[Racists Appear Superior by Surrounding Themselves w/Mediocre Blacks] Neutral OpporTomist Ketanji Believes She Vicariously Empowers Blacks. To Dems “Blackness" Means 'Not Republican' but What Else?
/The myth of white superiority is exploded in the presence of equitable social and economic opportunity. The white personality, in the presence of color, can be stabilized only by keeping Blacks and other non-whites in obviously inferior positions. Which is why racists ALSO often lower the bar to include unqualified or mediocre Blacks like Ketanji. Judge Brown has only worked as an appellate judge SINCE June 2021. She was not the most qualified Black woman, or most qualified Black person TO BE A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, WHICH THE HIGHEST APPELLATE COURT. At any rate, to racists, all of the above are not the same person as the person who is the most qualified person. [white propaganda]. Biden never said he wanted TO SELECT the most qualified person to serve on the Supreme Court and he certainly never said the most qualified person is a Black woman, AS he and his followers (white and black) don’t believe that, SUCH IS THE NATURE OF MASTER-SERVANT RELATIONS IN A WHITE OVER BLACK SYSTEM (IT TAKES TWO FOR SAID RELATIONSHIP TO VOLUNTARILY EXIST).
According to FUNKTIONARY:
Opportomist – a straight-up opportunist who revels in his tokenhood. 2) a token hood handpicked and taken out of the ‘hood. 3) a lawn jockey. 4) a “Yes-man” for the “Other Man” in derogation of the “Brotherman.” An opportomist is an African-American nameslug who has been acculturated and culturally conditioned into self-hatred and seeks personal gain through obsequious behavior to Caucasian overlings. (See: Sambo, Criss-Crossover, DAMS & Mainstream)
From [HERE] Dabbing tears from her face on the South Lawn of the White House, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson spoke of her personal journey to the steps of the Supreme Court, and how it dovetailed with the hopes and history of people she had come to symbolize.
“It has taken 232 years and 115 prior appointments for a Black woman to be selected to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States,” she told the crowd. “But we’ve made it. We’ve made it. All of us.”
A day after the Senate confirmed Jackson 53 to 47, the White House hosted a presidential-level victory lap, featuring tear-filled speeches from President Biden and two of the women he has held up as proof that his presidency is making America more equitable: Jackson and Vice President Harris.
“This is going to let so much sun shine on so many young women, so many young Black women, so many minorities,” said Biden, who told the crowd that nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court was one of the first decisions he made when he decided to seek the presidency a third time. “Today is a good day, a day that history is going to remember. And in the years to come, they’re going to be proud of what we did.”
Harris, who spoke just before Biden and presided over Jackson’s Senate confirmation vote a day earlier, said she “will inspire generations of leaders. They will watch your confirmation hearings and read your decisions in the years to come.” [MORE]
NOT BLACK POWER. What did they do? This is maya, this is “black leadership” compatible with racism white supremacy. Surely there will be more confirmations of Black tokens who in no way threaten to neutralize or destroy the system of racism white supremacy.
Has Ketanji demonstrated any commitment to empowering Black people or neutralizing white supremacy? The ABA [elite whites in an overwhelming white profession] endorsed her essentially because of her neutrality to Black criminal defendants. The ABA standing committee explained that Jackson “showed no signs of bias toward criminal defendants” (who are disproportionately Black) and she definitely was not “soft on crime” (means soft on Blacks) as racist Republicans contended without any factual basis. Is it pro-Black to be neutral to Blacks in a system of injustice that has as its main goal to put more Blacks into greater confinement? Prosecutors (who are overwhelmingly white) reaped praise onto Ketanji:
Among the prosecutors in the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., who spoke with the committee, all rejected any claim that Jackson is “soft on crime.”
“I vehemently disagree” with the allegation, said one high-ranking prosecutor.
Another federal prosecutor who appeared before Jackson at least 10 times said there is no bias toward defendants. Such an allegation was “absolutely not borne out based on my experience with her,” the prosecutor said. Another prosecutor from the office said Jackson was regarded as “a good draw” because “she is a smart judge without any biases, which is all we’re asking for.” [MORE]
Has Ketanji articulated any constitutional or political theory concerning Black people, their so-called “rights” or Black politics in general? Does she even recognize the existence of the system of racism white supremacy? Of course not, which is why racist dems and republicans are comfortable her rolebotic neutrality. Never mind a Black philosophy, Jackson has "not yet written a body of appeals court opinions expressing a legal philosophy." [MORE]. This is a result of her judicial inexperience. Contrary to the puffery surrounding her nomination, Ketanji just started working as an appellate judge in June of 2021. [MORE] Work in trial courts has little to do with appellate issues and the work of appellate courts. Thus, her judicial views on constitutional issues or other legal issues affecting Black people are unknown, unformulated and probably unthought of. [MORE] Much was made of the fact that she worked as public defender attorney for a short while - she did her job defending people charged with crimes; but that’s not Black power - everyone is entitled to a rigorous criminal defense, ask Kyle Rittenhouse. Nevertheless, to racist Dems and their gullible Black followers “Black power” simply means “not Republican,” and/or an allegiance to an ad-hoc slate of views concerning environmentalism, gun rights, gay rights, abortion, immigration and whatever else elite white dems think of. Dems have no explanation for racism white supremacy, no nuts and bolts plan for dealing with it and the real circumstances most Black people find themselves facing on a daily basis. Dems fail to recognize that a system of racism white supremacy exists. As explained by her co-token Kamala Harris, “America is not a racist country.” Like Republicans, Dems prefer the fantasy of white supremacy and maintaining master-servant relations.
Gullible Black Dems are for too tolerant of irresponsible and unrepresentative political leaders. Would gay folks be so supportive of gay public officials neutral to gay issues? As explained by Norman Kelley, ‘the concentration of power in the hands of a few token Blacks perhaps creates charisma around them that gives some Blacks a vicarious sense of empowerment. But, characteristic and token leadership is inherently anti-democratic and incapable of creating authentic mass empowerment.’ In reality, having Black elected/selected Dems at all levels of government has had no effect on racism white supremacy. Despite all evidence to the contrary if you believe otherwise then you’ve probably lost your mind. The great rebel Dr. Amos Wilson explained,
Left leaning dependent media and racist Dems and and their gullible Black followers provide an almost uncritical and very adulatory support for Black Dem politicians. Dependent media lionizes Black incumbents without critical examinations of their records and supports Black candidates for political office essentially on the basis of their Blackness (generally as long as they are not Republicans). Dependent left leaning media make little or no demands on Black politicians while it constantly parades them before the Black community as role models, regardless of their success or lack of it in advancing the interests of the community. The achievements of Black politicians, no matter how dubious, are often presented as vicarious achievements of the Black community as a whole. Black incumbents are given ready access to left leaning dependent media outlets to massage the Black community, to maintain their public persona, and to rationalize their very frequent failures to provide the Black community with responsive and effective political leadership. Hiding the reality that their accomplishments are meager when not plainly regressive.