who have no grounding in or vetting by the black community (such as Elie Mystal, Ibram X. Kendi or Ta-Nehisi Coates). Kelley explains black people have not created any long lasting, sustainable political organizations that have a meaningful impact on retail politics or on changing the conditions under which black people live. With the exception of the Nation of Islam, he further explains that there are also no organizations that are not under the control of and beholden to elite liberal whites. All black political organizations tied to HNIC leadership (Nation of Islam (Farrakhan), the National Action Network (Sharpton) and the Rainbow Coalition (Jesse)) most likely will die when their respective celebrity leader dies because said organizations solely depend upon the larger than life personalities attached to it and lack their own independent base of organization and funding. Kelley explained, “No black charismatic -- Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X -- has ever left behind an efficient organization.” [MORE]
Even BLM, which didn’t exist when Norman Kelley made his brilliant analysis, is a loose group of obedient citizens who are organized around a slogan. BLM organizes protests against unlawful police conduct and any citizens who are concerned about police lawlessness in general attend to voice anger and frustration. Contrary to the “radical” image assigned to them by elite whites in The Spectacle, BLM essentially petitions authorities to hold police accountable and they encourage voting for Democrats. However, protesting to authorities against conduct that is already illegal or engaging in advocacy to uphold the status quo through the equal enforcement of existing laws is actually really tame or conservative politics.
4) The role of blacks in the Democratic Party is simply to vote and shut the hell up. Black people and their welfare are not the end of the electoral process but merely the means for winning. As explained by Wilson, “For both parties electioneering is more of a social device for selling to the public, for shaping its opinion than for standing to account for past behavior and receiving instructions from the public regarding governance and policy decisions." [MORE] To much of the Black votary, whether Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, West Moore or Ralpael Warnock will ever deliver any tangible, material benefits or economical empowerment or provide substantive justice to the Black community is beside the point.
Claud Anderson explains, ‘Both White and Black candidates for public office get a free ride with Black voters.’
Anderson explains, “Black voters are led to believe there are two purposes to vote: 1) to elect the White candidate who is best able to lead and control resources or 2) to elect the Black candidate who is most deserving of a public job and personal recognition. The most we get is personal satisfaction that the candidate we supported won. We play politics just to play. Others play for the benefits of winning or being in the winner's circle. We often support campaign issues that do not benefit us. Blackness is excluded, but we hope that through some miraculous twinge of conscience, once in office the former candidate will offer us some spoils as supporters. We demand nothing and that is basically exactly what we get. We have yet to learn to play politics by the basic rules. We should stay out of any political game that promises that we will get nothing even when our candidate wins.“ Undeceiver Steve Cokely called this “playing for your sandwich.”
According to FUNKTIONARY:
Two-party System – Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-dumb—working together systematically to keep you down, confused, and passively subservient to a system that is relegated to solving life’s problems and conflicts through the iron rule of political power. The real two-party system is the tail-gate and the after-party. Don’t vote—Act! Delete the Elite! Secret Ballots beget secret “government.” In order to bring in a new dawn of civilization, an advancing one, we must educate ourselves on the liberating power of symbioacracy and its four noble pillars: individuality, spirituality, noble law and knowledge—which restructure the dynamics of human relationships through the Golden Rule of serving others without being subservient to anyone while beneting all. We can invoke and activate (unleash) this dormant aspect of the Kingdom of heaven on Earth as soon as enough people have seen enough and realize that political power happens only through coercion and deception. Political structure and process has been a failing experiment for aeons. It’s not to late to join the afterparty of Reality and begin to see what the promises of infinity hold for everyone—including you and me. (See: Big Brother, Golden Rule, Contract, Kingdom of Heaven, Political Power, Authoritarianism, Iron Rule, The Representative System, Politics, VoteScam, Creativity, ChoicePoint, Republican, Tyrannolaw, Voting, Campaign Elections, VOTE, Electionomics, VOTERS, Freedom, Plutocracy & Electoral College)
The Electorant – the willfully ignorant electorate—the suckers (voters and “taxpayers”) who delegate and abdicate their power to elected and appointed officials (employees) and the system through which voters’ will is subverted through statutes, laws and policies not approved or even known in the election process. The ‘electorant’ are always ranting and raving about their sordid and assorted conditions when they are responsible for them by being ignorant of the nature of delegated power and its effect, i.e., arbitrary power wielded with impunity and State-sanctioned immunity. The electorant have no recourse but to fuss and talk about change—utterly clueless. All power of the State resides in those who hold the purse strings. Control of the “money” is in the hands of those who further use it to corrupt others in order for one to retain power (dynastic banking cartel families) and the other to remain in power (politician). It is a symbiotic racket and one that continues unabated. (See: Voters, GEO-Dollars, “Monetized Debt,” Federal Reserve System, Willful Ignorance, Political Money, Gangbanking, Elections, MONEY, S&M Banking, Taxpayers, Second Tax, Dumbing-Down, Colonized Mind & Citizens of the United States)