'If you got injected you didn't protect yourself or anyone else. You Face a life of potential adverse events and put your health in the hands of People Trying to Kill You.' Data Debunks COVID Lies

The Lie Premise

The official lie premise of COVID is that a deadly virus was going to indiscriminately kill and the only solution was to suppress it using novel (aka never been done before because in theory they wouldn’t work) interventions like social distancing, school and business closures, lockdowns and universal mask-wearing, until a novel (aka never been done before because it didn’t work) gene therapy became available to protect everyone (but only if everyone took it, not just the ones who were ever at risk of the virus, which actually was only those who were already sick with something else).

The virus was so novel and virulent that it respected none of the centuries of intelligence on other viruses, like natural herd immunity, seasonality, and inconsequential asymptomatic spread.

The Hypothesis

If the virus was as universally deadly as reported and the “cure” was as safe and effective™ as they made out then the death tally after introduction of the gene therapy should be significantly lower than before.Any talk of confounding should be dismissed. We are talking about the deadliest plague since the Spanish Flu and a treatment that is up to 100% effective in reducing death, in addition to reducing transmission and the only way to achieve herd immunity.No-one is safe until everyone is safe.

The Method

Examination of COVID deaths per 100k population before and after mass injection campaigns for 3,135 US counties, covering all states. The rate of COVID mortality is determined by the slope of the mortality curve so as to remove the impact of time that would contribute to the overall death tally.The “success” of the injection campaign is determined by the sum of all doses per 100 population.The distribution of the change in slope after mass injections should indicate the degree of how effective the injection is at reducing COVID mortality. We should expect the majority of counties to have shallower slopes, i.e. lower death rates. Thus, the majority of values should be negative.Comparison of the most “successful” counties in terms of injections and their resultant change in COVID death rate. We should expect a strong relationship between injection success and mortality rate reduction.

The Results

More than 80% of the counties had a higher rate of COVID deaths after mass injection campaigns. The average change was an increasein the rate of 0.2 deaths per 100k per day.

There is no apparent relationship between the counties that injected the most and subsequent better outcomes in terms of lower COVID death rates.

The highest injected counties in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Maine, and Massachusetts do not have the greatest reductions in COVID death rates.

Even within states like Maine where the south coast is more heavily injected than the rest of the state, there is no difference in the change in COVID death rate across counties. The same is true of the west coast of California.

In fact, the counties with the best overall changes in COVID death rate were simply the ones that were hardest hit prior to mass injection campaigns, like Gove (Kansas), Jerauld, Buffalo, and Gregory (South Dakota), Dickey (North Dakota) and Hancock (Georgia).

You can easily see the high COVID deaths pre-vax, the dark red belt running north to south through the middle of the country, the southeast states, and parts of Arizona, mirrored in the light red and green areas in the deaths post-vax. [MORE]