Is Kamala Harris a 2024 Frontrunner or a Retiring Golden Retriever for Dems? Said McNegro Empowered Biden and Democrats Not Black People

From [HERE] The 'Say Anything' Candidate. The discrepancy between Harris' migration rhetoric as a candidate and as vice president contributes to the picture of her as slippery, a flip-flopper, hard to pin down. Accusations of fair-weather convictions have dogged Harris for a long time—and for good reason.

In Congress, Harris sponsored a Medicare for All bill; on the presidential campaign trail, she sometimes supported universal health care and sometimes didn't. She tried to shut down the sex work–friendly website Backpage as attorney general of California, then offered support for decriminalizing sex work at the start of her presidential campaign, then later said on a debate stage that she would still arrest men paying for sex. Running for San Francisco district attorney, Harris said she wouldn't use the state's three-strikes policy when the third strike wasn't a serious or violent felony; in office, she went back on that promise. Examples like these are numerous.

Taken together, they paint Harris as someone willing to say whatever is popular in the moment but not willing to follow through or to hold that position when winds even hint at changing. [MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

golden retrievers – a dysphemism describing a variation of the old “Step-N-Fetchit” racist caricature to be revived (in the very near future) in a labor context vis-à-vis Afrikan-Americans and other majorities (so-called minorities).