MLK was a Rebel Willing to Die for Justice but Racists Propagandize Him as a Dreamer and Train Sleeping Toms to Degrade His Image and Themselves b/c the Annihilation of Black Self-Respect is Priceless

A major part of white supremacy is the annihilation of Black self respect. Dr. Amos Wilson stated, "the most powerful obstacle against the liberation of Afrikan peoples from White domination and exploitation is not the ability of Whites to use superior military or police firepower or their threat to use it against Afrikan insurgency, but is their ability to engage in unrelenting psychopolitical violence against the collective Afrikan psyche." [MORE] 'Their devastatingly ingenious use of it against the minds of Afrikan peoples which represent the greatest threat to Afrikan survival.' [MORE]

FUNKTIONARY explains that social relations between Blacks and whites are mediated by false images and narratives within The Spectacle. In this constructed reality the totality of the messaging and images presented are the actual materialization of the ideology of racism white supremacy. Dr. Blynd states The Spectacle is “the mirrorization of the noumenon into the phenomenal universe without understanding or overstanding it as such an objectivization in duality.” Relentless propaganda maintains the cooperative master servant relationship between Blacks and whites and has kept Black people in a "continuous state of checkmate” and a “losing streak that is centuries long.” [MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Sleeping Tom - a person of Afrikan descent who has not consciously awakened to fully embrace his or her own asili (cultural heritage and imperative). 2) a socially unconscious person of Afrikan descent who participates in secret balloting (voting). A sleepin' Tom lives and reacts out of another culture's asili or out of the mind of another; not their own. 3) a Negro who is unaware that he is all souled-out. 4) a Negro who isn't aware that he is in fact and in deed a certified Sambo. 5) a broken, token Negro; a coin-operative. (See: Straw Boss, Doublemindedness, Sambo, Uncle Tom-Tom, Coin-Operated & Secret Ballots) 

HISTORY - Human Interest Stories Telling Oppressor's Reality Yearly. (See: War, Violence, Yurugu & Hueman)

history - the record of previous futures. 2) the scribe with the biggest hustle or weapon or both. 3) the credible fiction that rulers/conquerors weave between apparently known "facts." 4) useful fiction. 5) pattern-making. 6) the nightmare from which we are all trying to awake. 7) one conspiracy after another in a continuum of lies, distortions and omissions. All history is a distorted record of the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressor---one of controlled order of the powerful versus economic justice sought by those suffering from and resisting the oppression. History is always an opinion (oral or written) about yesterday's power struggles. Our reflection in history makes us symbols of ourselves to ourselves becoming caricatures--an image of a picture within a picture behind the lie that fronts as the picture---framed but not ever brought into plain view. History is not merely a process of ascent, but one of descent simultaneously--and is not something so much so to be interpreted as it is to be controlled in order to address the issue of perennial peace and conscious unfoldment for humanity and the destiny and density of womb-mankind. On an esoteric (higher-dimensional) realm, all of history is an acid trip towards ascendance and transfiguration, or transubstantiation---recombinant genetics and polarity magick--towards conscious resurrection- immortality--memorialization via real-tirne hyperlinked, multi-referential, dynamic, heuristic electromagnetic digital communication and information neural sensing and biofeedback systems. By writing the wrongs of history in advance, Dr. Blynd portends, amends and inks-in what others merely think of askance as chance. Afrikan history was in its decline when the immigrant human appeared on the scene. History repeats itself because no one was listening to the Black man the first time. Remember, history is in you;  not you in it. You are your history--whether you recognize it or not. Don't just make history-- live it! When you become your history, choices made in the present leave no residue with which to cling to, i.e., there is no discount of the present and all actions or experiences are appreciated and released therefore life is lived spontaneously in the flow--the stream of joy, When you become your history, you die even unto your death and thus your dead self (in the form of accumulated consequences from choices made in the past no longer exerts its imprint in the present. In becoming your history, you open up to impacting the living past without having the past impact your present. By being your history, you will realize that things happen through  you and not to  you. You are no longer victimized by your past in the present. "A people without knowledge of their history is like a tree with no roots." -The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey. when something has had too much of itself---its history; when something has had enough of itself, that's history! Without Self-knowledge and a firm grip on history, we break our ties to cultural continuity and relapse into a collective memory disposed witness to events seemingly disconnected, disjointed or disassociated with and dispossessed to our past. Don't let history remain a mystery to you, go beyond and behind the myth and the mythmakers scribing a fabrication weaving into an education that is pure prevarication - deliberate lies mixed with objective truth--to keep you placid, complacent and duped. (See: Violence, Cultural Continuity, Oppression, Memory, Liberation, Power, Freedom, Revolution, Government, Empire, Justice, Tyrannolaw, Neuralife, Living Past, The Past, The Past, Fear, Present Moment, Consciousness, Ourstory, Hystory, Lifebox, Culture, Taught, Pity, Noble Law, Authors, Coincidence Theories, Conspiracy Theories, Law, Education, Resistance, Afrikan Civilization. GAP & His-Story)